package; import; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.validation.Valid; import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import alien4cloud.Constants; import alien4cloud.audit.annotation.Audit; import alien4cloud.dao.model.GetMultipleDataResult; import alien4cloud.exception.InvalidArgumentException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * GroupController allows ALIEN administrators to create, delete, update, or * search groups. A default internal group is created to make some security * check easier ({@link Constants}) Event ADMIN role can't make CRUD operation * on this Group * * @author igor ngouagna */ @RestController @Slf4j @RequestMapping({"/rest/groups", "/rest/v1/groups", "/rest/latest/groups"}) public class GroupController { @Resource private IAlienGroupDao alienGroupDao; @Resource private GroupService groupService; @Resource private ResourceRoleService resourceRoleService; /** * Create a new group in the system. * * @param request A {@link CreateGroupRequest} with information of the new group to create. * @return a rest {@link RestResponse} containing the id of the newly created group. */ @ApiOperation(value = "Create a new group in ALIEN.") @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ADMIN')") @Audit public RestResponse<String> create(@Valid @RequestBody CreateGroupRequest request) { String groupId = groupService.createGroup(request.getName(), request.getEmail(), request.getDescription(), request.getRoles(), request.getUsers()); return RestResponseBuilder.<String> builder().data(groupId).build(); } @RequestMapping(value = "/{groupId}", method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @ApiOperation("Update a group by merging the groupUpdateRequest into the existing group") @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ADMIN')") @Audit public RestResponse<Void> update(@PathVariable String groupId, @RequestBody UpdateGroupRequest groupUpdateRequest) { if (!isInternalAllUserGroup(groupId)) { groupService.updateGroup(groupId, groupUpdateRequest); } else {"You can not update the group with id <{}> corresponding to an internal group <{}>", groupId, Constants.GROUP_NAME_ALL_USERS); return RestResponseBuilder .<Void> builder() .data(null) .error(RestErrorBuilder .builder(RestErrorCode.INTERNAL_OBJECT_ERROR) .message( "You can not update the group with id <" + groupId + "> corresponding to an internal group <" + Constants.GROUP_NAME_ALL_USERS + ">").build()).build(); } return RestResponseBuilder.<Void> builder().build(); } /** * Get a group from it's id. * * @param groupId * The unique id of the group to retrieve. * @return a rest {@link RestResponse} containing the group matching the * requested id. */ @ApiOperation(value = "Get a group based on it's id.", notes = "Returns a rest response that contains the group's details.") @RequestMapping(value = "/{groupId}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ADMIN')") public RestResponse<Group> getGroup(@PathVariable String groupId) { if (groupId == null || groupId.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Group with id <" + groupId + "> does not exist"); } Group group = alienGroupDao.find(groupId); return RestResponseBuilder.<Group> builder().data(group).build(); } /** * Delete a group from the store based on it's id. * * @param groupId * The unique id of the group to delete. * @return an empty (void) rest {@link RestResponse}. * @throws IOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ @ApiOperation(value = "Delete an existing group from the repository.") @RequestMapping(value = "/{groupId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ADMIN')") @Audit public RestResponse<Void> deleteGroup(@PathVariable String groupId) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { if (groupId == null || groupId.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Group with id <" + groupId + "> does not exist"); } if (!isInternalAllUserGroup(groupId)) { groupService.deleteGroup(groupId); } else {"You can not update the group with id <{}> corresponding to an internal group <{}>", groupId, Constants.GROUP_NAME_ALL_USERS); return RestResponseBuilder .<Void> builder() .data(null) .error(RestErrorBuilder .builder(RestErrorCode.INTERNAL_OBJECT_ERROR) .message( "You can not update the group with id <" + groupId + "> corresponding to an internal group <" + Constants.GROUP_NAME_ALL_USERS + ">").build()).build(); } return RestResponseBuilder.<Void> builder().build(); } /** * Search for groups. * * @param searchRequest * The request that contains parameters of the search request. * @return A {@link RestResponse} that contains a {@link GetMultipleDataResult} of {@link Group}. */ @ApiOperation(value = "Search for user's registered in alien.") @RequestMapping(value = "/search", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") public RestResponse<GetMultipleDataResult> searchGroups(@RequestBody FilteredSearchRequest searchRequest) { GetMultipleDataResult searchResult =, searchRequest.getFilters(), searchRequest.getFrom(), searchRequest.getSize()); return RestResponseBuilder.<GetMultipleDataResult> builder().data(searchResult).build(); } /** * Get multiple groups from their names. * * @param ids * The list of ids of the groups to retrieve. * @return a rest {@link RestResponse} containing the group matching the * given names. */ @ApiOperation(value = "Get multiple groups from their ids.", notes = "Returns a rest response that contains the list of requested groups.") @RequestMapping(value = "/getGroups", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") public RestResponse<List<Group>> getGroups(@RequestBody List<String> ids) { if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("ids cannot be null or empty"); } List<Group> groups = alienGroupDao.find(ids.toArray(new String[ids.size()])); return RestResponseBuilder.<List<Group>> builder().data(groups).build(); } /** * Add a role to a given group. * * @param groupId * The unique id of the group for which to add a role. * @param role * The role to add to the group. */ @ApiOperation(value = "Add a role to a group.") @RequestMapping(value = "/{groupId}/roles/{role}", method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ADMIN')") @Audit public RestResponse<Void> addRoleToGroup(@PathVariable String groupId, @PathVariable String role) { if (groupId == null || groupId.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("groupId cannot be null or empty"); } groupService.addRoleToGroup(groupId, role); return RestResponseBuilder.<Void> builder().build(); } /** * Removes a role from a given group. * * @param groupId * The unique id of the group from which to remove a role. * @param role * The role to remove from the group. * @return an empty (void) rest {@link RestResponse}. */ @ApiOperation(value = "Remove a role from a group.") @RequestMapping(value = "/{groupId}/roles/{role}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ADMIN')") @Audit public RestResponse<Void> removeRoleFromGroup(@PathVariable String groupId, @PathVariable String role) { if (groupId == null || groupId.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("groupId cannot be null or empty"); } groupService.removeRoleFromGroup(groupId, role); return RestResponseBuilder.<Void> builder().build(); } /** * Add a user to a group. * * @param groupId * The group in which to add the given user. * @param username * The username of the user to add to the group. * @return added user */ @ApiOperation(value = "Add a user to a group.") @RequestMapping(value = "/{groupId}/users/{username}", method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ADMIN')") @Audit public RestResponse<User> addUserToGroup(@PathVariable String groupId, @PathVariable String username) { if (groupId == null || groupId.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("groupId cannot be null or empty"); } User user; if (!isInternalAllUserGroup(groupId)) { user = groupService.addUserToGroup(username, groupId); } else {"You can not update the group with id <{}> corresponding to an internal group <{}>", groupId, Constants.GROUP_NAME_ALL_USERS); return RestResponseBuilder .<User> builder() .data(null) .error(RestErrorBuilder .builder(RestErrorCode.INTERNAL_OBJECT_ERROR) .message( "You can not update the group with id <" + groupId + "> corresponding to an internal group <" + Constants.GROUP_NAME_ALL_USERS + ">").build()).build(); } return RestResponseBuilder.<User> builder().data(user).build(); } /** * remove a user from a group. * * @param groupId * The group from which to remove the given user. * @param username * The username of the user to remove from the group. * @return response which contain the removed user */ @ApiOperation(value = "Remove a user from a group.") @RequestMapping(value = "/{groupId}/users/{username}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ADMIN')") @Audit public RestResponse<User> removeUserFromGroup(@PathVariable String groupId, @PathVariable String username) { if (groupId == null || groupId.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("groupId cannot be null or empty"); } User user; if (!isInternalAllUserGroup(groupId)) { user = groupService.removeUserFromGroup(username, groupId); } else {"You can not update the group with id <{}> corresponding to an internal group <{}>", groupId, Constants.GROUP_NAME_ALL_USERS); return RestResponseBuilder .<User> builder() .data(null) .error(RestErrorBuilder .builder(RestErrorCode.INTERNAL_OBJECT_ERROR) .message( "You can not update the group with id <" + groupId + "> corresponding to an internal group <" + Constants.GROUP_NAME_ALL_USERS + ">").build()).build(); } return RestResponseBuilder.<User> builder().data(user).build(); } /** * Determines if the requested group is the internal one corresponding to * "All users" * * @param groupId the group id to verify * @return boolean */ private boolean isInternalAllUserGroup(String groupId) { Group group = alienGroupDao.find(groupId); return group != null && Constants.GROUP_NAME_ALL_USERS.equals(group.getName()); } }