package org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor; import static alien4cloud.utils.FileUtil.isZipFile; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.catalog.index.CsarService; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.exception.EditionConcurrencyException; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.exception.EditorIOException; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.exception.RecoverTopologyException; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.operations.AbstractEditorOperation; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.operations.RecoverTopologyOperation; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.operations.ResetTopologyOperation; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.processors.IEditorCommitableProcessor; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.processors.IEditorOperationProcessor; import; import; import; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.exporter.ArchiveExportService; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.Csar; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.Topology; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.topology.TopologyDTOBuilder; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.messaging.handler.annotation.DestinationVariable; import org.springframework.messaging.handler.annotation.MessageMapping; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import; import alien4cloud.exception.NotFoundException; import alien4cloud.git.SimpleGitHistoryEntry; import; import alien4cloud.topology.TopologyDTO; import alien4cloud.topology.TopologyService; import alien4cloud.topology.TopologyServiceCore; import alien4cloud.topology.TopologyValidationResult; import alien4cloud.topology.TopologyValidationService; import alien4cloud.utils.CollectionUtils; import alien4cloud.utils.FileUtil; import alien4cloud.utils.ReflectionUtil; /** * This service manages command execution on the TOSCA topology template editor. */ @Service public class EditorService { @Inject private ApplicationContext applicationContext; @Inject private ArchiveExportService exportService; @Inject private TopologyService topologyService; @Inject private TopologyServiceCore topologyServiceCore; @Inject private EditionContextManager editionContextManager; @Inject private TopologyDTOBuilder dtoBuilder; @Inject private EditorRepositoryService repositoryService; @Inject private EditorTopologyUploadService topologyUploadService; @Inject private EditorTopologyRecoveryHelperService recoveryHelperService; @Inject private TopologySubstitutionService topologySubstitutionServive; @Inject private TopologyValidationService topologyValidationService; @Inject private CsarService csarService; @Value("${directories.alien}/${directories.upload_temp}") private String tempUploadDir; /** Processors map by type. */ private Map<Class<?>, IEditorOperationProcessor<? extends AbstractEditorOperation>> processorMap = Maps.newHashMap(); @PostConstruct public void initialize() { Map<String, IEditorOperationProcessor> processors = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(IEditorOperationProcessor.class); for (IEditorOperationProcessor processor : processors.values()) { Class<?> operationClass = ReflectionUtil.getGenericArgumentType(processor.getClass(), IEditorOperationProcessor.class, 0); processorMap.put(operationClass, processor); } } /** * Check the authorization in the context of a topology edition. * * @param topologyId The id of the topology. */ public void checkAuthorization(String topologyId) { try { editionContextManager.init(topologyId); topologyService.checkEditionAuthorizations(EditionContextManager.getTopology()); } finally { editionContextManager.destroy(); } } /** * Call this method only for checking optimistic locking and initializing edition context for method that don't process an operation (save, undo etc.) * * @param topologyId The id of the topology under edition. * @param lastOperationId The id of the last operation. */ private void initContext(String topologyId, String lastOperationId) { // create a fake operation for optimistic locking AbstractEditorOperation optimisticLockOperation = new AbstractEditorOperation() { @Override public String commitMessage() { return "This operation will never be enqueued and never commited."; } }; optimisticLockOperation.setPreviousOperationId(lastOperationId); // init the edition context with the fake operation. initContext(topologyId, optimisticLockOperation); } /** * Initialize the edition context, (checks authorizations etc.) * * @param topologyId The id of the topology under edition. * @param operation The operation to be processed. */ private void initContext(String topologyId, AbstractEditorOperation operation) { editionContextManager.init(topologyId); // check authorization to update a topology topologyService.checkEditionAuthorizations(EditionContextManager.getTopology()); // If the version of the topology is not snapshot we don't allow modifications. topologyService.throwsErrorIfReleased(EditionContextManager.getTopology()); // check that operations can be executed (based on a kind of optimistic locking checkSynchronization(operation); } /** * Ensure that the request is synchronized with the current state of the edition. * * @param operation, The operation under evaluation. */ private synchronized void checkSynchronization(AbstractEditorOperation operation) { // there is an operation being processed so just fail (nobody could get the notification) if (EditionContextManager.get().getCurrentOperation() != null) { throw new EditionConcurrencyException(); } List<AbstractEditorOperation> operations = EditionContextManager.get().getOperations(); // if someone performed some operations we have to ensure that the new operation is performed on top of a synchronized topology if (EditionContextManager.get().getLastOperationIndex() == -1) { if (operation.getPreviousOperationId() != null) { throw new EditionConcurrencyException(); } } else if (!operations.get(EditionContextManager.get().getLastOperationIndex()).getId().equals(operation.getPreviousOperationId())) { throw new EditionConcurrencyException(); } operation.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); EditionContextManager.get().setCurrentOperation(operation); return; } // trigger editor operation @MessageMapping("/topology-editor/{topologyId}") public <T extends AbstractEditorOperation> TopologyDTO execute(@DestinationVariable String topologyId, T operation) { // get the topology context. try { initContext(topologyId, operation); // check for topology potential recovery checkTopologyRecovery(); doExecute(operation); // return the topology context return dtoBuilder.buildTopologyDTO(EditionContextManager.get()); } finally { EditionContextManager.get().setCurrentOperation(null); editionContextManager.destroy(); } } private <T extends AbstractEditorOperation> void doExecute(T operation) { operation.setAuthor(AuthorizationUtil.getCurrentUser().getUserId()); // attach the topology tosca context and process the operation process(operation); List<AbstractEditorOperation> operations = EditionContextManager.get().getOperations(); if (EditionContextManager.get().getLastOperationIndex() != operations.size() - 1) { // Clear the operations to 'redo'. CollectionUtils.clearFrom(operations, EditionContextManager.get().getLastOperationIndex() + 1); } // update the last operation and index EditionContextManager.get().getOperations().add(operation); EditionContextManager.get().setLastOperationIndex(EditionContextManager.get().getOperations().size() - 1); } /** * FIXME there is a cyclic dependency on beans here. * Finds the proper processor and process an operation * * @param operation The operation to process * @param <T> Type of the operation to process */ public <T extends AbstractEditorOperation> void process(T operation) { IEditorOperationProcessor<T> processor = (IEditorOperationProcessor<T>) processorMap.get(operation.getClass()); processor.process(operation); } /** * Undo or redo operations until the given index (including) * * @param topologyId The id of the topology for which to undo or redo operations. * @param at The index on which to place the undo/redo cursor (-1 means no operations, then 0 is first operation etc.) * @param lastOperationId The last known operation id for client optimistic locking. * @return The topology DTO. */ public TopologyDTO undoRedo(String topologyId, int at, String lastOperationId) { try { initContext(topologyId, lastOperationId); if (-1 > at || at > EditionContextManager.get().getOperations().size()) { throw new NotFoundException("Unable to find the requested index for undo/redo"); } checkTopologyRecovery(); if (at == EditionContextManager.get().getLastOperationIndex()) { // nothing to change. return dtoBuilder.buildTopologyDTO(EditionContextManager.get()); } // TODO Improve this by avoiding dao query for (deep) cloning topology and keeping cache for TOSCA types that are required. editionContextManager.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < at + 1; i++) { AbstractEditorOperation operation = EditionContextManager.get().getOperations().get(i); IEditorOperationProcessor processor = processorMap.get(operation.getClass()); processor.process(operation); } EditionContextManager.get().setLastOperationIndex(at); return dtoBuilder.buildTopologyDTO(EditionContextManager.get()); } catch (IOException e) { // FIXME undo should be fail-safe... return null; } finally { EditionContextManager.get().setCurrentOperation(null); editionContextManager.destroy(); } } /** * Save a topology under edition. It updates the local repository files, the topology in elastic-search and perform a local git commit. * * @param topologyId The id of the topology under edition. * @param lastOperationId The id of the last operation. */ public TopologyDTO save(String topologyId, String lastOperationId) { try { initContext(topologyId, lastOperationId); doSave(); return dtoBuilder.buildTopologyDTO(EditionContextManager.get()); } catch (IOException e) { // when there is a failure in file copy to the local repo. // FIXME git revert to put back the local files state in the initial state. throw new EditorIOException("Error while saving files state in local repository", e); } finally { EditionContextManager.get().setCurrentOperation(null); editionContextManager.destroy(); } } private void doSave() throws IOException { EditionContext context = EditionContextManager.get(); if (context.getLastOperationIndex() <= context.getLastSavedOperationIndex()) { // nothing to save.. return; } StringBuilder commitMessage = new StringBuilder(); // copy and cleanup all temporary files from the executed operations. for (int i = context.getLastSavedOperationIndex() + 1; i <= context.getLastOperationIndex(); i++) { AbstractEditorOperation operation = context.getOperations().get(i); IEditorOperationProcessor<?> processor = (IEditorOperationProcessor) processorMap.get(operation.getClass()); if (processor instanceof IEditorCommitableProcessor) { ((IEditorCommitableProcessor) processor).beforeCommit(operation); } commitMessage.append(operation.getAuthor()).append(": ").append(operation.commitMessage()).append("\n"); } saveYamlAndZipFile(); Topology topology = EditionContextManager.getTopology(); // Save the topology in elastic search; topologySubstitutionServive.updateSubstitutionType(topology, EditionContextManager.getCsar()); // Topology has changed means that dependencies might have changed, must update the dependencies csarService.setDependencies(topology.getId(), topology.getDependencies()); // Local git commit repositoryService.commit(EditionContextManager.get().getCsar(), commitMessage.toString()); // TODO add support for undo even after save, this require ability to rollback files to git state, we need file rollback support for that.. context.setOperations(Lists.newArrayList(context.getOperations().subList(context.getLastOperationIndex() + 1, context.getOperations().size()))); context.setLastOperationIndex(-1); } private void saveYamlAndZipFile() throws IOException { // Update the yaml in the archive Csar csar = EditionContextManager.getCsar(); Path targetPath = EditionContextManager.get().getLocalGitPath().resolve(csar.getYamlFilePath()); String yaml = exportService.getYaml(csar, EditionContextManager.getTopology()); try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(targetPath)) { writer.write(yaml); } // Update the archive zip for download repositoryService.updateArchiveZip(EditionContextManager.getCsar().getName(), EditionContextManager.getCsar().getVersion()); } /** * Performs a git pull. */ public TopologyDTO pull(String topologyId, String username, String password, String remoteBranch) { Path tempPath = null; try { editionContextManager.init(topologyId); if (EditionContextManager.get().getLastSavedOperationIndex() == -1) { repositoryService.clean(EditionContextManager.getCsar()); } Path topologyPath = EditionContextManager.get().getLocalGitPath(); tempPath = Files.createTempDirectory(Paths.get(tempUploadDir), ""); repositoryService.pull(tempPath, EditionContextManager.getCsar(), username, password, remoteBranch); topologyUploadService.processTopologyDir(tempPath, EditionContextManager.get().getTopology().getWorkspace()); try { FileUtil.delete(topologyPath); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignored } FileUtil.copy(tempPath, topologyPath); repositoryService.updateArchiveZip(EditionContextManager.getCsar().getName(), EditionContextManager.getCsar().getVersion()); // and finally save and commit Topology topology = EditionContextManager.getTopology();; // Topology has changed means that dependencies might have changed, must update the dependencies csarService.setDependencies(topology.getId(), topology.getDependencies()); topologySubstitutionServive.updateSubstitutionType(topology, EditionContextManager.getCsar()); return dtoBuilder.buildTopologyDTO(EditionContextManager.get()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EditorIOException("Error while pulling remote branch into local repository for " + topologyId + " for user " + username, e); } finally { if (tempPath != null) { try { FileUtil.delete(tempPath); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignored } } editionContextManager.destroy(); } } /** * Push the content to a remote git repository. * Note that conflicts are not managed in a4c. In case of conflicts a new branch is created for manual merge by users. */ public void push(String topologyId, String username, String password, String remoteBranch) { try { editionContextManager.init(topologyId); repositoryService.push(EditionContextManager.getCsar(), username, password, remoteBranch); } finally { editionContextManager.destroy(); } } /** * Configure the remote url of the git repository. * * @param remoteName The name for the repository. * @param remoteUrl The url of the repository. */ public void setRemote(String topologyId, String remoteName, String remoteUrl) { try { editionContextManager.init(topologyId); Csar csar = EditionContextManager.getCsar(); repositoryService.setRemote(csar, remoteName, remoteUrl); } finally { editionContextManager.destroy(); } } /** * Retrieve the repository url of the git. * * @param topologyId the id of the topology. * @param remoteName The name of the remote. * @return The url corresponding to the remote name of the git repository of the topology. */ public String getRemoteUrl(String topologyId, String remoteName) { try { editionContextManager.init(topologyId); Csar csar = EditionContextManager.getCsar(); return repositoryService.getRemoteUrl(csar, remoteName); } finally { editionContextManager.destroy(); } } /** * Retrieve simplified vision of the git history for the given topology. * * @param topologyId The id of the topology. * @param from from which index to get history. * @param count number of histories entry to retrieve. * @return a list of simplified git commit entry. */ public List<SimpleGitHistoryEntry> history(String topologyId, int from, int count) { try { // No need to check current operation, we just want to get git history. editionContextManager.init(topologyId); // check authorization to update a topology topologyService.checkEditionAuthorizations(EditionContextManager.getTopology()); return repositoryService.getHistory(EditionContextManager.getCsar(), from, count); } finally { editionContextManager.destroy(); } } /** * Override the content of an archive from a full exising archive. * * @param topologyId The if of the topology to process. * @param inputStream The input stream of the file that contains the archive. */ public void override(String topologyId, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { Path tempPath = null; try { // Initialize the editon context, null last operation id means that we just accept a context with no pending operations initContext(topologyId, (String) null); // first we need to copy the content to a temporary location, unzip and parse the archive tempPath = Files.createTempFile(tempUploadDir, null, null); Files.copy(inputStream, tempPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); // This throws an exception if not successful topologyUploadService.processTopology(tempPath, EditionContextManager.get().getTopology().getWorkspace()); // meaning the topology is well imported in the editor context: override all the content of the git repository // erase all content but .git directory FileUtil.delete(EditionContextManager.get().getLocalGitPath(), EditionContextManager.get().getLocalGitPath().resolve(".git")); // copy the archive content if (isZipFile(tempPath)) { // unzip the content FileUtil.unzip(tempPath, EditionContextManager.get().getLocalGitPath()); } else { // just copy the file Path targetPath = EditionContextManager.get().getLocalGitPath().resolve(tempPath.getFileName()); Files.copy(tempPath, targetPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } // and finally save and commit Topology topology = EditionContextManager.getTopology(); String commitMessage = AuthorizationUtil.getCurrentUser().getUserId() + ": Override all content of the topology archive from REST API.";; // Topology has changed means that dependencies might have changed, must update the dependencies csarService.setDependencies(topology.getId(), topology.getDependencies()); topologySubstitutionServive.updateSubstitutionType(topology, EditionContextManager.getCsar()); // Local git commit repositoryService.commit(EditionContextManager.get().getCsar(), commitMessage); } finally { EditionContextManager.get().setCurrentOperation(null); editionContextManager.destroy(); } } /** * Checks if the topology needs to be recovered and eventually throws an error. * The {@link RecoverTopologyOperation} is cache for later use in recovering process */ public void checkTopologyRecovery() { Topology topology = EditionContextManager.getTopology(); EditionContext context = EditionContextManager.get(); context.setRecoveryOperation(recoveryHelperService.buildRecoveryOperation(topology)); if (context.getRecoveryOperation() != null) { throw new RecoverTopologyException("The topology needs to be recovered.", context.getRecoveryOperation()); } } /** * Execute an operation and directly trigger the save process * * @param topologyId The id of the topology. * @param operation The operation to execute. * @param <T> * @return a {@link TopologyDTO} */ private <T extends AbstractEditorOperation> TopologyDTO executeAndSave(String topologyId, T operation) { try { // init the context. initContext(topologyId, operation); // execute the operation doExecute(operation); // save the context doSave(); // return the topology DTO return dtoBuilder.buildTopologyDTO(EditionContextManager.get()); } catch (IOException e) { // when there is a failure in file copy to the local repo. // FIXME git revert to put back the local files state in the initial state. throw new EditorIOException("Error while saving files state in local repository", e); } finally { EditionContextManager.get().setCurrentOperation(null); editionContextManager.destroy(); } } /** * Recovers a topology * * @param topologyId The id of the topology. * @param lastOperationId * @return */ public TopologyDTO recover(String topologyId, String lastOperationId) { // The recovering process is done via operation so that we can have it in the history RecoverTopologyOperation operation = getRecoverTopologyOperation(topologyId); operation.setPreviousOperationId(lastOperationId); return executeAndSave(topologyId, operation); } private RecoverTopologyOperation getRecoverTopologyOperation(String topologyId) { try { editionContextManager.init(topologyId); RecoverTopologyOperation operation = EditionContextManager.get().getRecoveryOperation(); EditionContextManager.get().setRecoveryOperation(null); return operation != null ? operation : new RecoverTopologyOperation(); } finally { editionContextManager.destroy(); } } /** * Reset and save a topology * * @param topologyId The id of the topology. * @param lastOperationId * @return */ public TopologyDTO reset(String topologyId, String lastOperationId) { // The resetting process is done via operation so that we can have it in the history ResetTopologyOperation operation = new ResetTopologyOperation(); operation.setPreviousOperationId(lastOperationId); return executeAndSave(topologyId, operation); } /** * Validate if a topology is valid. * * @param topologyId The id of the topology. * @return the validation result */ public TopologyValidationResult validateTopology(String topologyId) { try { editionContextManager.init(topologyId); return topologyValidationService.validateTopology(EditionContextManager.getTopology()); } finally { editionContextManager.destroy(); } } }