package alien4cloud.dao; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.mapping.FilterValuesStrategy; import org.elasticsearch.mapping.QueryHelper; import; import; import; import alien4cloud.dao.model.FacetedSearchResult; import alien4cloud.dao.model.GetMultipleDataResult; /** * A Dao that supports search and/or filter based queries. */ public interface IGenericSearchDAO extends IGenericIdDAO { /** * Return the dao {@link QueryHelper} * * @return */ QueryHelper getQueryHelper(); /** * Get the index in which a class belongs. * * @param clazz The class for which to get the index. * @return The name of the index in which the class lies. */ String getIndexForType(Class<?> clazz); /** * Count the number of objects in the index in which a given class lies. The result is not limited to the actual given type. * * @param clazz Class of the object. This is used to retrieve the index on which to perform the count. The current query do not query only the given type * but all object in the index. * @param query Additional query. * @return The number of objects in the index in which the given class lies (Note some other types may lies in the same index and be counted also. */ <T> long count(Class<T> clazz, QueryBuilder query); /** * Count the number of objects in the index that matches (based on class name) the given class, search text and filters. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param searchText The text of the search request (null to match all). * @param filters The filters to apply to the request. * @return The number of objects matching the query. */ <T> long count(Class<T> clazz, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters); /** * Delete a data by query * * @param clazz * @param query */ void delete(Class<?> clazz, QueryBuilder query); /** * Run a custom query on elastic search for the given class. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param query The query to execute. * @return A single result. */ <T> T customFind(Class<T> clazz, QueryBuilder query); /** * Run a custom query on elastic search for the given class. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param query The query to execute. * @param sortBuilder the sort configuration * @return A single result. */ <T> T customFind(Class<T> clazz, QueryBuilder query, SortBuilder sortBuilder); /** * Run a custom query on elastic search for the given class. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param query The query to execute. * @return All result. */ <T> List<T> customFindAll(Class<T> clazz, QueryBuilder query); /** * Run a custom query on elastic search for the given class. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param query The query to execute. * @param sortBuilder the sort configuration * @return All result. */ <T> List<T> customFindAll(Class<T> clazz, QueryBuilder query, SortBuilder sortBuilder); /** * Run a query build from a {@link QueryHelper.ISearchQueryBuilderHelper}. * * @param queryHelperBuilder The query builder that contains the query to run. * @param from Offset from the first result you want to fetch. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} that contains the search response. */ GetMultipleDataResult<Object> search(QueryHelper.ISearchQueryBuilderHelper queryHelperBuilder, int from, int maxElements); /** * Search for data. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param searchText The search text if any. * @param filters The filters for the search or null if no filters. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} instance that contains the result data. Empty instance if no data found. */ <T> GetMultipleDataResult<T> search(Class<T> clazz, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, int maxElements); /** * Same as {@link IGenericSearchDAO#search(Class, String, Map, int)}, but with pagination supported. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param searchText The search text if any. * @param filters The filters for the search or null if no filters. * @param from Offset from the first result you want to fetch. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} instance that contains the result data. Empty instance if no data found. * @see IGenericSearchDAO#search(Class, String, Map, int) */ <T> GetMultipleDataResult<T> search(Class<T> clazz, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, int from, int maxElements); /** * Same as {@link IGenericSearchDAO#search(Class, String, Map, int)}, but with pagination supported. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param searchText The search text if any. * @param filters The filters for the search or null if no filters. * @param fetchContext A fetch context to define a partial response. * @param from Offset from the first result you want to fetch. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} instance that contains the result data. Empty instance if no data found. * @see IGenericSearchDAO#search(Class, String, Map, int) */ <T> GetMultipleDataResult<T> search(Class<T> clazz, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, String fetchContext, int from, int maxElements); /** * Same as {@link IGenericSearchDAO#search(Class, String, Map, int)}, but with pagination supported. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param searchText The search text if any. * @param filters The filters for the search or null if no filters. * @param fetchContext A fetch context to define a partial response. * @param from Offset from the first result you want to fetch. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @param fieldSort field to sort on * @param sortOrder order for the sort (false = ascending or true = descending) * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} instance that contains the result data. Empty instance if no data found. * @see IGenericSearchDAO#search(Class, String, Map, int) */ <T> GetMultipleDataResult<T> search(Class<T> clazz, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, FilterBuilder customFilter, String fetchContext, int from, int maxElements, String fieldSort, boolean sortOrder); /** * Same as {@link IGenericSearchDAO#search(Class, String, Map, int)}, but with pagination supported. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param searchText The search text if any. * @param filters The filters for the search or null if no filters. * @param customFilter The custom defined filter * @param fetchContext A fetch context to define a partial response. * @param from Offset from the first result you want to fetch. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} instance that contains the result data. Empty instance if no data found. * @see IGenericSearchDAO#search(Class, String, Map, int) */ <T> GetMultipleDataResult<T> search(Class<T> clazz, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, FilterBuilder customFilter, String fetchContext, int from, int maxElements); /** * Performs a search on the given indices * * @param searchIndices Indices in which to search. * @param classes Classes to search. * @param searchText The text to search for. * @param from start element in the search. * @param filters The filters for the search. * @param fetchContext A fetch context to define a partial response. * @param maxElements Maximum number of elements to get. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} that contains the various elements to get. */ GetMultipleDataResult<Object> search(String[] searchIndices, Class<?>[] classes, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, String fetchContext, int from, int maxElements); /** * Performs a search on the given indices * * @param searchIndices Indices in which to search. * @param classes Classes to search. * @param searchText The text to search for. * @param from start element in the search. * @param filters The filters for the search. * @param customFilter The custom defined filter. * @param fetchContext A fetch context to define a partial response. * @param maxElements Maximum number of elements to get. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} that contains the various elements to get. */ GetMultipleDataResult<Object> search(String[] searchIndices, Class<?>[] classes, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, FilterBuilder customFilter, String fetchContext, int from, int maxElements); /** * Search for data and get a list of facets if any are configured. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param searchText The search text if any. * @param filters The filters for the search. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link FacetedSearchResult} instance that contains the result data and associated facets. Empty instance if no data found. */ <T> FacetedSearchResult facetedSearch(Class<T> clazz, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, int maxElements); /** * Same as {@link IGenericSearchDAO#facetedSearch(Class, String, Map, int)}, but with pagination supported. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param searchText The search text if any. * @param filters The filters for the search. * @param fetchContext A fetch context to define a partial response. * @param from Offset from the first result you want to fetch. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link FacetedSearchResult} instance that contains the result data and associated facets. Empty instance if no data found. * @see IGenericSearchDAO#facetedSearch(Class, String, Map, int) */ <T> FacetedSearchResult facetedSearch(Class<T> clazz, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, String fetchContext, int from, int maxElements); /** * Same as {@link IGenericSearchDAO#facetedSearch(Class, String, Map, int)}, but with pagination supported. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param searchText The search text if any. * @param filters The filters for the search. * @param customFilter The custom defined filter. * @param fetchContext A fetch context to define a partial response. * @param from Offset from the first result you want to fetch. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link FacetedSearchResult} instance that contains the result data and associated facets. Empty instance if no data found. * @see IGenericSearchDAO#facetedSearch(Class, String, Map, int) */ <T> FacetedSearchResult facetedSearch(Class<T> clazz, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, FilterBuilder customFilter, String fetchContext, int from, int maxElements); /** * Same as {@link IGenericSearchDAO#facetedSearch(Class, String, Map, int)}, but with pagination supported. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param searchText The search text if any. * @param filters The filters for the search. * @param customFilter The custom defined filter. * @param fetchContext A fetch context to define a partial response. * @param from Offset from the first result you want to fetch. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @param fieldSort field to sort on * @param sortOrder order for the sort (false = ascending or true = descending) * @return A {@link FacetedSearchResult} instance that contains the result data and associated facets. Empty instance if no data found. * @see IGenericSearchDAO#facetedSearch(Class, String, Map, int) */ <T> FacetedSearchResult facetedSearch(Class<T> clazz, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, FilterBuilder customFilter, String fetchContext, int from, int maxElements, String fieldSort, boolean sortOrder); /** * Perform a suggestion search on a specific field. * * @param searchIndices The indices to search for. * @param requestedTypes The types to include in the query. * @param suggestFieldPath The path to the field for which to manage suggestion. * @param searchPrefix The value of the current prefix for suggestion. * @param fetchContext The fetch context to recover only the required field (Note that this should be simplified to directly use the given field...). * @param from The start index for suggestion (usually 0). * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to retrieve for suggestion. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} that contains data matching the requested suggestion. */ GetMultipleDataResult<Object> suggestSearch(String[] searchIndices, Class<?>[] requestedTypes, String suggestFieldPath, String searchPrefix, String fetchContext, int from, int maxElements); /** * find data matching the given type and filters. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param filters The filters for the search or null if no filters. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} instance that contains the result data. */ <T> GetMultipleDataResult<T> find(Class<T> clazz, Map<String, String[]> filters, int maxElements); /** * Same as {@link IGenericSearchDAO#find(Class, Map, int)}, but with pagination supported. * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param filters The filters for the search or null if no filters. * @param from Offset from the first result you want to fetch. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} instance that contains the result data. * @see IGenericSearchDAO#find(Class, Map, int) */ <T> GetMultipleDataResult<T> find(Class<T> clazz, Map<String, String[]> filters, int from, int maxElements); /** * Get the Map of types to classes * * @return */ Map<String, Class<?>> getTypesToClasses(); /** * Get the Map of types to indexes * * @return */ Map<String, String> getTypesToIndices(); /** * Search for data. allowing filter strategy "AND, OR" when multiple values in the filter * * @param clazz The type of data to query. * @param searchText The search text if any. * @param filters The filters for the search or null if no filters. * @param filterStrategies A map containing {@link FilterValuesStrategy}. A key correspond to a filter key. for values, see {@link FilterValuesStrategy} * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} instance that contains the result data. Empty instance if no data found. */ <T> GetMultipleDataResult<T> search(Class<T> clazz, String searchText, Map<String, String[]> filters, Map<String, FilterValuesStrategy> filterStrategies, int maxElements); /** * Find instances by id, only retrieve specific fields of the object. * * @param clazz The class for which to find an instance. * @param ids array of id of the data to find. * @param fetchContext The fetch context to recover only the required field (Note that this should be simplified to directly use the given field...). * @return List of Objects that has the given ids or null if no object matching the request is found. */ <T> List<T> findByIdsWithContext(Class<T> clazz, String fetchContext, String... ids); /** * Select the list of value for the path * * @param index the index * @param types the types * @param queryBuilder the query to filter * @param sortOrder sort the returned result * @param path the path to select * @param from offset * @param size size * @return the list of value for the path */ String[] selectPath(String index, Class<?>[] types, QueryBuilder queryBuilder, SortOrder sortOrder, String path, int from, int size); /** * Select the list of value for the path * * @param index the index * @param types the types * @param queryBuilder the query to filter * @param sortOrder sort the returned result * @param path the path to select * @param from offset * @param size size * @return the list of value for the path */ String[] selectPath(String index, String[] types, QueryBuilder queryBuilder, SortOrder sortOrder, String path, int from, int size); /** * Create a query builder for the given class based on a match all query. * * @return an instance of IESQueryBuilderHelper for the given class. */ public <T> IESQueryBuilderHelper<T> buildQuery(Class<T> clazz); /** * Create a query builder for the given class. * * @return an instance of IESQueryBuilderHelper for the given class. */ public <T> IESQueryBuilderHelper<T> buildSearchQuery(Class<T> clazz, String searchQuery); /** * Create a query builder for the given class. * * @return an instance of IESQueryBuilderHelper for the given class. */ public <T> IESQueryBuilderHelper<T> buildSuggestionQuery(Class<T> clazz, String prefixField, String searchQuery); }