package; import static; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Consumer; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.PropertyConstraint; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.PropertyDefinition; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.PropertyValue; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.types.DataType; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.types.PrimitiveDataType; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import alien4cloud.exception.InvalidArgumentException; import alien4cloud.tosca.context.ToscaContext; import alien4cloud.tosca.normative.IPropertyType; import alien4cloud.tosca.normative.ToscaType; import; import; import; import; import; import alien4cloud.utils.VersionUtil; import alien4cloud.utils.version.InvalidVersionException; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * Common property constraint utils */ @Slf4j // FIXME: shouldn't be a service anymore since all its methods are static @Service public class ConstraintPropertyService { /** * Check the constraints on an unwrapped property value (basically a string, map or list). * * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param propertyValue The value of the property to check. * @param propertyDefinition The property definition that defines the property to check. * @throws ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException In case the value type doesn't match the type of the property as defined. * @throws ConstraintViolationException In case the value doesn't match one of the constraints defined on the property. */ public static void checkPropertyConstraint(String propertyName, Object propertyValue, PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition) throws ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException, ConstraintViolationException { checkPropertyConstraint(propertyName, propertyValue, propertyDefinition, null); } /** * Check the constraints on an unwrapped property value (basically a string, map or list) and get events through the given consumer parameter when missing * properties on complex data type are found. * Note that the property value cannot be null and the required characteristic of the initial property definition will NOT be checked. * * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param propertyValue The value of the property to check. * @param propertyDefinition The property definition that defines the property to check. * @param missingPropertyConsumer A consumer to receive events when a required property is not defined on a complex type sub-field. * @throws ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException In case the value type doesn't match the type of the property as defined. * @throws ConstraintViolationException In case the value doesn't match one of the constraints defined on the property. */ public static void checkPropertyConstraint(String propertyName, Object propertyValue, PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, Consumer<String> missingPropertyConsumer) throws ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException, ConstraintViolationException { Object value = propertyValue; if (propertyValue instanceof PropertyValue) { value = ((PropertyValue) propertyValue).getValue(); } boolean isPrimitiveType = false; boolean isTypeDerivedFromPrimitive = false; DataType dataType = null; String typeName = propertyDefinition.getType(); if (ToscaType.isPrimitive(typeName)) { isPrimitiveType = true; } else { dataType = ToscaContext.get(DataType.class, typeName); if (dataType instanceof PrimitiveDataType) { // the type is derived from a primitive type isTypeDerivedFromPrimitive = true; } } if (value instanceof String) { if (isPrimitiveType) { checkSimplePropertyConstraint(propertyName, (String) value, propertyDefinition); } else if (isTypeDerivedFromPrimitive) { checkComplexPropertyDerivedFromPrimitiveTypeConstraints(propertyName, (String) value, propertyDefinition, dataType); } else { throw new ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException( "Property value is a String while the expected data type is a complex type " + value.getClass().getName()); } } else if (value instanceof Map) { checkComplexPropertyConstraint(propertyName, (Map<String, Object>) value, propertyDefinition, missingPropertyConsumer); } else if (value instanceof List) { checkListPropertyConstraint(propertyName, (List<Object>) value, propertyDefinition, missingPropertyConsumer); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Not expecting to receive constraint validation for other types than String, Map or List as " + value.getClass().getName()); } } /** * Check constraints defined on a property for a specified value * * @param propertyName Property name (mainly used to create a comprehensive error message) * @param stringValue Tested property value * @param propertyDefinition Full property definition with type, constraints, default value,... * @throws ConstraintViolationException * @throws ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException */ public static void checkSimplePropertyConstraint(final String propertyName, final String stringValue, final PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition) throws ConstraintViolationException, ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException { ConstraintInformation consInformation = null; // check any property definition without constraints (type/value) checkBasicType(propertyName, propertyDefinition.getType(), stringValue); if (propertyDefinition.getConstraints() != null && !propertyDefinition.getConstraints().isEmpty()) { IPropertyType<?> toscaType = ToscaType.fromYamlTypeName(propertyDefinition.getType()); for (PropertyConstraint constraint : propertyDefinition.getConstraints()) { try { consInformation = ConstraintUtil.getConstraintInformation(constraint); consInformation.setPath(propertyName + ".constraints[" + consInformation.getName() + "]"); constraint.initialize(toscaType); constraint.validate(toscaType, stringValue); } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) { throw new ConstraintViolationException(e.getMessage(), e, consInformation); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { // ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException is not supposed to be raised here (only in constraint definition validation)"Constraint introspection error for property <" + propertyName + "> value <" + stringValue + ">", e); throw new ConstraintTechnicalException("Constraint introspection error for property <" + propertyName + "> value <" + stringValue + ">", e); } } } } /** * Check constraints defined on a property which has a type derived from a primitive. */ private static void checkComplexPropertyDerivedFromPrimitiveTypeConstraints(final String propertyName, final String stringValue, final PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, final DataType dataType) throws ConstraintViolationException, ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException { ConstraintInformation consInformation = null; boolean hasDefinitionConstraints = propertyDefinition.getConstraints() != null && !propertyDefinition.getConstraints().isEmpty(); boolean hasTypeConstraints = false; if (dataType instanceof PrimitiveDataType && ((PrimitiveDataType) dataType).getConstraints() != null && !((PrimitiveDataType) dataType).getConstraints().isEmpty()) { hasTypeConstraints = true; } String derivedFromPrimitiveType = dataType.getDerivedFrom().get(0); // Check the type of the property even if there is no constraints. checkBasicType(propertyName, derivedFromPrimitiveType, stringValue); if (hasDefinitionConstraints || hasTypeConstraints) { // check the constraints if there is any defined if (hasDefinitionConstraints) { checkConstraints(propertyName, stringValue, derivedFromPrimitiveType, propertyDefinition.getConstraints()); } if (hasTypeConstraints) { checkConstraints(propertyName, stringValue, derivedFromPrimitiveType, ((PrimitiveDataType) dataType).getConstraints()); } } } private static void checkConstraints(final String propertyName, final String stringValue, final String typeName, List<PropertyConstraint> constraints) throws ConstraintViolationException, ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException { ConstraintInformation consInformation = null; for (PropertyConstraint constraint : constraints) { IPropertyType<?> toscaType = ToscaType.fromYamlTypeName(typeName); try { consInformation = ConstraintUtil.getConstraintInformation(constraint); consInformation.setPath(propertyName + ".constraints[" + consInformation.getName() + "]"); constraint.initialize(toscaType); constraint.validate(toscaType, stringValue); } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) { throw new ConstraintViolationException(e.getMessage(), e, consInformation); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { // ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException is not supposed to be raised here (only in constraint definition validation)"Constraint introspection error for property <" + propertyName + "> value <" + stringValue + ">", e); throw new ConstraintTechnicalException("Constraint introspection error for property <" + propertyName + "> value <" + stringValue + ">", e); } } } private static void checkDataTypePropertyConstraint(String propertyName, Map<String, Object> complexPropertyValue, PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, Consumer<String> missingPropertyConsumer) throws ConstraintViolationException, ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException { DataType dataType = ToscaContext.get(DataType.class, propertyDefinition.getType()); if (dataType == null) { throw new ConstraintViolationException( "Complex type " + propertyDefinition.getType() + " is not complex or it cannot be found in the archive nor in Alien"); } for (Map.Entry<String, Object> complexPropertyValueEntry : complexPropertyValue.entrySet()) { if (!safe(dataType.getProperties()).containsKey(complexPropertyValueEntry.getKey())) { throw new ConstraintViolationException("Complex type " + propertyDefinition.getType() + " do not have nested property with name " + complexPropertyValueEntry.getKey() + " for property " + propertyName); } else { Object nestedPropertyValue = complexPropertyValueEntry.getValue(); PropertyDefinition nestedPropertyDefinition = dataType.getProperties().get(complexPropertyValueEntry.getKey()); checkPropertyConstraint(propertyName + "." + complexPropertyValueEntry.getKey(), nestedPropertyValue, nestedPropertyDefinition, missingPropertyConsumer); } } // check if the data type has required missing properties if (missingPropertyConsumer != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, PropertyDefinition> dataTypeDefinition : safe(dataType.getProperties()).entrySet()) { if (dataTypeDefinition.getValue().isRequired() && !complexPropertyValue.containsKey(dataTypeDefinition.getKey())) { // A required property is missing String missingPropertyName = propertyName + "." + dataTypeDefinition.getKey(); missingPropertyConsumer.accept(missingPropertyName); } } } } private static void checkListPropertyConstraint(String propertyName, List<Object> listPropertyValue, PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, Consumer<String> missingPropertyConsumer) throws ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException, ConstraintViolationException { PropertyDefinition entrySchema = propertyDefinition.getEntrySchema(); for (int i = 0; i < listPropertyValue.size(); i++) { checkPropertyConstraint(propertyName + "[" + String.valueOf(i) + "]", listPropertyValue.get(i), entrySchema, missingPropertyConsumer); } } private static void checkMapPropertyConstraint(String propertyName, Map<String, Object> complexPropertyValue, PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, Consumer<String> missingPropertyConsumer) throws ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException, ConstraintViolationException { PropertyDefinition entrySchema = propertyDefinition.getEntrySchema(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> complexPropertyValueEntry : complexPropertyValue.entrySet()) { checkPropertyConstraint(propertyName + "." + complexPropertyValueEntry.getKey(), complexPropertyValueEntry.getValue(), entrySchema, missingPropertyConsumer); } } /** * Verify that a complex property value correspond to its definition of constraints * * @param propertyName name of the property * @param complexPropertyValue the value * @param propertyDefinition the definition * @throws ConstraintViolationException * @throws ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException */ private static void checkComplexPropertyConstraint(String propertyName, Map<String, Object> complexPropertyValue, PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, Consumer<String> missingPropertyConsumer) throws ConstraintViolationException, ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException { if (ToscaType.MAP.equals(propertyDefinition.getType())) { checkMapPropertyConstraint(propertyName, complexPropertyValue, propertyDefinition, missingPropertyConsumer); } else { checkDataTypePropertyConstraint(propertyName, complexPropertyValue, propertyDefinition, missingPropertyConsumer); } } /** * Check that a given value is matching the native type defined on the property definition. * * @param propertyName The name of the property under validation * @param primitiveType The primitive type to check the value against. * @param propertyValue The value to check. * @throws ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException in case the value does not match the primitive type. */ private static void checkBasicType(final String propertyName, final String primitiveType, final String propertyValue) throws ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException { // check basic type value : "boolean" (not handled, no exception thrown) // "string" (basic case, no exception), "float", "integer", "version" try { switch (primitiveType) { case "integer": Integer.parseInt(propertyValue); break; case "float": Float.parseFloat(propertyValue); break; case "version": VersionUtil.parseVersion(propertyValue); break; default: // last type "string" can have any format break; } } catch (NumberFormatException | InvalidVersionException e) { log.debug("The property value for property {} is not of type {}: {}", propertyName, primitiveType, propertyValue, e); ConstraintInformation consInformation = new ConstraintInformation(propertyName, null, propertyValue, primitiveType); throw new ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException(e.getMessage(), e, consInformation); } } }