package alien4cloud.common; import static alien4cloud.common.AlienConstants.APP_WORKSPACE_PREFIX; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.catalog.ArchiveDelegateType; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.catalog.index.ArchiveIndexer; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.catalog.index.CsarService; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.CSARDependency; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.Csar; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.AbstractTopologyVersion; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.Topology; import; import alien4cloud.dao.IGenericSearchDAO; import alien4cloud.dao.model.GetMultipleDataResult; import alien4cloud.exception.AlreadyExistException; import alien4cloud.exception.NotFoundException; import alien4cloud.exception.ReleaseReferencingSnapshotException; import alien4cloud.utils.MapUtil; import alien4cloud.utils.VersionUtil; public abstract class AbtractVersionService<V extends AbstractTopologyVersion> { @Resource(name = "alien-es-dao") protected IGenericSearchDAO alienDAO; @Inject private ArchiveIndexer archiveIndexer; @Inject private CsarService csarService; protected abstract V buildVersionImplem(); protected abstract V[] buildVersionImplemArray(int length); protected abstract Class<V> getVersionImplemClass(); protected abstract ArchiveDelegateType getDelegateType(); protected abstract String getDelegatePropertyName(); /** * Create a new version for an application/topology template based on an existing topology. * * @param delegateId The id of the application/topology template for which to create the version. * @param topologyToCloneId The id of the topology to clone for the version's topology. * @param version The new version. * @param description The description. */ public V createVersion(String delegateId, String topologyToCloneId, String version, String description) { if (isVersionNameExist(delegateId, version)) { throw new AlreadyExistException("An version " + version + " already exists."); } VersionUtil.parseVersion(version); V appVersion = buildVersionImplem(); appVersion.setDelegateId(delegateId); appVersion.setVersion(version); appVersion.setLatest(true); appVersion.setSnapshot(VersionUtil.isSnapshot(version)); appVersion.setReleased(!VersionUtil.isSnapshot(version)); appVersion.setDescription(description); // Every version of an application has a Cloud Service Archive String delegateType = ArchiveDelegateType.APPLICATION.toString(); Csar csar = new Csar(delegateId, version); csar.setWorkspace(APP_WORKSPACE_PREFIX + ":" + delegateId); csar.setDelegateId(delegateId); csar.setDelegateType(delegateType); Topology topology; if (topologyToCloneId != null) { // "cloning" the topology topology = alienDAO.findById(Topology.class, topologyToCloneId); } else { topology = new Topology(); } topology.setArchiveName(csar.getName()); topology.setArchiveVersion(csar.getVersion()); topology.setWorkspace(csar.getWorkspace()); // first of all, if the new version is a release, we have to ensure that all dependencies are released if (!VersionUtil.isSnapshot(version)) { checkTopologyReleasable(topology); } // Import the created archive and topology archiveIndexer.importNewArchive(csar, topology); // Save the version object appVersion.setId(csar.getId());; return appVersion; } /** * Check that the topology can be associated to a release version, actually : check that the topology doesn't reference SNAPSHOT * dependencies. * * @throws @{@link ReleaseReferencingSnapshotException} if the topology references SNAPSHOT dependencies * version. */ public void checkTopologyReleasable(Topology topology) { if (topology.getDependencies() != null) { for (CSARDependency dep : topology.getDependencies()) { // we allow SNAPSHOTS only for tosca-normative-types (we don't expect to have a release soon !) if (VersionUtil.isSnapshot(dep.getVersion()) && !dep.getName().equals("tosca-normative-types")) { throw new ReleaseReferencingSnapshotException(String.format("Can not release: %s dependency is a snapshot", dep.getName())); } } } } /** * Get all versions for a given delegate. * * @param delegateId The id of the application for which to get environments. * @return An array of the applications versions for the requested application id. */ public V[] getByDelegateId(String delegateId) { GetMultipleDataResult<V> result = alienDAO.find(getVersionImplemClass(), MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { getDelegatePropertyName() }, new String[][] { new String[] { delegateId } }), Integer.MAX_VALUE); return result.getData(); } /** * Get the version from a topology id * * @param topologyId The id of the application for which to get environments. * @return An array of the applications/topology templates versions for the requested topology id. */ public V getByTopologyId(String topologyId) { GetMultipleDataResult<V> result = alienDAO.find(getVersionImplemClass(), MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { "topologyId" }, new String[][] { new String[] { topologyId } }), Integer.MAX_VALUE); return (result.getData() == null || result.getData().length != 1) ? null : result.getData()[0]; } /** * Get all versions snapshot for a given application/topology template. * * @param delegateId The id of the application/topology template for which to get versions. * @return An array of the applications/topology templates versions snapshot for the requested application id. */ public V[] getSnapshotByDelegateId(String delegateId) { GetMultipleDataResult<V> result = alienDAO.find(getVersionImplemClass(), MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { getDelegatePropertyName(), "isSnapshot" }, new String[][] { new String[] { delegateId }, new String[] { "true" } }), Integer.MAX_VALUE); return result.getData(); } private void deleteVersion(V version) { // Call delete archive csarService.deleteCsar(version.getId()); alienDAO.delete(getVersionImplemClass(), version.getId()); } /** * Delete a version and the related topologies. Fail if version doesn't exist. * * @param id The id of the version to delete. */ public void delete(String id) { V version = this.getOrFail(id); deleteVersion(version); } /** * Delete all versions related to an application/topology template. * * @param delegateId The application/topology template id. */ public void deleteByDelegate(String delegateId) { V[] versions = getByDelegateId(delegateId); for (V version : versions) { deleteVersion(version); } } /** * Check uniqueness of a version for a given application/topology template. * * @param delegateId * @param versionName * @return a boolean indicating if the version exists. */ public boolean isVersionNameExist(String delegateId, String versionName) { GetMultipleDataResult<V> dataResult =, null, MapUtil.newHashMap( new String[] { getDelegatePropertyName(), "version" }, new String[][] { new String[] { delegateId }, new String[] { versionName } }), 1); if (dataResult.getData() != null && dataResult.getData().length > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get an application/topology template version by id or fail if not found. * * @param id * @return the version or throw an exception */ public V getOrFail(String id) { V v = alienDAO.findById(getVersionImplemClass(), id); if (v == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Version with id <" + id + "> does not exist"); } return v; } /** * Get a version by id. * * @param id * @return the version or null if not found */ public V get(String id) { return alienDAO.findById(getVersionImplemClass(), id); } /** * Sort the versions from newest to oldest. * * @param data * @return a sorted array of versions */ public V[] sortArrayOfVersion(V[] data) { if (data == null || data.length <= 1) { return data; } List<V> sortedData = Lists.newArrayList(data); Collections.sort(sortedData, new Comparator<V>() { @Override public int compare(V left, V right) { return, left.getVersion()); } }); return sortedData.toArray(buildVersionImplemArray(data.length)); } /** * Filter to search app/tt versions only for an delegate id. * * @param delegateId * @return a filter for application/tt versions */ public Map<String, String[]> getVersionsFilters(String delegateId, String version) { List<String> filterKeys = Lists.newArrayList(); List<String[]> filterValues = Lists.newArrayList(); if (delegateId != null) { filterKeys.add(getDelegatePropertyName()); filterValues.add(new String[] { delegateId }); } if (version != null && !version.equals("")) { filterKeys.add("version"); filterValues.add(new String[] { version }); } return MapUtil.newHashMap(filterKeys.toArray(new String[filterKeys.size()]), filterValues.toArray(new String[filterValues.size()][])); } }