package alien4cloud.dao; import java.util.Map; import; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.mapping.FilterValuesStrategy; import org.elasticsearch.mapping.ISearchBuilderAdapter; import org.elasticsearch.mapping.QueryBuilderAdapter; import; import alien4cloud.dao.model.FacetedSearchResult; import alien4cloud.dao.model.GetMultipleDataResult; /** * */ public interface IESSearchQueryBuilderHelper<T> extends IESQueryBuilderHelper<T> { /** * Execute a search query and get a single element or null if no elements can be found. * Note that the query may have multiple valid results but only a single one will be returned. Based on the query syntax and sort parameters different * results may be returned every time. * * @return the first matching instance or null if none can be found. */ T find(); /** * Execute a search query using the defined query. * * @param from The start index of the search (for pagination). * @param size The maximum number of elements to return. */ GetMultipleDataResult<T> search(int from, int size); /** * Execute a search query using the defined query with facets (aggregations). * * @param from The start index of the search (for pagination). * @param size The maximum number of elements to return. */ FacetedSearchResult<T> facetedSearch(int from, int size); /** * Execute a search query using the defined query with facets (aggregations) and use the provided IAggregationQueryManager to fetch data from an aggregation * rather than query result. * * @param aggregationQueryManager The aggregation query manager that manages the query through aggregation. * @return The facet search result that contains data from the aggregation as well as other facets. */ FacetedSearchResult facetedSearch(IAggregationQueryManager aggregationQueryManager); /** * Get the underlying search request builder. * * @return The underlying search request builder. */ SearchRequestBuilder getSearchRequestBuilder(); /** * Execute the given consumer to alter the search request builder. * * @param searchBuilderAdapter the search request builder adapter to alter the search request. */ IESSearchQueryBuilderHelper<T> alterSearchRequestBuilder(ISearchBuilderAdapter searchBuilderAdapter); /** * Allows to define a sort field. * * @param fieldName Name of the field to sort. * @param desc Descending or Ascending * @return this */ IESSearchQueryBuilderHelper<T> setFieldSort(String fieldName, boolean desc); /** * Add a fetch context to the query. * * @param fetchContext The fetch context to add to the query. */ IESSearchQueryBuilderHelper<T> setFetchContext(String fetchContext); /** * Apply the fetch context to the given aggregation (BUT DOES NOT add it to the query). * * @param fetchContext The fetch context to add to the aggregation. * @param topHitsBuilder The top hits aggregation builder on which to add fetch context include and excludes. * @return The search query builder helper with the top */ IESSearchQueryBuilderHelper<T> setFetchContext(String fetchContext, TopHitsBuilder topHitsBuilder); @Override IESSearchQueryBuilderHelper<T> alterQueryBuilder(QueryBuilderAdapter queryBuilderAdapter); @Override IESSearchQueryBuilderHelper<T> setScriptFunction(String functionScore); @Override IESSearchQueryBuilderHelper<T> setFilters(FilterBuilder... customFilter); @Override IESSearchQueryBuilderHelper<T> setFilters(Map<String, String[]> filters, FilterBuilder... customFilters); @Override IESSearchQueryBuilderHelper<T> setFilters(Map<String, String[]> filters, Map<String, FilterValuesStrategy> filterStrategies, FilterBuilder... customFilters); }