package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import; import; import; import alien4cloud.dao.IGenericSearchDAO; import alien4cloud.dao.model.GetMultipleDataResult; import alien4cloud.deployment.DeploymentService; import alien4cloud.exception.AlreadyExistException; import alien4cloud.model.common.Usage; import alien4cloud.model.deployment.Deployment; import alien4cloud.model.orchestrators.Orchestrator; import alien4cloud.model.orchestrators.OrchestratorConfiguration; import alien4cloud.model.orchestrators.OrchestratorState; import; import; import alien4cloud.orchestrators.plugin.ILocationAutoConfigurer; import alien4cloud.orchestrators.plugin.IOrchestratorPlugin; import alien4cloud.orchestrators.plugin.IOrchestratorPluginFactory; import alien4cloud.paas.OrchestratorPluginService; import alien4cloud.paas.exception.PluginConfigurationException; import alien4cloud.utils.MapUtil; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * Service to manage state of an orchestrator */ @Slf4j @Component public class OrchestratorStateService { @Resource(name = "alien-es-dao") private IGenericSearchDAO alienDAO; @Inject private OrchestratorConfigurationService orchestratorConfigurationService; @Inject private OrchestratorPluginService orchestratorPluginService; @Inject private DeploymentService deploymentService; @Inject private OrchestratorService orchestratorService; @Inject private LocationService locationService; @Inject private PluginArchiveIndexer archiveIndexer; /** * Unload all orchestrators from JVM memory, it's typically to refresh/reload code */ public void unloadAllOrchestrators() { List<Orchestrator> enabledOrchestratorList = orchestratorService.getAllEnabledOrchestrators(); if (enabledOrchestratorList != null && !enabledOrchestratorList.isEmpty()) {"Unloading orchestrators"); for (final Orchestrator orchestrator : enabledOrchestratorList) { // un-register the orchestrator. IOrchestratorPlugin orchestratorInstance = orchestratorPluginService.unregister(orchestrator.getId()); if (orchestratorInstance != null) { IOrchestratorPluginFactory orchestratorFactory = orchestratorService.getPluginFactory(orchestrator); orchestratorFactory.destroy(orchestratorInstance); } }"{} Orchestrators Unloaded", enabledOrchestratorList.size()); } } /** * Initialize all orchestrator that have a non-disabled state. */ public ListenableFuture<?> initialize() { return initialize(null); } /** * Initialize all orchestrator that have a non-disabled state. * Note: Each orchestrator initialization is down in it's own thread so it doesn't impact application startup or other orchestrator connection. * * @param callback the callback to be executed when initialize finish */ public ListenableFuture<?> initialize(FutureCallback callback) { ListeningExecutorService executorService = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()); try { List<ListenableFuture<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>(); // get all the orchestrator that are not disabled final List<Orchestrator> enabledOrchestratorList = orchestratorService.getAllEnabledOrchestrators(); if (enabledOrchestratorList == null || enabledOrchestratorList.isEmpty()) { return Futures.immediateFuture(null); }"Initializing orchestrators"); for (final Orchestrator orchestrator : enabledOrchestratorList) { // error in initialization and timeouts should not impact startup time of Alien 4 cloud and other PaaS Providers. ListenableFuture<?> future = executorService.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { load(orchestrator); } catch (AlreadyExistException e) {"Orchestrator was already loaded at initialization for {}.", orchestrator.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { // we have to catch everything as we don't know what a plugin can do here and cannot interrupt startup. // Any orchestrator that failed to load will be considered as DISABLED as the registration didn't occurred log.error("Unexpected error in plugin", e); orchestrator.setState(OrchestratorState.DISABLED);; } } }); futures.add(future); } ListenableFuture<?> combinedFuture = Futures.allAsList(futures); if (callback != null) { Futures.addCallback(combinedFuture, callback); } Futures.addCallback(combinedFuture, new FutureCallback<Object>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Object result) {"{} Orchestrators loaded", enabledOrchestratorList.size()); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { log.error("Unable to load orchestrators", t); } }); return combinedFuture; } finally { executorService.shutdown(); } } /** * Enable an orchestrator. * * @param orchestrator The orchestrator to enable. */ public synchronized void enable(Orchestrator orchestrator) throws PluginConfigurationException { if (orchestrator.getState().equals(OrchestratorState.DISABLED)) { load(orchestrator); } else { log.debug("Request to enable ignored: orchestrator {} (id: {}) is already enabled", orchestrator.getName(), orchestrator.getId()); throw new AlreadyExistException("Orchestrator {} is already instanciated."); } } /** * Load and connect the given orchestrator. * * @param orchestrator the orchestrator to load and connect. */ private void load(Orchestrator orchestrator) throws PluginConfigurationException {"Loading and connecting orchestrator {} (id: {})", orchestrator.getName(), orchestrator.getId()); // check that the orchestrator is not already loaded. if (orchestratorPluginService.get(orchestrator.getId()) != null) { throw new AlreadyExistException("Plugin is already loaded."); } // switch the state to connecting orchestrator.setState(OrchestratorState.CONNECTING);; // TODO move below in a thread to perform plugin loading and connection asynchronously IOrchestratorPluginFactory orchestratorFactory = orchestratorService.getPluginFactory(orchestrator); IOrchestratorPlugin<Object> orchestratorInstance = orchestratorFactory.newInstance(); // index the archive in alien catalog archiveIndexer.indexOrchestratorArchives(orchestratorFactory, orchestratorInstance); // Set the configuration for the provider OrchestratorConfiguration orchestratorConfiguration = orchestratorConfigurationService.getConfigurationOrFail(orchestrator.getId()); try { Object configuration = orchestratorConfigurationService.configurationAsValidObject(orchestrator.getId(), orchestratorConfiguration.getConfiguration()); orchestratorInstance.setConfiguration(configuration); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PluginConfigurationException("Failed convert configuration json in object.", e); } // connect the orchestrator orchestratorInstance.init(deploymentService.getCloudActiveDeploymentContexts(orchestrator.getId())); // register the orchestrator instance to be polled for updates orchestratorPluginService.register(orchestrator.getId(), orchestratorInstance); orchestrator.setState(OrchestratorState.CONNECTED);; if (orchestratorInstance instanceof ILocationAutoConfigurer) { // trigger locations auto-configurations locationService.autoConfigure(orchestrator, (ILocationAutoConfigurer) orchestratorInstance); } } /** * Disable an orchestrator. * * @param orchestrator The orchestrator to disable. * @param force If true the orchestrator is disabled even if some deployments are currently running. */ public synchronized List<Usage> disable(Orchestrator orchestrator, boolean force) { if (!force) { // If there is at least one active deployment. GetMultipleDataResult<Deployment> result = alienDAO.buildQuery(Deployment.class) .setFilters(MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { "orchestratorId", "endDate" }, new String[][] { new String[] { orchestrator.getId() }, new String[] { null } })) .prepareSearch().setFieldSort("_timestamp", true).search(0, 1); // TODO place a lock to avoid deployments during the disabling of the orchestrator. if (result.getData().length > 0) { List<Usage> usages = generateDeploymentUsages(result.getData()); return usages; } } try { // unregister the orchestrator. IOrchestratorPlugin orchestratorInstance = orchestratorPluginService.unregister(orchestrator.getId()); if (orchestratorInstance != null) { IOrchestratorPluginFactory orchestratorFactory = orchestratorService.getPluginFactory(orchestrator); orchestratorFactory.destroy(orchestratorInstance); } } catch (Exception e) {"Unable to destroy orchestrator, it may not be created yet", e); } finally { // Mark the orchestrator as disabled orchestrator.setState(OrchestratorState.DISABLED);; } return null; } private List<Usage> generateDeploymentUsages(Deployment[] data) { List<Usage> usages = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Deployment deployment : data) { usages.add(new Usage(deployment.getSourceName(), deployment.getSourceType().getSourceType().getSimpleName(), deployment.getSourceId(), null)); } return usages; } }