package; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import java.util.Map; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import alien4cloud.common.AlienConstants; @Getter @Setter @ApiModel(description = "Request to set locations policies for a deployment.") public class SetLocationPoliciesRequest { @ApiModelProperty(value = "Id of the Orchestratrator managing the locations on which we want to deploy.", required = true, dataType = "string") private String orchestratorId; /** map of matching between groups and locations: key = groupeName, value = locationId */ @ApiModelProperty(value = "Locations settings for groups. key = groupeName, value = locationId. Note that for now, the only groupe name valid is " + AlienConstants.GROUP_ALL + ", as we do not yet support multiple locations policies settings.", required = true) private Map<String, String> groupsToLocations; }