package org.alien4cloud.tosca.catalog.index; import; import java.nio.file.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import alien4cloud.images.IImageDAO; import alien4cloud.images.ImageData; import alien4cloud.images.exception.ImageUploadException; import alien4cloud.model.common.Tag; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.types.AbstractInheritableToscaType; import alien4cloud.tosca.model.ArchiveRoot; import alien4cloud.tosca.parser.ParsingError; import alien4cloud.tosca.parser.ParsingErrorLevel; import alien4cloud.tosca.parser.impl.ErrorCode; /** * Import images from CloudServiceArchive to ElasticSearch */ @Component public class ArchiveImageLoader { private static final String ALIEN_ICON_TAG = "icon"; private static final Pattern UUID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$"); @Inject private IImageDAO imageDAO; /** * Import all images from the artifacts types in an archive. * * @param archiveFile The path to the root of the archive file. * @param archiveRoot The parsed archive object that contains all the types and topologies. * @param parsingErrors The list of parsing error in which to add errors in case there are (format error, file not found etc.) */ public void importImages(Path archiveFile, ArchiveRoot archiveRoot, List<ParsingError> parsingErrors) { importImages(archiveFile, archiveRoot.getNodeTypes(), parsingErrors); importImages(archiveFile, archiveRoot.getRelationshipTypes(), parsingErrors); importImages(archiveFile, archiveRoot.getCapabilityTypes(), parsingErrors); importImages(archiveFile, archiveRoot.getArtifactTypes(), parsingErrors); } private void importImages(Path archiveFile, Map<String, ? extends AbstractInheritableToscaType> toscaInheritableElement, List<ParsingError> parsingErrors) { if (toscaInheritableElement == null) { return; } for (Map.Entry<String, ? extends AbstractInheritableToscaType> element : toscaInheritableElement.entrySet()) { if (element.getValue().getTags() != null) { List<Tag> tags = element.getValue().getTags(); Tag iconTag = ArchiveImageLoader.getIconTag(tags); if (iconTag != null && !UUID_PATTERN.matcher(iconTag.getValue()).matches()) { importImage(archiveFile, parsingErrors, iconTag); } } } } private void importImage(Path archiveFile, List<ParsingError> parsingErrors, Tag iconTag) { FileSystem csarFS = null; Path iconPath = null; try { csarFS = FileSystems.newFileSystem(archiveFile, null); iconPath = csarFS.getPath(iconTag.getValue()); if (!Files.isDirectory(iconPath)) { String iconId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // Saving the image ImageData imageData = new ImageData(); imageData.setData(Files.readAllBytes(iconPath)); imageData.setId(iconId); imageDAO.writeImage(imageData); // Replace the image uri by the indexed image ID iconTag.setValue(iconId); } else { parsingErrors.add(new ParsingError(ParsingErrorLevel.WARNING, ErrorCode.INVALID_ICON_FORMAT, "Icon loading", null, "Invalid icon format at path <" + iconPath + ">", null, iconPath.toString())); } } catch (NoSuchFileException | InvalidPathException e) { parsingErrors.add(new ParsingError(ParsingErrorLevel.WARNING, ErrorCode.MISSING_FILE, "Icon loading", null, "No icon file found at path <" + iconPath + ">", null, iconPath.toString())); } catch (ImageUploadException e) { parsingErrors.add(new ParsingError(ParsingErrorLevel.WARNING, ErrorCode.INVALID_ICON_FORMAT, "Icon loading", null, "Invalid icon format at path <" + iconPath + ">", null, iconPath.toString())); } catch (IOException e) { parsingErrors.add(new ParsingError(ParsingErrorLevel.WARNING, ErrorCode.FAILED_TO_READ_FILE, "Icon loading", null, "IO error while loading icon at path <" + iconPath + ">", null, iconPath.toString())); } } /** * Get the icon tag from a tag list. * * @param tags The list of tags in which to search for the icon tag. * @return The icon tag or null if the tag cannot be found. */ public static Tag getIconTag(List<Tag> tags) { if (tags == null) { return null; } int iconTagIndex = tags.indexOf(new Tag(ALIEN_ICON_TAG, null)); if (iconTagIndex < 0) { return null; } return tags.get(iconTagIndex); } }