package; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import alien4cloud.Constants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * Applications and topologies concerns */ @Slf4j @Component public final class AuthorizationUtil { private static IAlienGroupDao alienGroupDao; private static Alien4CloudAccessDeniedHandler accessDeniedHandler; @Autowired public void setAlienGroupDao(IAlienGroupDao alienGroupDao) { AuthorizationUtil.alienGroupDao = alienGroupDao; } @Autowired public void setAccessDeniedHandler(Alien4CloudAccessDeniedHandler accessDeniedHandler) { AuthorizationUtil.accessDeniedHandler = accessDeniedHandler; } private AuthorizationUtil() { } /** * Check that the user has one of the requested rights for the given application * * @param resource any with userRoles and groupRoles maps * @param expectedRoles any role binded on secured resource */ public static void checkAuthorizationForApplication(ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { if (!hasAuthorizationForApplication(resource, expectedRoles)) { throw new AccessDeniedException("user <" + SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName() + "> has no authorization to perform the requested operation on this application."); } } /** * Check that the user has one of the requested rights for the given cloud * * @param resource * @param expectedRoles */ public static void checkAuthorizationForLocation(ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { if (!hasAuthorizationForLocation(resource, expectedRoles)) { throw new AccessDeniedException("user <" + SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName() + "> has no authorization to perform the requested operation on this cloud."); } } /** * Check that the user has one of the requested rights for the given application environment * * @deprecated use {@link AuthorizationUtil#checkAuthorizationForEnvironment(ISecuredResource, ISecuredResource, IResourceRoles...)} instead * * @param resource * @param expectedRoles */ @Deprecated public static void checkAuthorizationForEnvironment(ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { if (!hasAuthorizationForEnvironment(resource, expectedRoles)) { throw new AccessDeniedException("user <" + SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName() + "> has no authorization to perform the requested operation on this cloud."); } } /** * Check that the user has one of the requested rights for the given application environment * The APPLICATION_MANAGER and DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER are gods of the environment * * @param application * @param resource * @param expectedRoles */ public static void checkAuthorizationForEnvironment(ISecuredResource application, ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { if (!hasAuthorizationForEnvironment(application, resource, expectedRoles)) { throw new AccessDeniedException("user <" + SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName() + "> has no authorization to perform the requested operation on this environment."); } } public static boolean hasAuthorizationForApplication(ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { return hasAuthorization(getCurrentUser(), resource, ApplicationRole.APPLICATION_MANAGER, expectedRoles); } public static boolean hasAuthorizationForLocation(ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { return hasAuthorization(getCurrentUser(), resource, CloudRole.CLOUD_DEPLOYER, expectedRoles); } /** * @deprecated use {@link AuthorizationUtil#hasAuthorizationForEnvironment(ISecuredResource, ISecuredResource, IResourceRoles...)} instead * @param resource * @param expectedRoles * @return */ @Deprecated public static boolean hasAuthorizationForEnvironment(ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { return hasAuthorization(getCurrentUser(), resource, ApplicationEnvironmentRole.DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER, expectedRoles); } public static boolean hasAuthorizationForEnvironment(ISecuredResource application, ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { return hasAuthorizationForApplication(application) || hasAuthorization(getCurrentUser(), resource, ApplicationEnvironmentRole.DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER, expectedRoles); } /** * Check that the current user has the one of the requested role and throw an {@link AccessDeniedException} in case the user has none of the expected roles. * * @param expectedRoles The list of roles that are required for the user (must have one of them). */ public static void checkHasOneRoleIn(Role... expectedRoles) { final Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); if (auth != null) { checkHasOneRoleIn(auth, expectedRoles); } } /** * Check that the current user has the one of the requested role and throw an {@link AccessDeniedException} in case the user has none of the expected roles. * * @param auth authentication information * @param expectedRoles The list of roles that are required for the user (must have one of them). */ public static void checkHasOneRoleIn(Authentication auth, Role... expectedRoles) { if (hasOneRoleIn(auth, expectedRoles)) { return; } throw new AccessDeniedException("user <" + auth.getName() + "> has no authorization to perform the requested operation."); } /** * True when authorities contains at least one of the expectedRoles or Role.ADMIN * * @param expectedRoles The list of expected roles. * @return true if the user has the requested role or if user is ADMIN. */ public static boolean hasOneRoleIn(Role... expectedRoles) { final Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); return hasOneRoleIn(auth, expectedRoles); } /** * True when authorities contains at least one of the expectedRoles or Role.ADMIN * * @param auth authentication information * @param expectedRoles The list of expected roles. * @return true if the user has the requested role or if user is ADMIN. */ public static boolean hasOneRoleIn(Authentication auth, Role... expectedRoles) { if (auth.getAuthorities().contains(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(Role.ADMIN.toString()))) { return true; } for (GrantedAuthority authority : auth.getAuthorities()) { for (Role role : expectedRoles) { if (role.toString().equals(authority.getAuthority())) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Add a filter that check for authorizations on resources * Takes also in account the ALL_USER group */ public static FilterBuilder getResourceAuthorizationFilters() { final Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); if (auth.getAuthorities().contains(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(Role.ADMIN.toString()))) { return null; } FilterBuilder filterBuilder; User user = (User) auth.getPrincipal(); if (user.getGroups() != null && !user.getGroups().isEmpty()) { filterBuilder = FilterBuilders.boolFilter() .should(FilterBuilders.nestedFilter("userRoles", FilterBuilders.termFilter("userRoles.key", auth.getName()))) .should(FilterBuilders.nestedFilter("groupRoles", FilterBuilders.inFilter("groupRoles.key", user.getGroups().toArray()))); } else { filterBuilder = FilterBuilders.nestedFilter("userRoles", FilterBuilders.termFilter("userRoles.key", auth.getName())); } Group group = getAllUsersGroup(); if (group != null) { String groupId = group.getId(); // add ALL_USERS group as OR filter filterBuilder = FilterBuilders.orFilter(filterBuilder, FilterBuilders.nestedFilter("groupRoles", FilterBuilders.inFilter("groupRoles.key", groupId))); } return filterBuilder; } /** * Get current logged in user * * @return logged in user */ public static User getCurrentUser() { Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); if (auth != null && auth.getPrincipal() instanceof User) { return (User) auth.getPrincipal(); } return null; } /** * Return the role that the current user has over the given resource * * @param user the user to check for * @param resource the resource to check for * @return all roles on the resource if any, empty set otherwise */ public static Set<String> getRolesForResource(User user, ISecuredResource resource) { Set<String> allRoles = Sets.newHashSet(); if (resource.getUserRoles() != null) { Set<String> userRoles = resource.getUserRoles().get(user.getUsername()); if (userRoles != null && !userRoles.isEmpty()) { allRoles.addAll(userRoles); } } Set<String> groups = user.getGroups(); if (groups == null) { groups = Sets.newHashSet(); } Group allUserGroup = getAllUsersGroup(); if (allUserGroup != null) { groups.add(allUserGroup.getId()); } Map<String, Set<String>> groupRolesMap = resource.getGroupRoles(); if (groupRolesMap != null && !groupRolesMap.isEmpty()) { for (String group : groups) { Set<String> groupRoles = groupRolesMap.get(group); if (groupRoles == null || groupRoles.isEmpty()) { continue; } else { allRoles.addAll(groupRoles); } } } return allRoles; } /** * Return all the roles of an user (Alien 4 Cloud's roles) * * @param user * @return all user's A4C roles */ private static Set<String> getRoles(User user) { Set<String> allRoles = Sets.newHashSet(); String[] userRoles = user.getRoles(); Set<String> groupRoles = user.getGroupRoles(); if (userRoles != null && userRoles.length > 0) { allRoles.addAll(Sets.newHashSet(userRoles)); } if (groupRoles != null && !groupRoles.isEmpty()) { allRoles.addAll(groupRoles); } return allRoles; } private static boolean hasAtLeastOneRole(Set<String> actualRoles, IResourceRoles adminRole, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { if (actualRoles == null || actualRoles.isEmpty()) { return false; } // Check admin role => true when got adminRole if (adminRole != null && actualRoles.contains(adminRole.toString())) { return true; } for (IResourceRoles expectedRole : expectedRoles) { if (actualRoles.contains(expectedRole.toString())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if user is authorized * * @param user the user to check for * @param resource the resource to check for * @param resourceAdminRole the role which has the god/admin right on the resource * @param expectedRoles the role that the user is expected to have in order to have access to the resources * @throws if user is not authorized */ public static void checkAuthorization(User user, ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles resourceAdminRole, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { if (!hasAuthorization(user, resource, resourceAdminRole, expectedRoles)) { throw new AccessDeniedException("user <" + user.getUsername() + "> has no authorization to perform the requested operation on this cloud."); } } /** * Check if user is authorized * * @param user the user to check for * @param resource the resource to check for * @param resourceAdminRole the role which has the god/admin right on the resource * @param expectedRoles the role that the user is expected to have in order to have access to the resources * @return true if user has access, false otherwise */ public static boolean hasAuthorization(User user, ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles resourceAdminRole, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { if (resource == null) { // Trick for topology's template return true; } Set<String> alienRoles = getRoles(user); // With ADMIN role, all rights if (alienRoles.contains(Role.ADMIN.toString())) { return true; } Set<String> appRoles = getRolesForResource(user, resource); return hasAtLeastOneRole(appRoles, resourceAdminRole, expectedRoles); } /** * check if the current user is authorized * * @param resource the resource to check for * @param resourceAdminRole the role which has the god/admin right on the resource * @param expectedRoles the role that the user is expected to have in order to have access to the resources * @return true if user has access, false otherwise */ public static boolean hasAuthorization(ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles resourceAdminRole, IResourceRoles... expectedRoles) { return hasAuthorization(getCurrentUser(), resource, resourceAdminRole, expectedRoles); } /** * Recover the alien's default all user group * * @return */ private static Group getAllUsersGroup() { Group group = alienGroupDao.findByName(Constants.GROUP_NAME_ALL_USERS); if (group == null) { log.warn("Default all users group <{}> not found", Constants.GROUP_NAME_ALL_USERS); return null; } return group; } /** * Create an authentication token from an Alien user * * @param user the alien user * @param password the password * @return the authentication token */ public static UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken createAuthenticationToken(User user, String password) { Set<SimpleGrantedAuthority> authorities = user.getAuthorities(); Group allUserGroup = getAllUsersGroup(); if (allUserGroup != null) { Set<String> allUserGroupRoles = allUserGroup.getRoles(); if (allUserGroupRoles != null) { Set<SimpleGrantedAuthority> mergedAuthorities; if (authorities != null) { mergedAuthorities = Sets.newHashSet(authorities); } else { mergedAuthorities = Sets.newHashSet(); } for (String allUserGroupRole : allUserGroupRoles) { mergedAuthorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(allUserGroupRole)); } return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, password, mergedAuthorities); } } return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, password, authorities); } /** * Check if a group has only one specific role on a resource * * @param groupId * @param resource * @param role * @return true when the role is found and it is unique */ public static boolean hasUniqueGroupRoleOnResource(String groupId, ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles role) { Map<String, Set<String>> allResourceGroupRoles = resource.getGroupRoles(); Set<String> groupRoles = allResourceGroupRoles.get(groupId); return groupRoles.size() == 1 && groupRoles.contains(role.toString()); } /** * Check if a user has only a specific role on a resource * * @param user * @param resource * @param role * @return true when the role is found and it is unique */ public static boolean hasUniqueUserRoleOnResource(User user, ISecuredResource resource, IResourceRoles role) { Map<String, Set<String>> allResourceUserRoles = resource.getUserRoles(); Set<String> userRoles = allResourceUserRoles.get(user.getUsername()); return userRoles.size() == 1 && userRoles.contains(role.toString()); } /** * Utility method to configure the application endpoint whatever security implementation is defined. * * @param httpSecurity The http security object to configure. * @throws Exception see httpSecurity.authorizeRequests() */ public static void configure(HttpSecurity httpSecurity, LogoutSuccessHandler successLogoutHandler) throws Exception { // authorizations httpSecurity.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/*").permitAll(); httpSecurity.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/static/tosca/**").hasAnyAuthority("ADMIN", "COMPONENTS_MANAGER", "COMPONENTS_BROWSER"); httpSecurity.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/rest/admin/**").hasAuthority("ADMIN"); // FIXME Secure the editor data // httpSecurity.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/static/editor/**").access("hasPermission(#contact, 'admin')"); // previous api version support httpSecurity.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/rest/alienEndPoint/**").authenticated(); httpSecurity.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/rest/audit/**").hasAuthority("ADMIN"); // current api version support httpSecurity.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/rest/v1/alienEndPoint/**").authenticated(); httpSecurity.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/rest/v1/audit/**").hasAuthority("ADMIN"); // login httpSecurity.formLogin().defaultSuccessUrl("/rest/auth/status").failureUrl("/rest/auth/authenticationfailed").loginProcessingUrl("/login") .usernameParameter("username").passwordParameter("password").permitAll(); if (successLogoutHandler == null) { httpSecurity.logout().logoutSuccessUrl("/").deleteCookies("JSESSIONID"); } else { httpSecurity.getConfigurer(LogoutConfigurer.class).logoutSuccessHandler(successLogoutHandler); } // handle non authenticated request httpSecurity.exceptionHandling().accessDeniedHandler(accessDeniedHandler); httpSecurity.exceptionHandling().authenticationEntryPoint(new FailureAuthenticationEntryPoint()); httpSecurity.csrf().disable(); } }