package alien4cloud.git; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.*; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.NoHeadException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.RepositoryNotFoundException; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RepositoryState; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.StoredConfig; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.*; import; import alien4cloud.exception.GitConflictException; import alien4cloud.exception.GitException; import alien4cloud.exception.GitMergingStateException; import alien4cloud.exception.GitStateException; import alien4cloud.utils.FileUtil; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * Utility to manage git repositories. */ @Slf4j public class RepositoryManager { private static final String REMOTE_ALIEN_CONFLICTS_PREFIX_BRANCH_NAME = "alien-conflicts-"; /** * Close a repository. * * @param repository The repository to close. */ public static void close(Git repository) { if (repository != null) { repository.close(); } } /** * Check if a given directory is a git repository. * * @param targetDirectory The directory to check. * @return true if the directory is a git repository, false if not. */ public static boolean isGitRepository(Path targetDirectory) { Git repository = null; try { repository =; return true; } catch (IOException e) { return false; } finally { close(repository); } } /** * Create a git repository that includes an optional readme file. * * @param targetDirectory The path of the repository to create. * @param readmeContentIfEmpty */ public static void create(Path targetDirectory, String readmeContentIfEmpty) { Git repository = null; try { repository = Git.init().setDirectory(targetDirectory.toFile()).call(); if (readmeContentIfEmpty != null) { Path readmePath = targetDirectory.resolve("readme.txt"); File file = readmePath.toFile(); file.createNewFile(); try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(readmePath)) { writer.write(readmeContentIfEmpty); } } } catch (GitAPIException | IOException e) { throw new GitException("Error while creating git repository", e); } finally { close(repository); } } /** * Commit all changes in the given repository. * * @param targetDirectory The target directory. */ public static void commitAll(Path targetDirectory, String userName, String userEmail, String commitMessage) { Git repository = null; try { repository =; repository.add().addFilepattern(".").call(); repository.commit().setCommitter(userName, userEmail).setMessage(commitMessage).call(); } catch (GitAPIException | IOException e) { throw new GitException("Unable to commit to the git repository", e); } finally { close(repository); } } /** * Clone or checkout a git repository in a local directory relative to the given targetDirectory. * * @param targetDirectory The root directory that will contains the localDirectory in which to checkout the archives. * @param repositoryUrl The url of the repository to checkout or clone. * @param branch The branch to checkout or clone. * @param localDirectory The path, relative to targetDirectory, in which to checkout or clone the git directory. */ public static void cloneOrCheckout(Path targetDirectory, String repositoryUrl, String branch, String localDirectory) { Git repository = null; try { repository = cloneOrCheckout(targetDirectory, repositoryUrl, null, null, branch, localDirectory); } finally { close(repository); } } /** * @param targetDirectory The root directory that will contains the localDirectory in which to checkout the archives. * @param repositoryUrl The url of the repository to checkout or clone. * @param username The username to use for the repository connection. * @param password The password to use for the repository connection. * @param branch The branch to checkout or clone. * @param localDirectory The path, relative to targetDirectory, in which to checkout or clone the git directory. */ public static Git cloneOrCheckout(Path targetDirectory, String repositoryUrl, String username, String password, String branch, String localDirectory) { try { Files.createDirectories(targetDirectory); Path targetPath = targetDirectory.resolve(localDirectory); Git repository; if (Files.exists(targetPath)) { try { repository =; fetch(repository, username, password); checkoutRepository(repository, branch); } catch (RepositoryNotFoundException e) { // TODO delete the folder FileUtil.delete(targetPath); repository = cloneRepository(repositoryUrl, username, password, branch, targetPath); } } else { Files.createDirectories(targetPath); repository = cloneRepository(repositoryUrl, username, password, branch, targetPath); } return repository; } catch (IOException e) { throw new GitException("Error while creating target directory", e); } } /** * Check if a given branchId is a tag * * @param repository the Git repository * @param branch the branchId * @return <code>true</code> if the branchId refer to a tag, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public static boolean isATag(Git repository, String branch) { String fullBranchReference = getFullReference(repository, branch); String[] segments = fullBranchReference.split("/"); if (segments.length > 2 && branch.equals(segments[segments.length - 1]) && "tags".equals(segments[segments.length - 2])) { return true; } return false; } private static String addPrefixOnTag(Git repository, String branch) { if (isATag(repository, branch)) { return "tags/" + branch; } return branch; } private static boolean branchExistsLocally(Git git, String branch) throws GitAPIException { return git.branchList().call().stream().anyMatch(ref -> ref.getName().replace("refs/heads/", "").equals(branch)); } private static String getFullReference(Git repository, String branch) { Map<String, Ref> refs = repository.getRepository().getAllRefs(); for (String refId : refs.keySet()) { String[] segments = refId.split("/"); if (segments.length > 1 && branch.equals(segments[segments.length - 1])) { return refId; } } return branch; } private static void checkoutRepository(Git repository, String branch) { try { String fullBranchReference = addPrefixOnTag(repository, branch); CheckoutCommand checkoutCommand = repository.checkout(); checkoutCommand.setName(fullBranchReference); if (!branchExistsLocally(repository, fullBranchReference)) { checkoutCommand.setCreateBranch(true).setStartPoint(getFullReference(repository, branch)); }; } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("Failed to checkout git repository", e); } } private static Git cloneRepository(String url, String username, String password, String branch, Path targetPath) throws IOException { log.debug("Cloning from [{}] branch [{}] to [{}]", url, branch, targetPath.toString()); Git result; try { CloneCommand cloneCommand = Git.cloneRepository().setURI(url).setBranch(branch).setDirectory(targetPath.toFile()); setCredentials(cloneCommand, username, password); result =; log.debug("Cloned repository to [{}]: ", result.getRepository().getDirectory()); return result; } catch (GitAPIException e) { // if the import fails then we should try to remove the created directory FileUtil.delete(targetPath); throw new GitException("Failed to clone git repository", e); } } /** * Trigger a Pull Request on an existing repository. * * @param repository The git repository to pull. * @param username The username to use for the repository connection. * @param password The password to use for the repository connection. * @return True if the pull request has updated the data, false if the repository was already up to date. */ public static boolean pull(Git repository, String username, String password) { try { PullCommand pullCommand = repository.pull(); setCredentials(pullCommand, username, password); PullResult result =; MergeResult mergeResult = result.getMergeResult(); if (mergeResult != null && MergeResult.MergeStatus.ALREADY_UP_TO_DATE == mergeResult.getMergeStatus()) { return false; // nothing has changed } return true; } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("Failed to pull git repository", e); } } /** * Get the hash of the last commit on the current branch of the given repository. * * @param git The repository from which to get the last commit hash. * @return The hash of the last commit. */ public static String getLastHash(Git git) { try { Iterator<RevCommit> revCommitIterator = git.log().setMaxCount(1).call().iterator(); if (revCommitIterator.hasNext()) { return; } } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("Failed to log git repository", e); } return null; } private static void setCredentials(TransportCommand<?, ?> command, String username, String password) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username)) { if (password == null) { // If an user accessing a GitHub repository through HTTPS with an OAuth access token password = ""; } command.setCredentialsProvider(new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider(username, password)); } } /** * Return a simplified git commit history list. * * @param repositoryDirectory The directory in which the git repo exists. * @param from Start to query from the given history. * @param count The number of history entries to retrieve. * @return A list of simplified history entries. */ public static List<SimpleGitHistoryEntry> getHistory(Path repositoryDirectory, int from, int count) { Git repository = null; try { repository =; Iterable<RevCommit> commits = repository.log().setSkip(from).setMaxCount(count).call(); List<SimpleGitHistoryEntry> historyEntries = Lists.newArrayList(); for (RevCommit commit : commits) { historyEntries.add(new SimpleGitHistoryEntry(commit.getId().getName(), commit.getAuthorIdent().getName(), commit.getAuthorIdent().getEmailAddress(), commit.getFullMessage(), new Date(commit.getCommitTime() * 1000L))); } return historyEntries; } catch (NoHeadException e) { log.debug("Your repository has no head, you need to save your topology before using the git history."); return Lists.newArrayList(); } catch (GitAPIException | IOException e) { throw new GitException("Unable to get history from the git repository", e); } finally { close(repository); } } /** * Set a remote repository path. * * @param repositoryDirectory The directory in which the git repo exists. * @param remoteName The name of the remote (i.e. 'origin') * @param remoteUrl The url of the repository. */ public static void setRemote(Path repositoryDirectory, String remoteName, String remoteUrl) { Git git = null; try { git =; StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig(); config.unsetSection("remote", remoteName); RemoteConfig remoteConfig = new RemoteConfig(config, remoteName); remoteConfig.addURI(new URIish(remoteUrl)); remoteConfig.addFetchRefSpec(new RefSpec("+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/" + remoteName + "/*")); remoteConfig.update(config);; } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException e) { throw new GitException("Unable to set the remote repository", e); } finally { close(git); } } /** * Get the URL of the git remote. * * @param repositoryDirectory The directory in which the git repo exists. * @param remoteName The name of the remote * @return The url of the git remote. */ public static String getRemoteUrl(Path repositoryDirectory, String remoteName) { Git git = null; try { git =; return git.getRepository().getConfig().getString("remote", remoteName, "url"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GitException("Unable to open the git repository", e); } finally { close(git); } } /** * Git push to a remote. * * @param repositoryDirectory The directory in which the git repo exists. * @param username The username to use for the repository connection. * @param password The password to use for the repository connection. * @return Returns <code>true</code> pushed, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public static boolean push(Path repositoryDirectory, String username, String password) { return push(repositoryDirectory, username, password, null); } /** * Git push to a remote. * * @param repositoryDirectory The directory in which the git repo exists. * @param username The username to use for the repository connection. * @param password The password to use for the repository connection. * @return <code>true</code> pushed, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public static boolean push(Path repositoryDirectory, String username, String password, String remoteBranch) { Git git = null; try { git =; checkRepositoryState(git.getRepository().getRepositoryState(), "Git push operation failed."); Repository repository = git.getRepository(); // If no given remoteBranch, use the default one (i.e. master). String targetRemoteBranch = remoteBranch == null ? repository.getBranch() : remoteBranch; boolean isPushed = push(git, username, password, repository.getBranch(), targetRemoteBranch); if (!isPushed) { // If not pushed, then we have a conflict. // Push the current commit into a new alien branch. // Then rebranch to the current branch. String remoteName = repository.getRemoteNames().iterator().next(); // Only handle one remote (default: 'origin') log.debug(String.format("Couldn't push git repository=%s to remote=%s on the branch=%s", git.getRepository().getDirectory(), remoteName, repository.getBranch())); fetch(git, username, password); String conflictBranchName = generateConflictBranchName(repository, remoteName); isPushed = push(git, username, password, repository.getBranch(), conflictBranchName); if (isPushed) { log.debug(String.format("Pushed git repository=%s on branch=%s", git.getRepository().getDirectory(), conflictBranchName)); rebranch(git, repository.getBranch(), targetRemoteBranch); } throw new GitConflictException(remoteName, repository.getBranch(), conflictBranchName); } else { log.debug(String.format("Pushed git repository=%s on branch=%s", git.getRepository().getDirectory(), targetRemoteBranch)); } return isPushed; } catch (IOException e) { throw new GitException("Unable to open the remote repository", e); } finally { close(git); } } /** * Generate the conflict branch name to push to. */ private static String generateConflictBranchName(Repository repository, String remoteName) { Map<String, Ref> allRefs = repository.getAllRefs(); String remoteAlienRefSpecPrefixName = String.format("refs/remotes/%s/%s", remoteName, REMOTE_ALIEN_CONFLICTS_PREFIX_BRANCH_NAME); long count = allRefs.keySet().stream().filter(key -> key.startsWith(remoteAlienRefSpecPrefixName)).count(); return String.format("%s%d-%d", REMOTE_ALIEN_CONFLICTS_PREFIX_BRANCH_NAME, new Date().getTime(), count + 1); } /** * Rebranch the local and remote branch. * * @param git The git repository. * @param localBranch The name of the local branch. * @param remoteBranch The name of the remote branch. */ public static void rebranch(Git git, String localBranch, String remoteBranch) { String tmpBranchName = "a4c-switch"; try { log.debug(String.format("Prepare git repository=%s to re-branch=%s on remote branch=%s", git.getRepository().getDirectory(), localBranch, remoteBranch)); CheckoutCommand checkoutCommand = git.checkout(); checkoutCommand.setStartPoint("origin/" + remoteBranch); checkoutCommand.setName(tmpBranchName); checkoutCommand.setCreateBranch(true);; log.debug(String.format("Delete branch=%s from git repository=%s", localBranch, git.getRepository().getDirectory())); DeleteBranchCommand deleteBranchCommand = git.branchDelete(); deleteBranchCommand.setBranchNames(localBranch); deleteBranchCommand.setForce(true);; log.debug(String.format("Finalize git re-branch=%s for repository=%s", localBranch, git.getRepository().getDirectory())); RenameBranchCommand renameBranchCommand = git.branchRename(); renameBranchCommand.setOldName(tmpBranchName); renameBranchCommand.setNewName(localBranch);; } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("Couldn't rebranch to origin common branch", e); } } /** * Git push to a remote. * * @param git The git repository. * @param username The username to use for the repository connection. * @param password The password to use for the repository connection. * @param localBranch The name of the local branch to push. * @param remoteBranch The name of the remote branch to push to. * @return <code>true</code> pushed, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public static boolean push(Git git, String username, String password, String localBranch, String remoteBranch) { try { if (git.getRepository().getRemoteNames().isEmpty()) { throw new GitException("No remote found for the repository"); } PushCommand pushCommand = git.push(); setCredentials(pushCommand, username, password); RefSpec refSpec = new RefSpec(String.format("refs/heads/%s:refs/heads/%s", localBranch, remoteBranch)); pushCommand.setRefSpecs(refSpec); Iterable<PushResult> call =; return isPushed(call); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException(String.format("Error when trying to git push: %s", e.getMessage()), e); } } /** * Inspect the push returns to know if the push command has succeeded. * * @param call The push results object. * @return Returns <code>true</code> pushed, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private static boolean isPushed(Iterable<PushResult> call) { for (PushResult pr : call) { Optional<RemoteRefUpdate> any = pr.getRemoteUpdates().stream() .filter(ru -> !(RemoteRefUpdate.Status.OK.equals(ru.getStatus()) || RemoteRefUpdate.Status.UP_TO_DATE.equals(ru.getStatus()))).findAny(); if (any.isPresent()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Fetch a git repository. * * @param git The git repository. * @param username The username to use for the repository connection. * @param password The password to use for the repository connection. */ public static void fetch(Git git, String username, String password) { try { FetchCommand fetchCommand = git.fetch(); setCredentials(fetchCommand, username, password); FetchResult fetchResult =; log.debug(String.format("Fetched git repository=%s messages=%s", git.getRepository().getDirectory(), fetchResult.getMessages())); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("Unable to fetch git repository", e); } } /** * Pull modifications from the default branch a git repository. * * @param repositoryDirectory The directory in which the git repo exists. * @param username The username for the git repository connection, null if none. * @param password The password for the git repository connection, null if none. */ public static void pull(Path repositoryDirectory, String username, String password) { pull(repositoryDirectory, username, password, null); } /** * Pull modifications a git repository. * * @param repositoryDirectory The directory in which the git repo exists. * @param username The username for the git repository connection, null if none. * @param password The password for the git repository connection, null if none. * @param remoteBranch The name of the remote branch to pull from. */ public static void pull(Path repositoryDirectory, String username, String password, String remoteBranch) { Git git = null; try { git =".git").toFile()); if (git.getRepository().getRemoteNames().isEmpty()) { throw new GitException("No remote found for the repository"); } checkRepositoryState(git.getRepository().getRepositoryState(), "Git pull operation failed"); PullCommand pullCommand = git.pull(); setCredentials(pullCommand, username, password); pullCommand.setRemoteBranchName(remoteBranch); PullResult call =; if (call.getMergeResult() != null && call.getMergeResult().getConflicts() != null && !call.getMergeResult().getConflicts().isEmpty()) { throw new GitConflictException(git.getRepository().getBranch()); } log.debug(String.format("Successfully pulled from %s", call.getFetchedFrom())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GitException("Unable to open the git repository", e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("Unable to pull the git repository", e); } finally { close(git); } } /** * Clean the current modifications of the repository * * @param repositoryDirectory */ public static void clean(Path repositoryDirectory) { Git repository = null; try { repository =".git").toFile()); CleanCommand cleanCommand = repository.clean(); cleanCommand.setIgnore(true);; } catch (IOException e) { throw new GitException("Unable to open the git repository", e); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException("Unable to clean the git repository", e); } finally { close(repository); } } /** * Check the given state of a git repository. * This method throws exceptions if the state is not SAFE. * * @param repositoryState The state of the repository. * @param errorMessage A message error. */ private static void checkRepositoryState(RepositoryState repositoryState, String errorMessage) { switch (repositoryState) { case SAFE: return; case MERGING: throw new GitMergingStateException(errorMessage); default: throw new GitStateException(errorMessage, repositoryState.toString()); } } }