package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Lists; import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Maps; import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Sets; import alien4cloud.paas.plan.ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This rule will check that for a given node, the 'set state' operations are done in the * right order regarding the type of workflow. * <p> * For example, if the right sequence is known as 'create' -> 'configure' -> 'start', this means that for a given node, these 3 operations can not appear in * another order : * <ul> * <li>'create' -> 'configure' -> 'start' : valid * <li>'create' -> 'start' : valid * <li>'configure' : valid * <li>'create' -> 'start' -> 'configure' : invalid * </ul> * They must also be on the same branch (they can not be parallelized). * <p> * Actually the rule is: for each node, all set state steps must be <b>at least on a same path</b> and they should be in the <b>correct order</b> on this path. * <p> * To achieve such check, for each node we: * <ul> * <li>list the state step states and the paths they are found on (a step can be on several paths). * <li>get the intersection of all these path : this way we should have at least 1 path containing all steps. * <li>check the order on these paths. * </ul> * <p> * Maybe a more efficient algo can be found (1 pass ?) ... Feel free to have fun ! */ @Slf4j public class StateSequenceValidation implements Rule { private static final Map<String, Integer> INSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE; private static final Map<String, Integer> UNINSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE; static { INSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); INSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE.put(ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants.INITIAL, 0); INSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE.put(ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants.CREATING, 1); INSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE.put(ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants.CREATED, 2); INSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE.put(ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants.CONFIGURING, 3); INSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE.put(ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants.CONFIGURED, 4); INSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE.put(ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants.STARTING, 5); INSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE.put(ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants.STARTED, 6); UNINSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); UNINSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE.put(ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants.STOPPING, 0); UNINSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE.put(ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants.STOPPED, 1); UNINSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE.put(ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants.DELETING, 2); UNINSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE.put(ToscaNodeLifecycleConstants.DELETED, 3); } @Override public List<AbstractWorkflowError> validate(TopologyContext topologyContext, Workflow workflow) throws WorkflowException { // the state sequence to use Map<String, Integer> stateSequence = getStateSequence(workflow); if (stateSequence == null) { // this rule only apply on std wfs and // needs a state sequence to run return null; } if (workflow.getSteps() == null || workflow.getSteps().isEmpty()) { return null; } List<AbstractWorkflowError> errors = Lists.newArrayList(); List<Path> paths = WorkflowGraphUtils.getWorkflowGraphPaths(workflow); Map<String, Map<NodeActivityStep, Set<Path>>> pathsPerNodePerStepMap = getPathsPerNodePerStepMap(paths); Map<String, Set<Path>> pathsPerNodeMap = getPathsPerNodeIntersectionMap(pathsPerNodePerStepMap); // now we have to ensure that for the remaining paths, the order is correct between steps for (Entry<String, Set<Path>> pathSetEntry : pathsPerNodeMap.entrySet()) { String nodeId = pathSetEntry.getKey(); if (pathSetEntry.getValue().isEmpty()) { // the intersection is empty : this means that step are in parallel // TODO: which one ? errors.add(new ParallelSetStatesError(nodeId)); } for (Path path : pathSetEntry.getValue()) { ensureOrderIsCorrect(nodeId, path, stateSequence, errors); } } return errors; } private void ensureOrderIsCorrect(String nodeId, Path path, Map<String, Integer> stateSequence, List<AbstractWorkflowError> errors) { Iterator<AbstractStep> steps = path.iterator(); NodeActivityStep lastDetectedStep = null; while (steps.hasNext()) { AbstractStep step =; if (step instanceof NodeActivityStep && ((NodeActivityStep) step).getNodeId().equals(nodeId) && ((NodeActivityStep) step).getActivity() instanceof SetStateActivity) { String stateName = ((SetStateActivity)((NodeActivityStep) step).getActivity()).getStateName(); Integer stateIdx = stateSequence.get(stateName); if (stateIdx == null) { // if the state is null, it can be a custom state, we don't care about it continue; } if (lastDetectedStep == null) { lastDetectedStep = (NodeActivityStep) step; } else { String lastDetectedState = ((SetStateActivity) ((NodeActivityStep) lastDetectedStep).getActivity()).getStateName(); Integer lastDetectedStateIdx = stateSequence.get(lastDetectedState); Integer currentDetectedStateIdx = stateSequence.get(stateName); if (lastDetectedStateIdx.compareTo(currentDetectedStateIdx) > 0) { errors.add(new BadStateSequenceError(lastDetectedStep.getName(), step.getName())); // throw new BadStateOrderException(String.format("Issue in the state sequence for node '%s': '%s' can not be set after the state '%s'", // nodeId, stateName, // lastDetectedState)); } else { lastDetectedStep = (NodeActivityStep) step; } } } } } /** * Per node, just keep the intersection between all the {@link Path} sets. */ private Map<String, Set<Path>> getPathsPerNodeIntersectionMap(Map<String, Map<NodeActivityStep, Set<Path>>> pathsPerNodePerStepMap) { Map<String, Set<Path>> pathsPerNodeIntersectionMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Entry<String, Map<NodeActivityStep, Set<Path>>> entry : pathsPerNodePerStepMap.entrySet()) { String nodeId = entry.getKey(); Map<NodeActivityStep, Set<Path>> pathsPerStep = entry.getValue(); Iterator<Set<Path>> paths = pathsPerStep.values().iterator(); if (pathsPerStep.size() == 1) { pathsPerNodeIntersectionMap.put(nodeId,; paths.remove(); } else { Set<Path> lastPaths =; paths.remove(); while (paths.hasNext()) { Set<Path> intersection = Sets.intersection(lastPaths,; paths.remove(); lastPaths = intersection; } pathsPerNodeIntersectionMap.put(nodeId, lastPaths); } } return pathsPerNodeIntersectionMap; } /** * For each node / step, constitute a set containing all the paths in which this node has steps of type 'set state'. * * @return a map using nodeId as key and the list of concerned {@link Path}s as value. */ private Map<String, Map<NodeActivityStep, Set<Path>>> getPathsPerNodePerStepMap(List<Path> paths) { Map<String, Map<NodeActivityStep, Set<Path>>> pathsPerNodePerStepMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Path path : paths) { Iterator<AbstractStep> steps = path.iterator(); while (steps.hasNext()) { AbstractStep step =; if (step instanceof NodeActivityStep && ((NodeActivityStep) step).getActivity() instanceof SetStateActivity) { NodeActivityStep nodeActivityStep = (NodeActivityStep) step; String node = nodeActivityStep.getNodeId(); Map<NodeActivityStep, Set<Path>> pathsPerStepMap = pathsPerNodePerStepMap.get(node); if (pathsPerStepMap == null) { pathsPerStepMap = Maps.newHashMap(); pathsPerNodePerStepMap.put(node, pathsPerStepMap); } Set<Path> pathsPerStep = pathsPerStepMap.get(nodeActivityStep); if (pathsPerStep == null) { pathsPerStep = Sets.newHashSet(); pathsPerStepMap.put(nodeActivityStep, pathsPerStep); } pathsPerStep.add(path); } } } return pathsPerNodePerStepMap; } private Map<String, Integer> getStateSequence(Workflow workflow) { if (!workflow.isStandard()) { return null; } else if (workflow.getName().equals(Workflow.INSTALL_WF)) { return INSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE; } else if (workflow.getName().equals(Workflow.UNINSTALL_WF)) { return UNINSTALL_STATES_SEQUENCE; } else { return null; } } }