package alien4cloud.ui.form; import alien4cloud.tosca.normative.ToscaType; import alien4cloud.ui.form.annotation.FormPropertyConstraint; import alien4cloud.ui.form.annotation.FormPropertyDefinition; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; @Getter @Setter public class FormToscaTypeExampleObject { @FormPropertyDefinition( type = ToscaType.VERSION, description = "Version of the component", constraints = @FormPropertyConstraint( greaterThan = "1.6" )) private String versionField; @FormPropertyDefinition( type = ToscaType.INTEGER, description = "Integer of the component", constraints = @FormPropertyConstraint( validValues = { "1", "2", "3", "4" } )) private int intField; @FormPropertyDefinition( type = ToscaType.STRING, description = "String of the component", constraints = @FormPropertyConstraint( pattern = "\\d+" )) private String stringField; @FormPropertyDefinition( type = ToscaType.FLOAT, description = "All constraint of the component", constraints = @FormPropertyConstraint( equal = "5", greaterOrEqual = "6", greaterThan = "7", inRange = "[23,25]", length = 7, lessOrEqual = "7", lessThan = "3", maxLength = 9, minLength = 4, pattern = "\\d+", validValues = { "4", "5", "6", "7" } )) private int allConstraintsField; }