package; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import alien4cloud.dao.IGenericSearchDAO; import alien4cloud.dao.model.GetMultipleDataResult; import alien4cloud.exception.AlreadyExistException; import alien4cloud.exception.InvalidArgumentException; import alien4cloud.exception.NotFoundException; import alien4cloud.model.git.CsarGitCheckoutLocation; import alien4cloud.model.git.CsarGitRepository; import alien4cloud.utils.UrlUtil; /** * Manages operations on a CsarGitRepository */ @Service public class CsarGitRepositoryService { private static final String URL_FIELD = "repositoryUrl"; @Resource(name = "alien-es-dao") private IGenericSearchDAO alienDAO; /** * Create a CsarGitRepository in the system to store its informations * * @param repositoryUrl The unique Git url of the CsarGitRepository * @param username The username of the user * @param password The password of the user * @param importLocations Locations where Csar's files are store * @param isStoredLocally The state of the the CsarGitRepository * @return The auto-generated id of the CsarGitRepository object */ public String create(String repositoryUrl, String username, String password, List<CsarGitCheckoutLocation> importLocations, boolean isStoredLocally) { validatesRepositoryUrl(repositoryUrl, null); if (importLocations.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Import locations cannot be empty."); } // create it CsarGitRepository csarGit = new CsarGitRepository(); csarGit.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); csarGit.setRepositoryUrl(repositoryUrl); csarGit.setUsername(username); csarGit.setPassword(password); csarGit.setImportLocations(importLocations); csarGit.setStoredLocally(isStoredLocally);; return csarGit.getId(); } private void validatesRepositoryUrl(String repositoryUrl, String id) { // check if the repository url has a valid format if (!UrlUtil.isValid(repositoryUrl)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Repository url <" + repositoryUrl + "> is not a valid url."); } // and that the repository doesn't already exists CsarGitRepository existingCsarGitRepository = alienDAO.customFind(CsarGitRepository.class, QueryBuilders.termQuery(URL_FIELD, repositoryUrl)); if (existingCsarGitRepository == null) { return; } else if (id == null || !id.equals(existingCsarGitRepository.getId())) { throw new AlreadyExistException("A repository with url <" + repositoryUrl + "> already exists in alien 4 cloud."); } } /** * Get the csar git repository matching the given id or throw a NotFoundException * * @param id Id of the csar git repository that we want to get. * @return An instance of the csar git repository. */ public CsarGitRepository getOrFail(String id) { CsarGitRepository csarGitRepository = alienDAO.findById(CsarGitRepository.class, id); if (csarGitRepository == null) { throw new NotFoundException("CSAR Git repository [" + id + "] doesn't exists."); } return csarGitRepository; } /** * Get multiple csar git repositories. * * @param query The query to apply to filter csar git repositories. * @param from The start index of the query. * @param size The maximum number of elements to return. * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} that contains CsarGitRepository objects. */ public GetMultipleDataResult<CsarGitRepository> search(String query, int from, int size) { return, query, null, from, size); } /** * Update informations for a given CsarGitRepository. * * @param id The id of the CsarGitRepository to update. * @param repositoryUrl The new url of the CsarGitRepository * @param username The username associated to the CsarGitRepository * @param password The password associated to the CsarGitRepository * @param importLocations * @param isStoredLocally */ public void update(String id, String repositoryUrl, String username, String password, List<CsarGitCheckoutLocation> importLocations, boolean isStoredLocally) { validatesRepositoryUrl(repositoryUrl, id); CsarGitRepository repositoryToUpdate = getOrFail(id); repositoryToUpdate.setRepositoryUrl(repositoryUrl); if (username != null) { repositoryToUpdate.setUsername(username); } if (password != null) { repositoryToUpdate.setPassword(password); } repositoryToUpdate.setStoredLocally(isStoredLocally); // just merge the existing location hash into new list so that we don't loose this information for (CsarGitCheckoutLocation location : importLocations) { CsarGitCheckoutLocation existingLocation = findLocationIn(location, repositoryToUpdate.getImportLocations()); if (existingLocation != null) { location.setLastImportedHash(existingLocation.getLastImportedHash()); } } repositoryToUpdate.setImportLocations(importLocations);; } private CsarGitCheckoutLocation findLocationIn(CsarGitCheckoutLocation location, List<CsarGitCheckoutLocation> importLocations) { for (CsarGitCheckoutLocation givenLocation : importLocations) { if (givenLocation.getBranchId().equals(location.getBranchId()) && ((Strings.isNullOrEmpty(givenLocation.getSubPath()) && Strings.isNullOrEmpty(location.getSubPath())) || (!Strings .isNullOrEmpty(givenLocation.getSubPath()) && givenLocation.getSubPath().equals(location.getSubPath())))) { return givenLocation; } } return null; } }