package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.catalog.index.CsarService; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.EditionContextManager; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.EditorService; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.operations.AbstractEditorOperation; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.operations.RecoverTopologyOperation; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.operations.nodetemplate.DeleteNodeOperation; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.operations.nodetemplate.RebuildNodeOperation; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.operations.relationshiptemplate.DeleteRelationshipOperation; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.editor.operations.relationshiptemplate.RebuildRelationshipOperation; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.CSARDependency; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.Csar; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.CapabilityDefinition; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.RequirementDefinition; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.NodeTemplate; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.RelationshipTemplate; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.Topology; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.types.AbstractToscaType; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.types.NodeType; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.types.RelationshipType; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import; import alien4cloud.exception.NotFoundException; import alien4cloud.tosca.context.ToscaContext; import alien4cloud.tosca.context.ToscaContextual; import alien4cloud.utils.AlienUtils; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * Helper service for editor context that allows to get recovery operations based on a given topology. */ @Slf4j @Service public class EditorTopologyRecoveryHelperService { @Inject private CsarService csarService; @Inject private EditorService editorService; /** * analyse a given topology and build a {@link RecoverTopologyOperation} to apply to the topology to make it synch * with the dependencies present in the repository * * @param topology * @return a {@link RecoverTopologyOperation} */ @ToscaContextual(requiresNew = true) public RecoverTopologyOperation buildRecoveryOperation(Topology topology) { RecoverTopologyOperation operation = new RecoverTopologyOperation(); buildRecoveryOperation(topology, operation); return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(operation.getUpdatedDependencies()) ? operation : null; } /** * analyse a given topology and fill in a {@link RecoverTopologyOperation} to apply to the topology to make it synch * with the dependencies present in the repository * * @param topology * @param operation */ @ToscaContextual(requiresNew = true) public void buildRecoveryOperation(Topology topology, RecoverTopologyOperation operation) { Set<CSARDependency> updatedDependencies = getUpdatedDependencies(topology); operation.setUpdatedDependencies(updatedDependencies); operation.setRecoveringOperations(buildRecoveryOperations(topology, updatedDependencies)); if (EditionContextManager.get().getOperations() != null && EditionContextManager.get().getLastOperationIndex() > -1) { operation.setLastOperationId(EditionContextManager.get().getOperations().get(EditionContextManager.get().getLastOperationIndex()).getId()); } else { operation.setLastOperationId("null"); } } /** * Given a set of dependencies, analyse a given topology and build a list of {@link AbstractEditorOperation} to apply to the topology to make it synch * with the dependencies present in the repository * * @param topology The topology we want to recover * @param updatedDependencies The updated dependencies within the topology * @return a list of {@link AbstractEditorOperation} representing the operations to perform on the topology for recovery */ public List<AbstractEditorOperation> buildRecoveryOperations(Topology topology, Set<CSARDependency> updatedDependencies) { List<AbstractEditorOperation> recoveryOperations = Lists.newArrayList(); if (!topology.isEmpty()) { for (CSARDependency updatedDependency : { buildNodesRecoveryOperations(topology, updatedDependency, recoveryOperations); buildRelationshipsRecoveryOperations(topology, updatedDependency, recoveryOperations); } } return recoveryOperations; } /** * * Analyse the relationships and build recovery operations * * @param topology The topology to recover * @param updatedDependency The updated dependencies within the topology * @param recoveryOperations The list into which to add the recovery operations */ private void buildRelationshipsRecoveryOperations(Topology topology, CSARDependency updatedDependency, List<AbstractEditorOperation> recoveryOperations) { Set<String> deletedNodes = getDeletedNodes(recoveryOperations); for (NodeTemplate nodeTemplate : topology.getNodeTemplates().values()) { // skip, because the relationships will be deleted with the node if (deletedNodes.contains(nodeTemplate.getName())) { continue; } for (RelationshipTemplate relationshipTemplate : { // skip, because the relationships will be deleted with the target node if (deletedNodes.contains(relationshipTemplate.getTarget())) { continue; } RelationshipType relationshipType = ToscaContext.get(RelationshipType.class, relationshipTemplate.getType()); // this means the type has been deleted. then we should delete the template from the topology if (relationshipType == null) { addDeleteRelationshipOperation(nodeTemplate, relationshipTemplate, recoveryOperations); continue; } // check if the type is from the current archive. if so then we should rebuild the relationship template if (isFrom(relationshipType, updatedDependency)) { try { // check if the relationship is still valid, ie the related requirement and capability still exist within the related types validateRelationShip(nodeTemplate, relationshipTemplate, topology); // FIXME instead of systematically rebuilding the relationship, maybe check what really changed in the type before rebuilding it? addRebuildRelationshipOperation(nodeTemplate, relationshipTemplate, recoveryOperations); } catch (Exception e) { // remove the relationship if an error occurs if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Error when trying to recover a relationship", e); } addDeleteRelationshipOperation(nodeTemplate, relationshipTemplate, recoveryOperations); } } } } } /** * checks if a relationship is still valid * * @param nodeTemplate The source node of the relationship * @param relationshipTemplate The relationship to validate * @param topology The related topology */ private void validateRelationShip(NodeTemplate nodeTemplate, RelationshipTemplate relationshipTemplate, Topology topology) { // validate that the node itself still has the requirement checkRequirement(relationshipTemplate.getRequirementName(), nodeTemplate); // validate the targeted capability checkCapability(relationshipTemplate.getTargetedCapabilityName(), topology.getNodeTemplates().get(relationshipTemplate.getTarget())); } /** * validate that a node still has the requirement, by checking directly from the related node type * * @param requirementName The name of the requirement to check * @param nodeTemplate The node template in which to check for the requirement */ private void checkRequirement(String requirementName, NodeTemplate nodeTemplate) { // This call should never throw a NotFoundException NodeType indexedNodeType = ToscaContext.getOrFail(NodeType.class, nodeTemplate.getType()); Map<String, RequirementDefinition> requirementMap = AlienUtils.fromListToMap(indexedNodeType.getRequirements(), "id", true); if (! { throw new NotFoundException("A requirement with name [" + requirementName + "] cannot be found in the node [" + nodeTemplate.getName() + "]."); } } /** * validate that a node still has a capability, by checkibg directly from the related node type * * @param capabilityName The name of the capability to check * @param nodeTemplate The node template in which to check for the capability */ private void checkCapability(String capabilityName, NodeTemplate nodeTemplate) { // This call should never throw a NotFoundException NodeType indexedNodeType = ToscaContext.getOrFail(NodeType.class, nodeTemplate.getType()); Map<String, CapabilityDefinition> capabilitiesMap = AlienUtils.fromListToMap(indexedNodeType.getCapabilities(), "id", true); if (! { throw new NotFoundException("A capability with name [" + capabilityName + "] cannot be found in the node [" + nodeTemplate.getName() + "]."); } } /** * Analyse the node templates and build recovery operations * * @param topology The topology to recover * @param updatedDependency The updated dependencies within the topology * @param recoveryOperations The list into which to add the recovery operations */ private void buildNodesRecoveryOperations(Topology topology, CSARDependency updatedDependency, List<AbstractEditorOperation> recoveryOperations) { for (NodeTemplate template : topology.getNodeTemplates().values()) { NodeType nodeType = ToscaContext.get(NodeType.class, template.getType()); // this means the type has been deleted. then we should delete the template from the topology if (nodeType == null) { addDeleteNodeOperation(template, recoveryOperations); continue; } // check if the type is from the current archive. if so then we should rebuild the nodeTemplate if (isFrom(nodeType, updatedDependency)) { // FIXME instead of systematically rebuilding the node, maybe check what really changed in the nodeType before rebuilding it? addRebuildNodeOperation(template, recoveryOperations); } } } private void addRebuildNodeOperation(NodeTemplate template, List<AbstractEditorOperation> recoveryOperations) { RebuildNodeOperation operation = new RebuildNodeOperation(); operation.setNodeName(template.getName()); recoveryOperations.add(operation); } private void addDeleteNodeOperation(NodeTemplate template, List<AbstractEditorOperation> recoveryOperations) { DeleteNodeOperation operation = new DeleteNodeOperation(); operation.setNodeName(template.getName()); recoveryOperations.add(operation); } private void addRebuildRelationshipOperation(NodeTemplate nodeTemplate, RelationshipTemplate relationshipTemplate, List<AbstractEditorOperation> recoveryOperations) { RebuildRelationshipOperation operation = new RebuildRelationshipOperation(); operation.setNodeName(nodeTemplate.getName()); operation.setRelationshipName(relationshipTemplate.getName()); recoveryOperations.add(operation); } private void addDeleteRelationshipOperation(NodeTemplate nodeTemplate, RelationshipTemplate relationshipTemplate, List<AbstractEditorOperation> recoveryOperations) { DeleteRelationshipOperation operation = new DeleteRelationshipOperation(); operation.setNodeName(nodeTemplate.getName()); operation.setRelationshipName(relationshipTemplate.getName()); recoveryOperations.add(operation); } /** * Return a Set of updated {@link CSARDependency} that have changed since last added in a given topology * * @param topology * @return */ public Set<CSARDependency> getUpdatedDependencies(Topology topology) { Set<CSARDependency> dependencies = topology.getDependencies(); Set<CSARDependency> updatedDependencies = Sets.newHashSet(); for (CSARDependency csarDependency : dependencies) { CSARDependency updatedDependency = getUpdatedDependencyIfNeeded(csarDependency); if (updatedDependency != null) { updatedDependencies.add(updatedDependency); } } return updatedDependencies; } /** * Update a dependency according to what is currently in the repository * * @param initialDependency * @return */ private CSARDependency getUpdatedDependencyIfNeeded(CSARDependency initialDependency) { CSARDependency updatedDependency = null; Csar csar = csarService.getOrFail(initialDependency.getName(), initialDependency.getVersion()); if ((StringUtils.isNotBlank(initialDependency.getHash()) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(csar.getHash())) && !Objects.equals(initialDependency.getHash(), csar.getHash())) { updatedDependency = new CSARDependency(csar.getName(), csar.getVersion(), csar.getHash()); } return updatedDependency; } private boolean isFrom(AbstractToscaType element, CSARDependency dependency) { return Objects.equals(element.getArchiveName(), dependency.getName()) /* && Objects.equals(element.getArchiveVersion(), dependency.getVersion()) */; } /** * Get the names of the nodes to be deleted according to the recovery operations * * @param recoveryOperations * @return A set containing the names of the to-be-deleted nodes */ private Set<String> getDeletedNodes(List<AbstractEditorOperation> recoveryOperations) { Set<String> names = Sets.newHashSet(); for (AbstractEditorOperation operation : { if (operation instanceof DeleteNodeOperation) { names.add(((DeleteNodeOperation) operation).getNodeName()); } } return names; } @ToscaContextual(requiresNew = true) public void processRecoveryOperations(Topology topology, Collection<AbstractEditorOperation> operations) { for (AbstractEditorOperation recoveryOperation : { editorService.process(recoveryOperation); } } }