package alien4cloud.test.utils; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import alien4cloud.utils.YamlParserUtil; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature; import; import; import; @Slf4j public class YamlJsonAssert { public static class YamlJsonNotEqualsException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4821764413592118483L; public YamlJsonNotEqualsException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public YamlJsonNotEqualsException(String message, String expected, String actual) { super("Expected : [" + expected + "], but actual is [" + actual + "], " + message); } public YamlJsonNotEqualsException(String message) { super(message); } } public static enum DocumentType { JSON, YAML } private static final ObjectMapper YAML_OBJECT_MAPPER = YamlParserUtil.createYamlObjectMapper(); private static final ObjectMapper JSON_OBJECT_MAPPER = newJsonObjectMapper(); private static ObjectMapper newJsonObjectMapper() { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL); mapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_EMPTY); mapper.configure(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT, true); return mapper; } public static void assertEquals(String expected, String actual, DocumentType documentType) throws IOException, YamlJsonNotEqualsException { assertEquals(expected, actual, null, documentType); } public static void assertEquals(String expected, String actual, Set<String> ignoredPaths, DocumentType documentType) throws IOException, YamlJsonNotEqualsException { ObjectMapper mapper; switch (documentType) { case JSON: mapper = JSON_OBJECT_MAPPER; break; case YAML: mapper = YAML_OBJECT_MAPPER; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported document type [" + documentType + "]"); } JsonNode expectedNode = mapper.readTree(expected); JsonNode actualNode = mapper.readTree(actual); LinkedList<String> path = new LinkedList<String>(); path.add("/"); assertEquals(expectedNode, actualNode, path, ignoredPaths); } private static boolean isIgnored(String path, Set<String> ignoredPaths) { if (ignoredPaths != null) { for (String ignoredPath : ignoredPaths) { if (path.matches(ignoredPath)) { return true; } } } return false; } private static void fail(String message, String currentPath, Set<String> ignoredPaths) { if (!isIgnored(currentPath, ignoredPaths)) { throw new YamlJsonNotEqualsException(message); } else { log.warn(message); } } private static void equals(String message, String currentPath, Set<String> ignoredPaths, String expected, String actual) { if (!isIgnored(currentPath, ignoredPaths)) { if (!Objects.equal(expected, actual)) { throw new YamlJsonNotEqualsException(message, expected, actual); } } else { log.warn("Ignoring value comparison for path [" + currentPath + "], expected = [" + expected + "], actual = [" + actual + "]"); } } private static void assertArrayEquals(JsonNode expected, JsonNode actual, LinkedList<String> path, Set<String> ignoredPaths) { if (expected.isArray()) { // Expected is also an array try to compare Iterator<JsonNode> expectedElements = expected.elements(); Iterator<JsonNode> actualElements = actual.elements(); int arrayIndex = 0; // When comparing array must respect the same order, is this too strict ? while (actualElements.hasNext()) { JsonNode actualElement =; path.push("[" + arrayIndex + "]"); String currentPath = getPrettyPath(path); if (expectedElements.hasNext()) { JsonNode expectedElement =; // Compare array element assertEquals(expectedElement, actualElement, path, ignoredPaths); } else { String message = buildErrorMessage(currentPath, "Actual array contains more elements than expected"); fail(message, currentPath, ignoredPaths); } path.pop(); arrayIndex++; } } else { String currentPath = getPrettyPath(path); String message = buildErrorMessage(currentPath, "Not expecting array at this level"); fail(message, currentPath, ignoredPaths); } } private static void assertValueEquals(JsonNode expected, JsonNode actual, LinkedList<String> path, Set<String> ignoredPaths) { if (expected.isValueNode()) { String expectedValue = expected.asText(); String actualValue = actual.asText(); String currentPath = getPrettyPath(path); String message = buildErrorMessage(currentPath, "Value not equals "); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(currentPath + " : Comparing value expected = [" + expectedValue + "], actual = [" + actualValue + "]"); } equals(message, currentPath, ignoredPaths, expectedValue, actualValue); } else { throw new YamlJsonNotEqualsException(buildErrorMessage(getPrettyPath(path), "Expecting keys : " + Sets.newHashSet(expected.fieldNames()) + " but not found")); } } private static void assertTreeEquals(JsonNode expected, JsonNode actual, LinkedList<String> path, Set<String> ignoredPaths) { // If we are here it means it's not an array // Getting children name Set<String> expectedFieldSet = Sets.newHashSet(expected.fieldNames()); Set<String> actualFieldSet = Sets.newHashSet(actual.fieldNames()); for (String actualField : actualFieldSet) { path.push(actualField); if (!expectedFieldSet.contains(actualField)) { String currentPath = getPrettyPath(path); String message = buildErrorMessage(currentPath, "Not expecting keys : [" + actualField + "]"); fail(message, currentPath, ignoredPaths); } else { assertEquals(expected.get(actualField), actual.get(actualField), path, ignoredPaths); } path.pop(); } // Remove all actual to check if there's not found children on actual expectedFieldSet.removeAll(actualFieldSet); if (expectedFieldSet.size() > 0) { for (String expectedField : expectedFieldSet) { path.push(expectedField); String currentPath = getPrettyPath(path); String message = buildErrorMessage(getPrettyPath(path), "Expecting keys : " + expectedFieldSet + " but not found"); fail(message, currentPath, ignoredPaths); path.pop(); } } } private static void failNotValueNode(JsonNode expected, JsonNode actual, LinkedList<String> path, Set<String> ignoredPaths) { // Expected is a value node, we check if all actual children is ignored if (expected.isNull() || (expected.isTextual() && expected.asText() == null) || (expected.isTextual() && expected.asText().isEmpty())) { // If we are here 1. expected is null or 2. expected is text and is null 3. expected is text but empty Set<String> actualFieldSet = Sets.newHashSet(actual.fieldNames()); for (String actualField : actualFieldSet) { path.push(actualField); String currentPath = getPrettyPath(path); String message = buildErrorMessage(getPrettyPath(path), "Not expecting keys : [" + actualField + " ]"); fail(message, currentPath, ignoredPaths); path.pop(); } } else { // Expected is not null, it might be a real problem except if the parent path is ignored String currentPath = getPrettyPath(path); String message = buildErrorMessage(getPrettyPath(path), "Not expecting keys : [" + Sets.newHashSet(actual.fieldNames()) + " ]"); fail(message, currentPath, ignoredPaths); } } private static void assertEquals(JsonNode expected, JsonNode actual, LinkedList<String> path, Set<String> ignoredPaths) { // Check if it's array node if (actual.isArray()) { // Assert that two array are equals assertArrayEquals(expected, actual, path, ignoredPaths); return; } // Check if it's value node if (actual.isValueNode()) { // Assert that two values are equals assertValueEquals(expected, actual, path, ignoredPaths); return; } // Actual is not a value node, may expected be a value node, we must check that if (expected.isValueNode()) { // Actual is not a value node, expected is a value node it's an erroneous case failNotValueNode(expected, actual, path, ignoredPaths); return; } // If we reach here it means both are tree nodes assertTreeEquals(expected, actual, path, ignoredPaths); } private static String getPrettyPath(LinkedList<String> pathStack) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); boolean slashAppended = false; for (String path : Lists.reverse(pathStack)) { buffer.append(path); if (!path.equals("/")) { buffer.append('/'); // Too ugly slashAppended = true; } } if (slashAppended) { buffer.setLength(buffer.length() - 1); } return buffer.toString(); } private static String buildErrorMessage(String path, String customMessage) { return "Current path where assertion failed '" + path + "' : " + customMessage; } }