package alien4cloud.deployment; import alien4cloud.dao.IGenericSearchDAO; import alien4cloud.dao.model.GetMultipleDataResult; import alien4cloud.exception.NotFoundException; import alien4cloud.model.deployment.Deployment; import alien4cloud.model.deployment.DeploymentTopology; import alien4cloud.paas.model.PaaSTopologyDeploymentContext; import alien4cloud.utils.MapUtil; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Manage deployment operations on a cloud. */ @Service @Slf4j public class DeploymentService { @Resource(name = "alien-es-dao") private IGenericSearchDAO alienDao; @Resource(name = "alien-monitor-es-dao") private IGenericSearchDAO alienMonitorDao; @Inject private DeploymentRuntimeStateService deploymentRuntimeStateService; @Inject private DeploymentContextService deploymentContextService; @Inject private DeploymentTopologyService deploymentTopologyService; /** * Get all deployments for a given orchestrator an application * * @param orchestratorId Id of the cloud for which to get deployments (can be null to get deployments for all clouds). * @param sourceId Id of the application for which to get deployments (can be null to get deployments for all applications). * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} that contains deployments. */ public List<Deployment> getDeployments(String orchestratorId, String sourceId) { QueryBuilder query = QueryBuilders.boolQuery(); if (orchestratorId != null) { query = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("orchestratorId", orchestratorId)); } if (sourceId != null) { query = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(query).must(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("sourceId", sourceId)); } if (orchestratorId == null && sourceId == null) { query = QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery(); } return alienDao.customFindAll(Deployment.class, query); } /** * Get a deployment given its id * * @param id id of the deployment * @return deployment with given id */ public Deployment get(String id) { return alienDao.findById(Deployment.class, id); } /** * Get a deployment given its id * * @param id id of the deployment * @return deployment with given id */ public Deployment getOrfail(String id) { Deployment deployment = alienDao.findById(Deployment.class, id); if (deployment == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Deployment <" + id + "> doesn't exist."); } return deployment; } /** * Get an active Deployment for a given environment or throw a NotFoundException if no active deployment can be found for this environment. * * @param environmentId Id of the application environment. * @return The active deployment for this environment */ public Deployment getActiveDeploymentOrFail(String environmentId) { Deployment deployment = getActiveDeployment(environmentId); if (deployment == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Deployment for environment <" + environmentId + "> doesn't exist."); } return deployment; } /** * Get a deployment for a given environment/ * * @param applicationEnvironmentId id of the environment * @return active deployment if exist or the last, null if the application environment has not been deployed */ public Deployment getDeployment(String applicationEnvironmentId) { Map<String, String[]> activeDeploymentFilters = MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { "environmentId" }, new String[][] { new String[] { applicationEnvironmentId } }); GetMultipleDataResult<Deployment> dataResult =, null, activeDeploymentFilters, null, null, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "endDate", true); if (dataResult.getData() != null && dataResult.getData().length > 0) { if (dataResult.getData()[dataResult.getData().length - 1].getEndDate() == null) { return dataResult.getData()[dataResult.getData().length - 1]; } else { return dataResult.getData()[0]; } } return null; } /** * Get an active deployment for a given environment * * @param applicationEnvironmentId id of the environment * @return active deployment or null if not exist */ public Deployment getActiveDeployment(String applicationEnvironmentId) { Map<String, String[]> activeDeploymentFilters = MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { "environmentId", "endDate" }, new String[][] { new String[] { applicationEnvironmentId }, new String[] { null } }); GetMultipleDataResult<Deployment> dataResult =, null, activeDeploymentFilters, 1); if (dataResult.getData() != null && dataResult.getData().length > 0) { return dataResult.getData()[0]; } return null; } /** * Get an active Deployment for a given cloud and topology or throw a NotFoundException if no active deployment can be found. * * @param topologyId id of the topology that has been deployed * @param orchestratorId id of the target orchestrator. * @return a deployment * @throws alien4cloud.exception.NotFoundException if not any deployment exists */ public Deployment getActiveDeploymentOrFail(String topologyId, String orchestratorId) { Deployment deployment = getActiveDeployment(orchestratorId, topologyId); if (deployment == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Deployment for cloud <" + orchestratorId + "> and topology <" + topologyId + "> doesn't exist."); } return deployment; } /** * Get a topology for a given cloud / topology * * @param orchestratorId targeted orchestrator id * @param topologyId id of the topology to deploy * @return a deployment */ public Deployment getActiveDeployment(String orchestratorId, String topologyId) { Deployment deployment = null; Map<String, String[]> activeDeploymentFilters = MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { "orchestratorId", "topologyId", "endDate" }, new String[][] { new String[] { orchestratorId }, new String[] { topologyId }, new String[] { null } }); GetMultipleDataResult<Deployment> dataResult =, null, activeDeploymentFilters, 1); if (dataResult.getData() != null && dataResult.getData().length > 0) { deployment = dataResult.getData()[0]; } return deployment; } /** * Check if there is an active deployment on a given orchestrator with the given orchestrator deployment id. * * @param orchestratorId The if of the orchestrator for which to check if there is a deployment with the given orchestratorDeploymentId. * @param orchestratorDeploymentId Unique if of the deployment for a given orchestrator * @return True if there is an active deployment for theses ids, false if not. */ public boolean isActiveDeployment(String orchestratorId, String orchestratorDeploymentId) { Map<String, String[]> activeDeploymentFilters = MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { "orchestratorId", "orchestratorDeploymentId", "endDate" }, new String[][] { new String[] { orchestratorId }, new String[] { orchestratorDeploymentId }, new String[] { null } }); GetMultipleDataResult<Deployment> dataResult = alienDao.find(Deployment.class, activeDeploymentFilters, 1); if (dataResult.getData() != null && dataResult.getData().length > 0) { return true; } return false; } public Map<String, PaaSTopologyDeploymentContext> getCloudActiveDeploymentContexts(String orchestratorId) { Deployment[] deployments = getOrchestratorActiveDeployments(orchestratorId); Map<String, PaaSTopologyDeploymentContext> activeDeploymentContexts = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Deployment deployment : deployments) { DeploymentTopology topology = deploymentRuntimeStateService.getRuntimeTopology(deployment.getId()); activeDeploymentContexts.put(deployment.getOrchestratorDeploymentId(), deploymentContextService.buildTopologyDeploymentContext(deployment, deploymentTopologyService.getLocations(topology), topology)); } return activeDeploymentContexts; } private Deployment[] getOrchestratorActiveDeployments(String orchestratorId) { Map<String, String[]> activeDeploymentFilters = MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { "orchestratorId", "endDate" }, new String[][] { new String[] { orchestratorId }, new String[] { null } }); GetMultipleDataResult<Deployment> dataResult =, null, activeDeploymentFilters, Integer.MAX_VALUE); return dataResult.getData(); } public Map<String, Set<String>> getAllOrchestratorIdsAndOrchestratorDeploymentId(String applicationEnvironmentId) { Map<String, Set<String>> result = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String[]> activeDeploymentFilters = MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { "environmentId" }, new String[][] { new String[] { applicationEnvironmentId } }); GetMultipleDataResult<Deployment> dataResult =, null, activeDeploymentFilters, Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (dataResult.getData() != null && dataResult.getData().length > 0) { for (Deployment deployment : dataResult.getData()) { if (!result.containsKey(deployment.getOrchestratorId())) { result.put(deployment.getOrchestratorId(), new HashSet<String>()); } result.get(deployment.getOrchestratorId()).add(deployment.getOrchestratorDeploymentId()); } } return result; } /** * Switch a deployment to undeployed. * * @param deployment the deployment to switch. */ public void markUndeployed(Deployment deployment) { if (deployment.getEndDate() == null) { deployment.setEndDate(new Date());; // Switch the deployed field of the Deployment topology to false DeploymentTopology deploymentTopology = alienMonitorDao.findById(DeploymentTopology.class, deployment.getId()); deploymentTopology.setDeployed(false);; } else {"Deployment <" + deployment.getId() + "> is already marked as undeployed."); } } /** * Check if a CSAR is currently deployed through dependencies in a topology. * * @return True if the archive is used in a deployment, false if not. */ public boolean isArchiveDeployed(String archiveName, String archiveVersion) { FilterBuilder filter = FilterBuilders.boolFilter().must(FilterBuilders.termFilter("isDeployed", true)) .must(FilterBuilders.nestedFilter("dependencies", FilterBuilders.boolFilter().must(FilterBuilders.termFilter("", archiveName)) .must(FilterBuilders.termFilter("dependencies.version", archiveVersion)))); // Look if there is 1 matching element. GetMultipleDataResult<DeploymentTopology> result =, null, null, filter, null, 0, 1); return result.getData() != null && result.getData().length > 0; } }