package alien4cloud.paas; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.elasticsearch.mapping.QueryHelper; import; import; import alien4cloud.dao.IGenericSearchDAO; import alien4cloud.dao.model.GetMultipleDataResult; import alien4cloud.model.deployment.Deployment; import alien4cloud.paas.model.AbstractMonitorEvent; import alien4cloud.paas.model.PaaSDeploymentStatusMonitorEvent; import alien4cloud.utils.MapUtil; import alien4cloud.utils.TypeScanner; import lombok.SneakyThrows; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * Monitor service to watch a deployed topologies for a given PaaS provider. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Slf4j public class PaaSProviderPollingMonitor implements Runnable { private static final int MAX_POLLED_EVENTS = 500; private static final int MAX_LISTENER_RETRY = 3; private static final long LISTENER_FAIL_RETRY_SLEEP_MS = 10; private final IGenericSearchDAO dao; private final IGenericSearchDAO monitorDAO; private final IPaaSProvider paaSProvider; private Date lastPollingDate; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private List<IPaasEventListener> listeners; private PaaSEventsCallback paaSEventsCallback; private String orchestratorId; private boolean hasDeployments = false; private boolean getEventsInProgress = false; /** * Create a new instance of the {@link PaaSProviderPollingMonitor} to monitor the given paas provider. * * @param paaSProvider The paas provider to monitor. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public PaaSProviderPollingMonitor(IGenericSearchDAO dao, IGenericSearchDAO monitorDAO, IPaaSProvider paaSProvider, List<IPaasEventListener> listeners, String orchestratorId) { this.orchestratorId = orchestratorId; this.dao = dao; this.monitorDAO = monitorDAO; this.paaSProvider = paaSProvider; this.listeners = listeners; Set<Class<?>> eventClasses = Sets.newHashSet(); try { eventClasses = TypeScanner.scanTypes("alien4cloud.paas.model", AbstractMonitorEvent.class); /** * FIXME below is true for our own cloudify 3 provider implementation but this is not documented and orchestrators may not implement it that way. * We should do that in a different fashion in cloudify 3 provider probably and not impact alien that way **/ // The PaaSDeploymentStatusMonitorEvent is an internal generated event and so do not take into account eventClasses.remove(PaaSDeploymentStatusMonitorEvent.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {"No event class derived from {} found", AbstractMonitorEvent.class.getName()); } Map<String, String[]> filter = Maps.newHashMap(); filter.put("orchestratorId", new String[] { this.orchestratorId }); // sort by filed date DESC QueryHelper.ISearchQueryBuilderHelper searchQueryHelperBuilder = monitorDAO.getQueryHelper().buildQuery() .types(eventClasses.toArray(new Class<?>[eventClasses.size()])).filters(filter).prepareSearch("deploymentmonitorevents") .fieldSort("date", true); // the first one is the one with the latest date GetMultipleDataResult lastestEventResult =, 0, 10); if (lastestEventResult.getData().length > 0) { AbstractMonitorEvent lastEvent = (AbstractMonitorEvent) lastestEventResult.getData()[0]; Date lastEventDate = new Date(lastEvent.getDate());"Recovering events from the last in elasticsearch {} of type {}", lastEventDate, lastEvent.getClass().getName()); this.lastPollingDate = lastEventDate; } else { this.lastPollingDate = new Date(); log.debug("No monitor events found, the last polling date will be current date {}", this.lastPollingDate); } paaSEventsCallback = new PaaSEventsCallback(); } private class PaaSEventsCallback implements IPaaSCallback<AbstractMonitorEvent[]> { @Override public void onSuccess(AbstractMonitorEvent[] auditEvents) { synchronized (PaaSProviderPollingMonitor.this) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Polled from date {}", lastPollingDate); } if (log.isDebugEnabled() && auditEvents != null && auditEvents.length > 0) { log.debug("Saving events for orchestrator {}", orchestratorId); for (AbstractMonitorEvent event : auditEvents) { log.debug(event.toString()); } } if (auditEvents != null && auditEvents.length > 0) { Date lastEventDate = lastPollingDate; for (AbstractMonitorEvent event : auditEvents) { // Enrich event with cloud id before saving them event.setOrchestratorId(orchestratorId); // If not set initialize a date for event or update the last event date (last polling) if (event.getDate() > 0) { Date eventDate = new Date(event.getDate()); lastEventDate = eventDate.after(lastEventDate) ? eventDate : lastEventDate; } else { event.setDate(System.currentTimeMillis()); } // dispatch the event to all listeners for (IPaasEventListener listener : listeners) { dispatchEvent(listener, event); } }; if (lastEventDate != null) { lastPollingDate = lastEventDate; } } getEventsInProgress = false; } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { synchronized (PaaSProviderPollingMonitor.this) { getEventsInProgress = false; // Make it re-verify if has deployment returns something in order to no loop infinitely // If the PaaS is down, there might be a chance that the deployment has been marked as failed hasDeployments = false; log.error("Error happened while trying to retrieve events from PaaS provider", throwable); } } } /** * Dispatch an event to the registered listener. * * @param listener The listener to which to send the event. * @param event The event to dispatch. */ private void dispatchEvent(IPaasEventListener listener, AbstractMonitorEvent event) { dispatchEvent(listener, event, 0); } /** * Dispatch an event to the registered listener. * * @param listener The listener to which to send the event. * @param event The event to dispatch. * @param retry The current retry index (0 for first dispatch) */ @SneakyThrows private void dispatchEvent(IPaasEventListener listener, AbstractMonitorEvent event, int retry) { try { if (listener.canHandle(event)) { listener.eventHappened(event); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to dispatch event {} to listener {} retry {} on {}.", event.toString(), listener.toString(), retry, MAX_LISTENER_RETRY, e); // Even if that fails if (retry < MAX_LISTENER_RETRY) { Thread.sleep(LISTENER_FAIL_RETRY_SLEEP_MS); dispatchEvent(listener, event, retry + 1); } } } @Override public synchronized void run() { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Poll scheduled"); } if (getEventsInProgress) { // Get events since is running return; } getEventsInProgress = true; if (hasDeployments) { paaSProvider.getEventsSince(lastPollingDate, MAX_POLLED_EVENTS, paaSEventsCallback); } else { getEventsInProgress = false; hasDeployments = getActiveDeployment() != null; } } private Deployment getActiveDeployment() { Deployment deployment = null; GetMultipleDataResult<Deployment> dataResult =, null, MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { "orchestratorId", "endDate" }, new String[][] { new String[] { orchestratorId }, new String[] { null } }), 1); if (dataResult.getData() != null && dataResult.getData().length > 0) { deployment = dataResult.getData()[0]; } return deployment; } }