package alien4cloud.plugin; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystem; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.collections4.MapUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConstructorArgumentValues; import; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import alien4cloud.dao.FilterUtil; import alien4cloud.dao.IGenericSearchDAO; import alien4cloud.dao.model.GetMultipleDataResult; import alien4cloud.exception.AlreadyExistException; import alien4cloud.exception.NotFoundException; import alien4cloud.plugin.exception.MissingPlugingDescriptorFileException; import alien4cloud.plugin.exception.PluginLoadingException; import alien4cloud.plugin.model.ManagedPlugin; import alien4cloud.plugin.model.PluginComponent; import alien4cloud.plugin.model.PluginComponentDescriptor; import alien4cloud.plugin.model.PluginConfiguration; import alien4cloud.plugin.model.PluginDescriptor; import alien4cloud.plugin.model.PluginUsage; import alien4cloud.utils.ClassLoaderUtil; import alien4cloud.utils.FileUtil; import alien4cloud.utils.ReflectionUtil; import alien4cloud.utils.SpringUtils; import alien4cloud.utils.YamlParserUtil; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * Manages plugins. */ @Slf4j @Component("plugin-manager") @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public class PluginManager { private static final String UNKNOWN_PLUGIN_COMPONENT_TYPE = "Unknown component type"; private static final String LIB_DIRECTORY = "lib"; private static final String UI_DIRECTORY = "ui"; private static final String PLUGIN_DESCRIPTOR_FILE = "META-INF/plugin.yml"; @Value("${directories.alien}/plugins") private String pluginsDirectory; // directory in which plugins are placed so they are loaded when alien is starting - for initialization. @Value("${directories.alien}/work/plugins/content") private String pluginsWorkDirectory; // directory in which alien place plugins that are loaded. @Value("${directories.alien}/work/plugins/ui") private String pluginsUiDirectory; // directory in which alien place ui files from plugins so they are available from clients. @Resource(name = "alien-es-dao") private IGenericSearchDAO alienDAO; @Resource private ApplicationContext alienContext; private Map<String, ManagedPlugin> pluginContexts = Maps.newHashMap(); private List<PluginLinker> linkers = Lists.newArrayList();; @Inject public void setLinkers(List<IPluginLinker> pluginLinkers) { for (IPluginLinker pluginLinker : pluginLinkers) { linkers.add(new PluginLinker(pluginLinker, getLinkedType(pluginLinker))); } } /** * Unload all plugins from alien4cloud. */ public void unloadAllPlugins() {"Unloading plugins"); GetMultipleDataResult<Plugin> results = alienDAO.find(Plugin.class, FilterUtil.fromKeyValueCouples("enabled", "true"), Integer.MAX_VALUE); for (Plugin plugin : results.getData()) { unloadPlugin(plugin.getId(), false, false); }"{} Plugins unloaded", results.getData().length); } /** * Initialize the plugin manager and create directories. * * @throws IOException In case we fail to create the plugin directory. */ @PostConstruct public void postConstruct() throws IOException { // Ensure plugin directory exists. Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(pluginsWorkDirectory); if (!Files.exists(path)) { Files.createDirectories(path);"Plugin work directory created at <" + path.toAbsolutePath().toString() + ">"); } } /** * Load all enabled plugins in alien4cloud. */ public void initialize() {"Initializing plugins"); // Load enabled plugins in alien, query using max value as anyway we must be able to load all plugins in memory. GetMultipleDataResult<Plugin> results = alienDAO.find(Plugin.class, FilterUtil.fromKeyValueCouples("enabled", "true"), Integer.MAX_VALUE); loadPlugins(results.getData());"{} Plugins initialized.", results.getData().length); } /** * Load all the plugins that have their dependencies fulfilled by loaded plugin. * * @param plugins the plugins to load. */ private void loadPlugins(Plugin[] plugins) { List<Plugin> missingDependencyPlugins = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Plugin plugin : plugins) { // if the plugin has no unresolved dependency, load it if (getMissingDependencies(plugin).size() == 0) { try { loadPlugin(plugin); } catch (PluginLoadingException e) { log.error("Alien server Initialization: failed to load plugin <" + plugin.getId() + ">", e); disablePlugin(plugin.getId()); } } else { missingDependencyPlugins.add(plugin); } } if (missingDependencyPlugins.size() == plugins.length) { // No plugins have been loaded meaning that remaining plugins are not loadable because some dependencies are missing for (Plugin plugin : plugins) { log.error("Failed to load plugin <" + plugin.getId() + "> as some dependencies are missing <" + getMissingDependencies(plugin) + ">"); disablePlugin(plugin.getId()); } } else { if (missingDependencyPlugins.size() > 0) { loadPlugins(missingDependencyPlugins.toArray(new Plugin[missingDependencyPlugins.size()])); } } } private Set<String> getMissingDependencies(Plugin plugin) { Set<String> missingDependencies = Sets.newHashSet(); String[] dependencies = plugin.getDescriptor().getDependencies(); if (dependencies != null && dependencies.length > 0) { for (String dependency : dependencies) { if (this.pluginContexts.get(dependency) == null) { missingDependencies.add(dependency); } } } return missingDependencies; } private Class<?> getLinkedType(IPluginLinker<?> linker) { return ReflectionUtil.getGenericArgumentType(linker.getClass(), IPluginLinker.class, 0); } /** * Upload a plugin from a given path. * * @param uploadedPluginPath The path of the plugin to upload. * @return the uploaded plugin * @throws IOException In case there is an issue with the access to the plugin file. * @throws PluginLoadingException * @throws AlreadyExistException if a plugin with the same id already exists in the repository * @throws MissingPlugingDescriptorFileException */ public Plugin uploadPlugin(Path uploadedPluginPath) throws PluginLoadingException, IOException, MissingPlugingDescriptorFileException { // load the plugin descriptor FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uploadedPluginPath, null); PluginDescriptor descriptor; try { try { descriptor = YamlParserUtil.parseFromUTF8File(fs.getPath(PLUGIN_DESCRIPTOR_FILE), PluginDescriptor.class); } catch (IOException e) { if (e instanceof NoSuchFileException) { throw new MissingPlugingDescriptorFileException(); } else { throw e; } } String pluginPathId = getPluginPathId(); Plugin plugin = new Plugin(descriptor, pluginPathId); // check plugin already exists and is enabled if (pluginContexts.get(plugin.getId()) != null) { log.warn("Uploading Plugin <{}> impossible (already exists and enabled)", plugin.getId()); throw new AlreadyExistException("A plugin with the given id already exists and is enabled."); } Plugin oldPlugin = alienDAO.findById(Plugin.class, plugin.getId()); if (oldPlugin != null) { // remove all files for the old plugin but keep configuration. removePlugin(plugin.getId(), false); } Path pluginPath = getPluginPath(pluginPathId); FileUtil.unzip(uploadedPluginPath, pluginPath); // copy ui directory in case it exists Path pluginUiSourcePath = pluginPath.resolve(UI_DIRECTORY); Path pluginUiPath = getPluginUiPath(pluginPathId); if (Files.exists(pluginUiSourcePath)) { FileUtil.copy(pluginUiSourcePath, pluginUiPath); } loadPlugin(plugin); plugin.setConfigurable(isPluginConfigurable(plugin.getId()));;"Plugin <" + plugin.getId() + "> has been enabled."); return plugin; } finally { fs.close(); } } private void unloadPlugin(String pluginId, boolean disable, boolean remove) { ManagedPlugin managedPlugin = pluginContexts.get(pluginId); if (managedPlugin != null) { // send events to plugin loading callbacks for (IPluginLoadingCallback callback : SpringUtils.getBeansOfType(alienContext, IPluginLoadingCallback.class)) { callback.onPluginClosed(managedPlugin); } managedPlugin.getPluginContext().stop(); // destroy the plugin context managedPlugin.getPluginContext().destroy(); } // unlink the plugin for (PluginLinker linker : linkers) { linker.linker.unlink(pluginId); } // eventually remove it from elastic search and disk. if (remove) { removePlugin(pluginId, true); } else if (disable) { disablePlugin(pluginId); } pluginContexts.remove(pluginId); } private void removePlugin(String pluginId, boolean deleteConfig) { Plugin plugin = alienDAO.findById(Plugin.class, pluginId); Path pluginPath = getPluginPath(plugin.getPluginPathId()); Path pluginUiPath = getPluginUiPath(plugin.getPluginPathId()); alienDAO.delete(Plugin.class, pluginId); // remove also the configuration if (deleteConfig) { alienDAO.delete(PluginConfiguration.class, pluginId); } // try to delete the plugin dir in the repo try { FileUtil.delete(pluginPath); FileUtil.delete(getPluginZipFilePath(pluginId)); FileUtil.delete(pluginUiPath); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to delete the plugin <" + pluginId + "> in the repository. You'll have to do it manually", e); } } /** * Disable a plugin. * * @param pluginId The id of the plugin to disable. * @param remove If true the plugin is not only disabled but also removed from the plugin repository. * @return Empty list if the plugin was successfully disabled (and removed), or a list of usages that prevent the plugin to be disabled/removed. */ public List<PluginUsage> disablePlugin(String pluginId, boolean remove) { List<PluginUsage> usages = Lists.newArrayList(); ManagedPlugin managedPlugin = pluginContexts.get(pluginId); if (managedPlugin != null) { for (PluginLinker linker : linkers) { usages.addAll(linker.linker.usage(pluginId)); } } if (usages.isEmpty()) { unloadPlugin(pluginId, true, remove); } return usages; } private void disablePlugin(String pluginId) { Plugin plugin = alienDAO.findById(Plugin.class, pluginId); plugin.setEnabled(false);; } /** * Enable a plugin in alien. * * @param pluginId The id of the plugin to load. * @throws PluginLoadingException In case plugin loading fails. */ public void enablePlugin(String pluginId) throws PluginLoadingException { if (this.pluginContexts.get(pluginId) != null) {"Plugin <" + pluginId + "> is already loaded."); return; }"Loading plugin <" + pluginId + ">"); // save the plugin's file in the work directory Plugin plugin = alienDAO.findById(Plugin.class, pluginId); if (plugin == null) { throw new NotFoundException("The plugin <" + pluginId + "> doesn't exists in alien."); } loadPlugin(plugin); plugin.setEnabled(true);;"Plugin <" + pluginId + "> has been enabled."); } private void loadPlugin(Plugin plugin) throws PluginLoadingException { if (pluginContexts.containsKey(plugin.getId())) { log.debug("Do not load plugin {} as it is already loaded.", plugin.getId()); } try { Path pluginPath = getPluginPath(plugin.getPluginPathId()); Path pluginUiPath = getPluginUiPath(plugin.getPluginPathId()); loadPlugin(plugin, pluginPath, pluginUiPath); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to load plugin <" + plugin.getId() + "> alien will ignore this plugin.", e); throw new PluginLoadingException("Failed to load plugin <" + plugin.getId() + ">", e); } } private String getPluginPathId() { // JVM has a bug that makes a classloader keep a lock on loaded files while the VM is running. // we create a unique random folder for plugins so the lock cannot prevent to delete and re-upload the same plugin. String pluginId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Path pluginPath = getPluginPath(pluginId); while (Files.exists(pluginPath)) { pluginId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); pluginPath = getPluginPath(pluginId); } return pluginId; } private Path getPluginPath(String pluginPathId) { return FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(pluginsWorkDirectory, pluginPathId); } private Path getPluginUiPath(String pluginPathId) { return FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(pluginsUiDirectory, pluginPathId); } private Path getPluginZipFilePath(String pluginId) { String pluginFileName = pluginId.replaceAll(":", "-"); return FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(pluginsWorkDirectory, pluginFileName + ".cpa"); } /** * Actually load and link a plugin in Alien 4 Cloud. * * @param plugin The plugin the load and link. * @param pluginPath The path to the directory that contains the un-zipped plugin. * @param pluginUiPath The path in which the ui files are located. * @throws IOException In case there is an IO issue with the file. * @throws ClassNotFoundException If we cannot load the class */ private void loadPlugin(Plugin plugin, Path pluginPath, Path pluginUiPath) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // create a class loader to manage this plugin. final List<URL> classPathUrls = Lists.newArrayList(); pluginPath = pluginPath.toRealPath(); classPathUrls.add(pluginPath.toUri().toURL()); Path libPath = pluginPath.resolve(LIB_DIRECTORY); if (Files.exists(libPath)) { Files.walkFileTree(libPath, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { file.endsWith(".jar"); classPathUrls.add(file.toUri().toURL()); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } ClassLoader pluginClassLoader = new PluginClassloader(classPathUrls.toArray(new URL[classPathUrls.size()]), Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); // load a spring context for the plugin that will be a child of the current spring context AnnotationConfigApplicationContext pluginContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(); pluginContext.setParent(alienContext); pluginContext.setClassLoader(pluginClassLoader); // Register beans from dependencies // TODO should we allow some pure ui plugins ? and if the plugin doesn't have any config class? for ex a typical ui plugin ? registerDependencies(plugin, pluginContext); if (plugin.getDescriptor().getConfigurationClass() != null) { pluginContext.register(pluginClassLoader.loadClass(plugin.getDescriptor().getConfigurationClass())); } // Register the context so that it can be injected by other beans // pluginContext.getBeanFactory().registerSingleton("alien-plugin-context", managedPlugin); GenericBeanDefinition beanDefinition = new GenericBeanDefinition(); beanDefinition.setPrimary(true); beanDefinition.setBeanClass(ManagedPlugin.class); ConstructorArgumentValues constructorArgumentValues = new ConstructorArgumentValues(); constructorArgumentValues.addIndexedArgumentValue(0, pluginContext); constructorArgumentValues.addIndexedArgumentValue(1, plugin); constructorArgumentValues.addIndexedArgumentValue(2, pluginPath); constructorArgumentValues.addIndexedArgumentValue(3, pluginUiPath); beanDefinition.setConstructorArgumentValues(constructorArgumentValues); pluginContext.registerBeanDefinition("alien-plugin-context", beanDefinition); // Use plugin classloader as context classloader as some codes still use this ClassLoaderUtil.runWithContextClassLoader(pluginClassLoader, () -> { pluginContext.refresh(); pluginContext.start(); }); ManagedPlugin managedPlugin = (ManagedPlugin) pluginContext.getBean("alien-plugin-context"); Map<String, PluginComponentDescriptor> componentDescriptors = getPluginComponentDescriptorAsMap(plugin); // expose plugin elements so they are available to plugins that depends from them. expose(managedPlugin, componentDescriptors); // register plugin elements in Alien link(plugin, managedPlugin, componentDescriptors); // install static resources to be available for the application. pluginContexts.put(plugin.getId(), managedPlugin); } private void registerDependencies(Plugin plugin, AnnotationConfigApplicationContext pluginContext) { if (plugin.getDescriptor().getDependencies() == null) { return; // no dependencies for this plugin. } for (String dependency : plugin.getDescriptor().getDependencies()) { ManagedPlugin dependencyPlugin = this.pluginContexts.get(dependency); for (Entry<String, Object> exposed : dependencyPlugin.getExposedBeans().entrySet()) { pluginContext.getBeanFactory().registerSingleton(exposed.getKey(), exposed.getValue()); } } } /** * Initialize the list of exposed beans for the given plugin. * * @param managedPlugin The plugin for which to configure exposed beans. * @param componentDescriptors The components descriptor of the plugin. */ private void expose(ManagedPlugin managedPlugin, Map<String, PluginComponentDescriptor> componentDescriptors) { Map<String, Object> exposedBeans = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Entry<String, PluginComponentDescriptor> componentDescriptorEntry : componentDescriptors.entrySet()) { String beanName = componentDescriptorEntry.getValue().getBeanName(); // TODO handle NoSuchBeanDefinitionException with a nice error message to the user. Object bean = managedPlugin.getPluginContext().getBean(beanName); if (bean == null) { log.warn("Plugin bean <" + beanName + "> is referenced in descriptor but doesn't exist in context."); } else { exposedBeans.put(beanName, bean); } } managedPlugin.setExposedBeans(exposedBeans); } /** * Link the plugin against alien components that may need to use it. * * @param plugin The plugin to link. * @param managedPlugin The managed plugin related to the plugin. * @param componentDescriptors The map of component descriptors. */ private void link(Plugin plugin, ManagedPlugin managedPlugin, Map<String, PluginComponentDescriptor> componentDescriptors) { // Global linking (rest-mapping for example) for (IPluginLoadingCallback callback : SpringUtils.getBeansOfType(alienContext, IPluginLoadingCallback.class)) { callback.onPluginLoaded(managedPlugin); } // Specific bean linking to bean types. for (PluginLinker linker : linkers) { Map<String, ?> instancesToLink = managedPlugin.getPluginContext().getBeansOfType(linker.linkedType); for (Entry<String, ?> instanceToLink : instancesToLink.entrySet()) {, instanceToLink.getKey(), instanceToLink.getValue()); PluginComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor = componentDescriptors.get(instanceToLink.getKey()); if (componentDescriptor == null) { componentDescriptor = new PluginComponentDescriptor(); componentDescriptor.setBeanName(instanceToLink.getKey()); componentDescriptor.setName(instanceToLink.getKey()); } componentDescriptor.setType(linker.linkedType.getSimpleName()); } } // Add a default undefined type for all componentDescriptor that haven't been linked. for (PluginComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor : componentDescriptors.values()) { if (componentDescriptor.getType() == null) { componentDescriptor.setType(UNKNOWN_PLUGIN_COMPONENT_TYPE); } } } private Map<String, PluginComponentDescriptor> getPluginComponentDescriptorAsMap(Plugin plugin) { Map<String, PluginComponentDescriptor> componentDescriptors = Maps.newHashMap(); if (plugin == null || plugin.getDescriptor() == null || plugin.getDescriptor().getComponentDescriptors() == null) { return componentDescriptors; } for (PluginComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor : plugin.getDescriptor().getComponentDescriptors()) { componentDescriptors.put(componentDescriptor.getBeanName(), componentDescriptor); } return componentDescriptors; } /** * The the plugin descriptor for a given plugin. * * @param pluginId The id of the plugin for which to get the descriptor. * @return The plugin descriptor for the given plugin. */ public PluginDescriptor getPluginDescriptor(String pluginId) { return pluginContexts.get(pluginId).getPlugin().getDescriptor(); } private Class<?> getConfigurationType(IPluginConfigurator<?> configurator) { return ReflectionUtil.getGenericArgumentType(configurator.getClass(), IPluginConfigurator.class, 0); } /** * Return true if the plugin can be configured using a configuration object (basically if the plugin spring context contains an instance of * {@link IPluginConfigurator}. * * @param pluginId Id of the plugin for which to know if configurable. * @return True if the plugin can be configured, false if not. */ public boolean isPluginConfigurable(String pluginId) { AnnotationConfigApplicationContext pluginContext = pluginContexts.get(pluginId).getPluginContext(); Map<String, IPluginConfigurator> configurators = pluginContext.getBeansOfType(IPluginConfigurator.class); return MapUtils.isNotEmpty(configurators); } /** * Get the class of the configuration object for a given plugin. * * @param pluginId Id of the plugin for which to get configuration object's class. * @return The class of the plugin configuration object. */ public Class<?> getConfigurationType(String pluginId) { AnnotationConfigApplicationContext pluginContext = pluginContexts.get(pluginId).getPluginContext(); Map<String, IPluginConfigurator> configurators = pluginContext.getBeansOfType(IPluginConfigurator.class); if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(configurators)) { // TODO: manage case multiple configuration beans return getConfigurationType(configurators.values().iterator().next()); } return null; } /** * Get the instance of the {@link IPluginConfigurator} for a given plugin. * * @param pluginId Id of the plugin for which to get a the {@link IPluginConfigurator} * @return Null if no {@link IPluginConfigurator} is defined within the plugin's spring context or the first instance of {@link IPluginConfigurator}. */ public <T> IPluginConfigurator<T> getConfiguratorFor(String pluginId) { AnnotationConfigApplicationContext pluginContext = pluginContexts.get(pluginId).getPluginContext(); Map<String, IPluginConfigurator> configurators = pluginContext.getBeansOfType(IPluginConfigurator.class); if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(configurators)) { // TODO: manage case multiple configuration beans return configurators.values().iterator().next(); } return null; } public Map<String, ManagedPlugin> getPluginContexts() { return pluginContexts; } public List<PluginComponent> getPluginComponents(String type) { List<PluginComponent> pluginComponents = new ArrayList<>(); for (ManagedPlugin plugin : pluginContexts.values()) { PluginDescriptor descriptor = plugin.getPlugin().getDescriptor(); if (descriptor.getComponentDescriptors() != null) { for (PluginComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor : descriptor.getComponentDescriptors()) { if (componentDescriptor.getType().equals(type)) { pluginComponents .add(new PluginComponent(plugin.getPlugin().getId(), descriptor.getName(), descriptor.getVersion(), componentDescriptor)); } } } } return pluginComponents; } @AllArgsConstructor(suppressConstructorProperties = true) private final class PluginLinker<T> { private IPluginLinker<T> linker; private Class<T> linkedType; } }