package; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.inject.Inject; import alien4cloud.component.repository.exception.ToscaTypeAlreadyDefinedInOtherCSAR; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.catalog.ArchiveUploadService; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.catalog.index.CsarService; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.CSARDependency; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.Csar; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.util.FileSystemUtils; import; import alien4cloud.common.AlienConstants; import alien4cloud.component.repository.exception.CSARUsedInActiveDeployment; import alien4cloud.dao.IGenericSearchDAO; import alien4cloud.exception.AlreadyExistException; import alien4cloud.exception.GitException; import alien4cloud.git.RepositoryManager; import alien4cloud.model.components.CSARSource; import alien4cloud.model.git.CsarDependenciesBean; import alien4cloud.model.git.CsarGitCheckoutLocation; import alien4cloud.model.git.CsarGitRepository; import alien4cloud.tosca.parser.ParsingException; import alien4cloud.tosca.parser.ParsingResult; import alien4cloud.utils.FileUtil; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; @Slf4j @Service public class CsarGitService { @Inject private CsarGitRepositoryService csarGitRepositoryService; @Inject private CsarFinderService csarFinderService; @Inject private ArchiveUploadService uploadService; @Resource(name = "alien-es-dao") private IGenericSearchDAO alienDAO; @Resource private CsarService csarService; // TODO store archives that are not 'temp' in another location. private Path tempDirPath; private Path tempZipDirPath; @Required @Value("${directories.alien}/${directories.upload_temp}") public void setTempDirPath(String tempDirPath) throws IOException { this.tempDirPath = FileUtil.createDirectoryIfNotExists(tempDirPath + "/git"); this.tempZipDirPath = FileUtil.createDirectoryIfNotExists(tempDirPath + "/gitzips"); } /** * Delete an CsarGitRepository based on its id. * * @param id The id of the CsarGitRepository to delete. */ public void delete(String id) { CsarGitRepository csarGit = csarGitRepositoryService.getOrFail(id); if (csarGit.isStoredLocally()) { Path repositoryPath = tempDirPath.resolve(csarGit.getId()); if (Files.isDirectory(repositoryPath)) { FileSystemUtils.deleteRecursively(repositoryPath.toFile()); } } alienDAO.delete(CsarGitRepository.class, csarGit.getId()); } /** * Import Cloud Service ARchives from a git repository. * * @param id The id to access the git repository. * @return The result of the import (that may contains errors etc.) */ public List<ParsingResult<Csar>> importFromGitRepository(String id) { CsarGitRepository csarGitRepository = csarGitRepositoryService.getOrFail(id); List<ParsingResult<Csar>> results = Lists.newArrayList(); try { // Iterate over locations (branches, folders etc.) and process the import for (CsarGitCheckoutLocation csarGitCheckoutLocation : csarGitRepository.getImportLocations()) { List<ParsingResult<Csar>> result = doImport(csarGitRepository, csarGitCheckoutLocation); if (result != null) { results.addAll(result); } } } finally { // cleanup Path archiveZipRoot = tempZipDirPath.resolve(csarGitRepository.getId()); Path archiveGitRoot = tempDirPath.resolve(csarGitRepository.getId()); try { FileUtil.delete(archiveZipRoot); if (!csarGitRepository.isStoredLocally()) { FileUtil.delete(archiveGitRoot); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to cleanup files after git import.", e); } } return results; } private List<ParsingResult<Csar>> doImport(CsarGitRepository csarGitRepository, CsarGitCheckoutLocation csarGitCheckoutLocation) { Git git = null; try { // checkout the repository branch git = RepositoryManager.cloneOrCheckout(tempDirPath, csarGitRepository.getRepositoryUrl(), csarGitRepository.getUsername(), csarGitRepository.getPassword(), csarGitCheckoutLocation.getBranchId(), csarGitRepository.getId()); // if the repository is persistent we also have to pull to get the latest version if (csarGitRepository.isStoredLocally() && !RepositoryManager.isATag(git, csarGitCheckoutLocation.getBranchId())) { // try to pull RepositoryManager.pull(git, csarGitRepository.getUsername(), csarGitRepository.getPassword()); } String hash = RepositoryManager.getLastHash(git); // now that the repository is checked out and up to date process with the import List<ParsingResult<Csar>> results = processImport(csarGitRepository, csarGitCheckoutLocation, hash); if (!Objects.equals(csarGitCheckoutLocation.getLastImportedHash(), hash)) { csarGitCheckoutLocation.setLastImportedHash(hash);; // update the hash for this location. } // TODO best would be to provide with a better result to show that we didn't retried import return results; } finally { RepositoryManager.close(git); } } private List<ParsingResult<Csar>> processImport(CsarGitRepository csarGitRepository, CsarGitCheckoutLocation csarGitCheckoutLocation, String gitHash) { // find all the archives under the given hierarchy and zip them to create archives Path archiveZipRoot = tempZipDirPath.resolve(csarGitRepository.getId()); Path archiveGitRoot = tempDirPath.resolve(csarGitRepository.getId()); Set<Path> archivePaths = csarFinderService.prepare(archiveGitRoot, archiveZipRoot, csarGitCheckoutLocation.getSubPath()); // TODO code review has to be completed to further cleanup below processing. List<ParsingResult<Csar>> parsingResult = Lists.newArrayList(); try { Map<CSARDependency, CsarDependenciesBean> csarDependenciesBeans = uploadService.preParsing(archivePaths, parsingResult); List<CsarDependenciesBean> sorted = sort(csarDependenciesBeans); for (CsarDependenciesBean csarBean : sorted) { if (csarGitCheckoutLocation.getLastImportedHash() != null && csarGitCheckoutLocation.getLastImportedHash().equals(gitHash)) { if (csarService.get(csarBean.getSelf().getName(), csarBean.getSelf().getVersion()) != null) { // no commit since last import and the archive still exist in the repo, so do not import // TODO notify the user that the archive has already been imported continue; } } // FIXME Add possibility to choose an workspace ParsingResult<Csar> result = uploadService.upload(csarBean.getPath(), CSARSource.GIT, AlienConstants.GLOBAL_WORKSPACE_ID); parsingResult.add(result); } return parsingResult; } catch (ParsingException e) { // TODO Actually add a parsing result with error. throw new GitException("Failed to import archive from git as it cannot be parsed", e); } catch (AlreadyExistException e) { return parsingResult; } catch (CSARUsedInActiveDeployment e) { // TODO Actually add a parsing result with error. return parsingResult; } catch (ToscaTypeAlreadyDefinedInOtherCSAR e) { // TODO Actually add a parsing result with error. return parsingResult; } } private List<CsarDependenciesBean> sort(Map<CSARDependency, CsarDependenciesBean> elements) { List<CsarDependenciesBean> sortedCsars = Lists.newArrayList(); List<CsarDependenciesBean> independents = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Map.Entry<CSARDependency, CsarDependenciesBean> entry : elements.entrySet()) { CsarDependenciesBean csar = entry.getValue(); if (csar.getDependencies() == null) { // the element has no dependencies independents.add(csar); } else { // complete the list of dependent elements List<CSARDependency> toClears = Lists.newArrayList(); for (CSARDependency dependent : csar.getDependencies()) { CsarDependenciesBean providedDependency = elements.get(dependent); if (providedDependency == null) { // remove the dependency as it may be in the alien repo toClears.add(dependent); } else { providedDependency.getDependents().add(entry.getValue()); } } for (CSARDependency toClear : toClears) { csar.getDependencies().remove(toClear); } if (csar.getDependencies().isEmpty()) { independents.add(csar); } } } while (independents.size() > 0) { CsarDependenciesBean independent = independents.remove(0); elements.remove(independent.getSelf()); // remove from the elements sortedCsars.add(independent); // element has no more dependencies for (CsarDependenciesBean dependent : independent.getDependents()) { dependent.getDependencies().remove(independent.getSelf()); if (dependent.getDependencies().isEmpty()) { independents.add(dependent); } } } if (elements.size() > 0) { // TODO there is looping dependencies throw exception or ignore ? } return sortedCsars; } }