/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.unit_tests; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.provider.Settings; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import com.google.android.net.UrlRules; import static com.google.android.net.UrlRules.Rule; /** Test loading and matching URL rewrite rules for UrlRules. */ public class UrlRulesTest extends AndroidTestCase { @SmallTest public void testEmptyRules() { UrlRules rules = new UrlRules(new Rule[] { }); assertTrue(rules.matchRule("http://foo.bar/") == Rule.DEFAULT); } @SmallTest public void testInvalidRule() throws Exception { try { new Rule("rule", "foo bar"); } catch (Exception e) { // Re-throw any exception except the one we're looking for. if (!e.toString().contains("Illegal rule: foo bar")) throw e; } } @SmallTest public void testRewriteRule() throws UrlRules.RuleFormatException { Rule rule = new Rule("test_rule", "http://foo.bar/ rewrite http://bar.foo/"); assertEquals("test_rule", rule.mName); assertEquals("http://foo.bar/", rule.mPrefix); assertEquals("http://bar.foo/", rule.mRewrite); assertFalse(rule.mBlock); assertEquals("http://bar.foo/bat", rule.apply("http://foo.bar/bat")); } @SmallTest public void testBlockRule() throws UrlRules.RuleFormatException { Rule rule = new Rule("test_rule", "http://foo.bar/ block"); assertEquals("test_rule", rule.mName); assertEquals("http://foo.bar/", rule.mPrefix); assertTrue(rule.mRewrite == null); assertTrue(rule.mBlock); assertTrue(rule.apply("http://foo.bar/bat") == null); } @SmallTest public void testMatchRule() throws UrlRules.RuleFormatException { UrlRules rules = new UrlRules(new Rule[] { new Rule("12", "http://one.two/ rewrite http://buckle.my.shoe/"), new Rule("34", "http://three.four/ rewrite http://close.the.door/"), new Rule("56", "http://five.six/ rewrite http://pick.up.sticks/"), }); assertTrue(rules.matchRule("https://one.two/") == Rule.DEFAULT); assertTrue(rules.matchRule("http://one.two") == Rule.DEFAULT); assertEquals("12", rules.matchRule("http://one.two/foo").mName); String u = "http://five.six/bar"; assertEquals("http://pick.up.sticks/bar", rules.matchRule(u).apply(u)); } @SmallTest public void testAmbiguousMatch() throws UrlRules.RuleFormatException { // Rule is the longest match wins. UrlRules rules = new UrlRules(new Rule[] { new Rule("1", "http://xyz/one rewrite http://rewrite/"), new Rule("123", "http://xyz/onetwothree rewrite http://rewrite/"), new Rule("12", "http://xyz/onetwo rewrite http://rewrite/"), }); assertEquals("1", rules.matchRule("http://xyz/one").mName); assertEquals("1", rules.matchRule("http://xyz/one...").mName); assertEquals("12", rules.matchRule("http://xyz/onetwo...").mName); assertEquals("123", rules.matchRule("http://xyz/onetwothree...").mName); } @MediumTest public void testGservicesRules() { // TODO: use a MockContentProvider/MockContentResolver instead. ContentResolver r = getContext().getContentResolver(); // Update the digest, so the UrlRules cache is reloaded. Settings.Gservices.putString(r, "digest", "testGservicesRules"); Settings.Gservices.putString(r, "url:blank_test", ""); Settings.Gservices.putString(r, "url:test", "http://foo.bar/ rewrite http://bar.foo/"); UrlRules rules = UrlRules.getRules(r); // Don't crash, please. :) assertTrue(rules.matchRule("http://bar.foo/") == Rule.DEFAULT); Rule rule = rules.matchRule("http://foo.bar/bat"); assertEquals("test", rule.mName); assertEquals("http://foo.bar/", rule.mPrefix); assertEquals("http://bar.foo/", rule.mRewrite); assertFalse(rule.mBlock); } }