/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.media; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Surface; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; /** * Used to record audio and video. The recording control is based on a * simple state machine (see below). * * <p><img src="{@docRoot}images/mediarecorder_state_diagram.gif" border="0" /> * </p> * * <p>A common case of using MediaRecorder to record audio works as follows: * * <pre>MediaRecorder recorder = new MediaRecorder(); * recorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); * recorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP); * recorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB); * recorder.setOutputFile(PATH_NAME); * recorder.prepare(); * recorder.start(); // Recording is now started * ... * recorder.stop(); * recorder.reset(); // You can reuse the object by going back to setAudioSource() step * recorder.release(); // Now the object cannot be reused * </pre> * * <p>See the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/media/index.html">Audio and Video</a> * documentation for additional help with using MediaRecorder. */ public class MediaRecorder { static { System.loadLibrary("media_jni"); } private final static String TAG = "MediaRecorder"; // The two fields below are accessed by native methods @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int mNativeContext; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Surface mSurface; private String mPath; private FileDescriptor mFd; private EventHandler mEventHandler; private OnErrorListener mOnErrorListener; private OnInfoListener mOnInfoListener; /** * Default constructor. */ public MediaRecorder() { Looper looper; if ((looper = Looper.myLooper()) != null) { mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper); } else if ((looper = Looper.getMainLooper()) != null) { mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper); } else { mEventHandler = null; } /* Native setup requires a weak reference to our object. * It's easier to create it here than in C++. */ native_setup(new WeakReference<MediaRecorder>(this)); } /** * Sets a Camera to use for recording. Use this function to switch * quickly between preview and capture mode without a teardown of * the camera object. Must call before prepare(). * * @param c the Camera to use for recording */ public native void setCamera(Camera c); /** * Sets a Surface to show a preview of recorded media (video). Calls this * before prepare() to make sure that the desirable preview display is * set. * * @param sv the Surface to use for the preview */ public void setPreviewDisplay(Surface sv) { mSurface = sv; } /** * Defines the audio source. These constants are used with * {@link MediaRecorder#setAudioSource(int)}. */ public final class AudioSource { /* Do not change these values without updating their counterparts * in include/media/mediarecorder.h! */ private AudioSource() {} public static final int DEFAULT = 0; /** Microphone audio source */ public static final int MIC = 1; } /** * Defines the video source. These constants are used with * {@link MediaRecorder#setVideoSource(int)}. */ public final class VideoSource { /* Do not change these values without updating their counterparts * in include/media/mediarecorder.h! */ private VideoSource() {} public static final int DEFAULT = 0; /** Camera video source */ public static final int CAMERA = 1; } /** * Defines the output format. These constants are used with * {@link MediaRecorder#setOutputFormat(int)}. */ public final class OutputFormat { /* Do not change these values without updating their counterparts * in include/media/mediarecorder.h! */ private OutputFormat() {} public static final int DEFAULT = 0; /** 3GPP media file format*/ public static final int THREE_GPP = 1; /** MPEG4 media file format*/ public static final int MPEG_4 = 2; /** Raw AMR file format */ public static final int RAW_AMR = 3; }; /** * Defines the audio encoding. These constants are used with * {@link MediaRecorder#setAudioEncoder(int)}. */ public final class AudioEncoder { /* Do not change these values without updating their counterparts * in include/media/mediarecorder.h! */ private AudioEncoder() {} public static final int DEFAULT = 0; /** AMR (Narrowband) audio codec */ public static final int AMR_NB = 1; //public static final AAC = 2; currently unsupported } /** * Defines the video encoding. These constants are used with * {@link MediaRecorder#setVideoEncoder(int)}. */ public final class VideoEncoder { /* Do not change these values without updating their counterparts * in include/media/mediarecorder.h! */ private VideoEncoder() {} public static final int DEFAULT = 0; public static final int H263 = 1; public static final int H264 = 2; public static final int MPEG_4_SP = 3; } /** * Sets the audio source to be used for recording. If this method is not * called, the output file will not contain an audio track. The source needs * to be specified before setting recording-parameters or encoders. Call * this only before setOutputFormat(). * * @param audio_source the audio source to use * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called after setOutputFormat() * @see android.media.MediaRecorder.AudioSource */ public native void setAudioSource(int audio_source) throws IllegalStateException; /** * Sets the video source to be used for recording. If this method is not * called, the output file will not contain an video track. The source needs * to be specified before setting recording-parameters or encoders. Call * this only before setOutputFormat(). * * @param video_source the video source to use * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called after setOutputFormat() * @see android.media.MediaRecorder.VideoSource */ public native void setVideoSource(int video_source) throws IllegalStateException; /** * Sets the format of the output file produced during recording. Call this * after setAudioSource()/setVideoSource() but before prepare(). * * <p>It is recommended to always use 3GP format when using the H.263 * video encoder and AMR audio encoder. Using an MPEG-4 container format * may confuse some desktop players.</p> * * @param output_format the output format to use. The output format * needs to be specified before setting recording-parameters or encoders. * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called after prepare() or before * setAudioSource()/setVideoSource(). * @see android.media.MediaRecorder.OutputFormat */ public native void setOutputFormat(int output_format) throws IllegalStateException; /** * Sets the width and height of the video to be captured. Must be called * after setVideoSource(). Call this after setOutFormat() but before * prepare(). * * @param width the width of the video to be captured * @param height the height of the video to be captured * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called after * prepare() or before setOutputFormat() */ public native void setVideoSize(int width, int height) throws IllegalStateException; /** * Sets the frame rate of the video to be captured. Must be called * after setVideoSource(). Call this after setOutFormat() but before * prepare(). * * @param rate the number of frames per second of video to capture * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called after * prepare() or before setOutputFormat(). * * NOTE: On some devices that have auto-frame rate, this sets the * maximum frame rate, not a constant frame rate. Actual frame rate * will vary according to lighting conditions. */ public native void setVideoFrameRate(int rate) throws IllegalStateException; /** * Sets the maximum duration (in ms) of the recording session. * Call this after setOutFormat() but before prepare(). * After recording reaches the specified duration, a notification * will be sent to the {@link android.media.MediaRecorder.OnInfoListener} * with a "what" code of {@link #MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_DURATION_REACHED} * and recording will be stopped. Stopping happens asynchronously, there * is no guarantee that the recorder will have stopped by the time the * listener is notified. * * @param max_duration_ms the maximum duration in ms (if zero or negative, disables the duration limit) * */ public native void setMaxDuration(int max_duration_ms) throws IllegalArgumentException; /** * Sets the maximum filesize (in bytes) of the recording session. * Call this after setOutFormat() but before prepare(). * After recording reaches the specified filesize, a notification * will be sent to the {@link android.media.MediaRecorder.OnInfoListener} * with a "what" code of {@link #MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED} * and recording will be stopped. Stopping happens asynchronously, there * is no guarantee that the recorder will have stopped by the time the * listener is notified. * * @param max_filesize_bytes the maximum filesize in bytes (if zero or negative, disables the limit) * */ public native void setMaxFileSize(long max_filesize_bytes) throws IllegalArgumentException; /** * Sets the audio encoder to be used for recording. If this method is not * called, the output file will not contain an audio track. Call this after * setOutputFormat() but before prepare(). * * @param audio_encoder the audio encoder to use. * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called before * setOutputFormat() or after prepare(). * @see android.media.MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder */ public native void setAudioEncoder(int audio_encoder) throws IllegalStateException; /** * Sets the video encoder to be used for recording. If this method is not * called, the output file will not contain an video track. Call this after * setOutputFormat() and before prepare(). * * @param video_encoder the video encoder to use. * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called before * setOutputFormat() or after prepare() * @see android.media.MediaRecorder.VideoEncoder */ public native void setVideoEncoder(int video_encoder) throws IllegalStateException; /** * Pass in the file descriptor of the file to be written. Call this after * setOutputFormat() but before prepare(). * * @param fd an open file descriptor to be written into. * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called before * setOutputFormat() or after prepare() */ public void setOutputFile(FileDescriptor fd) throws IllegalStateException { mPath = null; mFd = fd; } /** * Sets the path of the output file to be produced. Call this after * setOutputFormat() but before prepare(). * * @param path The pathname to use. * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called before * setOutputFormat() or after prepare() */ public void setOutputFile(String path) throws IllegalStateException { mFd = null; mPath = path; } // native implementation private native void _setOutputFile(FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length) throws IllegalStateException, IOException; private native void _prepare() throws IllegalStateException, IOException; /** * Prepares the recorder to begin capturing and encoding data. This method * must be called after setting up the desired audio and video sources, * encoders, file format, etc., but before start(). * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called after * start() or before setOutputFormat(). * @throws IOException if prepare fails otherwise. */ public void prepare() throws IllegalStateException, IOException { if (mPath != null) { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(mPath); try { _setOutputFile(fos.getFD(), 0, 0); } finally { fos.close(); } } else if (mFd != null) { _setOutputFile(mFd, 0, 0); } else { throw new IOException("No valid output file"); } _prepare(); } /** * Begins capturing and encoding data to the file specified with * setOutputFile(). Call this after prepare(). * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called before * prepare(). */ public native void start() throws IllegalStateException; /** * Stops recording. Call this after start(). Once recording is stopped, * you will have to configure it again as if it has just been constructed. * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called before start() */ public native void stop() throws IllegalStateException; /** * Restarts the MediaRecorder to its idle state. After calling * this method, you will have to configure it again as if it had just been * constructed. */ public void reset() { native_reset(); // make sure none of the listeners get called anymore mEventHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); } private native void native_reset(); /** * Returns the maximum absolute amplitude that was sampled since the last * call to this method. Call this only after the setAudioSource(). * * @return the maximum absolute amplitude measured since the last call, or * 0 when called for the first time * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called before * the audio source has been set. */ public native int getMaxAmplitude() throws IllegalStateException; /* Do not change this value without updating its counterpart * in include/media/mediarecorder.h! */ /** Unspecified media recorder error. * @see android.media.MediaRecorder.OnErrorListener */ public static final int MEDIA_RECORDER_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 1; /** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an error * occurs while recording. */ public interface OnErrorListener { /** * Called when an error occurs while recording. * * @param mr the MediaRecorder that encountered the error * @param what the type of error that has occurred: * <ul> * <li>{@link #MEDIA_RECORDER_ERROR_UNKNOWN} * </ul> * @param extra an extra code, specific to the error type */ void onError(MediaRecorder mr, int what, int extra); } /** * Register a callback to be invoked when an error occurs while * recording. * * @param l the callback that will be run */ public void setOnErrorListener(OnErrorListener l) { mOnErrorListener = l; } /* Do not change these values without updating their counterparts * in include/media/mediarecorder.h! */ /** Unspecified media recorder error. * @see android.media.MediaRecorder.OnInfoListener */ public static final int MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_UNKNOWN = 1; /** A maximum duration had been setup and has now been reached. * @see android.media.MediaRecorder.OnInfoListener */ public static final int MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_DURATION_REACHED = 800; /** A maximum filesize had been setup and has now been reached. * @see android.media.MediaRecorder.OnInfoListener */ public static final int MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED = 801; /** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an error * occurs while recording. */ public interface OnInfoListener { /** * Called when an error occurs while recording. * * @param mr the MediaRecorder that encountered the error * @param what the type of error that has occurred: * <ul> * <li>{@link #MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_UNKNOWN} * <li>{@link #MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_DURATION_REACHED} * <li>{@link #MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED} * </ul> * @param extra an extra code, specific to the error type */ void onInfo(MediaRecorder mr, int what, int extra); } /** * Register a callback to be invoked when an informational event occurs while * recording. * * @param listener the callback that will be run */ public void setOnInfoListener(OnInfoListener listener) { mOnInfoListener = listener; } private class EventHandler extends Handler { private MediaRecorder mMediaRecorder; public EventHandler(MediaRecorder mr, Looper looper) { super(looper); mMediaRecorder = mr; } /* Do not change these values without updating their counterparts * in include/media/mediarecorder.h! */ private static final int MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_ERROR = 1; private static final int MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_INFO = 2; @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (mMediaRecorder.mNativeContext == 0) { Log.w(TAG, "mediarecorder went away with unhandled events"); return; } switch(msg.what) { case MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_ERROR: if (mOnErrorListener != null) mOnErrorListener.onError(mMediaRecorder, msg.arg1, msg.arg2); return; case MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_INFO: if (mOnInfoListener != null) mOnInfoListener.onInfo(mMediaRecorder, msg.arg1, msg.arg2); return; default: Log.e(TAG, "Unknown message type " + msg.what); return; } } } /** * Called from native code when an interesting event happens. This method * just uses the EventHandler system to post the event back to the main app thread. * We use a weak reference to the original MediaRecorder object so that the native * code is safe from the object disappearing from underneath it. (This is * the cookie passed to native_setup().) */ private static void postEventFromNative(Object mediarecorder_ref, int what, int arg1, int arg2, Object obj) { MediaRecorder mr = (MediaRecorder)((WeakReference)mediarecorder_ref).get(); if (mr == null) { return; } if (mr.mEventHandler != null) { Message m = mr.mEventHandler.obtainMessage(what, arg1, arg2, obj); mr.mEventHandler.sendMessage(m); } } /** * Releases resources associated with this MediaRecorder object. * It is good practice to call this method when you're done * using the MediaRecorder. */ public native void release(); private native final void native_setup(Object mediarecorder_this) throws IllegalStateException; private native final void native_finalize(); @Override protected void finalize() { native_finalize(); } }