package net.glowstone.util.nbt; /** * The {@code TAG_Byte_Array} tag. */ public final class ByteArrayTag extends Tag<byte[]> { private static final int C_ARRAY_START = 0; // Parsing context private static final int C_ARRAY_ELEMENT = 1; // Parsing context /** * The value. */ private final byte[] value; /** * Creates the tag. * * @param value The value. */ public ByteArrayTag(byte... value) { super(TagType.BYTE_ARRAY); this.value = value; } @Override public byte[] getValue() { return value; } @Override protected void valueToString(StringBuilder hex) { for (byte b : value) { String hexDigits = Integer.toHexString(b & 0xff); if (hexDigits.length() == 1) { hex.append("0"); } hex.append(hexDigits).append(" "); } } }