package net.glowstone.generator.objects.trees; import net.glowstone.util.BlockStateDelegate; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Random; public class BigOakTree extends GenericTree { private static final float LEAF_DENSITY = 1.0F; private final Random random = new Random(); private int maxLeafDistance = 5; private int trunkHeight; public BigOakTree(Random random, Location location, BlockStateDelegate delegate) { super(random, location, delegate); this.random.setSeed(random.nextLong()); setHeight(this.random.nextInt(12) + 5); } public final void setMaxLeafDistance(int distance) { maxLeafDistance = distance; } @Override public boolean canPlace() { Vector from = new Vector(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()); Vector to = new Vector(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY() + height - 1, loc.getBlockZ()); int blocks = countAvailableBlocks(from, to); if (blocks == -1) { return true; } else if (blocks > 5) { height = blocks; return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean generate() { if (!canPlaceOn() || !canPlace()) { return false; } trunkHeight = (int) (height * 0.618D); if (trunkHeight >= height) { trunkHeight = height - 1; } Collection<LeafNode> leafNodes = generateLeafNodes(); // generate the leaves for (LeafNode node : leafNodes) { for (int y = 0; y < maxLeafDistance; y++) { float size = y > 0 && y < maxLeafDistance - 1.0F ? 3.0F : 2.0F; int nodeDistance = (int) (0.618D + size); for (int x = -nodeDistance; x <= nodeDistance; x++) { for (int z = -nodeDistance; z <= nodeDistance; z++) { double sizeX = Math.abs(x) + 0.5D; double sizeZ = Math.abs(z) + 0.5D; if (sizeX * sizeX + sizeZ * sizeZ <= size * size) { if (overridables.contains(delegate.getBlockState(loc.getWorld(), node.getX() + x, node.getY() + y, node.getZ() + z).getType())) { delegate.setTypeAndRawData(loc.getWorld(), node.getX() + x, node.getY() + y, node.getZ() + z, Material.LEAVES, leavesType); } } } } } } // generate the trunk for (int y = 0; y < trunkHeight; y++) { delegate.setTypeAndRawData(loc.getWorld(), loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY() + y, loc.getBlockZ(), Material.LOG, logType); } // generate the branches for (LeafNode node : leafNodes) { if ((double) node.getBranchY() - loc.getBlockY() >= height * 0.2D) { Vector base = new Vector(loc.getBlockX(), node.getBranchY(), loc.getBlockZ()); Vector leafNode = new Vector(node.getX(), node.getY(), node.getZ()); Vector branch = leafNode.subtract(base); int maxDistance = Math.max(Math.abs(branch.getBlockY()), Math.max(Math.abs(branch.getBlockX()), Math.abs(branch.getBlockZ()))); float dX = (float) branch.getX() / maxDistance; float dY = (float) branch.getY() / maxDistance; float dZ = (float) branch.getZ() / maxDistance; for (int i = 0; i <= maxDistance; i++) { branch = base.clone().add(new Vector((double) (0.5F + i * dX), 0.5F + i * dY, 0.5F + i * dZ)); int x = Math.abs(branch.getBlockX() - base.getBlockX()); int z = Math.abs(branch.getBlockZ() - base.getBlockZ()); int max = Math.max(x, z); int direction = max > 0 ? max == x ? 4 : 8 : 0; // EAST / SOUTH delegate.setTypeAndRawData(loc.getWorld(), branch.getBlockX(), branch.getBlockY(), branch.getBlockZ(), Material.LOG, logType | direction); } } } return true; } private int countAvailableBlocks(Vector from, Vector to) { int n = 0; Vector target = to.subtract(from); int maxDistance = Math.max(Math.abs(target.getBlockY()), Math.max(Math.abs(target.getBlockX()), Math.abs(target.getBlockZ()))); float dX = (float) target.getX() / maxDistance; float dY = (float) target.getY() / maxDistance; float dZ = (float) target.getZ() / maxDistance; for (int i = 0; i <= maxDistance; i++, n++) { target = from.clone().add(new Vector((double) (0.5F + i * dX), 0.5F + i * dY, 0.5F + i * dZ)); if (target.getBlockY() < 0 || target.getBlockY() > 255 || !overridables.contains(delegate.getBlockState(loc.getWorld(), target.getBlockX(), target.getBlockY(), target.getBlockZ()).getType())) { return n; } } return -1; } private Collection<LeafNode> generateLeafNodes() { Collection<LeafNode> leafNodes = new ArrayList<>(); int y = loc.getBlockY() + height - maxLeafDistance; int trunkTopY = loc.getBlockY() + trunkHeight; leafNodes.add(new LeafNode(loc.getBlockX(), y, loc.getBlockZ(), trunkTopY)); int nodeCount = (int) (1.382D + Math.pow(LEAF_DENSITY * (double) height / 13.0D, 2.0D)); nodeCount = nodeCount < 1 ? 1 : nodeCount; for (int l = --y - loc.getBlockY(); l >= 0; l--, y--) { float h = height / 2.0F; float v = h - l; float f = l < (float) height * 0.3D ? -1.0F : v == h ? h * 0.5F : h <= Math.abs(v) ? 0.0F : (float) Math.sqrt(h * h - v * v) * 0.5F; if (f >= 0.0F) { for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { double d1 = f * (random.nextFloat() + 0.328D); double d2 = random.nextFloat() * Math.PI * 2.0D; int x = (int) (d1 * Math.sin(d2) + loc.getBlockX() + 0.5D); int z = (int) (d1 * Math.cos(d2) + loc.getBlockZ() + 0.5D); if (countAvailableBlocks(new Vector(x, y, z), new Vector(x, y + maxLeafDistance, z)) == -1) { int offX = loc.getBlockX() - x; int offZ = loc.getBlockZ() - z; double distance = 0.381D * Math.sqrt(offX * offX + offZ * offZ); int branchBaseY = Math.min(trunkTopY, (int) (y - distance)); if (countAvailableBlocks(new Vector(x, branchBaseY, z), new Vector(x, y, z)) == -1) { leafNodes.add(new LeafNode(x, y, z, branchBaseY)); } } } } } return leafNodes; } private static class LeafNode { private final int x; private final int y; private final int z; private final int branchY; public LeafNode(int x, int y, int z, int branchY) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.branchY = branchY; } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } public int getZ() { return z; } public int getBranchY() { return branchY; } } }