package net.glowstone.client; import net.glowstone.entity.GlowHumanEntity; import net.glowstone.entity.meta.profile.PlayerProfile; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.entity.Villager; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView; import org.bukkit.inventory.MainHand; import org.bukkit.inventory.Merchant; public class GlowClientEntity extends GlowHumanEntity { /** * Creates a human within the specified world and with the specified name. * * @param location The location. * @param profile The human's profile with name and UUID information. */ public GlowClientEntity(Location location, PlayerProfile profile) { super(location, profile); } @Override public MainHand getMainHand() { return null; } @Override public InventoryView openMerchant(Villager trader, boolean force) { return null; } @Override public InventoryView openMerchant(Merchant merchant, boolean force) { return null; } @Override public boolean hasCooldown(Material material) { return false; } @Override public int getCooldown(Material material) { return 0; } @Override public void setCooldown(Material material, int ticks) { } @Override public boolean isHandRaised() { return false; } @Override public boolean shouldSave() { return false; } }