package net.glowstone.inventory; import net.glowstone.GlowServer; import net.glowstone.entity.GlowPlayer; import net.glowstone.inventory.crafting.CraftingManager; import net.glowstone.util.InventoryUtil; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType; import org.bukkit.inventory.*; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Represents a crafting grid inventory, both workbench and per-player. */ public class GlowCraftingInventory extends GlowInventory implements CraftingInventory { private static final int RESULT_SLOT = 0; private static final int MATRIX_START = 1; public GlowCraftingInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type) { super(owner, type); if (type != InventoryType.CRAFTING && type != InventoryType.WORKBENCH) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("GlowCraftingInventory cannot be " + type + ", only CRAFTING or WORKBENCH."); } getSlot(RESULT_SLOT).setType(SlotType.RESULT); for (int i = MATRIX_START; i < getSize(); i++) { getSlot(i).setType(SlotType.CRAFTING); } } @Override public void setItem(int index, ItemStack item) { super.setItem(index, item); if (index != RESULT_SLOT) { Recipe recipe = getRecipe(); if (recipe == null) { super.setItem(RESULT_SLOT, InventoryUtil.createEmptyStack()); } else { super.setItem(RESULT_SLOT, recipe.getResult()); } } } @Override public boolean itemShiftClickAllowed(int slot, ItemStack stack) { // cannot ever shift-click into a crafting inventory return false; } @Override public void handleShiftClick(GlowPlayer player, InventoryView view, int clickedSlot, ItemStack clickedItem) { if (getSlotType(view.convertSlot(clickedSlot)) == SlotType.RESULT) { // If the player clicked on the result give it to them Recipe recipe = getRecipe(); if (recipe == null) { return; // No complete recipe in crafting grid } // Set to correct amount (tricking the client and click handler) int recipeAmount = CraftingManager.getLayers(getMatrix()); clickedItem.setAmount(clickedItem.getAmount() * recipeAmount); // Place the items in the player's inventory (right to left) player.getInventory().tryToFillSlots(clickedItem, 8, -1, 35, 8); // Craft the items, removing the ingredients from the crafting matrix for (int i = 0; i < recipeAmount; i++) { craft(); } } else { // Clicked in the crafting grid, no special handling required (just place them left to right) clickedItem = player.getInventory().tryToFillSlots(clickedItem, 9, 36, 0, 9); view.setItem(clickedSlot, clickedItem); } } @Override public int getRawSlots() { return 0; } /** * Remove a layer of items from the inventory. */ public void craft() { ItemStack[] matrix = getMatrix(); CraftingManager cm = ((GlowServer) Bukkit.getServer()).getCraftingManager(); Recipe recipe = cm.getCraftingRecipe(matrix); if (recipe != null) { cm.removeItems(matrix, this); } } @Override public ItemStack getResult() { return getItem(RESULT_SLOT); } @Override public void setResult(ItemStack newResult) { setItem(RESULT_SLOT, newResult); } @Override public ItemStack[] getMatrix() { return Arrays.copyOfRange(getContents(), MATRIX_START, getSize()); } @Override public void setMatrix(ItemStack[] contents) { if (contents.length != getSize() - 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length must be " + (getSize() - 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; ++i) { // Call super method, so we only calculate the result once super.setItem(MATRIX_START + i, contents[i]); } // Update result Recipe recipe = getRecipe(); if (recipe == null) { super.setItem(RESULT_SLOT, InventoryUtil.createEmptyStack()); } else { super.setItem(RESULT_SLOT, recipe.getResult()); } } @Override public Recipe getRecipe() { return ((GlowServer) Bukkit.getServer()).getCraftingManager().getCraftingRecipe(getMatrix()); } }