package net.glowstone.util; import net.glowstone.GlowServer; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.command.*; import org.bukkit.command.defaults.BukkitCommand; import org.bukkit.command.defaults.VanillaCommand; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * An implementation of {@link HelpMap}. * * See <a href=""></a> */ public final class GlowHelpMap implements HelpMap { private static final Comparator<String> NAME_COMPARE = HelpTopicComparator.topicNameComparatorInstance(); private static final Comparator<HelpTopic> TOPIC_COMPARE = HelpTopicComparator.helpTopicComparatorInstance(); private final GlowServer server; private final Map<String, HelpTopic> helpTopics; private final Map<Class, HelpTopicFactory<Command>> topicFactoryMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Set<String> ignoredPlugins = new HashSet<>(); private final Set<HelpTopic> indexTopics = new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_COMPARE); private HelpTopic defaultTopic; private boolean commandsInIndex = true; public GlowHelpMap(GlowServer server) { this.server = server; helpTopics = new TreeMap<>(NAME_COMPARE); defaultTopic = new IndexHelpTopic("Index", null, null, indexTopics, "Use /help [n] to get page n of help."); } @Override public synchronized HelpTopic getHelpTopic(String topicName) { if (topicName.isEmpty()) { return defaultTopic; } return helpTopics.get(topicName); } @Override public Collection<HelpTopic> getHelpTopics() { return helpTopics.values(); } @Override public synchronized void addTopic(HelpTopic topic) { indexTopics.add(topic); addPrivateTopic(topic); } @Override public void clear() { helpTopics.clear(); topicFactoryMap.clear(); ignoredPlugins.clear(); indexTopics.clear(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void registerHelpTopicFactory(Class commandClass, HelpTopicFactory factory) { if (!Command.class.isAssignableFrom(commandClass) && !CommandExecutor.class.isAssignableFrom(commandClass)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("commandClass must implement either Command or CommandExecutor!"); } topicFactoryMap.put(commandClass, factory); } @Override public List<String> getIgnoredPlugins() { return new ArrayList<>(ignoredPlugins); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internals private void addCommandTopic(HelpTopic topic) { if (commandsInIndex) { addTopic(topic); } else { addPrivateTopic(topic); } } private void addPrivateTopic(HelpTopic topic) { if (!helpTopics.containsKey(topic.getName())) { helpTopics.put(topic.getName(), topic); } } private String color(String text) { return text == null ? null : ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', text); } /** * Reads the general topics from help.yml and adds them to the help index. * * @param config The configuration to read from. */ public void loadConfig(ConfigurationSection config) { // general topics ConfigurationSection general = config.getConfigurationSection("general-topics"); if (general != null) { for (String key : general.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection topic = general.getConfigurationSection(key); if (topic != null) { String shortText = topic.getString("shortText", ""); String fullText = topic.getString("fullText", ""); if (!shortText.isEmpty()) { if (fullText.isEmpty()) { fullText = shortText; } else { fullText = shortText + "\n" + ChatColor.RESET + fullText; } } addTopic(new GeneralHelpTopic(key, color(shortText), color(fullText), topic.getString("permission", null))); } } } // index topics ConfigurationSection index = config.getConfigurationSection("index-topics"); if (index != null) { for (String key : index.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection topic = index.getConfigurationSection(key); if (topic != null) { String shortText = color(topic.getString("shortText", "")); String preamble = color(topic.getString("preamble", null)); String permission = topic.getString("permission", null); HelpTopic helpTopic = new LazyIndexTopic(key, shortText, permission, topic.getStringList("commands"), preamble); if (key.equals("Default")) { defaultTopic = helpTopic; } else { addTopic(helpTopic); } } } } // ignore plugins and command topics settings ignoredPlugins.addAll(config.getStringList("ignore-plugins")); commandsInIndex = config.getBoolean("command-topics-in-master-index", true); } /** * Processes all the commands registered in the server and creates help topics for them. */ public synchronized void initializeCommands() { // Don't load any automatic help topics if All is ignored if (ignoredPlugins.contains("All")) { return; } Collection<Command> commands = server.getCommandMap().getCommands(); // Initialize help topics from the server's command map outer: for (Command command : commands) { if (commandInIgnoredPlugin(command)) { continue; } // Register a topic for (Class<?> c : topicFactoryMap.keySet()) { if (c.isAssignableFrom(command.getClass())) { HelpTopic t = topicFactoryMap.get(c).createTopic(command); if (t != null) addCommandTopic(t); continue outer; } if (command instanceof PluginCommand && c.isAssignableFrom(((PluginCommand) command).getExecutor().getClass())) { HelpTopic t = topicFactoryMap.get(c).createTopic(command); if (t != null) addCommandTopic(t); continue outer; } } addCommandTopic(new GenericCommandHelpTopic(command)); } // Alias topics for commands Set<HelpTopic> aliases = new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_COMPARE); for (Command command : commands) { if (commandInIgnoredPlugin(command)) { continue; } HelpTopic original = getHelpTopic("/" + command.getLabel()); if (original != null) { for (String alias : command.getAliases()) { HelpTopic aliasTopic = new AliasTopic("/" + alias, original); if (!helpTopics.containsKey(aliasTopic.getName())) { aliases.add(aliasTopic); addPrivateTopic(aliasTopic); } } } } // Aliases index topic if (!aliases.isEmpty()) { addTopic(new IndexHelpTopic("Aliases", "Lists command aliases", null, aliases, null)); } // Initialize plugin-level sub-topics Map<String, Set<HelpTopic>> pluginIndexes = new HashMap<>(); for (Command command : commands) { String pluginName = getCommandPluginName(command); if (pluginName != null) { HelpTopic topic = getHelpTopic("/" + command.getLabel()); if (topic != null) { if (!pluginIndexes.containsKey(pluginName)) { pluginIndexes.put(pluginName, new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_COMPARE)); } pluginIndexes.get(pluginName).add(topic); } } } for (Entry<String, Set<HelpTopic>> entry : pluginIndexes.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); addTopic(new IndexHelpTopic(key, "All commands for " + key, null, entry.getValue(), "Below is a list of all " + key + " commands:")); } } /** * Process topic amendments from help.yml. * * @param config The configuration to read from. */ public void amendTopics(ConfigurationSection config) { ConfigurationSection amendedTopics = config.getConfigurationSection("amended-topics"); if (amendedTopics != null) { for (String key : amendedTopics.getKeys(false)) { HelpTopic target = getHelpTopic(key); if (target == null) { continue; } ConfigurationSection amend = amendedTopics.getConfigurationSection(key); if (amend == null) { continue; } target.amendTopic(color(amend.getString("shortText")), color(amend.getString("fullText"))); String perm = amend.getString("permission", null); if (perm != null) { // empty string can be specified to remove permission target.amendCanSee(perm.isEmpty() ? null : perm); } } } } private String getCommandPluginName(Command command) { if (command instanceof BukkitCommand || command instanceof VanillaCommand) { return "Bukkit"; } if (command instanceof PluginIdentifiableCommand) { return ((PluginIdentifiableCommand) command).getPlugin().getName(); } return null; } private boolean commandInIgnoredPlugin(Command command) { String name = getCommandPluginName(command); return name != null && ignoredPlugins.contains(name); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Help topic subclasses private class GeneralHelpTopic extends HelpTopic { public GeneralHelpTopic(String name, String shortText, String fullText, String permission) { = name; this.shortText = shortText; this.fullText = fullText; amendedPermission = permission; } @Override public boolean canSee(CommandSender sender) { return sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender || amendedPermission == null || sender.hasPermission(amendedPermission); } } private class LazyIndexTopic extends IndexHelpTopic { private Collection<String> topics; public LazyIndexTopic(String name, String shortText, String permission, Collection<String> topics, String preamble) { super(name, shortText, permission, Collections.emptyList(), preamble); this.topics = topics; } @Override public String getFullText(CommandSender sender) { if (topics != null) { List<HelpTopic> list = new ArrayList<>(topics.size()); for (String name : topics) { HelpTopic topic = getHelpTopic(name); if (topic != null) { list.add(topic); } } setTopicsCollection(list); topics = null; } return super.getFullText(sender); } } private class AliasTopic extends HelpTopic { private final HelpTopic original; public AliasTopic(String name, HelpTopic original) { = name; shortText = ChatColor.YELLOW + "Alias for " + ChatColor.WHITE + original.getName(); this.original = original; } @Override public boolean canSee(CommandSender player) { return original.canSee(player); } @Override public String getFullText(CommandSender sender) { return shortText + "\n" + original.getFullText(sender); } } }