package net.glowstone.block.blocktype; import net.glowstone.EventFactory; import net.glowstone.block.GlowBlock; import net.glowstone.block.GlowBlockState; import net.glowstone.entity.GlowPlayer; import org.bukkit.CropState; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockGrowEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; public class BlockCrops extends BlockNeedsAttached implements IBlockGrowable { @Override public boolean canPlaceAt(GlowBlock block, BlockFace against) { return block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType() == Material.SOIL; } @Override public Collection<ItemStack> getDrops(GlowBlock block, ItemStack tool) { if (block.getData() >= CropState.RIPE.ordinal()) { return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(new ItemStack(Material.SEEDS, random.nextInt(4)), new ItemStack(Material.WHEAT, 1))); } else { return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(new ItemStack(Material.SEEDS, 1))); } } @Override public boolean isFertilizable(GlowBlock block) { return block.getData() != CropState.RIPE.ordinal(); } @Override public boolean canGrowWithChance(GlowBlock block) { return true; } @Override public void grow(GlowPlayer player, GlowBlock block) { GlowBlockState state = block.getState(); int cropState = block.getData() + random.nextInt(CropState.MEDIUM.ordinal()) + CropState.VERY_SMALL.ordinal(); if (cropState > CropState.RIPE.ordinal()) { cropState = CropState.RIPE.ordinal(); } state.setRawData((byte) cropState); BlockGrowEvent growEvent = new BlockGrowEvent(block, state); EventFactory.callEvent(growEvent); if (!growEvent.isCancelled()) { state.update(true); } } @Override public boolean canTickRandomly() { return true; } @Override public void updateBlock(GlowBlock block) { GlowBlockState state = block.getState(); int cropState = block.getData(); // we check light level on the above block, meaning crops needs at least one free block above it // in order to grow naturally (vanilla behavior) if (cropState < CropState.RIPE.ordinal() && block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getLightLevel() >= 9 && random.nextInt((int) (25.0F / getGrowthRateModifier(block)) + 1) == 0) { cropState++; if (cropState > CropState.RIPE.ordinal()) { cropState = CropState.RIPE.ordinal(); } state.setRawData((byte) cropState); BlockGrowEvent growEvent = new BlockGrowEvent(block, state); EventFactory.callEvent(growEvent); if (!growEvent.isCancelled()) { state.update(true); } } // we check for insufficient light on the block itself, then drop if (block.getLightLevel() < 8) { block.breakNaturally(); } } protected float getGrowthRateModifier(GlowBlock block) { float modifier = 1; // check for soil around (increase the chance modifier to 10 in the best conditions) for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { GlowBlock b = block.getWorld().getBlockAt(block.getX() + x, block.getY() - 1, block.getZ() + z); float soilBonus = 0; if (b.getType() == Material.SOIL) { soilBonus = 1; // check if soil is wet for more bonus if (b.getData() > 0) { soilBonus = 3; } // more chances if the soil the crop is planted on is wet if (x != 0 || z != 0) { soilBonus /= 4.0F; } } // this will add 0.25 points for dry soil around, 0.75 points for wet soil around // and 1 point for dry soil under the stem, 3 points for wet soil under stem modifier += soilBonus; } } // check for crops around, decrease chances by 50% if a crop of the same type is found on // both NS and EW axis, or a crop is found on a diagonal block boolean cropOnDiagonalBlock = false; boolean cropOnNorthOrSouth = false; boolean cropOnEastOrWest = false; for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { if (x != 0 || z != 0) { if (block.getWorld().getBlockAt(block.getX() + x, block.getY(), block.getZ() + z).getType() == getMaterial()) { if (x != 0 && z != 0) { cropOnDiagonalBlock = true; } else if (x == 0 && z != 0) { cropOnNorthOrSouth = true; } else if (x != 0 && z == 0) { cropOnEastOrWest = true; } } } } } if (cropOnNorthOrSouth && cropOnEastOrWest || cropOnDiagonalBlock) { return modifier / 2.0F; } return modifier; } }