package; import; import net.glowstone.EventFactory; import net.glowstone.GlowServer; import net.glowstone.constants.AttackDamage; import net.glowstone.entity.GlowEntity; import net.glowstone.entity.GlowLivingEntity; import net.glowstone.entity.GlowPlayer; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.Statistic; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; //import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent; public final class InteractEntityHandler implements MessageHandler<GlowSession, InteractEntityMessage> { @Override public void handle(GlowSession session, InteractEntityMessage message) { GlowPlayer player = session.getPlayer(); // You can't do anything when you're dead if (player.isDead()) {"Player " + player.getName() + " tried to interact with an entity while dead"); return; } GlowEntity possibleTarget = player.getWorld().getEntityManager().getEntity(message.getId()); GlowLivingEntity target = possibleTarget instanceof GlowLivingEntity ? (GlowLivingEntity) possibleTarget : null; if (message.getAction() == Action.ATTACK.ordinal()) { if (target == null) { if (possibleTarget != null) { possibleTarget.entityInteract(player, message); } else {"Player " + player.getName() + " tried to attack an entity that does not exist"); } } else if (!target.isDead() && target.canTakeDamage(DamageCause.ENTITY_ATTACK)) { // Calculate damage amount ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand(); Material type = hand == null ? Material.AIR : hand.getType(); // todo: Actual critical hit check float damage = AttackDamage.getMeleeDamage(type, false); // Set entity on fire if the item has Fire Aspect if (hand.getEnchantments().containsKey(Enchantment.FIRE_ASPECT)) { target.setFireTicks(target.getFireTicks() + hand.getEnchantments().get(Enchantment.FIRE_ASPECT) * 80); } // Apply damage. Calls the EntityDamageByEntityEvent target.damage(damage, player, DamageCause.ENTITY_ATTACK); player.incrementStatistic(Statistic.DAMAGE_DEALT, Math.round(damage)); player.addExhaustion(0.1f); if (target.isDead()) { player.incrementStatistic(target.getType() == EntityType.PLAYER ? Statistic.PLAYER_KILLS : Statistic.MOB_KILLS); } // Apply durability loss (if applicable) short durabilityLoss = AttackDamage.getMeleeDurabilityLoss(type); if (durabilityLoss > 0 && hand != null && player.getGameMode() != GameMode.CREATIVE) { // Yes, this actually subtracts hand.setDurability((short) (hand.getDurability() + durabilityLoss)); } } } else if (message.getAction() == Action.INTERACT_AT.ordinal()) { //todo: Handle hand variable // todo: Interaction with entity at a specified location (X, Y, and Z are present in the message) // used for adjusting specific portions of armor stands } else if (message.getAction() == Action.INTERACT.ordinal()) { //Todo: Handle hand variable PlayerInteractEntityEvent event = new PlayerInteractEntityEvent(player, possibleTarget); EventFactory.callEvent(event); if (!event.isCancelled()) { possibleTarget.entityInteract(player, message); } } else {"Player " + player.getName() + " sent unknown interact action: " + message.getAction()); } } }