package net.glowstone.block.blocktype; import net.glowstone.block.GlowBlock; import net.glowstone.block.GlowBlockState; import net.glowstone.block.ItemTable; import net.glowstone.entity.GlowPlayer; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Biome; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import static org.bukkit.block.BlockFace.*; public abstract class BlockLiquid extends BlockType { private static final byte STRENGTH_SOURCE = 0; private static final byte STRENGTH_MAX = 1; private static final byte STRENGTH_MIN_WATER = 7; private static final byte STRENGTH_MIN_LAVA = 4; private static final int TICK_RATE_WATER = 4; private static final int TICK_RATE_LAVA = 20; private final Material bucketType; private BlockFace[] sides = {NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST}; protected BlockLiquid(Material bucketType) { this.bucketType = bucketType; } private static boolean isSource(boolean isWater, byte data) { return data < STRENGTH_MAX || data > (isWater ? STRENGTH_MIN_WATER : STRENGTH_MIN_LAVA); } private static boolean isStationary(Material material) { switch (material) { case STATIONARY_WATER: case STATIONARY_LAVA: return true; default: return false; } } private static boolean isWater(Material material) { switch (material) { case STATIONARY_WATER: case WATER: return true; default: return false; } } private static Material getOpposite(Material material) { switch (material) { case STATIONARY_WATER: return Material.WATER; case STATIONARY_LAVA: return Material.LAVA; case WATER: return Material.STATIONARY_WATER; case LAVA: return Material.STATIONARY_LAVA; default: return Material.AIR; } } /** * Get the bucket type to replace the empty bucket when the liquid has * been collected. * * @return The associated bucket types material */ public Material getBucketType() { return bucketType; } /** * Check if the BlockState block is collectible by a bucket. * * @param block The block state to check * @return Boolean representing if its collectible */ public abstract boolean isCollectible(GlowBlockState block); @Override public void placeBlock(GlowPlayer player, GlowBlockState state, BlockFace face, ItemStack holding, Vector clickedLoc) { // 0 = Full liquid block state.setType(getMaterial()); state.setRawData((byte) 0); state.getBlock().getWorld().requestPulse(state.getBlock()); } @Override public void onNearBlockChanged(GlowBlock block, BlockFace face, GlowBlock changedBlock, Material oldType, byte oldData, Material newType, byte newData) { if (block.getState().getFlowed() && !(isWater(newType) || newType == Material.LAVA || newType == Material.STATIONARY_LAVA)) { block.getState().setFlowed(false); } block.getWorld().requestPulse(block); } /** * Pulse the block to calculate its flow. * * @param block The block to calculate flow of. */ @Override public void receivePulse(GlowBlock block) { updatePhysics(block); } private void calculateFlow(GlowBlock block) { if (!block.getState().getFlowed()) { GlowBlockState state = block.getState(); // see if we can flow down if (block.getY() > 0) { if (calculateTarget(block.getRelative(DOWN), DOWN, true)) { if (!block.getRelative(UP).isLiquid() &&, STRENGTH_SOURCE) == 0) { for (BlockFace face : sides) { calculateTarget(block.getRelative(face), face, true); } } } else { // we can't flow down, or if we're a source block, let's flow horizontally // search 5 blocks out for (int j = 1; j < 6; j++) { // from each horizontal face for (BlockFace face : sides) { if (calculateTarget(block.getRelative(face, j).getRelative(DOWN), face, false) && calculateTarget(block.getRelative(face), face, true)) { state.setFlowed(true); } } // if we already found a match at this radius, stop if (state.getFlowed()) { return; } } for (BlockFace face : sides) { calculateTarget(block.getRelative(face), face, true); } state.setFlowed(true); } } } } private boolean calculateTarget(GlowBlock target, BlockFace direction, boolean flow) { if (!target.getChunk().isLoaded()) // Don't flow inside unloaded chunks return false; if (target.getType() == Material.AIR || ItemTable.instance().getBlock(target.getType()) instanceof BlockNeedsAttached) { // we flowed if (flow) { flow(target.getRelative(direction.getOppositeFace()), direction); } return true; } if (target.isLiquid()) { // let's mix if (flow) { mix(target, direction, target.getRelative(direction.getOppositeFace()).getType(), target.getType()); } return true; } // it is solid, we can't flow return false; } private void flow(GlowBlock source, BlockFace direction) { // if we're not going down BlockFromToEvent fromToEvent = new BlockFromToEvent(source, direction); if (fromToEvent.isCancelled()) { return; } byte strength = fromToEvent.getBlock().getState().getRawData(); if (DOWN != fromToEvent.getFace()) { if (, isWater(fromToEvent.getBlock().getType()) || fromToEvent.getBlock().getBiome() == Biome.HELL ? STRENGTH_MIN_WATER : STRENGTH_MIN_LAVA) < 0) { // decrease the strength strength += 1; } else { // no strength, can't flow return; } } else { // reset the strength if we're going down strength = STRENGTH_MAX; } // flow to the target GlowBlock toBlock = (GlowBlock) fromToEvent.getToBlock(); toBlock.setType(fromToEvent.getBlock().getType(), strength, false); toBlock.getWorld().requestPulse(toBlock); } private void mix(GlowBlock target, BlockFace direction, Material flowingMaterial, Material targetMaterial) { if (flowingMaterial == Material.WATER && targetMaterial == Material.LAVA) { if (target.getState().getRawData() == STRENGTH_SOURCE) { target.setType(Material.OBSIDIAN); } else if (direction == DOWN) { target.setType(Material.COBBLESTONE); } } if (flowingMaterial == Material.LAVA && (targetMaterial == Material.WATER || targetMaterial == Material.STATIONARY_WATER)) { if (direction == DOWN) { target.setType(Material.STONE); } if (direction == NORTH || direction == SOUTH || direction == EAST || direction == WEST) { target.setType(Material.COBBLESTONE); } } } @Override public void updatePhysics(GlowBlock block) { if (isStationary(block.getType())) { block.setType(getOpposite(block.getType()), block.getData(), false); } if (, STRENGTH_SOURCE) != 0) { BlockFace[] faces = {UP, NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST}; boolean connected = false; int count = 0; for (BlockFace face : faces) { if (block.getRelative(face).getType() == block.getType()) { if (count < 2 && face != UP &&, STRENGTH_SOURCE) == 0) { count++; } if (!connected && face == UP ||, block.getState().getRawData()) < 0) { connected = true; if (block.getWorld().getServer().getClassicWater()) { block.getState().setRawData(STRENGTH_SOURCE); } } if (block.getWorld().getServer().getClassicWater() &&, STRENGTH_SOURCE) == 0) { block.getRelative(face).setType(Material.AIR); } } } if (!connected) { block.setType(Material.AIR); return; } if (count == 2) { block.getState().setRawData(STRENGTH_SOURCE); return; } } if (!(, isWater(block.getType()) || block.getBiome() == Biome.HELL ? STRENGTH_MIN_WATER : STRENGTH_MIN_LAVA) == 0) || block.getRelative(DOWN).getType() == Material.AIR) { calculateFlow(block); } } @Override public boolean isPulseOnce(GlowBlock block) { return true; } @Override public int getPulseTickSpeed(GlowBlock block) { return isWater(block.getType()) || block.getBiome() == Biome.HELL ? TICK_RATE_WATER : TICK_RATE_LAVA; } }