package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.CodecException; import lombok.Getter; import net.glowstone.EventFactory; import net.glowstone.GlowServer; import net.glowstone.entity.GlowPlayer; import net.glowstone.entity.meta.profile.PlayerProfile; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.Statistic; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent.Result; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * A single connection to the server, which may or may not be associated with a * player. * * @author Graham Edgecombe */ public class GlowSession extends BasicSession { /** * The server this session belongs to. */ private final GlowServer server; /** * The connection manager this session belongs to. */ private final ConnectionManager connectionManager; /** * The Random for this session */ private final Random random = new Random(); /** * A queue of incoming and unprocessed messages. */ private final Queue<Message> messageQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(); /** * The remote address of the connection. */ private InetSocketAddress address; /** * The state of the connection */ private boolean online; /** * The verify token used in authentication */ private byte[] verifyToken; /** * The verify username used in authentication */ private String verifyUsername; /** * A message describing under what circumstances the connection ended. */ private String quitReason; /** * The hostname used to connect. */ private String hostname; /** * The version used to connect. */ @Getter private int version = -1; /** * Data regarding a user who has connected through a proxy, used to * provide online-mode UUID and properties and other data even if the * server is running in offline mode. Null for non-proxied sessions. */ private ProxyData proxyData; /** * The player associated with this session (if there is one). */ private GlowPlayer player; /** * The ID of the last ping message sent, used to ensure the client responded correctly. */ private int pingMessageId; /** * Stores the last block placement message sent, see BlockPlacementHandler. */ private BlockPlacementMessage previousPlacement; /** * The number of ticks until previousPlacement must be cleared. */ private int previousPlacementTicks; /** * If the connection has been disconnected */ private boolean disconnected; /** * If compression packet has been sent */ private boolean compresssionSent; /** * Creates a new session. * * @param server The server this session belongs to. * @param channel The channel associated with this session. * @param connectionManager The connection manager to manage connections for this session. */ public GlowSession(GlowServer server, Channel channel, ConnectionManager connectionManager) { super(channel, ProtocolType.HANDSHAKE.getProtocol()); this.server = server; this.connectionManager = connectionManager; address = super.getAddress(); } /** * Gets the server associated with this session. * * @return The server. */ public GlowServer getServer() { return server; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Auxiliary state /** * Get the randomly-generated verify token for this session. * * @return The verify token */ public byte[] getVerifyToken() { return verifyToken; } /** * Sets the verify token of this session. * * @param verifyToken The verify token. */ public void setVerifyToken(byte... verifyToken) { this.verifyToken = verifyToken; } /** * Gets the verify username for this session. * * @return The verify username. */ public String getVerifyUsername() { return verifyUsername; } /** * Sets the verify username for this session. * * @param verifyUsername The verify username. */ public void setVerifyUsername(String verifyUsername) { this.verifyUsername = verifyUsername; } /** * Get the {@link ProxyData} for this session if available. * * @return The proxy data to use, or null for an unproxied connection. */ public ProxyData getProxyData() { return proxyData; } /** * Set the {@link ProxyData} for this session. * * @param proxyData The proxy data to use. */ public void setProxyData(ProxyData proxyData) { this.proxyData = proxyData; address = proxyData.getAddress(); hostname = proxyData.getHostname(); } /** * Set the hostname the player used to connect to the server. * * @param hostname Hostname in "addr:port" format. */ public void setHostname(String hostname) { this.hostname = hostname; } public void setVersion(int version) { if (this.version != -1) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set version twice"); this.version = version; } /** * Notify that the session is currently idle. */ public void idle() { if (pingMessageId == 0 && getProtocol() instanceof PlayProtocol) { pingMessageId = random.nextInt(); if (pingMessageId == 0) { pingMessageId++; } send(new PingMessage(pingMessageId)); } else { disconnect("Timed out"); } } /** * Note that the client has responded to a keep-alive. * * @param pingId The pingId to check for validity. */ public void pong(long pingId) { if (pingId == pingMessageId) { pingMessageId = 0; } } /** * Get the saved previous BlockPlacementMessage for this session. * * @return The message. */ public BlockPlacementMessage getPreviousPlacement() { return previousPlacement; } /** * Set the previous BlockPlacementMessage for this session. * * @param message The message. */ public void setPreviousPlacement(BlockPlacementMessage message) { previousPlacement = message; previousPlacementTicks = 2; } @Override public InetSocketAddress getAddress() { return address; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player and state management /** * Get session online state * * @return true if this session's state is online */ public boolean isOnline() { return online; } /** * Gets the player associated with this session. * * @return The player, or {@code null} if no player is associated with it. */ public GlowPlayer getPlayer() { return player; } /** * Sets the player associated with this session. * * @param profile The player's profile with name and UUID information. * @throws IllegalStateException if there is already a player associated * with this session. */ public void setPlayer(PlayerProfile profile) { if (player != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set player twice"); } // isActive check here in case player disconnected during authentication if (!isActive()) { // no need to call onDisconnect() since it only does anything if there's a player set return; } // initialize the player PlayerReader reader = server.getPlayerDataService().beginReadingData(profile.getUniqueId()); player = new GlowPlayer(this, profile, reader); finalizeLogin(profile); // isActive check here in case player disconnected after authentication, // but before the GlowPlayer initialization was completed if (!isActive()) { reader.close(); onDisconnect(); return; } // Kick other players with the same UUID for (GlowPlayer other : getServer().getRawOnlinePlayers()) { if (other != player && other.getUniqueId().equals(player.getUniqueId())) { other.getSession().disconnect("You logged in from another location.", true); break; } } // login event PlayerLoginEvent event = EventFactory.onPlayerLogin(player, hostname); if (event.getResult() != Result.ALLOWED) { disconnect(event.getKickMessage(), true); return; } //joins the player player.join(this, reader); player.getWorld().getRawPlayers().add(player); online = true; + " [" + address + "] connected, UUID: " + player.getUniqueId()); // message and user list String message = EventFactory.onPlayerJoin(player).getJoinMessage(); if (message != null && !message.isEmpty()) { server.broadcastMessage(message); } Message addMessage = new UserListItemMessage(Action.ADD_PLAYER, player.getUserListEntry()); List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<>(); for (GlowPlayer other : server.getRawOnlinePlayers()) { if (other != player && other.canSee(player)) { other.getSession().send(addMessage); } if (player.canSee(other)) { entries.add(other.getUserListEntry()); } } send(new UserListItemMessage(Action.ADD_PLAYER, entries)); } @Override public ChannelFuture sendWithFuture(Message message) { if (!isActive()) { // discard messages sent if we're closed, since this happens a lot return null; } return super.sendWithFuture(message); } @Override @Deprecated public void disconnect() { disconnect("No reason specified."); } /** * Disconnects the session with the specified reason. This causes a * KickMessage to be sent. When it has been delivered, the channel * is closed. * * @param reason The reason for disconnection. */ public void disconnect(String reason) { disconnect(reason, false); } /** * Disconnects the session with the specified reason. This causes a * KickMessage to be sent. When it has been delivered, the channel * is closed. * * @param reason The reason for disconnection. * @param overrideKick Whether to skip the kick event. */ public void disconnect(String reason, boolean overrideKick) { if (player != null && !overrideKick) { PlayerKickEvent event = EventFactory.onPlayerKick(player, reason); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } reason = event.getReason(); if (player.isOnline() && event.getLeaveMessage() != null) { server.broadcastMessage(event.getLeaveMessage()); } } // log that the player was kicked if (player != null) { + " kicked: " + reason); } else {"[" + address + "] kicked: " + reason); } if (quitReason == null) { quitReason = "kicked"; } // perform the kick, sending a kick message if possible if (isActive() && (getProtocol() instanceof LoginProtocol || getProtocol() instanceof PlayProtocol)) { // channel is both currently connected and in a protocol state allowing kicks sendWithFuture(new KickMessage(reason)).addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } else { getChannel().close(); } } /** * Pulse this session, performing any updates needed. */ void pulse() { // drop the previous placement if needed if (previousPlacementTicks > 0 && --previousPlacementTicks == 0) { previousPlacement = null; } // process messages Message message; while ((message = messageQueue.poll()) != null) { if (disconnected) { // disconnected, we are just seeing extra messages now break; } super.messageReceived(message); } // check if the client is disconnected if (disconnected) { connectionManager.sessionInactivated(this); if (player == null) { return; } player.remove(); Message userListMessage = UserListItemMessage.removeOne(player.getUniqueId()); for (GlowPlayer player : server.getRawOnlinePlayers()) { if (player.canSee(this.player)) { player.getSession().send(userListMessage); } else { player.stopHidingDisconnectedPlayer(this.player); } } + " [" + address + "] lost connection"); if (player.isSleeping()) { player.leaveBed(false); } server.getBossBarManager().clearBossBars(player); String text = EventFactory.onPlayerQuit(player).getQuitMessage(); if (online && text != null && !text.isEmpty()) { server.broadcastMessage(text); } // statistics player.incrementStatistic(Statistic.LEAVE_GAME); for (Player p : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { if (p.getUniqueId().equals(player.getUniqueId())) { continue; } GlowPlayer other = (GlowPlayer) p; if (!other.canSee(player)) { continue; } other.getSession().send(new DestroyEntitiesMessage(Collections.singletonList(player.getEntityId()))); } player = null; // in case we are disposed twice } } private void finalizeLogin(PlayerProfile profile) { // enable compression if needed int compression = getServer().getCompressionThreshold(); if (compression > 0) { enableCompression(compression); } // send login response send(new LoginSuccessMessage(profile.getUniqueId().toString(), profile.getName())); setProtocol(ProtocolType.PLAY); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pipeline management public void setProtocol(ProtocolType protocol) { getChannel().flush(); GlowProtocol proto = protocol.getProtocol(); updatePipeline("codecs", new CodecsHandler(proto)); setProtocol(proto); } public void enableEncryption(SecretKey sharedSecret) { updatePipeline("encryption", new EncryptionHandler(sharedSecret)); } public void enableCompression(int threshold) { // set compression can only be sent once if (!compresssionSent) { send(new SetCompressionMessage(threshold)); updatePipeline("compression", new CompressionHandler(threshold)); compresssionSent = true; } } private void updatePipeline(String key, ChannelHandler handler) { getChannel().pipeline().replace(key, key, handler); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handler overrides @Override public void onDisconnect() { disconnected = true; } @Override public void messageReceived(Message message) { if (message instanceof AsyncableMessage && ((AsyncableMessage) message).isAsync()) { // async messages get their handlers called immediately super.messageReceived(message); } else { messageQueue.add(message); } } @Override public void onInboundThrowable(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof CodecException) { // generated by the pipeline, not a network error GlowServer.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in network input", t); } else { // probably a network-level error - consider the client gone if (quitReason == null) { quitReason = "read error: " + t; } getChannel().close(); } } @Override public void onOutboundThrowable(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof CodecException) { // generated by the pipeline, not a network error GlowServer.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in network output", t); } else { // probably a network-level error - consider the client gone if (quitReason == null) { quitReason = "write error: " + t; } getChannel().close(); } } @Override public void onHandlerThrowable(Message message, MessageHandler<?, ?> handle, Throwable t) { // can be safely logged and the connection maintained GlowServer.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while handling " + message + " (handler: " + handle.getClass().getSimpleName() + ")", t); } @Override public String toString() { if (player != null) { return player.getName() + "[" + address + "]"; } else { return "[" + address + "]"; } } }