package net.glowstone.scoreboard; import; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import static; import static; /** * Scoreboard objective and associated data. */ public final class GlowObjective implements Objective { private final String name; private final String criteria; private final HashMap<String, GlowScore> scores = new HashMap<>(); DisplaySlot displaySlot; private GlowScoreboard scoreboard; private String displayName; private RenderType renderType; public GlowObjective(GlowScoreboard scoreboard, String name, String criteria) { this.scoreboard = scoreboard; = name; this.criteria = criteria; renderType = RenderType.INTEGER; displayName = name; } public GlowScoreboard getScoreboard() { return scoreboard; } public void unregister() throws IllegalStateException { checkValid(); for (Entry<String, GlowScore> entry : scores.entrySet()) { scoreboard.getScoresForName(entry.getKey()).remove(entry.getValue()); } scoreboard.removeObjective(this); scoreboard = null; } void checkValid() { if (scoreboard == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot manipulate unregistered objective"); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Properties public String getName() throws IllegalStateException { checkValid(); return name; } public String getCriteria() throws IllegalStateException { checkValid(); return criteria; } public String getDisplayName() throws IllegalStateException { checkValid(); return displayName; } public void setDisplayName(String displayName) throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { checkValid(); checkNotNull(displayName, "displayName cannot be null"); checkArgument(displayName.length() <= 32, "displayName cannot be longer than 32 characters"); this.displayName = displayName; scoreboard.broadcast(ScoreboardObjectiveMessage.update(name, displayName, renderType)); } public DisplaySlot getDisplaySlot() throws IllegalStateException { checkValid(); return displaySlot; } public void setDisplaySlot(DisplaySlot slot) throws IllegalStateException { checkValid(); if (slot != displaySlot) { if (displaySlot != null) { scoreboard.setDisplaySlot(displaySlot, null); } if (slot != null) { scoreboard.setDisplaySlot(slot, this); } } } @Override public RenderType getType() throws IllegalStateException { checkValid(); return renderType; } @Override public void setType(RenderType renderType) throws IllegalStateException { checkValid(); checkNotNull(renderType, "RenderType cannot be null"); this.renderType = renderType; scoreboard.broadcast(ScoreboardObjectiveMessage.update(name, displayName, renderType)); } public boolean isModifiable() throws IllegalStateException { checkValid(); return !criteria.equalsIgnoreCase(Criterias.HEALTH); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Score management public Score getScore(String entry) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { checkNotNull(entry, "Entry cannot be null"); checkValid(); GlowScore score = scores.get(entry); if (score == null) { score = new GlowScore(this, entry); scores.put(entry, score); scoreboard.getScoresForName(entry).add(score); } return score; } /** * Deletes a score directly. * * @param entry The key to delete. */ void deleteScore(String entry) { scores.remove(entry); } @Deprecated public Score getScore(OfflinePlayer player) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { checkNotNull(player, "Player cannot be null"); return getScore(player.getName()); } public void setRenderType(String renderType) { // TODO } public boolean hasScore(String entry) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { checkNotNull(entry, "Entry cannot be null"); checkValid(); return scores.containsKey(entry); } public Set<String> getEntries() throws IllegalStateException { return scores.keySet(); } }