package net.glowstone.entity.objects; import; import net.glowstone.block.GlowBlock; import net.glowstone.block.entity.BlockEntity; import net.glowstone.entity.GlowEntity; import; import net.glowstone.util.Position; import net.glowstone.util.nbt.CompoundTag; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.Sound; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.FallingBlock; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public class GlowFallingBlock extends GlowEntity implements FallingBlock { private Material material; private boolean canHurtEntities; private boolean dropItem; private byte blockData; private Location sourceLocation; private CompoundTag blockEntityCompoundTag; // todo: implement falling block damage /* private boolean fallHurtMax; private boolean fallHurtAmount; also FallingBlockStore values */ // todo: implement slow in cobwebs (might just be global entity thing) // todo: implement anvils sometimes taking damage public GlowFallingBlock(Location location, Material material, byte blockData) { this(location, material, blockData, null); } public GlowFallingBlock(Location location, Material material, byte blockData, BlockEntity blockEntity) { super(location); blockEntityCompoundTag = null; if (blockEntity != null) { blockEntityCompoundTag = new CompoundTag(); blockEntity.saveNbt(blockEntityCompoundTag); } this.sourceLocation = location.clone(); setBoundingBox(0.98, 0.98); setDrag(0.98, false); setGravityAccel(new Vector(0, -0.02, 0)); setMaterial(material); setDropItem(true); setHurtEntities(true); this.blockData = blockData; } @Override public Material getMaterial() { return material; } public void setMaterial(Material material) { this.material = material; } @Override public boolean getDropItem() { return dropItem; } @Override public void setDropItem(boolean dropItem) { this.dropItem = dropItem; } @Override public boolean canHurtEntities() { return canHurtEntities; } @Override public void setHurtEntities(boolean canHurtEntities) { this.canHurtEntities = canHurtEntities; } @Override public byte getBlockData() { return blockData; } public void setBlockData(byte blockData) { this.blockData = blockData; } @Override public Location getOrigin() { return null; } public CompoundTag getBlockEntityCompoundTag() { return blockEntityCompoundTag; } public void setBlockEntityCompoundTag(CompoundTag blockEntityCompoundTag) { this.blockEntityCompoundTag = blockEntityCompoundTag; } @Override public int getBlockId() { return material.getId(); } public Location getSourceLoc() { return sourceLocation; } @Override public List<Message> createSpawnMessage() { double x = location.getX(); double y = location.getY(); double z = location.getZ(); int yaw = Position.getIntYaw(location); int pitch = Position.getIntPitch(location); // Note the shift amount has changed previously, // if block data doesn't appear to work check this value. int blockIdData = getBlockId() | getBlockData() << 12; return Arrays.asList( new SpawnObjectMessage(id, getUniqueId(), 70, x, y, z, pitch, yaw, blockIdData) ); } @Override protected void pulsePhysics() { if (location.getY() < 0) { remove(); return; } Location nextBlock = location.clone().add(getVelocity()); if (!nextBlock.getBlock().getType().isSolid()) { velocity.add(getGravityAccel()); location.add(getVelocity()); velocity.multiply(airDrag); } else { if (supportingBlock(location.getBlock().getType())) { boolean replaceBlock; switch (location.getBlock().getType()) { case DEAD_BUSH: case LONG_GRASS: case DOUBLE_PLANT: replaceBlock = true; break; default: replaceBlock = false; break; } if (replaceBlock) { setDropItem(false); } // todo: add event if desired if (getDropItem()) { world.dropItemNaturally(location, new ItemStack(material, 1, (short) 0, getBlockData())); } if (replaceBlock) { placeFallingBlock(); } remove(); } else { placeFallingBlock(); if (material == Material.ANVIL) { Random random = new Random(); world.playSound(location, Sound.BLOCK_ANVIL_FALL, 4, (1.0F + (random.nextFloat() - random.nextFloat()) * 0.2F) * 0.7F); } remove(); } } updateBoundingBox(); } private void placeFallingBlock() { location.getBlock().setTypeIdAndData(material.getId(), getBlockData(), true); if (getBlockEntityCompoundTag() != null) { if (location.getBlock() instanceof GlowBlock) { GlowBlock block = (GlowBlock) location.getBlock(); BlockEntity blockEntity = block.getBlockEntity(); if (blockEntity != null) { blockEntity.loadNbt(getBlockEntityCompoundTag()); } } } } @Override public EntityType getType() { return EntityType.FALLING_BLOCK; } private boolean supportingBlock(Material material) { switch (material) { case AIR: case FIRE: case WATER: case STATIONARY_WATER: case LAVA: case STATIONARY_LAVA: return false; } return true; } }