/** * This package contains the core of Glowstone's threading model. * <p> * Glowstone has 3 groups of threads: * <ol> * <li>World threads. One thread per world</li> * <li>Event/scheduler thread. This thread contains all interaction with Bukkit API and synchronizes all other threads.</li> * <li>Async task thread pool: Pool of threads used to execute async tasks</li> * <li>Netty thread pool. This thread pool is used by Netty for network read/write</li> * </ol> * <p> * Whenever a thread wishes to call an event or perform other interactions with Bukkit API, * it calls the {@link net.glowstone.scheduler.GlowScheduler#syncIfNeeded(java.util.concurrent.Callable)} * <p> * The scheduler thread.synchronizes the world threads, so that each world thread begins a tick at the beginning of a scheduler pulse * <p> * Operation order: * --- Scheduler tick begins --- * --- Pulse sessions --- * --- run sync tasks, queue async tasks -- * --- World tick for each world --- * --- Run in-tick tasks * --- await all worlds complete (in async task) --- */ package net.glowstone.scheduler;