package net.glowstone.generator.structures; import net.glowstone.generator.structures.util.StructureBoundingBox; import net.glowstone.generator.structures.util.StructureBuilder; import net.glowstone.util.BlockStateDelegate; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.material.Stairs; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import java.util.Random; public class GlowWitchHut extends GlowTemplePiece { private boolean hasWitch; public GlowWitchHut() { } public GlowWitchHut(Random random, Location location) { super(random, location, new Vector(7, 5, 9)); } public boolean getHasWitch() { return hasWitch; } public void setHasWitch(boolean hasWitch) { this.hasWitch = hasWitch; } @Override public boolean generate(World world, Random random, StructureBoundingBox genBoundingBox, BlockStateDelegate delegate) { if (!super.generate(world, random, boundingBox, delegate)) { return false; } adjustHPos(world); StructureBuilder builder = new StructureBuilder(world, this, genBoundingBox, delegate); builder.fill(new Vector(1, 1, 2), new Vector(5, 4, 7), Material.WOOD, 1, Material.AIR); // hut body builder.fill(new Vector(1, 1, 1), new Vector(5, 1, 1), Material.WOOD, 1); // hut steps builder.fill(new Vector(2, 1, 0), new Vector(4, 1, 0), Material.WOOD, 1); // hut steps builder.fill(new Vector(4, 2, 2), new Vector(4, 3, 2), Material.AIR); // hut door builder.fill(new Vector(5, 3, 4), new Vector(5, 3, 5), Material.AIR); // left window builder.setBlock(new Vector(1, 3, 4), Material.AIR); builder.setBlock(new Vector(1, 3, 5), Material.FLOWER_POT, 7); builder.setBlock(new Vector(2, 3, 2), Material.FENCE); builder.setBlock(new Vector(3, 3, 7), Material.FENCE); Stairs stairsN = new Stairs(Material.SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS); stairsN.setFacingDirection(getRelativeFacing(BlockFace.SOUTH)); builder.fill(new Vector(0, 4, 1), new Vector(6, 4, 1), stairsN.getItemType(), stairsN); Stairs stairsE = new Stairs(Material.SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS); stairsE.setFacingDirection(getRelativeFacing(BlockFace.WEST)); builder.fill(new Vector(6, 4, 2), new Vector(6, 4, 7), stairsE.getItemType(), stairsE); Stairs stairsS = new Stairs(Material.SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS); stairsS.setFacingDirection(getRelativeFacing(BlockFace.NORTH)); builder.fill(new Vector(0, 4, 8), new Vector(6, 4, 8), stairsS.getItemType(), stairsS); Stairs stairsW = new Stairs(Material.SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS); stairsW.setFacingDirection(getRelativeFacing(BlockFace.EAST)); builder.fill(new Vector(0, 4, 2), new Vector(0, 4, 7), stairsW.getItemType(), stairsW); builder.fill(new Vector(1, 0, 2), new Vector(1, 3, 2), Material.LOG); builder.fill(new Vector(5, 0, 2), new Vector(5, 3, 2), Material.LOG); builder.fill(new Vector(1, 0, 7), new Vector(1, 3, 7), Material.LOG); builder.fill(new Vector(5, 0, 7), new Vector(5, 3, 7), Material.LOG); builder.setBlock(new Vector(1, 2, 1), Material.FENCE); builder.setBlock(new Vector(5, 2, 1), Material.FENCE); builder.setBlock(new Vector(4, 2, 6), Material.CAULDRON); builder.setBlock(new Vector(3, 2, 6), Material.WORKBENCH); builder.setBlockDownward(new Vector(1, -1, 2), Material.LOG); builder.setBlockDownward(new Vector(5, -1, 2), Material.LOG); builder.setBlockDownward(new Vector(1, -1, 7), Material.LOG); builder.setBlockDownward(new Vector(5, -1, 7), Material.LOG); if (!hasWitch) { // TODO: uncomment this later // hasWitch = builder.spawnMob(new Vector(2, 2, 5), EntityType.WITCH); // I believe vanilla 1.8 tries to spawn the witch on different floor levels } return true; } }