package; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES; import java.util.Arrays; import org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager; import freenet.client.async.ClientContext; import freenet.client.async.ClientRequestSelector; import freenet.client.async.RequestSelectionTreeNode; /** * An array which supports very fast remove-and-return-a-random-element. * * This is *NOT* persistent. The request selection structures are reconstructed on restart. However * it used to be, and probably has a lot of cruft and inefficiency as a result. * * LOCKING: There is a single lock for the entire tree, the ClientRequestSelector. This must be * taken before calling any methods on RGA or SRGA. See the javadocs there for deeper explanation. * * FIXME Simplify and improve performance. A lot of this is O(n), and this should probably be fixed. * Memory usage was an issue but probably isn't now given that the individual items are now quite * large (entire splitfiles or at least entire segments). */ public class RandomGrabArray implements RemoveRandom, RequestSelectionTreeNode { private static volatile boolean logMINOR; static { Logger.registerClass(RandomGrabArray.class); } private static class Block { RandomGrabArrayItem[] reqs; } /** Array of items. Non-null's followed by null's. * We used to have a Set so we could check whether something is in the set quickly. * We got rid of this because for persistent requests it is vastly faster to just loop the * loop and check ==, and for non-persistent requests it doesn't matter much. */ private Block[] blocks; /** Index of first null item. */ private int index; private final static int MIN_SIZE = 32; private final static int BLOCK_SIZE = 1024; private final int hashCode; private RemoveRandomParent parent; protected ClientRequestSelector root; private long wakeupTime; public RandomGrabArray(RemoveRandomParent parent, ClientRequestSelector root) { this.blocks = new Block[] { new Block() }; blocks[0].reqs = new RandomGrabArrayItem[MIN_SIZE]; index = 0; this.hashCode = super.hashCode(); this.parent = parent; this.root = root; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } public void add(RandomGrabArrayItem req, ClientContext context) { if(context != null && req.getWakeupTime(context, System.currentTimeMillis()) < 0) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Is finished already: "+req); return; } req.setParentGrabArray(this); // will store() self synchronized(root) { if(context != null) { clearWakeupTime(context); } int x = 0; if(blocks.length == 1 && index < BLOCK_SIZE) { for(int i=0;i<index;i++) { if(blocks[0].reqs[i] == req) { return; } } if(index >= blocks[0].reqs.length) { blocks[0].reqs = Arrays.copyOf(blocks[0].reqs, Math.min(BLOCK_SIZE, blocks[0].reqs.length*2)); } blocks[0].reqs[index++] = req; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Added "+req+" before index "+index); return; } int targetBlock = index / BLOCK_SIZE; for(int i=0;i<blocks.length;i++) { Block block = blocks[i]; if(i != (blocks.length - 1) && block.reqs.length != BLOCK_SIZE) { Logger.error(this, "Block "+i+" of "+blocks.length+" is wrong size: "+block.reqs.length+" should be "+BLOCK_SIZE); } for(int j=0;j<block.reqs.length;j++) { if(x >= index) break; if(block.reqs[j] == req) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Already contains "+req+" : "+this+" size now "+index); return; } if(block.reqs[j] == null) { Logger.error(this, "reqs["+i+"."+j+"] = null on "+this); } x++; } } if(blocks.length <= targetBlock) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Adding blocks on "+this); Block[] newBlocks = Arrays.copyOf(blocks, targetBlock+1); for(int i=blocks.length;i<newBlocks.length;i++) { newBlocks[i] = new Block(); newBlocks[i].reqs = new RandomGrabArrayItem[BLOCK_SIZE]; } blocks = newBlocks; } Block target = blocks[targetBlock]; target.reqs[index++ % BLOCK_SIZE] = req; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Added: "+req+" to "+this+" size now "+index); } } /** Must be less than BLOCK_SIZE */ static final int MAX_EXCLUDED = 10; @Override public RemoveRandomReturn removeRandom(RandomGrabArrayItemExclusionList excluding, ClientContext context, long now) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "removeRandom() on "+this+" index="+index); synchronized(root) { if(index == 0) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "All null on "+this); return null; } if(index < MAX_EXCLUDED) { return removeRandomExhaustiveSearch(excluding, context, now); } RandomGrabArrayItem ret = removeRandomLimited(excluding, context, now); if(ret != null) return new RemoveRandomReturn(ret); if(index == 0) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "All null on "+this); return null; } return removeRandomExhaustiveSearch(excluding, context, now); } } private RandomGrabArrayItem removeRandomLimited( RandomGrabArrayItemExclusionList excluding, ClientContext context, long now) { int excluded = 0; while(true) { int i = context.fastWeakRandom.nextInt(index); int blockNo = i / BLOCK_SIZE; RandomGrabArrayItem ret, oret; ret = blocks[blockNo].reqs[i % BLOCK_SIZE]; if(ret == null) { Logger.error(this, "reqs["+i+"] = null"); remove(blockNo, i); continue; } if(ret.getWakeupTime(context, now) > 0) { excluded++; if(excluded > MAX_EXCLUDED) { return null; } continue; } oret = ret; long itemWakeTime = ret.getWakeupTime(context, now); if(itemWakeTime == -1) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not returning because cancelled: "+ret); ret = null; // Will be removed in the do{} loop // Tell it that it's been removed first. oret.setParentGrabArray(null); } if(itemWakeTime == 0) itemWakeTime = excluding.exclude(ret, context, now); if(ret != null && itemWakeTime > 0) { excluded++; if(excluded > MAX_EXCLUDED) { return null; } continue; } if(ret != null) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Returning (cannot remove): "+ret+" of "+index); return ret; } // Remove an element. do { remove(blockNo, i); oret = blocks[blockNo].reqs[i % BLOCK_SIZE]; // Check for nulls, but don't check for cancelled, since we'd have to activate. } while (index > i && oret == null); int newBlockCount; // Shrink array if(blocks.length == 1 && index < blocks[0].reqs.length / 4 && blocks[0].reqs.length > MIN_SIZE) { // Shrink array blocks[0].reqs = Arrays.copyOf(blocks[0].reqs, Math.max(index * 2, MIN_SIZE)); } else if(blocks.length > 1 && (newBlockCount = (((index + (BLOCK_SIZE/2)) / BLOCK_SIZE) + 1)) < blocks.length) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Shrinking blocks on "+this); blocks = Arrays.copyOf(blocks, newBlockCount); } return ret; } } private RemoveRandomReturn removeRandomExhaustiveSearch( RandomGrabArrayItemExclusionList excluding, ClientContext context, long now) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Doing exhaustive search and compaction on "+this); long wakeupTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; RandomGrabArrayItem ret = null; int random = -1; while(true) { RandomGrabArrayItem[] reqsReading = blocks[0].reqs; RandomGrabArrayItem[] reqsWriting = blocks[0].reqs; int blockNumReading = 0; int blockNumWriting = 0; int offset = -1; int writeOffset = -1; int exclude = 0; int valid = 0; int validIndex = -1; int target = 0; RandomGrabArrayItem chosenItem = null; RandomGrabArrayItem validItem = null; for(int i=0;i<index;i++) { offset++; // Compact the array. RandomGrabArrayItem item; if(offset == BLOCK_SIZE) { offset = 0; blockNumReading++; reqsReading = blocks[blockNumReading].reqs; } item = reqsReading[offset]; if(item == null) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Found null item at offset "+offset+" i="+i+" block = "+blockNumReading+" on "+this); continue; } boolean excludeItem = false; long itemWakeTime = item.getWakeupTime(context, now); if (itemWakeTime > 0) { // The item is in cooldown, will be wanted later. excludeItem = true; if (itemWakeTime < wakeupTime) { wakeupTime = itemWakeTime; } } else if (itemWakeTime == -1) { // The item is no longer needed and should be removed. if(logMINOR) { Logger.minor(this, "Removing "+item+" on "+this); } // We are doing compaction here. We don't need to swap with the end; we write valid ones to the target location. reqsReading[offset] = null; item.setParentGrabArray(null); continue; } else { long excludeTime = excluding.exclude(item, context, now); if (excludeTime > 0) { excludeItem = true; if(excludeTime < wakeupTime) { wakeupTime = excludeTime; } } } writeOffset++; if(writeOffset == BLOCK_SIZE) { writeOffset = 0; blockNumWriting++; reqsWriting = blocks[blockNumWriting].reqs; } if(i != target) { reqsReading[offset] = null; reqsWriting[writeOffset] = item; } // else the request can happily stay where it is target++; if(excludeItem) { exclude++; } else { if(valid == random) { // Picked on previous round chosenItem = item; } if(validIndex == -1) { // Take the first valid item validIndex = target-1; validItem = item; } valid++; } } if(index != target) { index = target; } // We reach this point if 1) the random number we picked last round is invalid because an item became cancelled or excluded // or 2) we are on the first round anyway. if(chosenItem != null) { ret = chosenItem; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Chosen random item "+ret+" out of "+valid+" total "+index); return new RemoveRandomReturn(ret); } if(valid == 0 && exclude == 0) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No valid or excluded items total "+index); return null; // Caller should remove the whole RGA } else if(valid == 0) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No valid items, "+exclude+" excluded items total "+index); setWakeupTime(wakeupTime, context); return new RemoveRandomReturn(wakeupTime); } else if(valid == 1) { ret = validItem; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No valid or excluded items apart from "+ret+" total "+index); return new RemoveRandomReturn(ret); } else { random = context.fastWeakRandom.nextInt(valid); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Looping to choose valid item "+random+" of "+valid+" (excluded "+exclude+")"); // Loop } } } /** * blockNo is assumed to be already active. The last block is assumed not * to be. */ private void remove(int blockNo, int i) { index--; int endBlock = index / BLOCK_SIZE; if(blocks.length == 1 || blockNo == endBlock) { RandomGrabArrayItem[] items = blocks[blockNo].reqs; int idx = index % BLOCK_SIZE; items[i % BLOCK_SIZE] = items[idx]; items[idx] = null; } else { RandomGrabArrayItem[] toItems = blocks[blockNo].reqs; RandomGrabArrayItem[] endItems = blocks[endBlock].reqs; toItems[i % BLOCK_SIZE] = endItems[index % BLOCK_SIZE]; endItems[index % BLOCK_SIZE] = null; } } public void remove(RandomGrabArrayItem it, ClientContext context) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Removing "+it+" from "+this); boolean matched = false; boolean empty = false; synchronized(root) { if(blocks.length == 1) { Block block = blocks[0]; for(int i=0;i<index;i++) { if(block.reqs[i] == it) { block.reqs[i] = block.reqs[--index]; block.reqs[index] = null; matched = true; break; } } if(index == 0) empty = true; } else { int x = 0; for(int i=0;i<blocks.length;i++) { Block block = blocks[i]; for(int j=0;j<block.reqs.length;j++) { if(x >= index) break; x++; if(block.reqs[j] == it) { int pullFrom = --index; int idx = pullFrom % BLOCK_SIZE; int endBlock = pullFrom / BLOCK_SIZE; if(i == endBlock) { block.reqs[j] = block.reqs[idx]; block.reqs[idx] = null; } else { Block fromBlock = blocks[endBlock]; block.reqs[j] = fromBlock.reqs[idx]; fromBlock.reqs[idx] = null; } matched = true; break; } } } if(index == 0) empty = true; } } // Caller will typically clear it before calling for synchronization reasons. RandomGrabArray oldArray = it.getParentGrabArray(); if(oldArray == this) it.setParentGrabArray(null); else if(oldArray != null) Logger.error(this, "Removing item "+it+" from "+this+" but RGA is "+it.getParentGrabArray(), new Exception("debug")); if(!matched) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not found: "+it+" on "+this); return; } if(empty && parent != null) { parent.maybeRemove(this, context); } } public boolean isEmpty() { synchronized(root) { return index == 0; } } public boolean contains(RandomGrabArrayItem item) { synchronized(root) { if(blocks.length == 1) { Block block = blocks[0]; for(int i=0;i<index;i++) { if(block.reqs[i] == item) { return true; } } } else { int x = 0; for(int i=0;i<blocks.length;i++) { Block block = blocks[i]; for(int j=0;j<block.reqs.length;j++) { if(x >= index) break; x++; if(block.reqs[i] == item) { return true; } } } } } return false; } public int size() { synchronized(root) { return index; } } public RandomGrabArrayItem get(int idx) { synchronized(root) { int blockNo = idx / BLOCK_SIZE; RandomGrabArrayItem item = blocks[blockNo].reqs[idx % BLOCK_SIZE]; return item; } } // REDFLAG this method does not move cooldown items. // At present it is only called on startup so this is okay. public void moveElementsTo(RandomGrabArray existingGrabber, boolean canCommit) { WrapperManager.signalStarting((int) MINUTES.toMillis(5)); for(Block block: blocks) { for(int j=0;j<block.reqs.length;j++) { RandomGrabArrayItem item = block.reqs[j]; if(item == null) continue; item.setParentGrabArray(null); existingGrabber.add(item, null); block.reqs[j] = null; } System.out.println("Moved block in RGA "+this); } } @Override public void setParent(RemoveRandomParent newParent) { synchronized(root) { this.parent = newParent; } } @Override public RequestSelectionTreeNode getParentGrabArray() { synchronized(root) { return parent; } } @Override public long getWakeupTime(ClientContext context, long now) { synchronized(root) { if(wakeupTime < now) wakeupTime = 0; return wakeupTime; } } /** Set the wakeup time, and update parents recursively if it is reduced. If it is increased * we don't need to bother parents as they will recompute the next time they need to. Only * called by removeRandomExhaustive() i.e. after checking <b>all</b> our * RandomGrabArrayItem's and finding that none of them are ready to send. * @param wakeupTime * @param context */ private void setWakeupTime(long wakeupTime, ClientContext context) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "setCooldownTime("+(wakeupTime-System.currentTimeMillis())+") on "+this); synchronized(root) { if(this.wakeupTime > wakeupTime) { this.wakeupTime = wakeupTime; // Set before calling parent. if(parent != null) parent.reduceWakeupTime(wakeupTime, context); } else { this.wakeupTime = wakeupTime; } } } @Override public boolean reduceWakeupTime(long wakeupTime, ClientContext context) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "reduceCooldownTime("+(wakeupTime-System.currentTimeMillis())+") on "+this); synchronized(root) { if(this.wakeupTime > wakeupTime) { this.wakeupTime = wakeupTime; if(parent != null) parent.reduceWakeupTime(wakeupTime, context); return true; } return false; } } @Override public void clearWakeupTime(ClientContext context) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "clearCooldownTime() on "+this); synchronized(root) { wakeupTime = 0; if(parent != null) parent.clearWakeupTime(context); } } }