/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General * Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See * http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */ package freenet.node; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.security.interfaces.ECPublicKey; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream; import freenet.crypt.BlockCipher; import freenet.crypt.ECDSA; import freenet.crypt.ECDSA.Curves; import freenet.crypt.RandomSource; import freenet.crypt.SHA256; import freenet.crypt.UnsupportedCipherException; import freenet.crypt.ciphers.Rijndael; import freenet.io.AddressTracker.Status; import freenet.io.comm.FreenetInetAddress; import freenet.io.comm.IncomingPacketFilterImpl; import freenet.io.comm.Peer; import freenet.io.comm.UdpSocketHandler; import freenet.keys.FreenetURI; import freenet.keys.InsertableClientSSK; import freenet.support.Base64; import freenet.support.IllegalBase64Exception; import freenet.support.Logger; import freenet.support.SimpleFieldSet; import freenet.support.io.Closer; /** * Cryptographic and transport level node identity. * @author toad */ public class NodeCrypto { static { Logger.registerClass(NodeCrypto.class); } private static volatile boolean logMINOR; /** Length of a node identity */ public static final int IDENTITY_LENGTH = 32; final Node node; final boolean isOpennet; final RandomSource random; /** The object which handles our specific UDP port, pulls messages from it, feeds them to the packet mangler for decryption etc */ final UdpSocketHandler socket; public FNPPacketMangler packetMangler; // FIXME: abstract out address stuff? Possibly to something like NodeReference? final int portNumber; /** @see PeerNode.identity */ byte[] myIdentity; /** Hash of identity. Used as setup key. */ byte[] identityHash; /** Hash of hash of identity i.e. hash of setup key. */ byte[] identityHashHash; /** Nonce used to generate ?secureid= for fproxy etc */ byte[] clientNonce; /** My ECDSA/P256 keypair and context */ private ECDSA ecdsaP256; byte[] ecdsaPubKeyHash; /** My ARK SSK private key */ InsertableClientSSK myARK; /** My ARK sequence number */ long myARKNumber; final NodeCryptoConfig config; final NodeIPPortDetector detector; final BlockCipher anonSetupCipher; // Noderef related /** An ordered version of the noderef FieldSet, without the signature */ private String mySignedReference = null; /** The ECDSA/P256 signature of the above fieldset */ private String myReferenceECDSASignature = null; /** A synchronization object used while signing the reference fieldset */ private volatile Object referenceSync = new Object(); /** * Get port number from a config, create socket and packet mangler * @throws NodeInitException */ public NodeCrypto(final Node node, final boolean isOpennet, NodeCryptoConfig config, long startupTime, boolean enableARKs) throws NodeInitException { this.node = node; this.config = config; random = node.random; this.isOpennet = isOpennet; config.starting(this); try { int port = config.getPort(); FreenetInetAddress bindto = config.getBindTo(); UdpSocketHandler u = null; if(port > 65535) { throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_IMPOSSIBLE_USM_PORT, "Impossible port number: "+port); } else if(port == -1) { // Pick a random port for(int i=0;i<200000;i++) { int portNo = 1024 + random.nextInt(65535-1024); try { u = new UdpSocketHandler(portNo, bindto.getAddress(), node, startupTime, getTitle(portNo), node.collector); port = u.getPortNumber(); break; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.normal(this, "Could not use port: "+bindto+ ':' +portNo+": "+e, e); System.err.println("Could not use port: "+bindto+ ':' +portNo+": "+e); e.printStackTrace(); continue; } } if(u == null) throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_NO_AVAILABLE_UDP_PORTS, "Could not find an available UDP port number for FNP (none specified)"); } else { try { u = new UdpSocketHandler(port, bindto.getAddress(), node, startupTime, getTitle(port), node.collector); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e, e); System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_IMPOSSIBLE_USM_PORT, "Could not bind to port: "+port+" (node already running?)"); } } socket = u; Logger.normal(this, "FNP port created on "+bindto+ ':' +port); System.out.println("FNP port created on "+bindto+ ':' +port); portNumber = port; config.setPort(port); socket.setDropProbability(config.getDropProbability()); packetMangler = new FNPPacketMangler(node, this, socket); detector = new NodeIPPortDetector(node, node.ipDetector, this, enableARKs); anonSetupCipher = new Rijndael(256,256); } catch (NodeInitException e) { config.stopping(this); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { config.stopping(this); throw e; } catch (Error e) { config.stopping(this); throw e; } catch (UnsupportedCipherException e) { config.stopping(this); throw new Error(e); } finally { config.maybeStarted(this); } } private String getTitle(int port) { // FIXME l10n return "UDP " + (isOpennet ? "Opennet " : "Darknet ") + "port " + port; } /** * Read the cryptographic keys etc from a SimpleFieldSet * @param fs * @throws IOException */ public void readCrypto(SimpleFieldSet fs) throws IOException { String identity = fs.get("identity"); if(identity == null) throw new IOException(); try { myIdentity = Base64.decode(identity); } catch (IllegalBase64Exception e2) { throw new IOException(); } identityHash = SHA256.digest(myIdentity); anonSetupCipher.initialize(identityHash); identityHashHash = SHA256.digest(identityHash); try { SimpleFieldSet ecdsaSFS = fs.subset("ecdsa"); if(ecdsaSFS != null) ecdsaP256 = new ECDSA(ecdsaSFS.subset(ECDSA.Curves.P256.name()), Curves.P256); } catch (FSParseException e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e, e); throw new IOException(e.toString()); } if(ecdsaP256 == null) { // We don't have a keypair, generate one. Logger.normal(this, "No ecdsa.P256 field found in noderef: let's generate a new key"); ecdsaP256 = new ECDSA(Curves.P256); } ecdsaPubKeyHash = SHA256.digest(ecdsaP256.getPublicKey().getEncoded()); InsertableClientSSK ark = null; // ARK String s = fs.get("ark.number"); String privARK = fs.get("ark.privURI"); try { if(privARK != null) { FreenetURI uri = new FreenetURI(privARK); ark = InsertableClientSSK.create(uri); if(s == null) { ark = null; myARKNumber = 0; } else { try { myARKNumber = Long.parseLong(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { myARKNumber = 0; ark = null; } } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Logger.minor(this, "Caught "+e, e); ark = null; } if(ark == null) { ark = InsertableClientSSK.createRandom(random, "ark"); myARKNumber = 0; } myARK = ark; String cn = fs.get("clientNonce"); if(cn != null) { try { clientNonce = Base64.decode(cn); } catch (IllegalBase64Exception e) { throw new IOException("Invalid clientNonce field: "+e); } } else { clientNonce = new byte[32]; node.random.nextBytes(clientNonce); } } /** * Create the cryptographic keys etc from scratch */ public void initCrypto() { ecdsaP256 = new ECDSA(ECDSA.Curves.P256); ecdsaPubKeyHash = SHA256.digest(ecdsaP256.getPublicKey().getEncoded()); myARK = InsertableClientSSK.createRandom(random, "ark"); myARKNumber = 0; clientNonce = new byte[32]; node.random.nextBytes(clientNonce); myIdentity = new byte[IDENTITY_LENGTH]; node.random.nextBytes(myIdentity); identityHash = SHA256.digest(myIdentity); identityHashHash = SHA256.digest(identityHash); anonSetupCipher.initialize(identityHash); } public void start() { socket.calculateMaxPacketSize(); socket.setLowLevelFilter(new IncomingPacketFilterImpl(packetMangler, node, this)); packetMangler.start(); socket.start(); } public SimpleFieldSet exportPrivateFieldSet() { SimpleFieldSet fs = exportPublicFieldSet(false, false, false); addPrivateFields(fs); return fs; } /** * Export my node reference so that another node can connect to me. * Public version, includes everything apart from private keys. * @see exportPublicFieldSet(boolean forSetup). */ public SimpleFieldSet exportPublicFieldSet() { return exportPublicFieldSet(false, false, false); } /** * Export my reference so that another node can connect to me. * @param forSetup If true, strip out everything that isn't needed for the references * exchanged immediately after connection setup. I.e. strip out everything that is invariant, * or that can safely be exchanged later. * @param forAnonInitiator If true, we are adding a node from an anonymous initiator noderef * exchange. Minimal noderef which we can construct a PeerNode from. Short lived so no ARK etc. * Already signed so dump the signature. */ SimpleFieldSet exportPublicFieldSet(boolean forSetup, boolean forAnonInitiator, boolean forARK) { SimpleFieldSet fs = exportPublicCryptoFieldSet(forSetup || forARK, forAnonInitiator); if((!forAnonInitiator) && (!forSetup)) { // IP addresses Peer[] ips = detector.detectPrimaryPeers(); if(ips != null) { for(Peer ip: ips) fs.putAppend("physical.udp", ip.toString()); // Keep; important that node know all our IPs } } // Don't include IPs for anonymous initiator. // Negotiation types if(!(forARK || forSetup || forAnonInitiator)) { // We *do* need the location on noderefs exchanged via path folding and announcement. // This is necessary so we can take the location into account in OpennetManager.wantPeer(). fs.put("location", node.lm.getLocation()); } fs.putSingle("version", Version.getVersionString()); // Keep, vital that peer know our version. For example, some types may be sent in different formats to different node versions (e.g. Peer). if(!forAnonInitiator) fs.putSingle("lastGoodVersion", Version.getLastGoodVersionString()); // Also vital if(Node.isTestnetEnabled()) { fs.put("testnet", true); //fs.put("testnetPort", node.testnetHandler.getPort()); // Useful, saves a lot of complexity } if((!isOpennet) && (!forSetup) && (!forARK)) fs.putSingle("myName", node.getMyName()); if(!forAnonInitiator) { // Anonymous initiator setup type specifies whether the node is opennet or not. fs.put("opennet", isOpennet); synchronized (referenceSync) { if(myReferenceECDSASignature == null || mySignedReference == null || !mySignedReference.equals(fs.toOrderedString())){ mySignedReference = fs.toOrderedString(); try { myReferenceECDSASignature = ecdsaSignRef(mySignedReference); // Old nodes will verify the signature including sigP256 fs.putSingle("sigP256", myReferenceECDSASignature); mySignedReference = fs.toOrderedString(); } catch (NodeInitException e) { node.exit(e.exitCode); } } } } if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "My reference: "+fs.toOrderedString()); return fs; } SimpleFieldSet exportPublicCryptoFieldSet(boolean forSetup, boolean forAnonInitiator) { SimpleFieldSet fs = new SimpleFieldSet(true); int[] negTypes = packetMangler.supportedNegTypes(true); if(!forSetup) { // These are invariant. They cannot change on connection setup. They can safely be excluded. fs.put("ecdsa", ecdsaP256.asFieldSet(false)); fs.putSingle("identity", Base64.encode(myIdentity)); } if(!forAnonInitiator) { // Short-lived connections don't need ARK and don't need negTypes either. fs.put("auth.negTypes", negTypes); if(!forSetup) { fs.put("ark.number", myARKNumber); // Can be changed on setup fs.putSingle("ark.pubURI", myARK.getURI().toString(false, false)); // Can be changed on setup } } return fs; } private String ecdsaSignRef(String mySignedReference) throws NodeInitException { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Signing reference:\n"+mySignedReference); try{ byte[] ref = mySignedReference.getBytes("UTF-8"); // We don't need a padded signature here byte[] sig = ecdsaP256.sign(ref); if(logMINOR && !ECDSA.verify(Curves.P256, getECDSAP256Pubkey(), sig, ref)) throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_EXCEPTION_TO_DEBUG, mySignedReference); return Base64.encode(sig); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e){ //duh ? Logger.error(this, "Error while signing the node identity!" + e, e); System.err.println("Error while signing the node identity!"+e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_CRAPPY_JVM, "Impossible: JVM doesn't support UTF-8"); } } private byte[] myCompressedRef(boolean setup, boolean heavySetup, boolean forARK) { SimpleFieldSet fs = exportPublicFieldSet(setup, heavySetup, forARK); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DeflaterOutputStream gis; gis = new DeflaterOutputStream(baos); try { fs.writeTo(gis); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(this, "IOE :"+e.getMessage(), e); } finally { Closer.close(gis); Closer.close(baos); } byte[] buf = baos.toByteArray(); if(buf.length >= 4096) throw new IllegalStateException("We are attempting to send a "+buf.length+" bytes big reference!"); byte[] obuf = new byte[buf.length + 1]; int offset = 0; obuf[offset++] = 0x01; // compressed noderef System.arraycopy(buf, 0, obuf, offset, buf.length); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "myCompressedRef("+setup+","+heavySetup+") returning "+obuf.length+" bytes"); return obuf; } /** * The part of our node reference which is exchanged in the connection setup, compressed. * @see exportSetupFieldSet() */ public byte[] myCompressedSetupRef() { return myCompressedRef(true, false, false); } /** * The part of our node reference which is exchanged in the connection setup, if we don't * already have the node, compressed. * @see exportSetupFieldSet() */ public byte[] myCompressedHeavySetupRef() { return myCompressedRef(false, true, false); } /** * Our full node reference, compressed. * @see exportSetupFieldSet() */ public byte[] myCompressedFullRef() { return myCompressedRef(false, false, false); } void addPrivateFields(SimpleFieldSet fs) { // Let's not add it twice fs.removeSubset("ecdsa"); fs.put("ecdsa", ecdsaP256.asFieldSet(true)); fs.putSingle("ark.privURI", myARK.getInsertURI().toString(false, false)); fs.putSingle("clientNonce", Base64.encode(clientNonce)); } /** Sign data with the node's ECDSA key. The data does not need to be hashed, the signing code * will handle that for us, using an algorithm appropriate for the keysize. */ byte[] ecdsaSign(byte[]... data) { return ecdsaP256.signToNetworkFormat(data); } public ECPublicKey getECDSAP256Pubkey() { return ecdsaP256.getPublicKey(); } public void onSetDropProbability(int val) { synchronized(this) { if(socket == null) return; } socket.setDropProbability(val); } public void stop() { config.stopping(this); socket.close(); } public PeerNode[] getPeerNodes() { if(node.peers == null) return null; if(isOpennet) return node.peers.getOpennetAndSeedServerPeers(); else return node.peers.getDarknetPeers(); } public boolean allowConnection(PeerNode pn, FreenetInetAddress addr) { if(config.oneConnectionPerAddress()) { // Disallow multiple connections to the same address // TODO: this is inadequate for IPv6, should be replaced by // check for "same /64 subnet" [configurable] instead of exact match if(node.peers.anyConnectedPeerHasAddress(addr, pn) && !detector.includes(addr) && addr.isRealInternetAddress(false, false, false)) { Logger.normal(this, "Not sending handshake packets to "+addr+" for "+pn+" : Same IP address as another node"); return false; } } return true; } /** If oneConnectionPerAddress is not set, but there are peers with the same * IP for which it is set, disconnect them. * @param peerNode * @param address */ public void maybeBootConnection(PeerNode peerNode, FreenetInetAddress address) { if(detector.includes(address)) return; if(!address.isRealInternetAddress(false, false, false)) return; ArrayList<PeerNode> possibleMatches = node.peers.getAllConnectedByAddress(address, true); if(possibleMatches == null) return; for(PeerNode pn : possibleMatches) { if(pn == peerNode) continue; if(pn.equals(peerNode)) continue; if(pn.crypto.config.oneConnectionPerAddress()) { if(pn instanceof DarknetPeerNode) { if(!(peerNode instanceof DarknetPeerNode)) { // Darknet is only affected by other darknet peers. // Opennet peers with the same IP will NOT cause darknet peers to be dropped, even if one connection per IP is set for darknet, and even if it isn't set for opennet. // (Which would be a perverse configuration anyway!) // FIXME likewise, FOAFs should not boot darknet connections. continue; } Logger.error(this, "Dropping peer "+pn+" because don't want connection due to others on the same IP address!"); System.out.println("Disconnecting permanently from your friend \""+((DarknetPeerNode)pn).getName()+"\" because your friend \""+((DarknetPeerNode)peerNode).getName()+"\" is using the same IP address "+address+"!"); } node.peers.disconnectAndRemove(pn, true, true, pn.isOpennet()); } } } /** * Get the cipher for connection attempts for e.g. seednode connections from nodes we don't know. */ public BlockCipher getAnonSetupCipher() { return anonSetupCipher; } public PeerNode[] getAnonSetupPeerNodes() { ArrayList<PeerNode> v = new ArrayList<PeerNode>(); for(PeerNode pn: node.peers.myPeers()) { if(pn.handshakeUnknownInitiator() && pn.getOutgoingMangler() == packetMangler) v.add(pn); } return v.toArray(new PeerNode[v.size()]); } void setPortForwardingBroken() { this.socket.getAddressTracker().setBroken(); } /** * Get my identity. */ public byte[] getIdentity(int negType) { return ecdsaPubKeyHash; } public boolean definitelyPortForwarded() { return socket.getDetectedConnectivityStatus() == Status.DEFINITELY_PORT_FORWARDED; } public Status getDetectedConnectivityStatus() { return socket.getDetectedConnectivityStatus(); } public FreenetInetAddress getBindTo() { return config.getBindTo(); } public boolean wantAnonAuth() { return node.wantAnonAuth(isOpennet); } public boolean wantAnonAuthChangeIP() { return node.wantAnonAuthChangeIP(isOpennet); } }