package freenet.client.async; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import freenet.client.FetchException; import freenet.client.FetchException.FetchExceptionMode; import freenet.client.Metadata.SplitfileAlgorithm; import freenet.client.async.PersistentJobRunner.CheckpointLock; import freenet.crypt.ChecksumFailedException; import freenet.keys.CHKBlock; import freenet.keys.CHKDecodeException; import freenet.keys.CHKEncodeException; import freenet.keys.CHKVerifyException; import freenet.keys.ClientCHK; import freenet.keys.ClientCHKBlock; import freenet.keys.Key; import freenet.keys.NodeCHK; import freenet.node.KeysFetchingLocally; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** Represents a single segment, in memory and on disk. Handles storage and decoding. Note that the * on-disk data, and therefore the read-in metadata, may be inaccurate; we check everything * opportunistically. Hence we are very robust (but not completely immune) to disk corruption. * @see SplitFileFetcherStorage */ public class SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage { // Set this to false to turn off checking the CHKs on blocks decoded (and encoded) via FEC. // Generally it is a good idea to have consistent behaviour regardless of what order we fetched // the blocks in, whether binary blobs are enabled etc ... and this has caught nasty bugs in // the past, although now we have hashes at file level ... private static final boolean FORCE_CHECK_FEC_KEYS = true; /** The segment number within the splitfile */ final int segNo; /** Offset to the segment's block data. Initially we fill this up. */ final long segmentBlockDataOffset; /** Offset to the segment's cross-check block data. This may be kept separately if we are going * to complete the fetch via truncation, otherwise it's at the end of the segment data. */ final long segmentCrossCheckBlockDataOffset; /** Offset to the segment's status metadata storage. */ final long segmentStatusOffset; /** Length of the segment status for purposes of locating it on disk, may be larger than * segmentStatusLength. */ final int segmentStatusPaddedLength; /** Offset to the segment's key list */ final long segmentKeyListOffset; /** Length of the segment key list */ final int segmentKeyListLength; /** The splitfile */ final SplitFileFetcherStorage parent; /** Count of data blocks (actual data divided up into CHKs, though the last one will be * padded). Numbered 0 .. dataBlocks-1. */ public final int dataBlocks; /** Count of cross-segment check blocks. These occur only in larger splitfiles and count as * data blocks for segment-level FEC, but they also count as check blocks for cross-segment * level FEC. Generally between 0 and 3. Numbered dataBlocks .. dataBlocks+crossSegmentCheckBlocks-1 */ public final int crossSegmentCheckBlocks; /** Count of check blocks (generated by FEC). Numbered * dataBlocks+crossSegmentCheckBlocks .. dataBlocks+crossSegmentCheckBlocks+checkBlocks-1 */ public final int checkBlocks; /** Keeps track of how many times we've tried each block, which blocks we have downloaded etc. */ private final SplitFileFetcherSegmentBlockChooser blockChooser; /** What is the order of the blocks on disk? Should be kept consistent with blocksFound! Is * read from disk on startup and may be inaccurate, checked on FEC decode. Elements: -1 = not * fetched yet. */ private final int[] blocksFetched; /** True if we have downloaded and decoded all the data blocks and cross-segment check blocks, * and written them to their final location in the parent storage file. */ private boolean succeeded; /** True if we have not only downloaded and decoded, but also finished with encoding and * queueing healing blocks. */ private boolean finished; /** True if the segment has been cancelled, has failed due to an internal error, etc. In which * case it is not interested in further blocks. Not true if it has run out of retries, in which * case (for cross-segment) we may still be interested in blocks. */ private boolean failed; /** True if we've run out of retries. */ private boolean failedRetries; /** True if the metadata needs writing but isn't going to be written immediately. */ private boolean metadataDirty; /** True if the metadata was corrupt and we need to innerDecode(). */ private boolean corruptMetadata; /** The cross segments for each data or cross-segment check block. This allows us to tell the * cross-segments when we may have data to decode. The array is null if there are no * cross-segments, and the elements are null if there is no associated cross-segment. */ private final SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage[] crossSegmentsByBlock; private SoftReference<SplitFileSegmentKeys> keysCache; private boolean tryDecode; private int crossDataBlocksAllocated; private int crossCheckBlocksAllocated; /** Number of blocks we've given up on. */ private int failedBlocks; private static volatile boolean logMINOR; static { Logger.registerClass(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage.class); } /** * Construct a segment. * @param parent * @param segNumber * @param splitfileType * @param dataBlocks * @param checkBlocks * @param crossCheckBlocks * @param segmentDataOffset * @param segmentCrossCheckDataOffset -1 to mean store the cross-check blocks just after the * data and check blocks for this segment. Otherwise the offset. * @param segmentKeysOffset * @param segmentStatusOffset * @param writeRetries * @param keys */ public SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage(SplitFileFetcherStorage parent, int segNumber, SplitfileAlgorithm splitfileType, int dataBlocks, int checkBlocks, int crossCheckBlocks, long segmentDataOffset, long segmentCrossCheckDataOffset, long segmentKeysOffset, long segmentStatusOffset, boolean writeRetries, SplitFileSegmentKeys keys, KeysFetchingLocally keysFetching) { this.parent = parent; this.segNo = segNumber; this.dataBlocks = dataBlocks; this.checkBlocks = checkBlocks; this.crossSegmentCheckBlocks = crossCheckBlocks; int total = dataBlocks + checkBlocks + crossSegmentCheckBlocks; boolean ignoreLastBlock = (segNo == parent.segments.length-1 && parent.lastBlockMightNotBePadded()); this.blockChooser = new SplitFileFetcherSegmentBlockChooser(total, parent.random, parent.maxRetries, parent.cooldownTries, parent.cooldownLength, this, keysFetching, ignoreLastBlock ? dataBlocks - 1 : -1); int minFetched = blocksForDecode(); if(crossCheckBlocks != 0) crossSegmentsByBlock = new SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage[minFetched]; else crossSegmentsByBlock = null; blocksFetched = new int[minFetched]; for(int i=0;i<blocksFetched.length;i++) blocksFetched[i] = -1; segmentStatusPaddedLength = paddedStoredSegmentStatusLength(dataBlocks, checkBlocks, crossCheckBlocks, writeRetries, parent.checksumLength, parent.persistent); segmentKeyListLength = storedKeysLength(blocksForDecode(), checkBlocks, parent.splitfileSingleCryptoKey != null, parent.checksumLength); this.segmentBlockDataOffset = segmentDataOffset; if(segmentCrossCheckDataOffset == -1) { segmentCrossCheckDataOffset = segmentBlockDataOffset + dataBlocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH; } this.segmentCrossCheckBlockDataOffset = segmentCrossCheckDataOffset; this.segmentKeyListOffset = segmentKeysOffset; this.segmentStatusOffset = segmentStatusOffset; // This must be passed in here or we will read the uninitialised keys! keysCache = new SoftReference<SplitFileSegmentKeys>(keys); } /** Construct from a saved file. Uses the DataInputStream to read static settings, i.e. number * of blocks, does not use the RAF to read block status etc; caller must call readMetadata and * readKeys separately for that. * @param parent * @param dis DataInputStream to which the static settings have been saved. Anything else we * will need to read separately from the RandomAccessBuffer. * @param segNo The segment number. * @param writeRetries * @param segmentDataOffset * @param segmentCrossCheckDataOffset -1 to mean store the cross-check blocks just after the * data and check blocks for this segment. Otherwise the offset. * @param segmentKeysOffset * @param segmentStatusOffset * @param keysFetching * @throws IOException * @throws StorageFormatException */ public SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage(SplitFileFetcherStorage parent, DataInputStream dis, int segNo, boolean writeRetries, long segmentDataOffset, long segmentCrossCheckDataOffset, long segmentKeysOffset, long segmentStatusOffset, KeysFetchingLocally keysFetching) throws IOException, StorageFormatException { this.segNo = segNo; this.parent = parent; this.dataBlocks = dis.readInt(); if(dataBlocks < 1 || dataBlocks > 256) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad data block count"); this.crossSegmentCheckBlocks = dis.readInt(); // REDFLAG one day we will support more than 256 blocks per segment? if(crossSegmentCheckBlocks < 0 || crossSegmentCheckBlocks > 256) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad cross-segment check block count"); this.checkBlocks = dis.readInt(); if(checkBlocks < 0 || checkBlocks > 256) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad check block count"); int total = dataBlocks+checkBlocks+crossSegmentCheckBlocks; if(total > 256) throw new StorageFormatException("Too many blocks in segment"); boolean ignoreLastBlock = (segNo == parent.segments.length-1 && parent.lastBlockMightNotBePadded()); blockChooser = new SplitFileFetcherSegmentBlockChooser(total, parent.random, parent.maxRetries, parent.cooldownTries, parent.cooldownLength, this, keysFetching, ignoreLastBlock ? dataBlocks - 1 : -1); int minFetched = blocksForDecode(); if(crossSegmentCheckBlocks != 0) crossSegmentsByBlock = new SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage[minFetched]; else crossSegmentsByBlock = null; blocksFetched = new int[minFetched]; for(int i=0;i<blocksFetched.length;i++) blocksFetched[i] = -1; segmentStatusPaddedLength = paddedStoredSegmentStatusLength(dataBlocks, checkBlocks, crossSegmentCheckBlocks, writeRetries, parent.checksumLength, true); segmentKeyListLength = storedKeysLength(blocksForDecode(), checkBlocks, parent.splitfileSingleCryptoKey != null, parent.checksumLength); keysCache = null; // Will be read later this.segmentBlockDataOffset = segmentDataOffset; if(segmentCrossCheckDataOffset == -1) { segmentCrossCheckDataOffset = segmentBlockDataOffset + dataBlocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH; } this.segmentCrossCheckBlockDataOffset = segmentCrossCheckDataOffset; this.segmentKeyListOffset = segmentKeysOffset; this.segmentStatusOffset = segmentStatusOffset; } public SplitFileSegmentKeys getSegmentKeys() throws IOException { synchronized(this) { if(keysCache != null) { SplitFileSegmentKeys cached = keysCache.get(); if(cached != null) return cached; } SplitFileSegmentKeys keys; try { keys = readSegmentKeys(); } catch (ChecksumFailedException e) { Logger.error(this, "Keys corrupted on "+this+" !"); // Treat as IOException, i.e. fatal. FIXME! throw new IOException(e); } if(keys == null) return keys; keysCache = new SoftReference<SplitFileSegmentKeys>(keys); return keys; } } SplitFileSegmentKeys readSegmentKeys() throws IOException, ChecksumFailedException { SplitFileSegmentKeys keys = new SplitFileSegmentKeys(blocksForDecode(), checkBlocks, parent.splitfileSingleCryptoKey, parent.splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm); byte[] buf = new byte[SplitFileSegmentKeys.storedKeysLength(blocksForDecode(), checkBlocks, parent.splitfileSingleCryptoKey != null)]; parent.preadChecksummed(segmentKeyListOffset, buf, 0, buf.length); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf)); keys.readKeys(dis, false); keys.readKeys(dis, true); return keys; } /** Write the status metadata to disk, after a series of updates. */ public void writeMetadata() throws IOException { writeMetadata(true); } /** Write the status metadata to disk, after a series of updates. */ public void writeMetadata(boolean force) throws IOException { innerWriteMetadata(force); } /** Read all the blocks, encode them according to their supposed keys and check that they are * in fact the blocks that they should be. If the metadata is inaccurate, update it and * writeMetadata(). If we have enough blocks to decode, and we don't have all the blocks, then * schedule a decode on the FEC thread. * @return True if we scheduled a decode or are already finished. False if we do not have * enough blocks to decode and need to fetch more blocks. */ public boolean tryStartDecode() { synchronized(this) { if(succeeded || failed || finished) return false; if(!corruptMetadata && blockChooser.successCount() < blocksForDecode()) return false; if(tryDecode) return true; tryDecode = true; } long limit = totalBlocks() * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH + Math.max(parent.fecCodec.maxMemoryOverheadDecode(blocksForDecode(), checkBlocks), parent.fecCodec.maxMemoryOverheadEncode(blocksForDecode(), checkBlocks)); final int prio = parent.getPriorityClass(); parent.memoryLimitedJobRunner.queueJob(new MemoryLimitedJob(limit) { @Override public int getPriority() { return prio; } @Override public boolean start(MemoryLimitedChunk chunk) { boolean shutdown = false; CheckpointLock lock = null; try { lock = parent.jobRunner.lock(); innerDecode(chunk); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(this, "Failed to decode "+this+" because of disk error: "+e, e); parent.failOnDiskError(e); } catch (PersistenceDisabledException e) { // Shutting down. // We don't call the callback here, so we don't care. shutdown = true; } catch (Throwable e) { Logger.error(this, "Failed to decode "+this+" because of internal error: "+e, e); FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e)); } finally { chunk.release(); synchronized(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage.this) { tryDecode = false; } try { // We may not have completed, but we HAVE finished. // Need to tell the parent, so it can do something about it. // In particular, if we failed, we may need to complete cancellation, and we // can't do that until both tryDecode=false and parent gets the callback. if(!shutdown) parent.finishedEncoding(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage.this); } finally { if(lock != null) lock.unlock(false, MemoryLimitedJobRunner.THREAD_PRIORITY); } } return true; } }); return true; } /** Attempt FEC decoding. Check blocks before decoding in case there is disk corruption. Check * the new decoded blocks afterwards to ensure reproducible behaviour. */ private void innerDecode(MemoryLimitedChunk chunk) throws IOException { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Trying to decode "+this+" for "+parent); // Even if we fail, once we set tryDecode=true, we need to notify the parent when we're done. boolean fail; synchronized(this) { if(finished) return; fail = succeeded || failed; if(fail) finished = true; } if(fail) { return; } int totalBlocks = totalBlocks(); byte[][] allBlocks = readAllBlocks(); SplitFileSegmentKeys keys = getSegmentKeys(); if(allBlocks == null || keys == null) { return; } class MyBlock { final byte[] buf; final int blockNumber; final int slot; MyBlock(byte[] buf, int blockNumber, int slot) { this.buf = buf; this.blockNumber = blockNumber; this.slot = slot; } } ArrayList<MyBlock> maybeBlocks = new ArrayList<MyBlock>(); int fetchedCount = 0; synchronized(this) { boolean[] used = new boolean[totalBlocks]; for(short i=0;i<blocksFetched.length;i++) { if(blocksFetched[i] < 0 || blocksFetched[i] > totalBlocks) { Logger.warning(this, "Inconsistency decoding splitfile: slot "+i+" has bogus block number "+blocksFetched[i]); if(blocksFetched[i] != -1) blocksFetched[i] = -1; maybeBlocks.add(new MyBlock(allBlocks[i], (short)-1, i)); continue; } else if(used[blocksFetched[i]]) { Logger.warning(this, "Inconsistency decoding splitfile: slot "+i+" has duplicate block number "+blocksFetched[i]); blocksFetched[i] = -1; continue; } else { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Found block "+blocksFetched[i]+" in slot "+i); maybeBlocks.add(new MyBlock(allBlocks[i], blocksFetched[i], i)); used[blocksFetched[i]] = true; fetchedCount++; } } if(fetchedCount < blocksForDecode()) { int oldBlocksFetchedCount = blockChooser.successCount(); blockChooser.replaceSuccesses(used); if(blockChooser.successCount() != oldBlocksFetchedCount) { Logger.warning(this, "Corrected block count to "+blockChooser.successCount()+ " from "+oldBlocksFetchedCount); } } } if(fetchedCount < blocksForDecode()) { // We *DO* want to write the metadata immediately here, because we've just gone over // the blocks on disk and determined that the metadata is inaccurate. writeMetadata(); boolean wasCorrupt; synchronized(this) { wasCorrupt = corruptMetadata; corruptMetadata = false; } parent.restartedAfterDataCorruption(wasCorrupt); return; } // Check the blocks and put them into the correct positions. int validBlocks = 0; int validDataBlocks = 0; byte[][] dataBlocks = new byte[blocksForDecode()][]; byte[][] checkBlocks = new byte[this.checkBlocks][]; for(MyBlock test : maybeBlocks) { boolean failed = false; int blockNumber = test.blockNumber; byte[] buf = test.buf; ClientCHK decodeKey = blockNumber == -1 ? null : keys.getKey(blockNumber, null, false); // Encode it to check whether the key is the same. try { ClientCHKBlock block = ClientCHKBlock.encodeSplitfileBlock(buf, decodeKey.getCryptoKey(), decodeKey.getCryptoAlgorithm()); ClientCHK actualKey = block.getClientKey(); if(decodeKey == null || !decodeKey.equals(actualKey)) { // Is it a different block? blockNumber = (short)keys.getBlockNumber(actualKey, null); if(blockNumber == -1) { Logger.error(this, "Block which should be block #"+test.blockNumber+" in slot "+test.slot+" for segment "+this+" is not valid for key "+decodeKey); failed = true; synchronized(this) { blockChooser.onUnSuccess(blockNumber); if(blocksFetched[test.slot] == test.blockNumber) { blocksFetched[test.slot] = (short)-1; } } } else { synchronized(this) { blockChooser.onUnSuccess(blockNumber); blocksFetched[test.slot] = blockNumber; this.blockChooser.onSuccess(blockNumber); } } } } catch (CHKEncodeException e) { Logger.error(this, "Block which should be "+blockNumber+" for segment "+this+" cannot be encoded for key "+decodeKey); failed = true; } if(!failed) { validBlocks++; if(blockNumber < blocksForDecode()) validDataBlocks++; if(blockNumber < dataBlocks.length) dataBlocks[blockNumber] = buf; else checkBlocks[blockNumber - dataBlocks.length] = buf; } } allBlocks = null; maybeBlocks.clear(); maybeBlocks = null; if(validBlocks < blocksForDecode()) { // Metadata didn't match blocks on disk; write metadata immediately. writeMetadata(); boolean wasCorrupt; synchronized(this) { wasCorrupt = corruptMetadata; corruptMetadata = false; } parent.restartedAfterDataCorruption(wasCorrupt); return; } boolean[] dataBlocksPresent = new boolean[dataBlocks.length]; boolean[] checkBlocksPresent = new boolean[checkBlocks.length]; for(int i=0;i<dataBlocks.length;i++) { if(dataBlocks[i] == null) { dataBlocks[i] = new byte[CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH]; } else { dataBlocksPresent[i] = true; } } for(int i=0;i<checkBlocks.length;i++) { if(checkBlocks[i] == null) { checkBlocks[i] = new byte[CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH]; } else { checkBlocksPresent[i] = true; } } if(validDataBlocks < blocksForDecode()) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Decoding in memory for "+this); parent.fecCodec.decode(dataBlocks, checkBlocks, dataBlocksPresent, checkBlocksPresent, CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH); } boolean capturingBinaryBlob = parent.fetcher.wantBinaryBlob(); boolean checkDecodedKeys = FORCE_CHECK_FEC_KEYS || capturingBinaryBlob; if(checkDecodedKeys) { // Check that the decoded blocks correspond to the keys given. // This will catch odd bugs and ensure consistent behaviour. checkDecodedDataBlocks(dataBlocks, dataBlocksPresent, keys, capturingBinaryBlob); } writeAllDataBlocks(dataBlocks); // Report success if we are not verifying decoded keys, but if we *are*, we need to wait // until FEC encoding completes. if(!checkDecodedKeys) parent.finishedSuccess(this); triggerAllCrossSegmentCallbacks(); parent.fecCodec.encode(dataBlocks, checkBlocks, checkBlocksPresent, CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH); // Check these *after* we complete, to reduce the critical path. // FIXME possibility of inconsistency with malicious splitfiles? if(checkDecodedKeys) { if(!checkEncodedDataBlocks(checkBlocks, checkBlocksPresent, keys, capturingBinaryBlob)) { // The downloaded blocks were correct, the encoded blocks are not. // That means the splitfile is broken as inserted, or there's some wierd in-memory data corruption. synchronized(this) { finished = true; } FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.SPLITFILE_DECODE_ERROR, "Encoded blocks do not match metadata")); return; } parent.finishedSuccess(this); } queueHeal(dataBlocks, checkBlocks, dataBlocksPresent, checkBlocksPresent); dataBlocks = null; checkBlocks = null; // Finished a segment, definitely want to write metadata right now. writeMetadata(); // Now we've REALLY finished. synchronized(this) { corruptMetadata = false; finished = true; } if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Finished decoding "+this+" for "+parent); } private void checkDecodedDataBlocks(byte[][] dataBlocks, boolean[] dataBlocksPresent, SplitFileSegmentKeys keys, boolean capturingBinaryBlob) { for(int i=0;i<dataBlocks.length;i++) { if(dataBlocksPresent[i]) continue; ClientCHK decodeKey = keys.getKey(i, null, false); // Encode it to check whether the key is the same. ClientCHKBlock block; try { block = ClientCHKBlock.encodeSplitfileBlock(dataBlocks[i], decodeKey.getCryptoKey(), decodeKey.getCryptoAlgorithm()); ClientCHK actualKey = block.getClientKey(); if(!actualKey.equals(decodeKey)) { if(i == dataBlocks.length-1 && this.segNo == parent.segments.length-1 && parent.lastBlockMightNotBePadded()) { // Ignore. return; } else { // Usual case. FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.SPLITFILE_DECODE_ERROR, "Decoded block does not match expected key")); return; } } if(capturingBinaryBlob) parent.fetcher.maybeAddToBinaryBlob(block); } catch (CHKEncodeException e) { // Impossible! FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Decoded block could not be encoded")); Logger.error(this, "Impossible: Decoded block could not be encoded"); return; } } } private boolean checkEncodedDataBlocks(byte[][] checkBlocks, boolean[] checkBlocksPresent, SplitFileSegmentKeys keys, boolean capturingBinaryBlob) { for(int i=0;i<checkBlocks.length;i++) { if(checkBlocksPresent[i]) continue; ClientCHK decodeKey = keys.getKey(i+blocksForDecode(), null, false); // Encode it to check whether the key is the same. ClientCHKBlock block; try { block = ClientCHKBlock.encodeSplitfileBlock(checkBlocks[i], decodeKey.getCryptoKey(), decodeKey.getCryptoAlgorithm()); ClientCHK actualKey = block.getClientKey(); if(!actualKey.equals(decodeKey)) { Logger.error(this, "Splitfile check block "+i+" does not encode to expected key for "+this+" for "+parent); return false; } if(capturingBinaryBlob) parent.fetcher.maybeAddToBinaryBlob(block); } catch (CHKEncodeException e) { // Impossible! FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Decoded block could not be encoded")); Logger.error(this, "Impossible: Decoded block could not be encoded"); return false; } } return true; } private void queueHeal(byte[][] dataBlocks, byte[][] checkBlocks, boolean[] dataBlocksPresent, boolean[] checkBlocksPresent) throws IOException { for(int i=0;i<dataBlocks.length;i++) { if(dataBlocksPresent[i]) continue; if(blockChooser.getRetries(i) == 0) continue; queueHeal(i, dataBlocks[i]); } for(int i=0;i<checkBlocks.length;i++) { if(checkBlocksPresent[i]) continue; if(blockChooser.getRetries(i+dataBlocks.length) == 0) continue; queueHeal(i+dataBlocks.length, checkBlocks[i]); } } private void queueHeal(int blockNumber, byte[] data) throws IOException { byte[] cryptoKey; byte cryptoAlgorithm; if(parent.splitfileSingleCryptoKey != null) { cryptoKey = parent.splitfileSingleCryptoKey; cryptoAlgorithm = parent.splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm; } else { ClientCHK key = getSegmentKeys().getKey(blockNumber, null, false); cryptoKey = key.getCryptoKey(); cryptoAlgorithm = key.getCryptoAlgorithm(); } parent.fetcher.queueHeal(data, cryptoKey, cryptoAlgorithm); } private synchronized byte[][] readAllBlocks() throws IOException { RAFLock lock = parent.lockRAFOpen(); try { // FIXME consider using a single big byte[]. byte[][] ret = new byte[blocksForDecode()][]; for(int i=0;i<ret.length;i++) ret[i] = readBlock(i); return ret; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private void triggerAllCrossSegmentCallbacks() { SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage[] crossSegmentsByBlockCopy; synchronized(this) { if(crossSegmentsByBlock == null) return; crossSegmentsByBlockCopy = Arrays.copyOf(this.crossSegmentsByBlock, this.crossSegmentsByBlock.length); } for(int i=0;i<crossSegmentsByBlockCopy.length;i++) { SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage s = crossSegmentsByBlockCopy[i]; if(s != null) s.onFetchedRelevantBlock(this, i); } } /** Write a full set of data blocks to disk and update the metadata accordingly. */ private void writeAllDataBlocks(byte[][] dataBlocks) throws IOException { RAFLock lock = parent.lockRAFOpen(); try { synchronized(this) { assert(dataBlocks.length == blocksForDecode()); for(int i=0;i<dataBlocks.length;i++) { writeDownloadedBlock(i, dataBlocks[i]); blockChooser.onSuccess(i); blocksFetched[i] = (short)i; } succeeded = true; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } final int totalBlocks() { return dataBlocks + crossSegmentCheckBlocks + checkBlocks; } /** A block has been fetched which the caller believes is one of ours. Check whether it is in * fact ours, and that we don't have it already. Find the key and decode it, and add it to our * collection. If any cross-segments are waiting for this block, tell them. If we can decode, * do so. Can be quite involved, should be called off-thread. * @param key * @param block * @throws IOException If we were unable to write the block to disk. * @return True if we successfully decoded a block, in which case the function will be called * again. False if there was no match, if we have already fetched that block, or if various * errors occurred. */ public boolean onGotKey(NodeCHK key, CHKBlock block) throws IOException { SplitFileSegmentKeys keys = getSegmentKeys(); if(keys == null) return false; int blockNumber; ClientCHK decodeKey; synchronized(this) { if(succeeded || failed || finished) return false; blockNumber = blockChooser.getBlockNumber(keys, key); if(blockNumber == -1) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Block not found "+key); return false; } if(blockChooser.hasSucceeded(blockNumber)) return false; // Even if this is inaccurate, it will be corrected on a FEC attempt. if(tryDecode) return false; decodeKey = keys.getKey(blockNumber, null, false); } ClientCHKBlock decodedBlock; byte[] decodedData; try { decodedBlock = new ClientCHKBlock(block, decodeKey); decodedData = decodedBlock.memoryDecode(); } catch (CHKVerifyException e) { Logger.error(this, "Verify failed on block for "+decodeKey); return false; } catch (CHKDecodeException e) { Logger.error(this, "Decode failed on block for "+decodeKey); return false; } return innerOnGotKey(key, decodedBlock, keys, blockNumber, decodedData); } /** * Store a block that was fetched or decoded. * @param key The key for the block. * @param block The block. * @param blockNumber A block number for the data. (But there may be several block numbers with * identical keys). * @param decodedData The block's payload data. * @return True if we decoded the block, or * @throws IOException */ boolean innerOnGotKey(NodeCHK key, ClientCHKBlock block, SplitFileSegmentKeys keys, int blockNumber, byte[] decodedData) throws IOException { if(decodedData.length != CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH) { if(blockNumber == dataBlocks-1 && this.segNo == parent.segments.length-1 && parent.lastBlockMightNotBePadded()) { // Can't use it for FEC decode. Just ignore it. // FIXME We can use it if we have all the other data blocks, but it's not worth // checking, and might have non-obvious complications if we e.g. have data loss in // FEC decoding. Logger.warning(this, "Ignoring last block"); return false; } else { FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.SPLITFILE_ERROR, "Splitfile block is too short")); return false; } } SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage callback = null; // Clearer to do duplicate handling here, plus we only need to decode once. boolean saved = false; do { short nextBlockNumber; int slotNumber; // LOCKING We have to do the write inside the lock to prevent parallel decodes messing up etc. synchronized(this) { if(succeeded || failed || finished) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Already succeeded/finished/failed"); return saved; // Don't double remove from bloom filter! } if(blockChooser.hasSucceeded(blockNumber)) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Already have block "+blockNumber); blockNumber = blockChooser.getBlockNumber(keys, key); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Trying block "+blockNumber); continue; } if(blockChooser.successCount() >= blocksForDecode()) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Already decoding"); // Don't remove it from the filter. We haven't written it, so it could be // removed twice. And if we decode successfully, the filter will be ignored. return saved; } slotNumber = findFreeSlot(); assert(slotNumber != -1); blocksFetched[slotNumber] = blockNumber; blockChooser.onSuccess(blockNumber); RAFLock lock = parent.lockRAFOpen(); try { writeDownloadedBlock(slotNumber, decodedData); saved = true; } catch (IOException e) { blocksFetched[slotNumber] = -1; blockChooser.onUnSuccess(blockNumber); Logger.error(this, "Unable to write downloaded block to disk: "+e, e); throw e; } finally { lock.unlock(); } if(crossSegmentsByBlock != null && blockNumber < crossSegmentsByBlock.length) { callback = crossSegmentsByBlock[blockNumber]; } nextBlockNumber = (short) blockChooser.getBlockNumber(keys, key); metadataDirty = true; } if(callback != null) callback.onFetchedRelevantBlock(this, blockNumber); lazyWriteMetadata(); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Got block "+blockNumber+" ("+key+") for "+this+" for "+parent+" written to "+slotNumber); parent.jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() { @Override public boolean run(ClientContext context) { parent.fetcher.onFetchedBlock(); return false; } }); tryStartDecode(); parent.fetcher.maybeAddToBinaryBlob(block); blockNumber = nextBlockNumber; } while(blockNumber != -1); return saved; // Return true ONLY if we actually saved the block to disk. } private synchronized int findFreeSlot() { for(int i=0;i<blocksFetched.length;i++) { if(blocksFetched[i] == -1) return i; } return -1; } /** Caller must have already lock()'ed parent.raf and synchronized(this). * @throws IOException */ private synchronized void writeDownloadedBlock(int slotNumber, byte[] data) throws IOException { // FIXME Do we need to pad here for really old splitfiles, or does the FEC code do it? if(data.length != CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if(slotNumber >= blocksForDecode()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); parent.writeBlock(this, slotNumber, data); } long blockOffset(int slotNumber) { if(slotNumber < dataBlocks) { return segmentBlockDataOffset + slotNumber * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH; } else if(slotNumber >= (dataBlocks + crossSegmentCheckBlocks)) { slotNumber -= crossSegmentCheckBlocks; return segmentBlockDataOffset + slotNumber * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH; } else { slotNumber -= dataBlocks; return segmentCrossCheckBlockDataOffset + slotNumber * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH; } } /** Write the metadata (status). Caller should already have taken parent.raf.lock() and * synchronized(this). Metadata is fairly sparse on disk, we are expected to deduce it (and * check it) when constructing. * @throws IOException */ private void innerWriteMetadata(boolean force) throws IOException { if(!parent.persistent) return; synchronized(this) { if(!(force || metadataDirty)) return; if(logMINOR) Logger.debug(this, "Writing metadata for "+segNo+" for "+parent, new Exception("debug")); OutputStream cos = parent.writeChecksummedTo(segmentStatusOffset, segmentStatusPaddedLength); try { DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(cos); for(int s : blocksFetched) dos.writeInt(s); blockChooser.writeRetries(dos); dos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); // Impossible! } metadataDirty = false; } return; } /** Only called during construction. Reads the variable metadata from the RandomAccessBuffer. * @throws ChecksumFailedException * @throws StorageFormatException */ void readMetadata() throws IOException, StorageFormatException, ChecksumFailedException { byte[] buf = new byte[segmentStatusPaddedLength]; try { parent.preadChecksummed(segmentStatusOffset, buf, 0, segmentStatusPaddedLength-parent.checksumLength); } catch (ChecksumFailedException e) { corruptMetadata = true; throw e; } DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf)); for(int i=0;i<blocksFetched.length;i++) { int s = dis.readInt(); if(s < -1 || s >= totalBlocks()) throw new StorageFormatException("Bogus block number in blocksFetched["+i+"]: "+s); blocksFetched[i] = s; if(s >= 0) { if(!blockChooser.hasSucceeded(s)) { blockChooser.onSuccess(s); } else { throw new StorageFormatException("Duplicated block number in blocksFetched in "+this); } } } blockChooser.readRetries(dis); failedBlocks = blockChooser.countFailedBlocks(); if(failedBlocks >= checkBlocks) { failedRetries = true; } dis.close(); } public static int storedSegmentStatusLength(int dataBlocks, int checkBlocks, int crossCheckBlocks, boolean trackRetries) { int fetchedBlocks = dataBlocks + crossCheckBlocks; int totalBlocks = dataBlocks + checkBlocks + crossCheckBlocks; return fetchedBlocks * 4 + (trackRetries ? (totalBlocks * 4) : 0); } public static int paddedStoredSegmentStatusLength(int dataBlocks, int checkBlocks, int crossCheckBlocks, boolean trackRetries, int checksumLength, boolean persistent) { if(!persistent) return 0; return storedSegmentStatusLength(dataBlocks, checkBlocks, crossCheckBlocks, trackRetries) + checksumLength; } private final int blocksForDecode() { return dataBlocks + crossSegmentCheckBlocks; } public synchronized boolean isFinished() { return finished || failed || failedRetries; } public synchronized boolean isDecodingOrFinished() { return finished || failed || succeeded || tryDecode; } public synchronized boolean hasSucceeded() { return succeeded; } /** Write content to an OutputStream. We already have raf.lock(). * @throws IOException */ void writeToInner(OutputStream os) throws IOException { // FIXME if we use readAllBlocks() we'll need to run on the memory limited queue??? for(int i=0;i<dataBlocks;i++) { // Don't include cross-check blocks. byte[] buf = readBlock(i); if(i == dataBlocks-1 && this.segNo == parent.segments.length-1) { int length = (int) (parent.finalLength % CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH); if(length == 0) length = CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH; os.write(buf, 0, length); } else { os.write(buf); } } } /** Read a single block from a specific slot, which could be any block number. * @throws IOException If an error occurred reading the data from disk. */ private synchronized byte[] readBlock(int slotNumber) throws IOException { if(slotNumber >= blocksForDecode()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return parent.readBlock(this, slotNumber); } public void onNonFatalFailure(int blockNumber) { boolean givenUp = false; boolean kill = false; boolean wake = false; boolean write = false; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Non-fatal failure on block "+blockNumber+" for "+this+" for "+parent); synchronized(this) { long cooldown = blockChooser.overallCooldownTime(); if(blockChooser.onNonFatalFailure(blockNumber)) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Giving up on block "+blockNumber+" on "+this); givenUp = true; failedBlocks++; int target = checkBlocks; if(!parent.lastBlockMightNotBePadded()) target++; if(failedBlocks >= target) { kill = true; failedRetries = true; if(crossSegmentsByBlock == null) { // If not cross-segment, fail completely. // If cross-segment, we may still pick up blocks from elsewhere. finished = true; failed = true; } } else { write = true; } } else { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Block "+blockNumber+" on "+this+" : "+blockChooser.getRetries(blockNumber)+"/"+blockChooser.maxRetries); if(blockChooser.overallCooldownTime() < cooldown) wake = true; write = true; } if(write) metadataDirty = true; } if(write) lazyWriteMetadata(); if(givenUp) parent.failedBlock(); if(kill) { if(crossSegmentsByBlock == null) { // Fail the whole splitfile immediately. parent.failOnSegment(this); } else { // Could still succeed. But we're not gonna find any more blocks. // Similar to DSOnly... finishedEncoding will fail eventually when all segments // are finished and all cross-segments are not encoding. parent.finishedEncoding(this); } } if(wake) parent.maybeClearCooldown(); } /** The metadata has been updated. We should write it ... at some point. CALLER MUST SET metadataDirty! */ private void lazyWriteMetadata() { parent.lazyWriteMetadata(); } /** Allocate a cross-segment data block. Note that this algorithm must be reproduced exactly * for splitfile compatibility; the Random seed is actually determined by the splitfile metadata. * @param seg The cross-segment to allocate a block for. * @param random PRNG seeded from the splitfile metadata, which determines which blocks to * allocate in a deterministic manner. * @return The data block number allocated. */ public int allocateCrossDataBlock(SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage seg, Random random) { int size = dataBlocks; if(crossDataBlocksAllocated == size) return -1; int x = 0; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { x = random.nextInt(size); if(crossSegmentsByBlock[x] == null) { crossSegmentsByBlock[x] = seg; crossDataBlocksAllocated++; return x; } } for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { x++; if(x == size) x = 0; if(crossSegmentsByBlock[x] == null) { crossSegmentsByBlock[x] = seg; crossDataBlocksAllocated++; return x; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to allocate cross data block even though have not used all slots up???"); } /** Allocate a cross-segment check block. Note that this algorithm must be reproduced exactly * for splitfile compatibility; the Random seed is actually determined by the splitfile metadata. * @param seg The cross-segment to allocate a block for. * @param random PRNG seeded from the splitfile metadata, which determines which blocks to * allocate in a deterministic manner. * @return The block number allocated (between dataBlocks and dataBlocks+crossSegmentCheckBlocks). */ public int allocateCrossCheckBlock(SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage seg, Random random) { if(crossCheckBlocksAllocated == crossSegmentCheckBlocks) return -1; int x = dataBlocks + crossSegmentCheckBlocks - (1 + random.nextInt(crossSegmentCheckBlocks)); for(int i=0;i<crossSegmentCheckBlocks;i++) { x++; if(x == dataBlocks + crossSegmentCheckBlocks) x = dataBlocks; if(crossSegmentsByBlock[x] == null) { crossSegmentsByBlock[x] = seg; crossCheckBlocksAllocated++; return x; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to allocate cross check block even though have not used all slots up???"); } static int storedKeysLength(int dataBlocks, int checkBlocks, boolean commonDecryptKey, int checksumLength) { return SplitFileSegmentKeys.storedKeysLength(dataBlocks, checkBlocks, commonDecryptKey) + checksumLength; } /** Only called during creation. Do not read the keys in before writing them! */ void writeKeysWithChecksum(SplitFileSegmentKeys keys) throws IOException { assert(keysCache.get() == keys); assert(this.dataBlocks + this.crossSegmentCheckBlocks == keys.dataBlocks); assert(this.checkBlocks == keys.checkBlocks); OutputStream cos = parent.writeChecksummedTo(segmentKeyListOffset, segmentKeyListLength); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(cos); try { keys.writeKeys(dos, false); keys.writeKeys(dos, true); } catch (IOException e) { // Impossible! throw new Error(e); } dos.close(); } public boolean definitelyWantKey(NodeCHK key) { synchronized(this) { if(succeeded || failed || finished) return false; } SplitFileSegmentKeys keys; try { keys = getSegmentKeys(); } catch (IOException e) { parent.failOnDiskError(e); return false; } synchronized(this) { // Synched because of blocksFound return blockChooser.getBlockNumber(keys, key) >= 0; } } /** Write minimal fixed metadata for the segment. This should include lengths rather than * offsets. Does not write cross-segment block assignments; these are handled by the * cross-segments. * @throws IOException */ public void writeFixedMetadata(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeInt(this.dataBlocks); dos.writeInt(this.crossSegmentCheckBlocks); dos.writeInt(this.checkBlocks); } // For unit testing. synchronized boolean hasStartedDecode() { return succeeded || failed || finished || tryDecode; } synchronized boolean hasFailed() { return failed || failedRetries; } synchronized boolean[] copyDownloadedBlocks() { return blockChooser.copyDownloadedBlocks(); } synchronized public long countUnfetchedKeys() { if(finished || tryDecode) return 0; return totalBlocks() - blockChooser.successCount(); } synchronized public long countSendableKeys(long now, int maxRetries) { if(finished || tryDecode) return 0; return blockChooser.countFetchable(); } public synchronized void getUnfetchedKeys(List<Key> keys) throws IOException { if(finished || tryDecode) return; SplitFileSegmentKeys keyList = getSegmentKeys(); for(int i=0;i<totalBlocks();i++) { if(!blockChooser.hasSucceeded(i)) keys.add(keyList.getNodeKey(i, null, false)); } } /** Pick a key to fetch. Must not update any persistent field. (Cooldowns etc are fine) */ public int chooseRandomKey() { int chosen; synchronized(this) { if(finished) return -1; if(failedRetries) return -1; if(tryDecode) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Segment decoding so not choosing a key on "+this); return -1; } if(corruptMetadata) return -1; // Will be fetchable after we've found out what blocks we actually have. chosen = blockChooser.chooseKey(); if(chosen != -1) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Chosen key "+chosen+"/"+totalBlocks()+" for "+this+" (retries "+blockChooser.getRetries(chosen)+"/"+blockChooser.maxRetries+")"); } else { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No keys chosen for "+this); } } if(chosen == -1) { long cooldownTime = blockChooser.overallCooldownTime(); if(cooldownTime > System.currentTimeMillis()) parent.increaseCooldown(this, cooldownTime); return -1; } else { return chosen; } } public void cancel() { boolean decoding; synchronized(this) { if(finished) return; finished = true; decoding = tryDecode; // If already decoding, must wait for decoder to check in before completing shutdown. } if(!decoding) parent.finishedEncoding(this); // Else must wait. } public synchronized long getOverallCooldownTime() { if(finished || succeeded || failed || failedRetries) return 0; return blockChooser.overallCooldownTime(); } synchronized long getCooldownTime(int blockNumber) { if(finished || succeeded || failed || failedRetries) return 0; return blockChooser.getCooldownTime(blockNumber); } synchronized boolean corruptMetadata() { return corruptMetadata; } public synchronized boolean needsDecode() { if(finished || succeeded || failed) return false; if(tryDecode) return false; return blockChooser.successCount() == blocksForDecode(); } public synchronized int foundBlocks() { return blockChooser.successCount(); } public synchronized int failedBlocks() { return failedBlocks; } public synchronized ClientCHK getKey(int blockNum) { SplitFileSegmentKeys keys; try { keys = getSegmentKeys(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } if(keys == null) return null; return keys.getKey(blockNum, null, false); } public synchronized byte[] checkAndGetBlockData(int blockNum) throws IOException { if(!blockChooser.hasSucceeded(blockNum)) return null; ClientCHK key = getKey(blockNum); if(key == null) return null; for(int i=0;i<blocksFetched.length;i++) { if(blocksFetched[i] == blockNum) { byte[] buf = readBlock(i); try { ClientCHKBlock block = ClientCHKBlock.encodeSplitfileBlock(buf, key.getCryptoKey(), key.getCryptoAlgorithm()); if(!(block.getClientKey().equals(key))) { Logger.error(this, "Block "+blockNum+" in blocksFound["+i+"] is not valid!"); blockChooser.onUnSuccess(blockNum); succeeded = false; finished = false; } else { return buf; } } catch (CHKEncodeException e) { // Should not be possible. Logger.error(this, "Impossible: "+e); return null; } } } Logger.error(this, "Block "+blockNum+" in blocksFound but not in blocksFetched on "+this); return null; } synchronized void resumeCallback(int blockNo, SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage crossSegment) { this.crossSegmentsByBlock[blockNo] = crossSegment; } public synchronized boolean hasBlock(int blockNo) { return blockChooser.hasSucceeded(blockNo); } public synchronized boolean isDecoding() { return tryDecode; } /** Called after checking datastore for a datastore-only request. */ public void onFinishedCheckingDatastoreNoFetch(ClientContext context) { synchronized(this) { if(tryDecode) return; if(succeeded) return; if(finished) return; if(failed) return; failed = true; finished = true; } parent.finishedEncoding(this); } }