package freenet.node; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import freenet.client.ArchiveManager; import freenet.client.FECCodec; import freenet.client.FetchContext; import freenet.client.HighLevelSimpleClient; import freenet.client.HighLevelSimpleClientImpl; import freenet.client.InsertContext; import freenet.client.async.ClientContext; import freenet.client.async.ClientLayerPersister; import freenet.client.async.ClientRequestScheduler; import freenet.client.async.DatastoreChecker; import freenet.client.async.HealingQueue; import freenet.client.async.PersistentStatsPutter; import freenet.client.async.SimpleHealingQueue; import freenet.client.async.USKManager; import; import freenet.client.filter.FilterCallback; import freenet.client.filter.FoundURICallback; import freenet.client.filter.GenericReadFilterCallback; import freenet.client.filter.LinkFilterExceptionProvider; import freenet.clients.fcp.ClientRequest; import freenet.clients.fcp.FCPServer; import freenet.clients.fcp.PersistentRequestRoot; import freenet.clients.http.FProxyToadlet; import freenet.clients.http.SimpleToadletServer; import freenet.clients.http.bookmark.BookmarkManager; import freenet.config.Config; import freenet.config.InvalidConfigValueException; import freenet.config.NodeNeedRestartException; import freenet.config.SubConfig; import freenet.crypt.MasterSecret; import freenet.crypt.RandomSource; import; import; import freenet.keys.CHKBlock; import freenet.keys.CHKVerifyException; import freenet.keys.ClientCHK; import freenet.keys.ClientCHKBlock; import freenet.keys.ClientKey; import freenet.keys.ClientKeyBlock; import freenet.keys.ClientSSK; import freenet.keys.ClientSSKBlock; import freenet.keys.FreenetURI; import freenet.keys.Key; import freenet.keys.KeyBlock; import freenet.keys.NodeSSK; import freenet.keys.SSKBlock; import freenet.keys.SSKVerifyException; import freenet.l10n.NodeL10n; import freenet.node.SecurityLevels.PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL; import freenet.node.useralerts.DiskSpaceUserAlert; import freenet.node.useralerts.SimpleUserAlert; import freenet.node.useralerts.UserAlert; import freenet.node.useralerts.UserAlertManager; import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginRespirator; import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginStores; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; /** * The connection between the node and the client layer. */ public class NodeClientCore implements Persistable { private static volatile boolean logMINOR; static { Logger.registerClass(NodeClientCore.class); } public final PersistentStatsPutter bandwidthStatsPutter; public final USKManager uskManager; public final ArchiveManager archiveManager; public final RequestStarterGroup requestStarters; private final HealingQueue healingQueue; public final MemoryLimitedJobRunner memoryLimitedJobRunner; /** * <p>Must be included as a hidden field in order for any dangerous HTTP operation to complete successfully.</p> * <p>The name of the variable is badly chosen: formPassword is an <a href=""> * anti-CSRF token</a>. As for when to use one, two rules:</p> * <p>1) if you're changing server side state, you need a POST request</p> * <p>2) all POST requests need an anti-CSRF token (the exception being a login page, where credentials -that are unpredictable to an attacker- * are exchanged).</p> * <p>In practice this means that you must use POST whenever the request can change anything such as your database contents. Other words for this would * be requests which change your database or "write" requests. Read-only requests can be GET. * When processing the POST-request, you MUST validate that the received password matches this variable. If it does not, you must NOT process the request. * In particular, you must NOT modify anything.</p> * <p>To produce a form which already contains the password, use {@link PluginRespirator#addFormChild(, String, String)}.</p> * <p>To validate that the right password was received, use {@link WebInterfaceToadlet#isFormPassword(HTTPRequest)}.</p> */ public final String formPassword; final ProgramDirectory downloadsDir; private File[] downloadAllowedDirs; private boolean includeDownloadDir; private boolean downloadAllowedEverywhere; private boolean downloadDisabled; private File[] uploadAllowedDirs; private boolean uploadAllowedEverywhere; public final FilenameGenerator tempFilenameGenerator; public final FilenameGenerator persistentFilenameGenerator; public final TempBucketFactory tempBucketFactory; public final PersistentTempBucketFactory persistentTempBucketFactory; private final DiskSpaceCheckingRandomAccessBufferFactory persistentDiskChecker; public final MaybeEncryptedRandomAccessBufferFactory persistentRAFFactory; public final ClientLayerPersister clientLayerPersister; public final Node node; public final RequestTracker tracker; final NodeStats nodeStats; public final RandomSource random; final ProgramDirectory tempDir; // Persistent temporary buckets final ProgramDirectory persistentTempDir; public final UserAlertManager alerts; final TextModeClientInterfaceServer tmci; TextModeClientInterface directTMCI; private final PersistentRequestRoot fcpPersistentRoot; final FCPServer fcpServer; FProxyToadlet fproxyServlet; final SimpleToadletServer toadletContainer; public final RealCompressor compressor; /** If true, requests are resumed lazily i.e. startup does not block waiting for them. */ protected final Persister persister; public final DatastoreChecker storeChecker; /** How much disk space must be free when starting a long-term, unpredictable duration job such * as a big download? */ private long minDiskFreeLongTerm; /** How much disk space must be free when starting a quick but disk-heavy job such as * completing a download? */ private long minDiskFreeShortTerm; private final MasterSecret cryptoSecretTransient; public transient final ClientContext clientContext; private static int maxBackgroundUSKFetchers; // Client stuff that needs to be configged - FIXME static final int MAX_ARCHIVE_HANDLERS = 200; // don't take up much RAM... FIXME static final long MAX_CACHED_ARCHIVE_DATA = 32 * 1024 * 1024; // make a fixed fraction of the store by default? FIXME static final long MAX_ARCHIVED_FILE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; // arbitrary... FIXME static final int MAX_CACHED_ELEMENTS = 256 * 1024; // equally arbitrary! FIXME hopefully we can cache many of these though private UserAlert startingUpAlert; private boolean alwaysCommit; private final PluginStores pluginStores; private boolean lazyStartDatastoreChecker; private boolean finishedInitStorage; private boolean finishingInitStorage; NodeClientCore(Node node, Config config, SubConfig nodeConfig, SubConfig installConfig, int portNumber, int sortOrder, SimpleFieldSet oldConfig, SubConfig fproxyConfig, SimpleToadletServer toadlets, DatabaseKey databaseKey, MasterSecret persistentSecret) throws NodeInitException { this.node = node; this.tracker = node.tracker; this.nodeStats = node.nodeStats; this.random = node.random; this.pluginStores = new PluginStores(node, installConfig); nodeConfig.register("lazyStartDatastoreChecker", false, sortOrder++, true, false, "NodeClientCore.lazyStartDatastoreChecker", "NodeClientCore.lazyStartDatastoreCheckerLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { synchronized (NodeClientCore.this) { return lazyStartDatastoreChecker; } } @Override public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException { synchronized (NodeClientCore.this) { if (val != lazyStartDatastoreChecker) { lazyStartDatastoreChecker = val; throw new NodeNeedRestartException( l10n("lazyStartDatastoreCheckerMustRestartNode")); } } } }); lazyStartDatastoreChecker = nodeConfig.getBoolean("lazyStartDatastoreChecker"); storeChecker = new DatastoreChecker(node, lazyStartDatastoreChecker, node.executor, "Datastore checker"); byte[] pwdBuf = new byte[16]; random.nextBytes(pwdBuf); compressor = new RealCompressor(); this.formPassword = Base64.encode(pwdBuf); alerts = new UserAlertManager(this); persister = new ConfigurablePersister(this, nodeConfig, "clientThrottleFile", "client-throttle.dat", sortOrder++, true, false, "NodeClientCore.fileForClientStats", "NodeClientCore.fileForClientStatsLong", node.ticker, node.getRunDir()); SimpleFieldSet throttleFS =; if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Read throttleFS:\n" + throttleFS); if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Serializing RequestStarterGroup from:\n" + throttleFS); // Temp files this.tempDir = node.setupProgramDir(installConfig, "tempDir", node.runDir().file("temp").toString(), "NodeClientCore.tempDir", "NodeClientCore.tempDirLong", nodeConfig); // FIXME remove back compatibility hack. File oldTemp = node.runDir().file("temp-" + node.getDarknetPortNumber()); if (oldTemp.exists() && oldTemp.isDirectory() && !FileUtil .equals(tempDir.dir, oldTemp)) { System.err.println("Deleting old temporary dir: " + oldTemp); try { FileUtil.secureDeleteAll(oldTemp); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore. } } FileUtil.setOwnerRWX(getTempDir()); try { tempFilenameGenerator = new FilenameGenerator(random, true, getTempDir(), "temp-"); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Could not find or create temporary directory (filename generator)"; throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_BAD_DIR, msg); } uskManager = new USKManager(this); // Persistent temp files nodeConfig.register("encryptPersistentTempBuckets", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "NodeClientCore.encryptPersistentTempBuckets", "NodeClientCore.encryptPersistentTempBucketsLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return (persistentTempBucketFactory == null ? true : persistentTempBucketFactory .isEncrypting()); } @Override public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException { if (get().equals(val) || ( persistentTempBucketFactory == null)) return; persistentTempBucketFactory.setEncryption(val); persistentRAFFactory.setEncryption(val); } }); this.persistentTempDir = node.setupProgramDir(installConfig, "persistentTempDir", node.userDir().file("persistent-temp") .toString(), "NodeClientCore.persistentTempDir", "NodeClientCore.persistentTempDirLong", nodeConfig); fcpPersistentRoot = new PersistentRequestRoot(); try { this.persistentTempBucketFactory = new PersistentTempBucketFactory(persistentTempDir.dir(), "freenet-temp-", node.random, node.fastWeakRandom, nodeConfig.getBoolean( "encryptPersistentTempBuckets")); this.persistentFilenameGenerator = persistentTempBucketFactory.fg; } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Could not find or create persistent temporary directory: " + e; e.printStackTrace(); throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_BAD_DIR, msg); } // Delete the old blob file. We don't use it now, and it uses a lot of disk space. // Hopefully it will free up enough space for auto-migration... File oldBlobFile = new File(persistentTempDir.dir(), "persistent-blob.tmp"); if (oldBlobFile.exists()) { System.err.println("Deleting " + oldBlobFile); if (persistentTempBucketFactory.isEncrypting()) { try { FileUtil.secureDelete(oldBlobFile); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Unable to delete old blob file " + oldBlobFile + " : error: " + e); System.err.println("Please delete " + oldBlobFile + " yourself."); } } else { oldBlobFile.delete(); } } // Allocate 10% of the RAM to the RAMBucketPool by default int defaultRamBucketPoolSize; long maxMemory = NodeStarter.getMemoryLimitMB(); if (maxMemory < 0) defaultRamBucketPoolSize = 10; else { // 10% of memory above 64MB, with a minimum of 1MB. defaultRamBucketPoolSize = (int) Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, ((maxMemory - 64) / 10)); if (defaultRamBucketPoolSize <= 0) defaultRamBucketPoolSize = 1; } // Max bucket size 5% of the total, minimum 32KB (one block, vast majority of buckets) long maxBucketSize = Math.max(32768, (defaultRamBucketPoolSize * 1024 * 1024) / 20); nodeConfig.register("maxRAMBucketSize", SizeUtil.formatSizeWithoutSpace(maxBucketSize), sortOrder++, true, false, "NodeClientCore.maxRAMBucketSize", "NodeClientCore.maxRAMBucketSizeLong", new LongCallback() { @Override public Long get() { return (tempBucketFactory == null ? 0 : tempBucketFactory .getMaxRAMBucketSize()); } @Override public void set(Long val) throws InvalidConfigValueException { if (get().equals(val) || (tempBucketFactory == null)) return; tempBucketFactory.setMaxRAMBucketSize(val); } }, true); nodeConfig.register("RAMBucketPoolSize", defaultRamBucketPoolSize + "MiB", sortOrder++, true, false, "NodeClientCore.ramBucketPoolSize", "NodeClientCore.ramBucketPoolSizeLong", new LongCallback() { @Override public Long get() { return (tempBucketFactory == null ? 0 : tempBucketFactory .getMaxRamUsed()); } @Override public void set(Long val) throws InvalidConfigValueException { if (get().equals(val) || (tempBucketFactory == null)) return; tempBucketFactory.setMaxRamUsed(val); updatePersistentRAFSpaceLimit(); } }, true); nodeConfig.register("encryptTempBuckets", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "NodeClientCore.encryptTempBuckets", "NodeClientCore.encryptTempBucketsLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return (tempBucketFactory == null ? true : tempBucketFactory .isEncrypting()); } @Override public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException { if (get().equals(val) || (tempBucketFactory == null)) return; tempBucketFactory.setEncryption(val); } }); initDiskSpaceLimits(nodeConfig, sortOrder); cryptoSecretTransient = new MasterSecret(); tempBucketFactory = new TempBucketFactory(node.executor, tempFilenameGenerator, nodeConfig.getLong("maxRAMBucketSize"), nodeConfig.getLong("RAMBucketPoolSize"), node.fastWeakRandom, nodeConfig.getBoolean("encryptTempBuckets"), minDiskFreeShortTerm, cryptoSecretTransient); bandwidthStatsPutter = new PersistentStatsPutter(); clientLayerPersister = new ClientLayerPersister(node.executor, node.ticker, node, this, persistentTempBucketFactory, tempBucketFactory, bandwidthStatsPutter); SemiOrderedShutdownHook shutdownHook = SemiOrderedShutdownHook.get(); shutdownHook.addEarlyJob(new NativeThread("Shutdown RealCompressor", NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY, true) { @Override public void realRun() { compressor.shutdown(); } }); shutdownHook.addEarlyJob( new NativeThread("Shutdown database", NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY, true) { @Override public void realRun() { System.err.println("Stopping database jobs..."); clientLayerPersister.shutdown(); } }); shutdownHook.addLateJob( new NativeThread("Close database", NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY, true) { @Override public void realRun() { if (NodeClientCore.this.node.hasPanicked()) return; System.out.println("Waiting for jobs to finish"); clientLayerPersister.waitForIdleAndCheckpoint(); System.out.println( "Saved persistent requests to disk"); } }); archiveManager = new ArchiveManager(MAX_ARCHIVE_HANDLERS, MAX_CACHED_ARCHIVE_DATA, MAX_ARCHIVED_FILE_SIZE, MAX_CACHED_ELEMENTS, tempBucketFactory); healingQueue = new SimpleHealingQueue( new InsertContext( 0, 2, 0, 0, new SimpleEventProducer(), false, Node.FORK_ON_CACHEABLE_DEFAULT, false, Compressor.DEFAULT_COMPRESSORDESCRIPTOR, 0, 0, InsertContext.CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_DEFAULT), RequestStarter.PREFETCH_PRIORITY_CLASS, 512 /* FIXME make configurable */); PooledFileRandomAccessBufferFactory raff = new PooledFileRandomAccessBufferFactory(persistentFilenameGenerator, node.fastWeakRandom); persistentDiskChecker = new DiskSpaceCheckingRandomAccessBufferFactory(raff, persistentTempDir .dir(), minDiskFreeLongTerm + tempBucketFactory .getMaxRamUsed()); persistentRAFFactory = new MaybeEncryptedRandomAccessBufferFactory(persistentDiskChecker, nodeConfig.getBoolean( "encryptPersistentTempBuckets")); persistentTempBucketFactory.setDiskSpaceChecker(persistentDiskChecker); HighLevelSimpleClient client = makeClient((short) 0, false, false); FetchContext defaultFetchContext = client.getFetchContext(); InsertContext defaultInsertContext = client.getInsertContext(false); int maxMemoryLimitedJobThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2; // Some disk I/O ... tunable REDFLAG maxMemoryLimitedJobThreads = Math.min(maxMemoryLimitedJobThreads, node.nodeStats.getThreadLimit() / 20); maxMemoryLimitedJobThreads = Math.max(1, maxMemoryLimitedJobThreads); // FIXME review thread limits. This isn't just memory, it's CPU and disk as well, so we don't want it too big?? // FIXME l10n the errors? nodeConfig.register("memoryLimitedJobThreadLimit", maxMemoryLimitedJobThreads, sortOrder++, true, false, "NodeClientCore.memoryLimitedJobThreadLimit", "NodeClientCore.memoryLimitedJobThreadLimitLong", new IntCallback() { @Override public Integer get() { return memoryLimitedJobRunner.getMaxThreads(); } @Override public void set(Integer val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException { if (val < 1) throw new InvalidConfigValueException( l10n("memoryLimitedJobThreadLimitMustBe1Plus")); memoryLimitedJobRunner.setMaxThreads(val); } }, false); long defaultMemoryLimitedJobMemoryLimit = FECCodec.MIN_MEMORY_ALLOCATION; long overallMemoryLimit = NodeStarter.getMemoryLimitBytes(); if (overallMemoryLimit > 512 * 1024 * 1024) { // FIXME review default memory limits defaultMemoryLimitedJobMemoryLimit += (overallMemoryLimit - 512 * 1024 * 1024) / 20; } nodeConfig.register("memoryLimitedJobMemoryLimit", defaultMemoryLimitedJobMemoryLimit, sortOrder++, true, false, "NodeClientCore.memoryLimitedJobMemoryLimit", "NodeClientCore.memoryLimitedJobMemoryLimitLong", new LongCallback() { @Override public Long get() { return memoryLimitedJobRunner.getCapacity(); } @Override public void set(Long val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException { if (val < FECCodec.MIN_MEMORY_ALLOCATION) throw new InvalidConfigValueException( l10n("memoryLimitedJobMemoryLimitMustBeAtLeast", "min", SizeUtil.formatSize( FECCodec.MIN_MEMORY_ALLOCATION))); memoryLimitedJobRunner.setCapacity(val); } }, true); memoryLimitedJobRunner = new MemoryLimitedJobRunner( nodeConfig.getLong("memoryLimitedJobMemoryLimit"), nodeConfig.getInt("memoryLimitedJobThreadLimit"), node.executor, RequestStarter.NUMBER_OF_PRIORITY_CLASSES); shutdownHook.addEarlyJob( new NativeThread("Shutdown FEC", NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY, true) { public void realRun() { System.out.println( "Stopping FEC decode threads..."); memoryLimitedJobRunner.shutdown(); } }); shutdownHook.addLateJob( new NativeThread("Shutdown FEC", NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY, true) { public void realRun() { memoryLimitedJobRunner.waitForShutdown(); System.out.println( "FEC decoding threads finished."); } }); clientContext = new ClientContext(node.bootID, clientLayerPersister, node.executor, archiveManager, persistentTempBucketFactory, tempBucketFactory, persistentTempBucketFactory, healingQueue, uskManager, random, node.fastWeakRandom, node.getTicker(), memoryLimitedJobRunner, tempFilenameGenerator, persistentFilenameGenerator, tempBucketFactory, persistentRAFFactory, tempBucketFactory.getUnderlyingRAFFactory(), persistentDiskChecker, compressor, storeChecker, fcpPersistentRoot, cryptoSecretTransient, toadlets, defaultFetchContext, defaultInsertContext); compressor.setClientContext(clientContext); storeChecker.setContext(clientContext); clientLayerPersister.start(clientContext); try { requestStarters = new RequestStarterGroup(node, this, portNumber, random, config, throttleFS, clientContext); } catch (InvalidConfigValueException e1) { throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_BAD_CONFIG, e1.toString()); } clientContext.init(requestStarters, alerts); if (persistentSecret != null) { setupMasterSecret(persistentSecret); } try { initStorage(databaseKey); } catch (MasterKeysWrongPasswordException e) { System.err.println( "Cannot load persistent requests, awaiting password ..."); node.setDatabaseAwaitingPassword(); } node.securityLevels.addPhysicalThreatLevelListener( new SecurityLevelListener<PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL>() { @Override public void onChange(PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL oldLevel, PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL newLevel) { if (newLevel == PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.LOW) { if (tempBucketFactory.isEncrypting()) { tempBucketFactory .setEncryption(false); } if (persistentTempBucketFactory != null) { if (persistentTempBucketFactory .isEncrypting()) { persistentTempBucketFactory .setEncryption(false); } } persistentRAFFactory.setEncryption(false); } else { // newLevel >= PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.NORMAL if (!tempBucketFactory.isEncrypting()) { tempBucketFactory .setEncryption(true); } if (persistentTempBucketFactory != null) { if (!persistentTempBucketFactory .isEncrypting()) { persistentTempBucketFactory .setEncryption(true); } } persistentRAFFactory.setEncryption(true); } if (clientLayerPersister.hasLoaded()) { // May need to change filenames for client.dat* or even create them. try { initStorage(NodeClientCore.this.node .getDatabaseKey()); } catch (MasterKeysWrongPasswordException e) { NodeClientCore.this.node .setDatabaseAwaitingPassword(); } } } }); // Downloads directory this.downloadsDir = node.setupProgramDir(nodeConfig, "downloadsDir", node.userDir().file("downloads").getPath(), "NodeClientCore.downloadsDir", "NodeClientCore.downloadsDirLong", l10n("couldNotFindOrCreateDir"), (SubConfig) null); // Downloads allowed, uploads allowed nodeConfig.register("downloadAllowedDirs", new String[]{"all"}, sortOrder++, true, true, "NodeClientCore.downloadAllowedDirs", "NodeClientCore.downloadAllowedDirsLong", new StringArrCallback() { @Override public String[] get() { synchronized (NodeClientCore.this) { if (downloadAllowedEverywhere) return new String[]{"all"}; String[] dirs = new String[downloadAllowedDirs.length + (includeDownloadDir ? 1 : 0)]; for (int i = 0; i < downloadAllowedDirs.length; i++) dirs[i] = downloadAllowedDirs[i] .getPath(); if (includeDownloadDir) dirs[downloadAllowedDirs.length] = "downloads"; return dirs; } } @Override public void set(String[] val) throws InvalidConfigValueException { setDownloadAllowedDirs(val); } }); setDownloadAllowedDirs(nodeConfig.getStringArr("downloadAllowedDirs")); nodeConfig.register("uploadAllowedDirs", new String[]{"all"}, sortOrder++, true, true, "NodeClientCore.uploadAllowedDirs", "NodeClientCore.uploadAllowedDirsLong", new StringArrCallback() { @Override public String[] get() { synchronized (NodeClientCore.this) { if (uploadAllowedEverywhere) return new String[]{"all"}; String[] dirs = new String[uploadAllowedDirs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < uploadAllowedDirs.length; i++) dirs[i] = uploadAllowedDirs[i] .getPath(); return dirs; } } @Override public void set(String[] val) throws InvalidConfigValueException { setUploadAllowedDirs(val); } }); setUploadAllowedDirs(nodeConfig.getStringArr("uploadAllowedDirs")); Logger.normal(this, "Initializing USK Manager"); System.out.println("Initializing USK Manager"); uskManager.init(clientContext); nodeConfig.register("maxBackgroundUSKFetchers", "64", sortOrder++, true, false, "NodeClientCore.maxUSKFetchers", "NodeClientCore.maxUSKFetchersLong", new IntCallback() { @Override public Integer get() { return maxBackgroundUSKFetchers; } @Override public void set(Integer uskFetch) throws InvalidConfigValueException { if (uskFetch <= 0) throw new InvalidConfigValueException( l10n("maxUSKFetchersMustBeGreaterThanZero")); maxBackgroundUSKFetchers = uskFetch; } }, false); maxBackgroundUSKFetchers = nodeConfig.getInt("maxBackgroundUSKFetchers"); // This is all part of construction, not of start(). // Some plugins depend on it, so it needs to be *created* before they are started. // TMCI try { tmci = TextModeClientInterfaceServer.maybeCreate(node, this, config); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_COULD_NOT_START_TMCI, "Could not start TMCI: " + e); } // FCP (including persistent requests so needs to start before FProxy) try { fcpServer = FCPServer.maybeCreate(node, this, node.config, fcpPersistentRoot); clientContext.setDownloadCache(fcpServer); if (!killedDatabase()) fcpServer.load(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_COULD_NOT_START_FCP, "Could not start FCP: " + e); } catch (InvalidConfigValueException e) { throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_COULD_NOT_START_FCP, "Could not start FCP: " + e); } // FProxy // FIXME this is a hack, the real way to do this is plugins this.alerts.register( startingUpAlert = new SimpleUserAlert(true, l10n("startingUpTitle"), l10n("startingUp"), l10n("startingUpShort"), UserAlert.ERROR)); this.alerts.register(new SimpleUserAlert(true, NodeL10n.getBase() .getString("QueueToadlet.persistenceBrokenTitle"), NodeL10n.getBase() .getString("QueueToadlet.persistenceBroken", new String[]{"TEMPDIR", "DBFILE"}, new String[]{new File( FileUtil.getCanonicalFile( getPersistentTempDir()), File.separator).toString(), new File(FileUtil.getCanonicalFile( node.getUserDir()), "client.dat").toString()} ), NodeL10n.getBase() .getString("QueueToadlet.persistenceBrokenShortAlert"), UserAlert.CRITICAL_ERROR) { @Override public boolean isValid() { synchronized (NodeClientCore.this) { if (!killedDatabase()) return false; } if (NodeClientCore.this.node.awaitingPassword()) return false; if (NodeClientCore.this.node.isStopping()) return false; return true; } @Override public boolean userCanDismiss() { return false; } }); toadletContainer = toadlets; toadletContainer.setBucketFactory(tempBucketFactory); nodeConfig.register("alwaysCommit", false, sortOrder++, true, false, "NodeClientCore.alwaysCommit", "NodeClientCore.alwaysCommitLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return alwaysCommit; } @Override public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException { alwaysCommit = val; } }); alwaysCommit = nodeConfig.getBoolean("alwaysCommit"); alerts.register(new DiskSpaceUserAlert(this)); } protected void updatePersistentRAFSpaceLimit() { // The temp bucket factory may have to migrate everything to disk. // So we add the RAM limit for the temp factory to the disk limit for the persistent one. if(persistentRAFFactory != null) { long size; synchronized(this) { size = minDiskFreeLongTerm; } size += tempBucketFactory.getMaxRamUsed(); persistentDiskChecker.setMinDiskSpace(size); } } private void initDiskSpaceLimits(SubConfig nodeConfig, int sortOrder) { nodeConfig.register("minDiskFreeLongTerm", "1G", sortOrder++, true, true, "NodeClientCore.minDiskFreeLongTerm", "NodeClientCore.minDiskFreeLongTermLong", new LongCallback() { @Override public Long get() { synchronized(NodeClientCore.this) { return minDiskFreeLongTerm; } } @Override public void set(Long val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException { synchronized(NodeClientCore.this) { if(val < 0) throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("minDiskFreeMustBePositive")); minDiskFreeLongTerm = val; } updatePersistentRAFSpaceLimit(); } }, true); minDiskFreeLongTerm = nodeConfig.getLong("minDiskFreeLongTerm"); nodeConfig.register("minDiskFreeShortTerm", "512M", sortOrder++, true, true, "NodeClientCore.minDiskFreeShortTerm", "NodeClientCore.minDiskFreeShortTermLong", new LongCallback() { @Override public Long get() { synchronized(NodeClientCore.this) { return minDiskFreeShortTerm; } } @Override public void set(Long val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException { synchronized(NodeClientCore.this) { if(val < 0) throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("minDiskFreeMustBePositive")); minDiskFreeShortTerm = val; } tempBucketFactory.setMinDiskSpace(val); } }, true); minDiskFreeShortTerm = nodeConfig.getLong("minDiskFreeShortTerm"); // Do not register the UserAlert yet, since we haven't finished constructing stuff it uses. } boolean lateInitDatabase(DatabaseKey databaseKey) throws NodeInitException { System.out.println("Late database initialisation: starting middle phase"); try { initStorage(databaseKey); } catch (MasterKeysWrongPasswordException e) { Logger.error(this, "Impossible: can't load even though have key? "+(databaseKey != null)); return true; } // Don't actually start the database thread yet, messy concurrency issues. fcpServer.load(); System.out.println("Late database initialisation completed."); return true; } /** Give ClientLayerPersister a filename and possibly an encryption key. May cause it to load, * but can also be called afterwards to change where to write to. * @param databaseKey The encryption key. * @throws MasterKeysWrongPasswordException If it needs an encryption key. */ private void initStorage(DatabaseKey databaseKey) throws MasterKeysWrongPasswordException { clientLayerPersister.setFilesAndLoad(node.nodeDir.dir(), "client.dat", node.wantEncryptedDatabase(), node.wantNoPersistentDatabase(), databaseKey, clientContext, requestStarters, random); } /** Must only be called after we have loaded master.keys */ private void finishInitStorage() { boolean success = false; synchronized(this) { if(finishedInitStorage || finishingInitStorage) return; finishingInitStorage = true; } try { persistentTempBucketFactory.completedInit(); // Only GC persistent-temp after a successful load. success = true; } finally { synchronized(this) { finishingInitStorage = false; if(success) finishedInitStorage = true; } } } private static String l10n(String key) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("NodeClientCore." + key); } private static String l10n(String key, String pattern, String value) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("NodeClientCore." + key, pattern, value); } public boolean isDownloadDisabled() { return downloadDisabled; } protected synchronized void setDownloadAllowedDirs(String[] val) { int x = 0; downloadAllowedEverywhere = false; includeDownloadDir = false; downloadDisabled = false; int i = 0; downloadAllowedDirs = new File[val.length]; for(i = 0; i < downloadAllowedDirs.length; i++) { String s = val[i]; if(s.equals("downloads")) includeDownloadDir = true; else if(s.equals("all")) downloadAllowedEverywhere = true; else downloadAllowedDirs[x++] = new File(val[i]); } if(x != i) { downloadAllowedDirs = Arrays.copyOf(downloadAllowedDirs, x); } if(i == 0) { downloadDisabled = true; } } protected synchronized void setUploadAllowedDirs(String[] val) { int x = 0; int i = 0; uploadAllowedEverywhere = false; uploadAllowedDirs = new File[val.length]; for(i = 0; i < uploadAllowedDirs.length; i++) { String s = val[i]; if(s.equals("all")) uploadAllowedEverywhere = true; else uploadAllowedDirs[x++] = new File(val[i]); } if(x != i) { uploadAllowedDirs = Arrays.copyOf(uploadAllowedDirs, x); } } public void start(Config config) throws NodeInitException { persister.start(); requestStarters.start(); storeChecker.start(); if(fcpServer != null) fcpServer.maybeStart(); node.pluginManager.start(node.config); node.ipDetector.ipDetectorManager.start(); if(tmci != null) tmci.start(); node.executor.execute(new PrioRunnable() { @Override public void run() { Logger.normal(this, "Resuming persistent requests"); if(node.getDatabaseKey() != null) { try { finishInitStorage(); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(this, "Failed to migrate and/or cleanup persistent temp buckets: "+t, t); System.err.println("Failed to migrate and/or cleanup persistent temp buckets: "+t); t.printStackTrace(); // Start the rest of the node anyway ... } } Logger.normal(this, "Completed startup: All persistent requests resumed or restarted"); alerts.unregister(startingUpAlert); } @Override public int getPriority() { return NativeThread.LOW_PRIORITY; } }, "Startup completion thread"); } public interface SimpleRequestSenderCompletionListener { public void completed(boolean success); } /** UID -1 is used internally, so never generate it. * It is not however a problem if a node does use it; it will slow its messages down * by them being round-robin'ed in PeerMessageQueue with messages with no UID, that's * all. */ long makeUID() { while(true) { long uid = random.nextLong(); if(uid != -1) return uid; } } /** Start an asynchronous fetch for the key, which will complete by calling * tripPendingKey() if successful, as well as calling the listener in most cases. * @param key The key to fetch. * @param offersOnly If true, only fetch the key from nodes that have offered it, using GetOfferedKeys, * don't do a normal fetch for it. * @param listener The listener is called if we start a request and fail to fetch, and also in most * cases on success or on not starting one. FIXME it may not always be called e.g. on fetching the data * from the datastore - is this a problem? * @param canReadClientCache Can this request read the client-cache? * @param canWriteClientCache Can this request write the client-cache? * @param realTimeFlag Is this a real-time request? False = this is a bulk request. * @param localOnly If true, only check the datastore, don't create a request if nothing is found. * @param ignoreStore If true, don't check the datastore, create a request immediately. */ public void asyncGet(final Key key, boolean offersOnly, final RequestCompletionListener listener, boolean canReadClientCache, boolean canWriteClientCache, final boolean realTimeFlag, boolean localOnly, boolean ignoreStore) { final long uid = makeUID(); final boolean isSSK = key instanceof NodeSSK; final RequestTag tag = new RequestTag(isSSK, RequestTag.START.ASYNC_GET, null, realTimeFlag, uid, node); if(!tracker.lockUID(uid, isSSK, false, false, true, realTimeFlag, tag)) { Logger.error(this, "Could not lock UID just randomly generated: " + uid + " - probably indicates broken PRNG"); listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Could not lock random UID - serious PRNG problem???")); return; } tag.setAccepted(); short htl = node.maxHTL(); // If another node requested it within the ULPR period at a lower HTL, that may allow // us to cache it in the datastore. Find the lowest HTL fetching the key in that period, // and use that for purposes of deciding whether to cache it in the store. if(offersOnly) { htl = node.failureTable.minOfferedHTL(key, htl); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Using old HTL for GetOfferedKey: "+htl); } final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); asyncGet(key, offersOnly, uid, new RequestSenderListener() { private boolean rejectedOverload; @Override public void onCHKTransferBegins() { // Ignore } @Override public void onReceivedRejectOverload() { synchronized(this) { if(rejectedOverload) return; rejectedOverload = true; } requestStarters.rejectedOverload(isSSK, false, realTimeFlag); } @Override public void onDataFoundLocally() { tag.unlockHandler(); listener.onSucceeded(); } /** The RequestSender finished. * @param status The completion status. * @param fromOfferedKey */ @Override public void onRequestSenderFinished(int status, boolean fromOfferedKey, RequestSender rs) { tag.unlockHandler(); if(rs.abortedDownstreamTransfers()) status = RequestSender.TRANSFER_FAILED; if(status == RequestSender.NOT_FINISHED) { Logger.error(this, "Bogus status in onRequestSenderFinished for "+rs, new Exception("error")); listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR)); return; } boolean rejectedOverload; synchronized(this) { rejectedOverload = this.rejectedOverload; } if(status != RequestSender.TIMED_OUT && status != RequestSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD && status != RequestSender.INTERNAL_ERROR) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, (isSSK ? "SSK" : "CHK") + " fetch cost " + rs.getTotalSentBytes() + '/' + rs.getTotalReceivedBytes() + " bytes (" + status + ')'); (isSSK ? nodeStats.localSskFetchBytesSentAverage : nodeStats.localChkFetchBytesSentAverage).report(rs.getTotalSentBytes()); (isSSK ? nodeStats.localSskFetchBytesReceivedAverage : nodeStats.localChkFetchBytesReceivedAverage).report(rs.getTotalReceivedBytes()); if(status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) // See comments above declaration of successful* : We don't report sent bytes here. //; (isSSK ? nodeStats.successfulSskFetchBytesReceivedAverage : nodeStats.successfulChkFetchBytesReceivedAverage).report(rs.getTotalReceivedBytes()); } if((status == RequestSender.TIMED_OUT) || (status == RequestSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD)) { if(!rejectedOverload) { // If onRejectedOverload() is going to happen, // it should have happened before this callback is called, so // we don't need to check again here. requestStarters.rejectedOverload(isSSK, false, realTimeFlag); rejectedOverload = true; long rtt = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; double targetLocation=key.toNormalizedDouble(); if(isSSK) { node.nodeStats.reportSSKOutcome(rtt, false, realTimeFlag); } else { node.nodeStats.reportCHKOutcome(rtt, false, targetLocation, realTimeFlag); } } } else if(rs.hasForwarded() && ((status == RequestSender.DATA_NOT_FOUND) || (status == RequestSender.RECENTLY_FAILED) || (status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) || (status == RequestSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND) || (status == RequestSender.VERIFY_FAILURE) || (status == RequestSender.GET_OFFER_VERIFY_FAILURE))) { long rtt = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; double targetLocation=key.toNormalizedDouble(); if(!rejectedOverload) requestStarters.requestCompleted(isSSK, false, key, realTimeFlag); // Count towards RTT even if got a RejectedOverload - but not if timed out. requestStarters.getThrottle(isSSK, false, realTimeFlag).successfulCompletion(rtt); if(isSSK) { node.nodeStats.reportSSKOutcome(rtt, status == RequestSender.SUCCESS, realTimeFlag); } else { node.nodeStats.reportCHKOutcome(rtt, status == RequestSender.SUCCESS, targetLocation, realTimeFlag); } if(status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) { Logger.minor(this, "Successful " + (isSSK ? "SSK" : "CHK") + " fetch took "+rtt); } } if(status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) // FIXME how to identify failed to decode and report it back to the client layer??? do we even need to??? listener.onSucceeded(); else { switch(status) { case RequestSender.NOT_FINISHED: Logger.error(this, "RS still running in get" + (isSSK ? "SSK" : "CHK") + "!: " + rs); listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR)); return; case RequestSender.DATA_NOT_FOUND: listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.DATA_NOT_FOUND)); return; case RequestSender.RECENTLY_FAILED: listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.RECENTLY_FAILED)); return; case RequestSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND: listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND)); return; case RequestSender.TRANSFER_FAILED: case RequestSender.GET_OFFER_TRANSFER_FAILED: listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.TRANSFER_FAILED)); return; case RequestSender.VERIFY_FAILURE: case RequestSender.GET_OFFER_VERIFY_FAILURE: listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.VERIFY_FAILED)); return; case RequestSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD: case RequestSender.TIMED_OUT: listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.REJECTED_OVERLOAD)); return; case RequestSender.INTERNAL_ERROR: listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR)); return; default: Logger.error(this, "Unknown RequestSender code in get"+ (isSSK ? "SSK" : "CHK") +": " + status + " on " + rs); listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR)); return; } } } @Override public void onAbortDownstreamTransfers(int reason, String desc) { // Ignore, onRequestSenderFinished will also be called. } @Override public void onNotStarted(boolean internalError) { if(internalError) listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR)); else listener.onFailed(new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.DATA_NOT_FOUND_IN_STORE)); } }, tag, canReadClientCache, canWriteClientCache, htl, realTimeFlag, localOnly, ignoreStore); } /** * Start an asynchronous fetch of the key in question, which will complete to the datastore. * It will not decode the data because we don't provide a ClientKey. It will not return * anything and will run asynchronously. Caller is responsible for unlocking the UID. * @param key The key being fetched. * @param offersOnly If true, only fetch the key from nodes that have offered it, using GetOfferedKeys, * don't do a normal fetch for it. * @param uid The UID of the request. This should already be locked, see the tag. * @param tag The RequestTag for the request. In case of an error when starting it we will unlock it, * but in other cases the listener should unlock it. * @param listener Will be called by the request sender, if a request is started. * However, for example, if we fetch it from the store, it will be returned via the * tripPendingKeys mechanism. * @param canReadClientCache Can this request read the client-cache? * @param canWriteClientCache Can this request write the client-cache? * @param htl The HTL to start the request at. See the caller, this can be modified in the case of * fetching an offered key. * @param realTimeFlag Is this a real-time request? False = this is a bulk request. * @param localOnly If true, only check the datastore, don't create a request if nothing is found. * @param ignoreStore If true, don't check the datastore, create a request immediately. */ void asyncGet(Key key, boolean offersOnly, long uid, RequestSenderListener listener, RequestTag tag, boolean canReadClientCache, boolean canWriteClientCache, short htl, boolean realTimeFlag, boolean localOnly, boolean ignoreStore) { try { Object o = node.makeRequestSender(key, htl, uid, tag, null, localOnly, ignoreStore, offersOnly, canReadClientCache, canWriteClientCache, realTimeFlag); if(o instanceof KeyBlock) { tag.setServedFromDatastore(); listener.onDataFoundLocally(); return; // Already have it. } if(o == null) { listener.onNotStarted(false); tag.unlockHandler(); return; } RequestSender rs = (RequestSender) o; rs.addListener(listener); if(rs.uid != uid) tag.unlockHandler(); // Else it has started a request. if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Started " + o + " for " + uid + " for " + key); } catch(RuntimeException e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught error trying to start request: " + e, e); listener.onNotStarted(true); } catch(Error e) { Logger.error(this, "Caught error trying to start request: " + e, e); listener.onNotStarted(true); } } public ClientKeyBlock realGetKey(ClientKey key, boolean localOnly, boolean ignoreStore, boolean canWriteClientCache, boolean realTimeFlag) throws LowLevelGetException { if(key instanceof ClientCHK) return realGetCHK((ClientCHK) key, localOnly, ignoreStore, canWriteClientCache, realTimeFlag); else if(key instanceof ClientSSK) return realGetSSK((ClientSSK) key, localOnly, ignoreStore, canWriteClientCache, realTimeFlag); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a CHK or SSK: " + key); } /** * Fetch a CHK. * @param key * @param localOnly * @param ignoreStore * @param canWriteClientCache Can we write to the client cache? This is a local request, so * we can always read from it, but some clients will want to override to avoid polluting it. * @return The fetched block. * @throws LowLevelGetException */ ClientCHKBlock realGetCHK(ClientCHK key, boolean localOnly, boolean ignoreStore, boolean canWriteClientCache, boolean realTimeFlag) throws LowLevelGetException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long uid = makeUID(); RequestTag tag = new RequestTag(false, RequestTag.START.LOCAL, null, realTimeFlag, uid, node); if(!tracker.lockUID(uid, false, false, false, true, realTimeFlag, tag)) { Logger.error(this, "Could not lock UID just randomly generated: " + uid + " - probably indicates broken PRNG"); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR); } tag.setAccepted(); RequestSender rs = null; try { Object o = node.makeRequestSender(key.getNodeCHK(), node.maxHTL(), uid, tag, null, localOnly, ignoreStore, false, true, canWriteClientCache, realTimeFlag); if(o instanceof CHKBlock) try { tag.setServedFromDatastore(); return new ClientCHKBlock((CHKBlock) o, key); } catch(CHKVerifyException e) { Logger.error(this, "Does not verify: " + e, e); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.DECODE_FAILED); } if(o == null) throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.DATA_NOT_FOUND_IN_STORE); rs = (RequestSender) o; boolean rejectedOverload = false; short waitStatus = 0; while(true) { waitStatus = rs.waitUntilStatusChange(waitStatus); if((!rejectedOverload) && (waitStatus & RequestSender.WAIT_REJECTED_OVERLOAD) != 0) { // See below; inserts count both requestStarters.rejectedOverload(false, false, realTimeFlag); rejectedOverload = true; } int status = rs.getStatus(); if(rs.abortedDownstreamTransfers()) status = RequestSender.TRANSFER_FAILED; if(status == RequestSender.NOT_FINISHED) continue; if(status != RequestSender.TIMED_OUT && status != RequestSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD && status != RequestSender.INTERNAL_ERROR) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "CHK fetch cost " + rs.getTotalSentBytes() + '/' + rs.getTotalReceivedBytes() + " bytes (" + status + ')');;; if(status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) // See comments above declaration of successful* : We don't report sent bytes here. //;; } if((status == RequestSender.TIMED_OUT) || (status == RequestSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD)) { if(!rejectedOverload) { // See below requestStarters.rejectedOverload(false, false, realTimeFlag); rejectedOverload = true; long rtt = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; double targetLocation=key.getNodeCHK().toNormalizedDouble(); node.nodeStats.reportCHKOutcome(rtt, false, targetLocation, realTimeFlag); } } else if(rs.hasForwarded() && ((status == RequestSender.DATA_NOT_FOUND) || (status == RequestSender.RECENTLY_FAILED) || (status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) || (status == RequestSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND) || (status == RequestSender.VERIFY_FAILURE) || (status == RequestSender.GET_OFFER_VERIFY_FAILURE))) { long rtt = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; double targetLocation=key.getNodeCHK().toNormalizedDouble(); if(!rejectedOverload) requestStarters.requestCompleted(false, false, key.getNodeKey(true), realTimeFlag); // Count towards RTT even if got a RejectedOverload - but not if timed out. requestStarters.getThrottle(false, false, realTimeFlag).successfulCompletion(rtt); node.nodeStats.reportCHKOutcome(rtt, status == RequestSender.SUCCESS, targetLocation, realTimeFlag); if(status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) { Logger.minor(this, "Successful CHK fetch took "+rtt); } } if(status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) try { return new ClientCHKBlock(rs.getPRB().getBlock(), rs.getHeaders(), key, true); } catch(CHKVerifyException e) { Logger.error(this, "Does not verify: " + e, e); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.DECODE_FAILED); } catch(AbortedException e) { Logger.error(this, "Impossible: " + e, e); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR); } else { switch(status) { case RequestSender.NOT_FINISHED: Logger.error(this, "RS still running in getCHK!: " + rs); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR); case RequestSender.DATA_NOT_FOUND: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.DATA_NOT_FOUND); case RequestSender.RECENTLY_FAILED: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.RECENTLY_FAILED); case RequestSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND); case RequestSender.TRANSFER_FAILED: case RequestSender.GET_OFFER_TRANSFER_FAILED: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.TRANSFER_FAILED); case RequestSender.VERIFY_FAILURE: case RequestSender.GET_OFFER_VERIFY_FAILURE: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.VERIFY_FAILED); case RequestSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD: case RequestSender.TIMED_OUT: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.REJECTED_OVERLOAD); case RequestSender.INTERNAL_ERROR: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR); default: Logger.error(this, "Unknown RequestSender code in getCHK: " + status + " on " + rs); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR); } } } } finally { tag.unlockHandler(); } } ClientSSKBlock realGetSSK(ClientSSK key, boolean localOnly, boolean ignoreStore, boolean canWriteClientCache, boolean realTimeFlag) throws LowLevelGetException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long uid = makeUID(); RequestTag tag = new RequestTag(true, RequestTag.START.LOCAL, null, realTimeFlag, uid, node); if(!tracker.lockUID(uid, true, false, false, true, realTimeFlag, tag)) { Logger.error(this, "Could not lock UID just randomly generated: " + uid + " - probably indicates broken PRNG"); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR); } tag.setAccepted(); RequestSender rs = null; try { Object o = node.makeRequestSender(key.getNodeKey(true), node.maxHTL(), uid, tag, null, localOnly, ignoreStore, false, true, canWriteClientCache, realTimeFlag); if(o instanceof SSKBlock) try { tag.setServedFromDatastore(); SSKBlock block = (SSKBlock) o; key.setPublicKey(block.getPubKey()); return ClientSSKBlock.construct(block, key); } catch(SSKVerifyException e) { Logger.error(this, "Does not verify: " + e, e); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.DECODE_FAILED); } if(o == null) throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.DATA_NOT_FOUND_IN_STORE); rs = (RequestSender) o; boolean rejectedOverload = false; short waitStatus = 0; while(true) { waitStatus = rs.waitUntilStatusChange(waitStatus); if((!rejectedOverload) && (waitStatus & RequestSender.WAIT_REJECTED_OVERLOAD) != 0) { requestStarters.rejectedOverload(true, false, realTimeFlag); rejectedOverload = true; } int status = rs.getStatus(); if(status == RequestSender.NOT_FINISHED) continue; if(status != RequestSender.TIMED_OUT && status != RequestSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD && status != RequestSender.INTERNAL_ERROR) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "SSK fetch cost " + rs.getTotalSentBytes() + '/' + rs.getTotalReceivedBytes() + " bytes (" + status + ')');;; if(status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) // See comments above successfulSskFetchBytesSentAverage : we don't relay the data, so // reporting the sent bytes would be inaccurate. //;; } long rtt = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if((status == RequestSender.TIMED_OUT) || (status == RequestSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD)) { if(!rejectedOverload) { requestStarters.rejectedOverload(true, false, realTimeFlag); rejectedOverload = true; } node.nodeStats.reportSSKOutcome(rtt, false, realTimeFlag); } else if(rs.hasForwarded() && ((status == RequestSender.DATA_NOT_FOUND) || (status == RequestSender.RECENTLY_FAILED) || (status == RequestSender.SUCCESS) || (status == RequestSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND) || (status == RequestSender.VERIFY_FAILURE) || (status == RequestSender.GET_OFFER_VERIFY_FAILURE))) { if(!rejectedOverload) requestStarters.requestCompleted(true, false, key.getNodeKey(true), realTimeFlag); // Count towards RTT even if got a RejectedOverload - but not if timed out. requestStarters.getThrottle(true, false, realTimeFlag).successfulCompletion(rtt); node.nodeStats.reportSSKOutcome(rtt, status == RequestSender.SUCCESS, realTimeFlag); } if(rs.getStatus() == RequestSender.SUCCESS) try { SSKBlock block = rs.getSSKBlock(); key.setPublicKey(block.getPubKey()); return ClientSSKBlock.construct(block, key); } catch(SSKVerifyException e) { Logger.error(this, "Does not verify: " + e, e); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.DECODE_FAILED); } else switch(rs.getStatus()) { case RequestSender.NOT_FINISHED: Logger.error(this, "RS still running in getCHK!: " + rs); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR); case RequestSender.DATA_NOT_FOUND: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.DATA_NOT_FOUND); case RequestSender.RECENTLY_FAILED: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.RECENTLY_FAILED); case RequestSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND); case RequestSender.TRANSFER_FAILED: case RequestSender.GET_OFFER_TRANSFER_FAILED: Logger.error(this, "WTF? Transfer failed on an SSK? on " + uid); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.TRANSFER_FAILED); case RequestSender.VERIFY_FAILURE: case RequestSender.GET_OFFER_VERIFY_FAILURE: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.VERIFY_FAILED); case RequestSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD: case RequestSender.TIMED_OUT: throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.REJECTED_OVERLOAD); case RequestSender.INTERNAL_ERROR: default: Logger.error(this, "Unknown RequestSender code in getCHK: " + rs.getStatus() + " on " + rs); throw new LowLevelGetException(LowLevelGetException.INTERNAL_ERROR); } } } finally { tag.unlockHandler(); } } /** * Start a local request to insert a block. Note that this is a KeyBlock not a ClientKeyBlock * mainly because of random reinserts. * @param block * @param canWriteClientCache * @throws LowLevelPutException */ public void realPut(KeyBlock block, boolean canWriteClientCache, boolean forkOnCacheable, boolean preferInsert, boolean ignoreLowBackoff, boolean realTimeFlag) throws LowLevelPutException { if(block instanceof CHKBlock) realPutCHK((CHKBlock) block, canWriteClientCache, forkOnCacheable, preferInsert, ignoreLowBackoff, realTimeFlag); else if(block instanceof SSKBlock) realPutSSK((SSKBlock) block, canWriteClientCache, forkOnCacheable, preferInsert, ignoreLowBackoff, realTimeFlag); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown put type " + block.getClass()); } public void realPutCHK(CHKBlock block, boolean canWriteClientCache, boolean forkOnCacheable, boolean preferInsert, boolean ignoreLowBackoff, boolean realTimeFlag) throws LowLevelPutException { byte[] data = block.getData(); byte[] headers = block.getHeaders(); PartiallyReceivedBlock prb = new PartiallyReceivedBlock(Node.PACKETS_IN_BLOCK, Node.PACKET_SIZE, data); CHKInsertSender is; long uid = makeUID(); InsertTag tag = new InsertTag(false, InsertTag.START.LOCAL, null, realTimeFlag, uid, node); if(!tracker.lockUID(uid, false, true, false, true, realTimeFlag, tag)) { Logger.error(this, "Could not lock UID just randomly generated: " + uid + " - probably indicates broken PRNG"); throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.INTERNAL_ERROR); } tag.setAccepted(); try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); is = node.makeInsertSender(block.getKey(), node.maxHTL(), uid, tag, null, headers, prb, false, canWriteClientCache, forkOnCacheable, preferInsert, ignoreLowBackoff, realTimeFlag); boolean hasReceivedRejectedOverload = false; // Wait for status while(true) { synchronized(is) { if(is.getStatus() == CHKInsertSender.NOT_FINISHED) try { is.wait(SECONDS.toMillis(5)); } catch(InterruptedException e) { // Ignore } if(is.getStatus() != CHKInsertSender.NOT_FINISHED) break; } if((!hasReceivedRejectedOverload) && is.receivedRejectedOverload()) { hasReceivedRejectedOverload = true; requestStarters.rejectedOverload(false, true, realTimeFlag); } } // Wait for completion while(true) { synchronized(is) { if(is.completed()) break; try { is.wait(SECONDS.toMillis(10)); } catch(InterruptedException e) { // Go around again } } if(is.anyTransfersFailed() && (!hasReceivedRejectedOverload)) { hasReceivedRejectedOverload = true; // not strictly true but same effect requestStarters.rejectedOverload(false, true, realTimeFlag); } } if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Completed " + uid + " overload=" + hasReceivedRejectedOverload + ' ' + is.getStatusString()); // Finished? if(!hasReceivedRejectedOverload) // Is it ours? Did we send a request? if(is.sentRequest() && (is.uid == uid) && ((is.getStatus() == CHKInsertSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND) || (is.getStatus() == CHKInsertSender.SUCCESS))) { // It worked! long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long len = endTime - startTime; // RejectedOverload requests count towards RTT (timed out ones don't). requestStarters.getThrottle(false, true, realTimeFlag).successfulCompletion(len); requestStarters.requestCompleted(false, true, block.getKey(), realTimeFlag); } // Get status explicitly, *after* completed(), so that it will be RECEIVE_FAILED if the receive failed. int status = is.getStatus(); if(status != CHKInsertSender.TIMED_OUT && status != CHKInsertSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD && status != CHKInsertSender.INTERNAL_ERROR && status != CHKInsertSender.ROUTE_REALLY_NOT_FOUND) { int sent = is.getTotalSentBytes(); int received = is.getTotalReceivedBytes(); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Local CHK insert cost " + sent + '/' + received + " bytes (" + status + ')');;; if(status == CHKInsertSender.SUCCESS) // Only report Sent bytes because we did not receive the data.; } boolean deep = node.shouldStoreDeep(block.getKey(), null, is == null ? new PeerNode[0] : is.getRoutedTo()); try {, deep, canWriteClientCache, false, false); } catch (KeyCollisionException e) { // CHKs don't collide } if(status == CHKInsertSender.SUCCESS) { Logger.normal(this, "Succeeded inserting " + block); return; } else { String msg = "Failed inserting " + block + " : " + is.getStatusString(); if(status == CHKInsertSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND) msg += " - this is normal on small networks; the data will still be propagated, but it can't find the 20+ nodes needed for full success"; if(is.getStatus() != CHKInsertSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND) Logger.error(this, msg); else Logger.normal(this, msg); switch(is.getStatus()) { case CHKInsertSender.NOT_FINISHED: Logger.error(this, "IS still running in putCHK!: " + is); throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.INTERNAL_ERROR); case CHKInsertSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD: case CHKInsertSender.TIMED_OUT: throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.REJECTED_OVERLOAD); case CHKInsertSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND: throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND); case CHKInsertSender.ROUTE_REALLY_NOT_FOUND: throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.ROUTE_REALLY_NOT_FOUND); case CHKInsertSender.INTERNAL_ERROR: throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.INTERNAL_ERROR); default: Logger.error(this, "Unknown CHKInsertSender code in putCHK: " + is.getStatus() + " on " + is); throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.INTERNAL_ERROR); } } } finally { tag.unlockHandler(); } } public void realPutSSK(SSKBlock block, boolean canWriteClientCache, boolean forkOnCacheable, boolean preferInsert, boolean ignoreLowBackoff, boolean realTimeFlag) throws LowLevelPutException { SSKInsertSender is; long uid = makeUID(); InsertTag tag = new InsertTag(true, InsertTag.START.LOCAL, null, realTimeFlag, uid, node); if(!tracker.lockUID(uid, true, true, false, true, realTimeFlag, tag)) { Logger.error(this, "Could not lock UID just randomly generated: " + uid + " - probably indicates broken PRNG"); throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.INTERNAL_ERROR); } tag.setAccepted(); try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Be consistent: use the client cache to check for collisions as this is a local insert. SSKBlock altBlock = node.fetch(block.getKey(), false, true, canWriteClientCache, false, false, null); if(altBlock != null && !altBlock.equals(block)) throw new LowLevelPutException(altBlock); is = node.makeInsertSender(block, node.maxHTL(), uid, tag, null, false, canWriteClientCache, false, forkOnCacheable, preferInsert, ignoreLowBackoff, realTimeFlag); boolean hasReceivedRejectedOverload = false; // Wait for status while(true) { synchronized(is) { if(is.getStatus() == SSKInsertSender.NOT_FINISHED) try { is.wait(SECONDS.toMillis(5)); } catch(InterruptedException e) { // Ignore } if(is.getStatus() != SSKInsertSender.NOT_FINISHED) break; } if((!hasReceivedRejectedOverload) && is.receivedRejectedOverload()) { hasReceivedRejectedOverload = true; requestStarters.rejectedOverload(true, true, realTimeFlag); } } // Wait for completion while(true) { synchronized(is) { if(is.getStatus() != SSKInsertSender.NOT_FINISHED) break; try { is.wait(SECONDS.toMillis(10)); } catch(InterruptedException e) { // Go around again } } } if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Completed " + uid + " overload=" + hasReceivedRejectedOverload + ' ' + is.getStatusString()); // Finished? if(!hasReceivedRejectedOverload) // Is it ours? Did we send a request? if(is.sentRequest() && (is.uid == uid) && ((is.getStatus() == SSKInsertSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND) || (is.getStatus() == SSKInsertSender.SUCCESS))) { // It worked! long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long rtt = endTime - startTime; requestStarters.requestCompleted(true, true, block.getKey(), realTimeFlag); requestStarters.getThrottle(true, true, realTimeFlag).successfulCompletion(rtt); } int status = is.getStatus(); if(status != CHKInsertSender.TIMED_OUT && status != CHKInsertSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD && status != CHKInsertSender.INTERNAL_ERROR && status != CHKInsertSender.ROUTE_REALLY_NOT_FOUND) { int sent = is.getTotalSentBytes(); int received = is.getTotalReceivedBytes(); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Local SSK insert cost " + sent + '/' + received + " bytes (" + status + ')');;; if(status == SSKInsertSender.SUCCESS) // Only report Sent bytes as we haven't received anything.; } boolean deep = node.shouldStoreDeep(block.getKey(), null, is == null ? new PeerNode[0] : is.getRoutedTo()); if(is.hasCollided()) { SSKBlock collided = is.getBlock(); // Store it locally so it can be fetched immediately, and overwrites any locally inserted. try { // Has collided *on the network*, not locally. node.storeInsert(collided, deep, true, canWriteClientCache, false); } catch(KeyCollisionException e) { // collision race? // should be impossible. Logger.normal(this, "collision race? is="+is, e); } throw new LowLevelPutException(collided); } else try { node.storeInsert(block, deep, false, canWriteClientCache, false); } catch(KeyCollisionException e) { LowLevelPutException failed = new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.COLLISION); NodeSSK key = block.getKey(); KeyBlock collided = node.fetch(key, true, canWriteClientCache, false, false, null); if(collided == null) { Logger.error(this, "Collided but no key?!"); // Could be a race condition. try {, false, canWriteClientCache, false, false); } catch (KeyCollisionException e2) { Logger.error(this, "Collided but no key and still collided!"); throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Collided, can't find block, but still collides!", e); } } failed.setCollidedBlock(collided); throw failed; } if(status == SSKInsertSender.SUCCESS) { Logger.normal(this, "Succeeded inserting " + block); return; } else { String msg = "Failed inserting " + block + " : " + is.getStatusString(); if(status == CHKInsertSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND) msg += " - this is normal on small networks; the data will still be propagated, but it can't find the 20+ nodes needed for full success"; if(is.getStatus() != SSKInsertSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND) Logger.error(this, msg); else Logger.normal(this, msg); switch(is.getStatus()) { case SSKInsertSender.NOT_FINISHED: Logger.error(this, "IS still running in putCHK!: " + is); throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.INTERNAL_ERROR); case SSKInsertSender.GENERATED_REJECTED_OVERLOAD: case SSKInsertSender.TIMED_OUT: throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.REJECTED_OVERLOAD); case SSKInsertSender.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND: throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND); case SSKInsertSender.ROUTE_REALLY_NOT_FOUND: throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.ROUTE_REALLY_NOT_FOUND); case SSKInsertSender.INTERNAL_ERROR: throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.INTERNAL_ERROR); default: Logger.error(this, "Unknown CHKInsertSender code in putSSK: " + is.getStatus() + " on " + is); throw new LowLevelPutException(LowLevelPutException.INTERNAL_ERROR); } } } finally { tag.unlockHandler(); } } /** @deprecated Only provided for compatibility with old plugins! Plugins must specify! */ @Deprecated public HighLevelSimpleClient makeClient(short prioClass) { return makeClient(prioClass, false, false); } /** @deprecated Only provided for compatibility with old plugins! Plugins must specify! */ @Deprecated public HighLevelSimpleClient makeClient(short prioClass, boolean forceDontIgnoreTooManyPathComponents) { return makeClient(prioClass, forceDontIgnoreTooManyPathComponents, false); } /** * @param prioClass The priority to run requests at. * @param realTimeFlag If true, requests are latency-optimised. If false, they are * throughput-optimised. Fewer latency-optimised ("real time") requests are accepted * but their transfers are faster. Latency-optimised requests are expected to be bursty, * whereas throughput-optimised (bulk) requests can be constant. */ public HighLevelSimpleClient makeClient(short prioClass, boolean forceDontIgnoreTooManyPathComponents, boolean realTimeFlag) { return new HighLevelSimpleClientImpl(this, tempBucketFactory, random, prioClass, forceDontIgnoreTooManyPathComponents, realTimeFlag); } public FCPServer getFCPServer() { return fcpServer; } public FProxyToadlet getFProxy() { return fproxyServlet; } public SimpleToadletServer getToadletContainer() { return toadletContainer; } /** * Returns the link filter exception provider of the node. At the moment * this is the {@link #getToadletContainer() toadlet container}. * * @return The link filter exception provider */ public LinkFilterExceptionProvider getLinkFilterExceptionProvider() { return toadletContainer; } public TextModeClientInterfaceServer getTextModeClientInterface() { return tmci; } public void setFProxy(FProxyToadlet fproxy) { this.fproxyServlet = fproxy; } public TextModeClientInterface getDirectTMCI() { return directTMCI; } public void setDirectTMCI(TextModeClientInterface i) { this.directTMCI = i; } public File getDownloadsDir() { return downloadsDir.dir(); } public ProgramDirectory downloadsDir() { return downloadsDir; } public HealingQueue getHealingQueue() { return healingQueue; } public void queueRandomReinsert(KeyBlock block) { SimpleSendableInsert ssi = new SimpleSendableInsert(this, block, RequestStarter.MAXIMUM_PRIORITY_CLASS); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Queueing random reinsert for " + block + " : " + ssi); ssi.schedule(); } public void storeConfig() { Logger.normal(this, "Trying to write config to disk", new Exception("debug"));; } public boolean isTestnetEnabled() { return Node.isTestnetEnabled(); } public boolean isAdvancedModeEnabled() { return (getToadletContainer() != null) && getToadletContainer().isAdvancedModeEnabled(); } public boolean isFProxyJavascriptEnabled() { return (getToadletContainer() != null) && getToadletContainer().isFProxyJavascriptEnabled(); } public String getMyName() { return node.getMyName(); } public FilterCallback createFilterCallback(URI uri, FoundURICallback cb) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Creating filter callback: " + uri + ", " + cb); return new GenericReadFilterCallback(uri, cb,null, toadletContainer); } public int maxBackgroundUSKFetchers() { return maxBackgroundUSKFetchers; } public boolean allowDownloadTo(File filename) { PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL physicalThreatLevel = node.securityLevels.getPhysicalThreatLevel(); if(physicalThreatLevel == PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM) return false; synchronized(this) { if(downloadAllowedEverywhere) return true; if(includeDownloadDir && FileUtil.isParent(getDownloadsDir(), filename)) return true; for(File dir : downloadAllowedDirs) { if(dir == null) { // Debug mysterious NPE... Logger.error(this, "Null in upload allowed dirs???"); continue; } if(FileUtil.isParent(dir, filename)) return true; } return false; } } public synchronized boolean allowUploadFrom(File filename) { if(uploadAllowedEverywhere) return true; for(File dir : uploadAllowedDirs) { if(dir == null) { // Debug mysterious NPE... Logger.error(this, "Null in upload allowed dirs???"); continue; } if(FileUtil.isParent(dir, filename)) return true; } return false; } public synchronized File[] getAllowedDownloadDirs() { return downloadAllowedDirs; } public synchronized File[] getAllowedUploadDirs() { return uploadAllowedDirs; } @Override public SimpleFieldSet persistThrottlesToFieldSet() { return requestStarters.persistToFieldSet(); } public Ticker getTicker() { return node.getTicker(); } public Executor getExecutor() { return node.executor; } public File getPersistentTempDir() { return persistentTempDir.dir(); } public File getTempDir() { return tempDir.dir(); } /** Queue the offered key. */ public void queueOfferedKey(Key key, boolean realTime) { ClientRequestScheduler sched = requestStarters.getScheduler(key instanceof NodeSSK, false, realTime); sched.queueOfferedKey(key, realTime); } public void dequeueOfferedKey(Key key) { ClientRequestScheduler sched = requestStarters.getScheduler(key instanceof NodeSSK, false, false); sched.dequeueOfferedKey(key); sched = requestStarters.getScheduler(key instanceof NodeSSK, false, true); sched.dequeueOfferedKey(key); } public BookmarkManager getBookmarkManager() { return toadletContainer.getBookmarks(); } public FreenetURI[] getBookmarkURIs() { return toadletContainer.getBookmarkURIs(); } public long countQueuedRequests() { return requestStarters.countQueuedRequests(); } public static int getMaxBackgroundUSKFetchers() { return maxBackgroundUSKFetchers; } /* FIXME SECURITY When/if introduce tunneling or similar mechanism for starting requests * at a distance this will need to be reconsidered. See the comments on the caller in * RequestHandler (onAbort() handler). */ public boolean wantKey(Key key) { boolean isSSK = key instanceof NodeSSK; if(this.clientContext.getFetchScheduler(isSSK, true).wantKey(key)) return true; if(this.clientContext.getFetchScheduler(isSSK, false).wantKey(key)) return true; return false; } public long checkRecentlyFailed(Key key, boolean realTime) { RecentlyFailedReturn r = new RecentlyFailedReturn(); // We always decrement when we start a request. This feeds into the // routing decision. Depending on our decrementAtMax flag, it may or // may not actually go down one hop. But if we don't use it here then // this won't be comparable to the decisions taken by the RequestSender, // so we will keep on selecting and RF'ing locally, and wasting send // slots and CPU. FIXME SECURITY/NETWORK: Reconsider if we ever decide // not to decrement on the originator. short origHTL = node.decrementHTL(null, node.maxHTL()); node.peers.closerPeer(null, new HashSet<PeerNode>(), key.toNormalizedDouble(), true, false, -1, null, 2.0, key, origHTL, 0, true, realTime, r, false, System.currentTimeMillis(), node.enableNewLoadManagement(realTime)); return r.recentlyFailed(); } public PluginStores getPluginStores() { return pluginStores; } public synchronized long getMinDiskFreeLongTerm() { return minDiskFreeLongTerm; } public synchronized long getMinDiskFreeShortTerm() { return minDiskFreeShortTerm; } public boolean killedDatabase() { return this.clientLayerPersister.isKilledOrNotLoaded(); } public ClientRequest[] getPersistentRequests() { return fcpPersistentRoot.getPersistentRequests(); } public void setupMasterSecret(MasterSecret persistentSecret) { if(clientContext.getPersistentMasterSecret() == null) clientContext.setPersistentMasterSecret(persistentSecret); persistentTempBucketFactory.setMasterSecret(persistentSecret); persistentRAFFactory.setMasterSecret(persistentSecret); } public boolean loadedDatabase() { return clientLayerPersister.hasLoaded(); } }