package freenet.clients.http.updateableelements; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import freenet.client.FetchException; import freenet.client.filter.HTMLFilter.ParsedTag; import freenet.clients.http.FProxyFetchInProgress; import freenet.clients.http.FProxyFetchInProgress.REFILTER_POLICY; import freenet.clients.http.FProxyFetchResult; import freenet.clients.http.FProxyFetchTracker; import freenet.clients.http.FProxyFetchWaiter; import freenet.clients.http.FProxyToadlet; import freenet.clients.http.SimpleToadletServer; import freenet.clients.http.ToadletContext; import freenet.keys.FreenetURI; import; import; import; /** A pushed image, the progress is shown with the ImageCreatorToadlet */ public class ImageElement extends BaseUpdateableElement { private static volatile boolean logMINOR; static { Logger.registerClass(ImageElement.class); } /** The tracker that the Fetcher can be acquired */ public FProxyFetchTracker tracker; /** The original URI */ public final FreenetURI origKey; /** The URI of the download this progress bar shows */ public FreenetURI key; /** The maxSize */ public long maxSize; /** The FetchListener that gets notified when the download progresses */ private NotifierFetchListener fetchListener; private ParsedTag originalImg; // FIXME get this from global weakFastRandom ??? private final int randomNumber; private boolean wasError = false; public static ImageElement createImageElement(FProxyFetchTracker tracker,FreenetURI key,long maxSize,ToadletContext ctx, boolean pushed){ return createImageElement(tracker,key,maxSize,ctx,-1,-1, null, pushed); } public static ImageElement createImageElement(FProxyFetchTracker tracker,FreenetURI key,long maxSize,ToadletContext ctx,int width,int height, String name, boolean pushed){ Map<String,String> attributes=new HashMap<String, String>(); attributes.put("src", key.toString()); if(width!=-1){ attributes.put("width", String.valueOf(width)); } if(height!=-1){ attributes.put("height", String.valueOf(height)); } if(name != null) { attributes.put("alt", name); attributes.put("title", name); } return new ImageElement(tracker,key,maxSize,ctx,new ParsedTag("img", attributes), pushed); } public ImageElement(FProxyFetchTracker tracker, FreenetURI key, long maxSize, ToadletContext ctx, ParsedTag originalImg, boolean pushed) { super("span", ctx); randomNumber = tracker.makeRandomElementID(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (logMINOR) { Logger.minor(this, "ImageElement creating for uri:" + key); } this.originalImg = originalImg; this.tracker = tracker; this.key = this.origKey = key; this.maxSize = maxSize; init(pushed); if(!pushed) return; // Creates and registers the FetchListener fetchListener = new NotifierFetchListener(((SimpleToadletServer) ctx.getContainer()).pushDataManager, this); ((SimpleToadletServer) ctx.getContainer()).getTicker().queueTimedJob(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { FProxyFetchWaiter waiter = ImageElement.this.tracker.makeFetcher(ImageElement.this.key, ImageElement.this.maxSize, null, REFILTER_POLICY.RE_FILTER); ImageElement.this.tracker.getFetchInProgress(ImageElement.this.key, ImageElement.this.maxSize, null).addListener(fetchListener); ImageElement.this.tracker.getFetchInProgress(ImageElement.this.key, ImageElement.this.maxSize, null).close(waiter); } catch (FetchException fe) { if (fe.newURI != null) { try { ImageElement.this.key = fe.newURI; FProxyFetchWaiter waiter = ImageElement.this.tracker.makeFetcher(ImageElement.this.key, ImageElement.this.maxSize, null, REFILTER_POLICY.RE_FILTER); ImageElement.this.tracker.getFetchInProgress(ImageElement.this.key, ImageElement.this.maxSize, null).addListener(fetchListener); ImageElement.this.tracker.getFetchInProgress(ImageElement.this.key, ImageElement.this.maxSize, null).close(waiter); } catch (FetchException fe2) { wasError = true; } } } fetchListener.onEvent(); } }, 0); if (logMINOR) { Logger.minor(this, "ImageElement creating finished in:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - now) + " ms"); } } @Override public void dispose() { if (logMINOR) { Logger.minor(this, "Disposing ImageElement"); } FProxyFetchInProgress progress = tracker.getFetchInProgress(key, maxSize, null); if (progress != null) { progress.removeListener(fetchListener); if (logMINOR) { Logger.minor(this, "canCancel():" + progress.canCancel()); } progress.requestImmediateCancel(); if (progress.canCancel()) {; } } } @Override public String getUpdaterId(String requestId) { return getId(origKey, randomNumber); } public static String getId(FreenetURI uri, int randomNumber) { return Base64.encodeStandardUTF8(("image[URI:" + uri.toString() + ",random:" + randomNumber + "]")); } @Override public String getUpdaterType() { return UpdaterConstants.IMAGE_ELEMENT_UPDATER; } @Override public void updateState(boolean initial) { if (logMINOR) { Logger.minor(this, "Updating ImageElement for url:" + key + (origKey == key ? (" originally " + origKey) : "")); } children.clear(); HTMLNode whenJsEnabled = new HTMLNode("span", "class", "jsonly ImageElement"); addChild(whenJsEnabled); // When js disabled addChild("noscript").addChild(makeHtmlNodeForParsedTag(originalImg)); if (initial) { if (wasError) { whenJsEnabled.addChild(makeHtmlNodeForParsedTag(originalImg)); } else { Map<String, String> attr = originalImg.getAttributesAsMap(); String sizePart = ""; if (attr.containsKey("width") && attr.containsKey("height")) { sizePart = "&width=" + attr.get("width") + "&height=" + attr.get("height"); } attr.put("src", "/imagecreator/?text=+"+FProxyToadlet.l10n("imageinitializing")+"+" + sizePart); whenJsEnabled.addChild(makeHtmlNodeForParsedTag(new ParsedTag(originalImg, attr))); whenJsEnabled.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "fetchedBlocks", String.valueOf(0) }); whenJsEnabled.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "requiredBlocks", String.valueOf(1) }); } } else { FProxyFetchResult fr = null; FProxyFetchWaiter waiter = null; try { try { waiter = tracker.makeFetcher(key, maxSize, null, REFILTER_POLICY.RE_FILTER); fr = waiter.getResultFast(); } catch (FetchException fe) { whenJsEnabled.addChild("div", "error"); } if (fr == null) { whenJsEnabled.addChild("div", "No fetcher found"); } else { if (fr.isFinished() && fr.hasData()) { if (logMINOR) { Logger.minor(this, "ImageElement is completed"); } whenJsEnabled.addChild(makeHtmlNodeForParsedTag(originalImg)); } else if (fr.failed != null) { if (logMINOR) { Logger.minor(this, "ImageElement is errorous"); } whenJsEnabled.addChild(makeHtmlNodeForParsedTag(originalImg)); } else { if (logMINOR) { Logger.minor(this, "ImageElement is still in progress"); } int total = fr.requiredBlocks; int fetchedPercent = (int) (fr.fetchedBlocks / (double) total * 100); Map<String, String> attr = originalImg.getAttributesAsMap(); String sizePart = new String(); if (attr.containsKey("width") && attr.containsKey("height")) { sizePart = "&width=" + attr.get("width") + "&height=" + attr.get("height"); } attr.put("src", "/imagecreator/?text=" + fetchedPercent + "%25" + sizePart); whenJsEnabled.addChild(makeHtmlNodeForParsedTag(new ParsedTag(originalImg, attr))); whenJsEnabled.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "fetchedBlocks", String.valueOf(fr.fetchedBlocks) }); whenJsEnabled.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "requiredBlocks", String.valueOf(fr.requiredBlocks) }); } } } finally { if (waiter != null) { tracker.getFetchInProgress(key, maxSize, null).close(waiter); } if (fr != null) { tracker.getFetchInProgress(key, maxSize, null).close(fr); } } } } // FIXME move this to some global utilities class. private HTMLNode makeHtmlNodeForParsedTag(ParsedTag pt) { List<String> attributeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> attributeValues = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<String, String> att : pt.getAttributesAsMap().entrySet()) { attributeNames.add(att.getKey()); attributeValues.add(att.getValue()); } return new HTMLNode(pt.element, attributeNames.toArray(new String[] {}), attributeValues.toArray(new String[] {})); } @Override public String toString() { return "ImageElement[key:" + key + ",maxSize:" + maxSize + ",originalImg:" + originalImg + ",updaterId:" + getUpdaterId(null) + "]"; } }