package freenet.node; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import freenet.node.NewPacketFormat.SentPacket; import; import; import; import; /** NewPacketFormat's context for each SessionKey. Specifically, packet numbers are unique * to a SessionKey, because the packet number is used in encrypting the packet. Hence this * class has everything to do with packet numbers - which to use next, which we've sent * packets on and are waiting for acks, which we've received and should ack etc. * @author toad */ public class NewPacketFormatKeyContext { public int firstSeqNumUsed = -1; public int nextSeqNum; public int highestReceivedSeqNum; public byte[][] seqNumWatchList = null; /** Index of the packet with the lowest sequence number */ public int watchListPointer = 0; public int watchListOffset = 0; private final TreeMap<Integer, Long> acks = new TreeMap<Integer, Long>(); private final HashMap<Integer, SentPacket> sentPackets = new HashMap<Integer, SentPacket>(); /** Keep this many sent times for lost packets, so we can compute an accurate round trip time if * they are acked after we had decided they were lost. */ private static final int MAX_LOST_SENT_TIMES = 128; /** We add all lost packets sequence numbers and the corresponding sent time to this cache. */ private final SentTimeCache lostSentTimes = new SentTimeCache(MAX_LOST_SENT_TIMES); private final Object sequenceNumberLock = new Object(); private static final int REKEY_THRESHOLD = 100; /** All acks must be sent within 200ms */ static final int MAX_ACK_DELAY = 200; /** Minimum RTT for purposes of calculating whether to retransmit. * Must be greater than MAX_ACK_DELAY */ private static final int MIN_RTT_FOR_RETRANSMIT = 250; private int maxSeenInFlight; private static volatile boolean logMINOR; private static volatile boolean logDEBUG; static { Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){ @Override public void shouldUpdate(){ logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this); logDEBUG = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, this); } }); } NewPacketFormatKeyContext(int ourFirstSeqNum, int theirFirstSeqNum) { ourFirstSeqNum &= 0x7FFFFFFF; theirFirstSeqNum &= 0x7FFFFFFF; this.nextSeqNum = ourFirstSeqNum; this.watchListOffset = theirFirstSeqNum; this.highestReceivedSeqNum = theirFirstSeqNum - 1; if(this.highestReceivedSeqNum == -1) this.highestReceivedSeqNum = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } boolean canAllocateSeqNum() { synchronized(sequenceNumberLock) { return nextSeqNum != firstSeqNumUsed; } } int allocateSequenceNumber(BasePeerNode pn) { synchronized(sequenceNumberLock) { if(firstSeqNumUsed == -1) { firstSeqNumUsed = nextSeqNum; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "First seqnum used for " + this + " is " + firstSeqNumUsed); } else { if(nextSeqNum == firstSeqNumUsed) { Logger.error(this, "Blocked because we haven't rekeyed yet"); pn.startRekeying(); return -1; } if(firstSeqNumUsed > nextSeqNum) { if(firstSeqNumUsed - nextSeqNum < REKEY_THRESHOLD) pn.startRekeying(); } else { if((NewPacketFormat.NUM_SEQNUMS - nextSeqNum) + firstSeqNumUsed < REKEY_THRESHOLD) pn.startRekeying(); } } int seqNum = nextSeqNum++; if(nextSeqNum < 0) { nextSeqNum = 0; } return seqNum; } } /** One of our outgoing packets has been acknowledged. */ public void ack(int ack, BasePeerNode pn, SessionKey key) { long rtt; int maxSize; boolean validAck = false; long ackReceived = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Acknowledging packet "+ack+" from "+pn); SentPacket sent; synchronized(sentPackets) { sent = sentPackets.remove(ack); maxSize = (maxSeenInFlight * 2) + 10; } if(sent != null) { rtt = sent.acked(key); validAck = true; } else { if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Already acked or lost "+ack); long packetSent = lostSentTimes.queryAndRemove(ack); if(packetSent < 0) { if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "No time for "+ack+" - maybe acked twice?"); return; } rtt = ackReceived - packetSent; } if(pn == null) return; int rt = (int) Math.min(rtt, Integer.MAX_VALUE); pn.reportPing(rt); if(validAck) pn.receivedAck(ackReceived); PacketThrottle throttle = pn.getThrottle(); if(throttle == null) return; throttle.setRoundTripTime(rt); if(validAck) throttle.notifyOfPacketAcknowledged(maxSize); } /** Queue an ack. * @return -1 If the ack was already queued, or the total number queued. */ public int queueAck(int seqno) { synchronized(acks) { if(!acks.containsKey(seqno)) { acks.put(seqno, System.currentTimeMillis()); return acks.size(); } else return -1; } } public void sent(int sequenceNumber, int length) { synchronized(sentPackets) { SentPacket sentPacket = sentPackets.get(sequenceNumber); if(sentPacket != null) sentPacket.sent(length); } } class AddedAcks { /** Are there any urgent acks? */ final boolean anyUrgentAcks; private final HashMap<Integer, Long> moved; public AddedAcks(boolean mustSend, HashMap<Integer, Long> moved) { this.anyUrgentAcks = mustSend; this.moved = moved; } public void abort() { synchronized(acks) { acks.putAll(moved); } } } /** Add as many acks as possible to the packet. * @return True if there are any old acks i.e. acks that will force us to send a packet * even if there isn't anything else in it. */ public AddedAcks addAcks(NPFPacket packet, int maxPacketSize, long now) { boolean mustSend = false; HashMap<Integer, Long> moved = null; int numAcks = 0; synchronized(acks) { Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, Long>> it = acks.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext() && packet.getLength() < maxPacketSize) { Map.Entry<Integer, Long> entry =; int ack = entry.getKey(); // All acks must be sent within 200ms. if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Trying to ack "+ack); if(!packet.addAck(ack, maxPacketSize)) { if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Can't add ack "+ack); break; } if(entry.getValue() + MAX_ACK_DELAY < now) mustSend = true; if(moved == null) { // FIXME some more memory efficient representation, since this will normally be very small? moved = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(); } moved.put(ack, entry.getValue()); ++numAcks; it.remove(); } } if(numAcks == 0) return null; return new AddedAcks(mustSend, moved); } public int countSentPackets() { synchronized(sentPackets) { return sentPackets.size(); } } public void sent(SentPacket sentPacket, int seqNum, int length) { sentPacket.sent(length); synchronized(sentPackets) { sentPackets.put(seqNum, sentPacket); int inFlight = sentPackets.size(); if(inFlight > maxSeenInFlight) { maxSeenInFlight = inFlight; if (logDEBUG) { Logger.debug(this, "Max seen in flight new record: " + maxSeenInFlight + " for " + this); } } } } public long timeCheckForLostPackets(double averageRTT) { long timeCheck = Long.MAX_VALUE; // Because MIN_RTT_FOR_RETRANSMIT > MAX_ACK_DELAY, and because averageRTT() includes the // actual ack delay, we don't need to add it on here. double avgRtt = Math.max(MIN_RTT_FOR_RETRANSMIT, averageRTT); long maxDelay = (long)(avgRtt + MAX_ACK_DELAY * 1.1); synchronized(sentPackets) { for (SentPacket s : sentPackets.values()) { long t = s.getSentTime() + maxDelay; if (t < timeCheck) { timeCheck = t; } } } return timeCheck; } public void checkForLostPackets(double averageRTT, long curTime, BasePeerNode pn) { //Mark packets as lost int bigLostCount = 0; int count = 0; // Because MIN_RTT_FOR_RETRANSMIT > MAX_ACK_DELAY, and because averageRTT() includes the // actual ack delay, we don't need to add it on here. double avgRtt = Math.max(MIN_RTT_FOR_RETRANSMIT, averageRTT); long maxDelay = (long)(avgRtt + MAX_ACK_DELAY * 1.1); long threshold = curTime - maxDelay; synchronized(sentPackets) { Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, SentPacket>> it = sentPackets.entrySet().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Integer, SentPacket> e =; SentPacket s = e.getValue(); if (s.getSentTime() < threshold) { if (logMINOR) { Logger.minor(this, "Assuming packet " + e.getKey() + " has been lost. " + "Delay " + (curTime - s.getSentTime()) + "ms, " + "threshold " + threshold + "ms"); } // Store the packet sentTime in our lost sent times cache, so we can calculate // RTT if an ack may surface later on. if(!s.messages.isEmpty()) {, s.getSentTime()); } // Mark the packet as lost and remove it from our active packets. s.lost(); it.remove(); bigLostCount++; } else { count++; } } } if(count > 0 && logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "" + count + " packets in flight with threshold " + maxDelay + "ms"); if(bigLostCount != 0 && pn != null) { PacketThrottle throttle = pn.getThrottle(); if(throttle != null) { throttle.notifyOfPacketsLost(bigLostCount); } pn.backoffOnResend(); } } public long timeCheckForAcks() { long ret = Long.MAX_VALUE; synchronized(acks) { for(Long l : acks.values()) { long timeout = l + MAX_ACK_DELAY; if(ret > timeout) ret = timeout; } } return ret; } public void disconnected() { synchronized(sentPackets) { for (SentPacket s: sentPackets.values()) { s.lost(); } sentPackets.clear(); } } }