package freenet.node; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Queue of messages to send to a node. Ordered first by priority then by time. * Will soon be round-robin between different transfers/UIDs/clients too. * @author Matthew Toseland <> (0xE43DA450) */ public class PeerMessageQueue { private static volatile boolean logMINOR; private static volatile boolean logDEBUG; static { Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){ @Override public void shouldUpdate(){ logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this); logDEBUG = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, this); } }); } private final PrioQueue[] queuesByPriority; private boolean mustSendLoadRT; private boolean mustSendLoadBulk; private class PrioQueue { // FIXME refactor into PrioQueue and RoundRobinByUIDPrioQueue PrioQueue(long timeout, boolean timeoutSinceLastSend) { this.timeout = timeout; this.roundRobinBetweenUIDs = timeoutSinceLastSend; } /** The timeout, period after which messages become urgent. */ final long timeout; /** If true, do round-robin between UID's, and count the timeout relative * to the last send. Block transfers need this - both realtime and bulk. */ final boolean roundRobinBetweenUIDs; private class Items extends DoublyLinkedListImpl.Item<Items> { /** List of messages to send. Stuff to send first is at the beginning. */ final LinkedList<MessageItem> items; final long id; long timeLastSent; Items(long id, long initialTimeLastSent) { items = new LinkedList<MessageItem>(); = id; timeLastSent = initialTimeLastSent; } public void addLast(MessageItem item) { items.addLast(item); } public void addFirst(MessageItem item) { items.addFirst(item); } public boolean remove(MessageItem item) { return items.remove(item); } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString()+":"+id+":"+items.size()+":"+timeLastSent; } } /** Maximum inter-packet time is 2 minutes for a block transfer (when we have bulk * flag this will be no higher, and it might be reduced to 30 seconds). Requests * can wait for 2 minutes now, maybe 10 minutes in future, but round-robin is * intended for frequent messages - it doesn't matter in that case. So 3 minutes * is plenty. */ static final long FORGET_AFTER = 3*60*1000; /** Using DoublyLinkedListImpl so that we can move stuff around without the * iterator failing, and also delete efficiently. Ordered by timeLastSent, * NOT by timeout. Items we have not yet sent are at the beginning with * timeLastSent = -1. */ DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items> nonEmptyItemsWithID; /** Items which have been sent within the last 10 minutes, so we need to track * them for good round-robin, but which we don't have anything queued on right now. */ DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items> emptyItemsWithID; Map<Long, Items> itemsByID; /** Non-urgent messages. Same order as in Items, so stuff to send first is at * the beginning. */ LinkedList<MessageItem> itemsNonUrgent; // Construct structures lazily, we're protected by the overall synchronized. /** Add a new message. For a normal priority level, we just add it to the end of the list. * It will be sent after the messages that are already queued, and its deadline is effectively * the time it was submitted plus the timeout. For a priority level using round robin between * peers, it is the same unless we have recently sent a message with the same UID. If we have, * the timeout is relative to the last send. */ public void addLast(MessageItem item) { // Clear the deadline for the item. item.clearDeadline(); if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); if(roundRobinBetweenUIDs) { long id = item.getID(); if(itemsByID != null) { Items it = itemsByID.get(id); if(it != null && it.timeLastSent > 0 && it.timeLastSent + timeout <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { it.addLast(item); if(it.getParent() == emptyItemsWithID) moveFromEmptyToNonEmptyBackward(it); else assert(it.getParent() == nonEmptyItemsWithID); if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); return; } } } addToNonUrgent(item); } private void addToNonUrgent(MessageItem item) { if(itemsNonUrgent == null) itemsNonUrgent = new LinkedList<MessageItem>(); ListIterator<MessageItem> it = itemsNonUrgent.listIterator(itemsNonUrgent.size()); // MessageItem's can be created out of order, so the timestamps may not be consistent. // CONCURRENCY: This is not a problem in addNonUrgentMessages() because it is always called from one thread. while(true) { if(!it.hasPrevious()) { it.add(item); if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); return; } MessageItem prev = it.previous(); if(item.submitted >= prev.submitted) {; it.add(item); if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); return; } } } private void moveToUrgent(long now) { if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); if(itemsNonUrgent == null) return; ListIterator<MessageItem> it = itemsNonUrgent.listIterator(); int moved = 0; while(it.hasNext()) { MessageItem item =; Items list = null; long id = item.getID(); if(itemsByID != null) list = itemsByID.get(id); boolean moveIt = false; if(list != null && roundRobinBetweenUIDs) { if(list.timeLastSent + timeout <= now) moveIt = true; } if(item.submitted + timeout <= now) { moveIt = true; } if(moveIt) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Moving message to urgent list: "+item); if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); // Move to urgent list if(itemsByID == null) { itemsByID = new HashMap<Long, Items>(); if(nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) nonEmptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); list = new Items(id, item.submitted); addToNonEmptyForward(list); itemsByID.put(id, list); if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); } else { if(list == null) { list = new Items(id, item.submitted); if(nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) nonEmptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); addToNonEmptyForward(list); itemsByID.put(id, list); if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); } else { if(list.items.isEmpty()) { if(list.getParent() == nonEmptyItemsWithID) { Logger.error(this, "Was empty but was in nonEmptyItemsWithID: "+list); } else { assert(list.getParent() == emptyItemsWithID); // It already exists, so it has a valid time. // Which is probably in the past, so use Forward. // Must add it to the list before moving to non-empty because of assertion. moveFromEmptyToNonEmptyForward(list); } } else { assert(list.getParent() == nonEmptyItemsWithID); } if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); } } list.addLast(item); it.remove(); moved++; if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); } else if(!roundRobinBetweenUIDs) break; } if(logDEBUG && moved > 0) Logger.debug(this, "Moved "+moved+" items to urgent round-robin"); if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); } private void moveFromEmptyToNonEmptyForward(Items list) { // Presumably is in emptyItemsWithID assert(list.items.isEmpty()); if(logMINOR) { if(list.getParent() == nonEmptyItemsWithID) { Logger.error(this, "Already in non-empty yet empty?!"); return; } } if(emptyItemsWithID != null) emptyItemsWithID.remove(list); addToNonEmptyForward(list); } private void addToNonEmptyForward(Items list) { if(nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) nonEmptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); Enumeration<Items> it = nonEmptyItemsWithID.elements(); while(it.hasMoreElements()) { Items compare = it.nextElement(); if(compare.timeLastSent >= list.timeLastSent) { nonEmptyItemsWithID.insertPrev(compare, list); return; } } nonEmptyItemsWithID.push(list); } private void moveFromEmptyToNonEmptyBackward(Items list) { // Presumably is in emptyItemsWithID emptyItemsWithID.remove(list); addToNonEmptyBackward(list); } private void addToNonEmptyBackward(Items list) { if(nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) nonEmptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); Enumeration<Items> it = nonEmptyItemsWithID.reverseElements(); while(it.hasMoreElements()) { Items compare = it.nextElement(); if(compare.timeLastSent <= list.timeLastSent) { nonEmptyItemsWithID.insertNext(compare, list); return; } } nonEmptyItemsWithID.unshift(list); } private void addToEmptyBackward(Items list) { if(emptyItemsWithID == null) emptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); Enumeration<Items> it = emptyItemsWithID.reverseElements(); while(it.hasMoreElements()) { Items compare = it.nextElement(); if(compare.timeLastSent <= list.timeLastSent) { emptyItemsWithID.insertNext(compare, list); return; } } emptyItemsWithID.unshift(list); } /** Add a new message to the beginning i.e. send it as soon as possible (e.g. if * we tried to send it and failed); it is assumed to already be urgent. */ public void addFirst(MessageItem item) { // Keep the old deadline for the item. if(!roundRobinBetweenUIDs) { addToNonUrgent(item); return; } if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); long id = item.getID(); Items list; if(itemsByID == null) { itemsByID = new HashMap<Long, Items>(); if(nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) nonEmptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); list = new Items(id, -1); addToNonEmptyForward(list); itemsByID.put(id, list); } else { list = itemsByID.get(id); if(list == null) { list = new Items(id, -1); if(nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) nonEmptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); nonEmptyItemsWithID.unshift(list); itemsByID.put(id, list); } else { if(list.items.isEmpty()) { assert(list.getParent() == emptyItemsWithID); // It already exists, so it has a valid time. // Which is probably in the past, so use Forward. moveFromEmptyToNonEmptyForward(list); } else assert(list.getParent() == nonEmptyItemsWithID); } } list.addFirst(item); if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); } public int size() { int size = 0; if(nonEmptyItemsWithID != null) for(Items items : nonEmptyItemsWithID) size += items.items.size(); if(itemsNonUrgent != null) size += itemsNonUrgent.size(); return size; } public int addTo(MessageItem[] output, int ptr) { if(nonEmptyItemsWithID != null) for(Items list : nonEmptyItemsWithID) for(MessageItem item : list.items) output[ptr++] = item; if(itemsNonUrgent != null) for(MessageItem item : itemsNonUrgent) output[ptr++] = item; return ptr; } /** Check that nonEmptyItemsWithID is ordered correctly. * LOCKING: Caller must synchronize on PeerMessageQueue.this. */ private void checkOrder() { if(nonEmptyItemsWithID != null) { long prev = -1; Items prevItems = null; for(Items items : nonEmptyItemsWithID) { long thisTime = items.timeLastSent; if(thisTime < prev) Logger.error(this, "Inconsistent order in non empty items with ID: prev timeout was "+prev+" for "+prevItems+" but this timeout is "+thisTime+" for "+items, new Exception("error")); prev = thisTime; prevItems = items; } } if(itemsNonUrgent != null) { long prev = -1; MessageItem prevItem = null; for(MessageItem item : itemsNonUrgent) { if(item.submitted < prev) Logger.error(this, "Inconsistent order in itemsNonUrgent: prev submitted at "+prev+" but this at "+item.submitted+" prev is "+prevItem+" this is "+item); prev = item.submitted; prevItem = item; } } } /** Note that this does NOT consider the length of the queue, which can trigger a * send. This is intentional, and is relied upon by the bulk-or-realtime logic in * addMessages(). * @param t The initial urgent time. What we return must be less than or * equal to this. Convenient for chaining. * @param stopIfBeforeTime If the next urgent time is <= to this time, * return immediately. */ public long getNextUrgentTime(long t, long stopIfBeforeTime) { if(!roundRobinBetweenUIDs) { if(itemsNonUrgent != null && !itemsNonUrgent.isEmpty()) { t = Math.min(t, itemsNonUrgent.getFirst().submitted + timeout); if(t <= stopIfBeforeTime) return t; } assert(nonEmptyItemsWithID == null); assert(itemsByID == null); } else { if(nonEmptyItemsWithID != null) { for(Items items : nonEmptyItemsWithID) { if(items.items.size() == 0) continue; if(items.timeLastSent > 0) { t = Math.min(t, items.timeLastSent + timeout); if(t <= stopIfBeforeTime) return t; } else { // It is possible that something requeued isn't urgent, so check anyway. t = Math.min(t, items.items.getFirst().submitted + timeout); if(t <= stopIfBeforeTime) return t; } } } if(itemsNonUrgent != null && !itemsNonUrgent.isEmpty()) { for(MessageItem item : itemsNonUrgent) { long uid = item.getID(); Items items = itemsByID == null ? null : itemsByID.get(uid); if(items != null && items.timeLastSent > 0) { t = Math.min(t, items.timeLastSent + timeout); if(t <= stopIfBeforeTime) return t; } else { t = Math.min(t, item.submitted + timeout); if(t <= stopIfBeforeTime) return t; if(itemsByID == null) break; // Only the first one matters, since none have been sent. } } } } return t; } /** * Add the size of messages in this queue to <code>length</code> until * length is larger than <code>maxSize</code>, or all messages have * been added. * @param length the starting length * @param maxSize the size at which to stop * @return the resulting length after adding messages */ public int addSize(int length, int maxSize) { if(itemsNonUrgent != null) { for(MessageItem item : itemsNonUrgent) { int thisLen = item.getLength(); length += thisLen; if(length > maxSize) return length; } } if(nonEmptyItemsWithID != null) { for(Items list : nonEmptyItemsWithID) { for(MessageItem item : list.items) { int thisLen = item.getLength(); length += thisLen; if(length > maxSize) return length; } } } return length; } private MessageItem addNonUrgentMessages(long now, MutableBoolean addPeerLoadStatsRT, MutableBoolean addPeerLoadStatsBulk) { if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); if(itemsNonUrgent == null) return null; MessageItem ret; for(ListIterator<MessageItem> items = itemsNonUrgent.listIterator();items.hasNext();) { MessageItem item =; items.remove(); item.setDeadline(item.submitted + timeout); ret = item; if(itemsByID != null) { long id = item.getID(); Items tracker = itemsByID.get(id); if(tracker != null) { tracker.timeLastSent = now; DoublyLinkedList<? super Items> parent = tracker.getParent(); // Demote the corresponding tracker to maintain round-robin. if(tracker.items.isEmpty()) { if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Moving "+tracker+" to end of empty list in addNonUrgentMessages"); if(emptyItemsWithID == null) emptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); if(parent == null) { Logger.error(this, "Tracker is in itemsByID but not in either list! (empty)"); } else if(parent == emptyItemsWithID) { // Normal. Remove it so we can re-add it in the right place. emptyItemsWithID.remove(tracker); } else if(parent == nonEmptyItemsWithID) { Logger.error(this, "Tracker is in non empty items list when is empty"); nonEmptyItemsWithID.remove(tracker); } else assert(false); addToEmptyBackward(tracker); } else { if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Moving "+tracker+" to end of non-empty list in addNonUrgentMessages"); if(nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) nonEmptyItemsWithID = new DoublyLinkedListImpl<Items>(); if(parent == null) { Logger.error(this, "Tracker is in itemsByID but not in either list! (non-empty)"); } else if(parent == nonEmptyItemsWithID) { // Normal. Remove it so we can re-add it in the right place. nonEmptyItemsWithID.remove(tracker); } else if(parent == emptyItemsWithID) { Logger.error(this, "Tracker is in empty items list when is non-empty"); emptyItemsWithID.remove(tracker); } else assert(false); addToNonEmptyBackward(tracker); } } } if(mustSendLoadRT && item.sendLoadRT && !addPeerLoadStatsRT.value) { addPeerLoadStatsRT.value = true; mustSendLoadRT = false; } else if(mustSendLoadBulk && item.sendLoadBulk && !addPeerLoadStatsBulk.value) { addPeerLoadStatsBulk.value = true; mustSendLoadBulk = false; } if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); if(ret != null) return ret; } if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); return null; } /** * Add messages to <code>messages</code> until there are no more * messages to add. * * @param now the current time * @param messages the list that messages will be added to * @param maxMessages * @return the size of <code>messages</code>, multiplied by -1 if there were * messages that didn't fit */ private MessageItem addUrgentMessages(long now, MutableBoolean addPeerLoadStatsRT, MutableBoolean addPeerLoadStatsBulk) { if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); MessageItem ret; while(true) { int lists = 0; if(nonEmptyItemsWithID == null) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No non-empty items to send, not sending any urgent messages"); return null; } lists += nonEmptyItemsWithID.size(); Items list = nonEmptyItemsWithID.head(); for(int i=0;i<lists && list != null;i++) { if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); if(list.items.isEmpty()) { // Should not happen, but check for it anyway since it keeps happening. :( Logger.error(this, "List is in nonEmptyItemsWithID yet it is empty?!: "+list); nonEmptyItemsWithID.remove(list); addToEmptyBackward(list); if(nonEmptyItemsWithID.isEmpty()) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Run out of non-empty items to send"); return null; } list = nonEmptyItemsWithID.head(); continue; } MessageItem item = list.items.getFirst(); list.items.removeFirst(); // Move to end of list. Items prev = list.getPrev(); nonEmptyItemsWithID.remove(list); item.setDeadline(list.timeLastSent + timeout); list.timeLastSent = now; if(!list.items.isEmpty()) { if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Moving "+list+" to end of non empty list in addUrgentMessages"); addToNonEmptyBackward(list); } else { if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Moving "+list+" to end of empty list in addUrgentMessages"); addToEmptyBackward(list); } if(prev == null) list = nonEmptyItemsWithID.head(); else list = prev.getNext(); ret = item; if(mustSendLoadRT && item.sendLoadRT && !addPeerLoadStatsRT.value) { addPeerLoadStatsRT.value = true; mustSendLoadRT = false; } else if(mustSendLoadBulk && item.sendLoadBulk && !addPeerLoadStatsBulk.value) { addPeerLoadStatsBulk.value = true; mustSendLoadBulk = false; } if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); if(ret != null) return ret; } if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "No more messages queued at this priority"); if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); return null; } } /** * Add urgent messages, then non-urgent messages. Add a load message if need to. * @param size * @param now * @param messages * @param addPeerLoadStatsRT Will be set if the caller needs to include a load stats message for * realtime (i.e. a realtime request completes etc). * @param addPeerLoadStatsBulk Will be set if the caller needs to include a load stats message for * bulk (i.e. a bulk request completes etc). * @param incomplete Will be set if there were more messages but they did not fit. If this is * not set, we can try another priority. * @return */ MessageItem addPriorityMessages(long now, MutableBoolean addPeerLoadStatsRT, MutableBoolean addPeerLoadStatsBulk) { // Urgent messages first. if(logMINOR) { int nonEmpty = nonEmptyItemsWithID == null ? 0 : nonEmptyItemsWithID.size(); int empty = emptyItemsWithID == null ? 0 : emptyItemsWithID.size(); int byID = itemsByID == null ? 0 : itemsByID.size(); if(nonEmpty + empty < byID) { Logger.error(this, "Leaking itemsByID? non empty = "+nonEmpty+" empty = "+empty+" by ID = "+byID+" on "+this); } else if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Items: non empty "+nonEmpty+" empty "+empty+" by ID "+byID+" on "+this); } if(roundRobinBetweenUIDs) moveToUrgent(now); clearOldNonUrgent(now); if(roundRobinBetweenUIDs) { MessageItem item = addUrgentMessages(now, addPeerLoadStatsRT, addPeerLoadStatsBulk); if(item != null) return item; } else { assert(itemsByID == null); } // If no more urgent messages, try to add some non-urgent messages too. return addNonUrgentMessages(now, addPeerLoadStatsRT, addPeerLoadStatsBulk); } private void clearOldNonUrgent(long now) { if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); int removed = 0; if(emptyItemsWithID == null) return; while(true) { if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); if(emptyItemsWithID.isEmpty()) return; Items list = emptyItemsWithID.head(); if(!list.items.isEmpty()) { // FIXME remove paranoia Logger.error(this, "List with items in emptyItemsWithID!!"); emptyItemsWithID.remove(list); addToNonEmptyBackward(list); return; } if(list.timeLastSent == -1 || now - list.timeLastSent > FORGET_AFTER) { // FIXME: Urgh, what a braindead API! remove(Object) on a Map<Long, Items> !?!?!?! // Anyway we'd better check the return value! Items old = itemsByID.remove(; if(old == null) Logger.error(this, "List was not in the items by ID tracker: "; else if(old != list) Logger.error(this, "Different list in the items by ID tracker: "+old+" not "+list+" for "; emptyItemsWithID.remove(list); removed++; } else { if(logDEBUG && removed > 0) Logger.debug(this, "Removed "+removed+" old empty UID trackers"); break; } } } public void clear() { emptyItemsWithID = null; nonEmptyItemsWithID = null; itemsByID = null; itemsNonUrgent = null; if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); } public boolean removeMessage(MessageItem item) { if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); long id = item.getID(); Items list; if(itemsByID != null) { list = itemsByID.get(id); if(list != null) { if(list.remove(item)) { if(list.items.isEmpty()) { nonEmptyItemsWithID.remove(list); addToEmptyBackward(list); } if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); return true; } } } if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); if(itemsNonUrgent != null) return itemsNonUrgent.remove(item); else return false; } public void removeUIDs(Long[] list) { if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); if(itemsByID == null) return; for(Long l : list) { Items items = itemsByID.get(l); if(items == null) continue; if(items.items.isEmpty()) { itemsByID.remove(l); assert(emptyItemsWithID != null); assert(items.getParent() == emptyItemsWithID); emptyItemsWithID.remove(items); } } if(logMINOR) checkOrder(); } public boolean isEmpty() { if(itemsNonUrgent != null && !itemsNonUrgent.isEmpty()) { return false; } if(nonEmptyItemsWithID != null) { for(Items items : nonEmptyItemsWithID) { if(items.items.size() == 0) continue; return false; } } return true; } } PeerMessageQueue() { queuesByPriority = new PrioQueue[DMT.NUM_PRIORITIES]; for(int i=0;i<queuesByPriority.length;i++) { if(i == DMT.PRIORITY_BULK_DATA) // Bulk: round-robin between UID's (timeout since last sent), long timeout. queuesByPriority[i] = new PrioQueue(PacketSender.MAX_COALESCING_DELAY_BULK, true); else if(i == DMT.PRIORITY_REALTIME_DATA) // Realtime: round-robin between UID's (timeout since last sent), short timeout. queuesByPriority[i] = new PrioQueue(PacketSender.MAX_COALESCING_DELAY, true); else // Everything else: Still round-robin between UID's, but timeout on submitted. queuesByPriority[i] = new PrioQueue(PacketSender.MAX_COALESCING_DELAY, false); } } /** * Queue a <code>MessageItem</code> and return an estimate of the size of * this queue. The value returned is the estimated number of bytes * needed for sending the all messages in this queue. Note that if the * returned estimate is higher than 1024, it might not cover all messages. * @param item the <code>MessageItem</code> to queue * @return an estimate of the size of this queue */ public synchronized int queueAndEstimateSize(MessageItem item, int maxSize) { enqueuePrioritizedMessageItem(item); int x = 0; for(PrioQueue pq : queuesByPriority) { if(pq.itemsNonUrgent != null) { for(MessageItem it : pq.itemsNonUrgent) { x += it.getLength() + 2; if(x > maxSize) break; } } if(pq.nonEmptyItemsWithID != null) { for(PrioQueue.Items q : pq.nonEmptyItemsWithID) for(MessageItem it : q.items) { x += it.getLength() + 2; if(x > maxSize) break; } } } return x; } public synchronized long getMessageQueueLengthBytes() { long x = 0; for(PrioQueue pq : queuesByPriority) { if(pq.nonEmptyItemsWithID != null) for(PrioQueue.Items q : pq.nonEmptyItemsWithID) for(MessageItem it : q.items) x += it.getLength() + 2; } return x; } private synchronized void enqueuePrioritizedMessageItem(MessageItem addMe) { //Assume it goes on the end, both the common case short prio = addMe.getPriority(); queuesByPriority[prio].addLast(addMe); if(addMe.sendLoadRT) mustSendLoadRT = true; if(addMe.sendLoadBulk) mustSendLoadBulk = true; } /** * like enqueuePrioritizedMessageItem, but adds it to the front of those in the same priority. * * WARNING: Pulling a message and then pushing it back will mess up the fairness * between UID's send order. Try to avoid it. */ synchronized void pushfrontPrioritizedMessageItem(MessageItem addMe) { //Assume it goes on the front short prio = addMe.getPriority(); queuesByPriority[prio].addFirst(addMe); if(addMe.sendLoadRT) mustSendLoadRT = true; if(addMe.sendLoadBulk) mustSendLoadBulk = true; } public synchronized MessageItem[] grabQueuedMessageItems() { int size = 0; for(PrioQueue queue : queuesByPriority) size += queue.size(); MessageItem[] output = new MessageItem[size]; int ptr = 0; for(PrioQueue queue : queuesByPriority) { ptr = queue.addTo(output, ptr); queue.clear(); } return output; } /** * Get the time at which the next message must be sent. If any message is * overdue, we will return a value less than now, which may not be completely * accurate. * @param t The current next urgent time. The return value will be no greater * than this. * @param returnIfBefore The current time. If the next urgent time is less than * this we return immediately rather than computing an accurate past value. * Set to Long.MAX_VALUE if you want an accurate value. * @return The next urgent time, but can be too high if it is less than now. */ public synchronized long getNextUrgentTime(long t, long returnIfBefore) { for(PrioQueue queue: queuesByPriority) { t = Math.min(t, queue.getNextUrgentTime(t, returnIfBefore)); if(t <= returnIfBefore) return t; // How much in the past doesn't matter, as long as it's in the past. } return t; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if there are messages that will timeout before * <code>now</code>. * @param now the timeout for messages waiting to be sent * @return <code>true</code> if there are messages that will timeout before * <code>now</code> */ public boolean mustSendNow(long now) { return getNextUrgentTime(Long.MAX_VALUE, now) <= now; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if <code>minSize</code> + the length of all * messages in this queue is greater than <code>maxSize</code>. * @param minSize the starting size * @param maxSize the maximum size * @return <code>true</code> if <code>minSize</code> + the length of all * messages in this queue is greater than <code>maxSize</code> */ public synchronized boolean mustSendSize(int minSize, int maxSize) { int length = minSize; for(PrioQueue items : queuesByPriority) { length = items.addSize(length, maxSize); if(length > maxSize) return true; } return false; } /** Grab a message to send. WARNING: PeerMessageQueue not only removes the message, * it assumes it has been sent for purposes of fairness between UID's. You should try * not to call this function if you are not going to be able to send the message: * check in advance if possible. */ public synchronized MessageItem grabQueuedMessageItem(int minPriority) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); MutableBoolean addPeerLoadStatsRT = new MutableBoolean(); MutableBoolean addPeerLoadStatsBulk = new MutableBoolean(); addPeerLoadStatsRT.value = true; addPeerLoadStatsBulk.value = true; for(int i=0;i<DMT.PRIORITY_REALTIME_DATA;i++) { if(i < minPriority) continue; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Adding from priority "+i); MessageItem ret = queuesByPriority[i].addPriorityMessages(now, addPeerLoadStatsRT, addPeerLoadStatsBulk); if(ret != null) return ret; } // Include bulk or realtime, whichever is more urgent. boolean tryRealtimeFirst = true; // If one is empty, try the other. // Otherwise try whichever is more urgent, favouring realtime if there is a draw. // Realtime is supposed to be bursty. if(queuesByPriority[DMT.PRIORITY_REALTIME_DATA].isEmpty()) { tryRealtimeFirst = false; } else if(queuesByPriority[DMT.PRIORITY_BULK_DATA].isEmpty()) { tryRealtimeFirst = true; } else if(queuesByPriority[DMT.PRIORITY_BULK_DATA].getNextUrgentTime(Long.MAX_VALUE, 0) >= queuesByPriority[DMT.PRIORITY_REALTIME_DATA].getNextUrgentTime(Long.MAX_VALUE, 0)) { tryRealtimeFirst = true; } else { tryRealtimeFirst = false; } // FIXME token bucket? if(tryRealtimeFirst) { // Try realtime first if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Trying realtime first"); MessageItem ret = queuesByPriority[DMT.PRIORITY_REALTIME_DATA].addPriorityMessages(now, addPeerLoadStatsRT, addPeerLoadStatsBulk); if(ret != null) return ret; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Trying bulk"); ret = queuesByPriority[DMT.PRIORITY_BULK_DATA].addPriorityMessages(now, addPeerLoadStatsRT, addPeerLoadStatsBulk); if(ret != null) return ret; } else { // Try bulk first if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Trying bulk first"); MessageItem ret = queuesByPriority[DMT.PRIORITY_BULK_DATA].addPriorityMessages(now, addPeerLoadStatsRT, addPeerLoadStatsBulk); if(ret != null) return ret; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Trying realtime"); ret = queuesByPriority[DMT.PRIORITY_REALTIME_DATA].addPriorityMessages(now, addPeerLoadStatsRT, addPeerLoadStatsBulk); if(ret != null) return ret; } for(int i=DMT.PRIORITY_BULK_DATA+1;i<DMT.NUM_PRIORITIES;i++) { if(i < minPriority) continue; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Adding from priority "+i); MessageItem ret = queuesByPriority[i].addPriorityMessages(now, addPeerLoadStatsRT, addPeerLoadStatsBulk); if(ret != null) return ret; } // Nothing to send. return null; } public boolean removeMessage(MessageItem message) { synchronized(this) { short prio = message.getPriority(); if(!queuesByPriority[prio].removeMessage(message)) return false; } message.onFailed(); return true; } public synchronized void removeUIDsFromMessageQueues(Long[] list) { for(PrioQueue queue : queuesByPriority) { queue.removeUIDs(list); } } }