package freenet.node.probe; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import freenet.config.InvalidConfigValueException; import freenet.config.NodeNeedRestartException; import freenet.config.SubConfig; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import freenet.node.Location; import freenet.node.Node; import freenet.node.OpennetManager; import freenet.node.PeerNode; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; /** * Handles starting, routing, and responding to Metropolis-Hastings corrected probes. * * Possible future additions to these probes' results include: * <ul> * <li>Starting a regular request for a key.</li> * <li>Success rates for remote requests by HTL; perhaps over some larger amount of time than the past hour.</li> * </ul> * * @see freenet.node.probe Explanation of Metropolis-Hastings correction */ public class Probe implements ByteCounter { private static volatile boolean logMINOR; private static volatile boolean logDEBUG; private static volatile boolean logWARNING; static { Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){ @Override public void shouldUpdate(){ logWARNING = Logger.shouldLog(Logger.LogLevel.WARNING, this); logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(Logger.LogLevel.MINOR, this); logDEBUG = Logger.shouldLog(Logger.LogLevel.DEBUG, this); } }); } private final static String SOURCE_DISCONNECT = "Previous step in probe chain no longer connected."; /** * Maximum hopsToLive value to clamp requests to. */ public static final byte MAX_HTL = 70; /** * Maximum number of forwarding attempts to make before failing with DISCONNECTED. */ public static final int MAX_SEND_ATTEMPTS = 50; /** * Probability of HTL decrement at HTL = 1. */ public static final float DECREMENT_PROBABILITY = 0.2f; /** * In ms, per HTL above HTL = 1. */ public static final long TIMEOUT_PER_HTL = SECONDS.toMillis(3); /** * In ms, to account for probabilistic decrement at HTL = 1. */ public static final long TIMEOUT_HTL1 = (long) (TIMEOUT_PER_HTL / DECREMENT_PROBABILITY); /** * To make the timing less obvious when a node responds with a local result instead of forwarding at * HTL = 1, delay for a number of milliseconds, specifically an exponential distribution with this constant as * its mean. */ public static final long WAIT_BASE = SECONDS.toMillis(1); /** * Maximum number of milliseconds to wait before sending a response. */ public static final long WAIT_MAX = SECONDS.toMillis(2); /** * Maximum number of probes accepted from a single peer in the past minute. */ public final int COUNTER_MAX_PEER = 10; /** * Maximum number of probes started locally in the past minute. This is the maximum conceivable value; the * probes should be used with a number of requests per minute closer to the per-peer limit times the minimum * expected number of peers. Around this value, and certainly above it, remote OVERLOADs may start coming * in, which are not useful. The Metropolis-Hastings correction makes behavior potentially inconsistent, so * keeping an eye on remote OVERLOADs is wise. */ public final int COUNTER_MAX_LOCAL = COUNTER_MAX_PEER * OpennetManager.MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING; /** * Number of accepted probes in the last minute, keyed by peer. */ private final Map<PeerNode, Counter> accepted; private final Node node; private final Timer timer; //Whether to respond to different types of probe requests. private volatile boolean respondBandwidth; private volatile boolean respondBuild; private volatile boolean respondIdentifier; private volatile boolean respondLinkLengths; private volatile boolean respondLocation; private volatile boolean respondStoreSize; private volatile boolean respondUptime; private volatile boolean respondRejectStats; private volatile boolean respondOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsage; private volatile long probeIdentifier; /** * Applies multiplicative Gaussian noise of mean 1.0 and the specified sigma to the input value. * @param input Value to apply noise to. * @param sigma Proportion change at one standard deviation. * @return Value +/- Gaussian percentage. */ private final double randomNoise(final double input, final double sigma) { return node.nodeStats.randomNoise(input, sigma); } /** * Counts as probe request transfer. * @param bytes Bytes received. */ @Override public void sentBytes(int bytes) { node.nodeStats.probeRequestCtr.sentBytes(bytes); } /** * Counts as probe request transfer. * @param bytes Bytes received. */ @Override public void receivedBytes(int bytes) { node.nodeStats.probeRequestCtr.receivedBytes(bytes); } /** * No payload in probes. * @param bytes Ignored. */ @Override public void sentPayload(int bytes) {} public Probe(final Node node) { this.node = node; this.accepted = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<PeerNode, Counter>()); this.timer = new Timer(true); int sortOrder = 0; final SubConfig nodeConfig = node.config.get("node"); nodeConfig.register("probeBandwidth", true, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.probeBandwidthShort", "Node.probeBandwidthLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return respondBandwidth; } @Override public void set(Boolean val) { respondBandwidth = val; } }); respondBandwidth = nodeConfig.getBoolean("probeBandwidth"); nodeConfig.register("probeBuild", true, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.probeBuildShort", "Node.probeBuildLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return respondBuild; } @Override public void set(Boolean val) { respondBuild = val; } }); respondBuild = nodeConfig.getBoolean("probeBuild"); nodeConfig.register("probeIdentifier", true, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.probeRespondIdentifierShort", "Node.probeRespondIdentifierLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return respondIdentifier; } @Override public void set(Boolean val) { respondIdentifier = val; } }); respondIdentifier = nodeConfig.getBoolean("probeIdentifier"); nodeConfig.register("probeLinkLengths", true, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.probeLinkLengthsShort", "Node.probeLinkLengthsLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return respondLinkLengths; } @Override public void set(Boolean val) { respondLinkLengths = val; } }); respondLinkLengths = nodeConfig.getBoolean("probeLinkLengths"); nodeConfig.register("probeLocation", true, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.probeLocationShort", "Node.probeLocationLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return respondLocation; } @Override public void set(Boolean val) { respondLocation = val; } }); respondLocation = nodeConfig.getBoolean("probeLocation"); nodeConfig.register("probeStoreSize", true, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.probeStoreSizeShort", "Node.probeStoreSizeLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return respondStoreSize; } @Override public void set(Boolean val) { respondStoreSize = val; } }); respondStoreSize = nodeConfig.getBoolean("probeStoreSize"); nodeConfig.register("probeUptime", true, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.probeUptimeShort", "Node.probeUptimeLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return respondUptime; } @Override public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException { respondUptime = val; } }); respondUptime = nodeConfig.getBoolean("probeUptime"); nodeConfig.register("probeRejectStats", true, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.probeRejectStatsShort", "Node.probeRejectStatsLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return respondRejectStats; } @Override public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException { respondRejectStats = val; } }); respondRejectStats = nodeConfig.getBoolean("probeRejectStats"); nodeConfig.register("probeOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsage", true, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.respondOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsage", "Node.respondOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsageLong", new BooleanCallback() { @Override public Boolean get() { return respondOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsage; } @Override public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException { respondOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsage = val; } }); respondOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsage = nodeConfig.getBoolean("probeOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsage"); nodeConfig.register("identifier", -1, sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.probeIdentifierShort", "Node.probeIdentifierLong", new LongCallback() { @Override public Long get() { return probeIdentifier; } @Override public void set(Long val) { probeIdentifier = val; //-1 is reserved for picking a random value; don't pick it randomly. while(probeIdentifier == -1) probeIdentifier = node.random.nextLong(); } }, false); probeIdentifier = nodeConfig.getLong("identifier"); /* * set() is not used when setting up an option with its default value, so do so manually to avoid using * an identifier of -1. */ try { if(probeIdentifier == -1) { nodeConfig.getOption("identifier").setValue("-1"); //TODO: Store config here as it has changed?; } } catch (InvalidConfigValueException e) { Logger.error(Probe.class, "node.identifier set() unexpectedly threw.", e); } catch (NodeNeedRestartException e) { Logger.error(Probe.class, "node.identifier set() unexpectedly threw.", e); } } /** * Sends an outgoing probe request. * @param htl htl for this outgoing probe: should be [1, MAX_HTL] * @param listener will be called with results. * @see Listener */ public void start(final byte htl, final long uid, final Type type, final Listener listener) { request(DMT.createProbeRequest(htl, uid, type), null, listener); } /** * Processes an incoming probe request; relays results back to source. * If the probe has a positive HTL, routes with MH correction and probabilistically decrements HTL. * If the probe comes to have an HTL of zero: (an incoming HTL of less than one is discarded.) * Returns (as node settings allow) exactly one of: * <ul> * <li>unique identifier and integer 7-day uptime percentage</li> * <li>uptime: 48-hour percentage or 7-day percentage</li> * <li>output bandwidth</li> * <li>store size</li> * <li>link lengths</li> * <li>location</li> * <li>build number</li> * </ul> * * @param message probe request, containing HTL */ public void request(Message message, PeerNode source) { request(message, source, new ResultRelay(source, message.getLong(DMT.UID))); } /** * Processes a probe request, calling the listener with any results. * @param source node from which the probe request was received. If null, it is considered to have been sent * by the local node. * @param listener listener for probe response. */ private void request(final Message message, final PeerNode source, final Listener listener) { final Long uid = message.getLong(DMT.UID); final byte typeCode = message.getByte(DMT.TYPE); final Type type; if (Type.isValid(typeCode)) { type = Type.valueOf(typeCode); if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(Probe.class, "Probe type is " + + "."); } else { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(Probe.class, "Invalid probe type " + typeCode + "."); listener.onError(Error.UNRECOGNIZED_TYPE, typeCode, true); return; } byte htl = message.getByte(DMT.HTL); if (htl < 1) { if (logWARNING) { Logger.warning(Probe.class, "Received out-of-bounds HTL of " + htl + " from " + source.getIdentityString() + " (" + source.userToString() + "); discarding."); } return; } else if (htl > MAX_HTL) { if (logMINOR) { Logger.minor(Probe.class, "Received out-of-bounds HTL of " + htl + " from " + source.getIdentityString() + " (" + source.userToString() + "); interpreting as " + MAX_HTL + "."); } htl = MAX_HTL; } boolean availableSlot = true; TimerTask task = null; //Allocate one of this peer's probe request slots for 60 seconds; send an overload if none are available. synchronized (accepted) { //If no counter exists for the current source, add one. if (!accepted.containsKey(source)) { // Null source is started locally. accepted.put(source, new Counter(source == null ? COUNTER_MAX_LOCAL : COUNTER_MAX_PEER)); } final Counter counter = accepted.get(source); if (counter.value() == counter.maxAccepted) { //Set a flag instead of sending inside the lock. availableSlot = false; } else { //There's a free slot; increment the counter. counter.increment(); task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (accepted) { counter.decrement(); /* Once the counter hits zero, there's no reason to keep it around as it * can just be recreated when this peer sends another probe request * without changing behavior. To do otherwise would accumulate counters * at zero over time. */ if (counter.value() == 0) { accepted.remove(source); } } } }; } } if (!availableSlot) { //Send an overload error back to the source. if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(Probe.class, "Already accepted maximum number of probes; rejecting incoming."); listener.onError(Error.OVERLOAD, null, true); return; } //One-minute window on acceptance; free up this probe slot in 60 seconds. timer.schedule(task, MINUTES.toMillis(1)); /* * Route to a peer, using Metropolis-Hastings correction and ignoring backoff to get a more uniform * endpoint distribution. HTL is decremented before routing so that it's possible to respond locally without * attempting to route first. Send a local response if HTL is zero now or becomes zero while trying to route. * During routing HTL decrements if a candidate is rejected by the Metropolis-Hastings correction. */ htl = probabilisticDecrement(htl); if (htl == 0 || !route(type, uid, htl, listener)) { long wait = WAIT_MAX; while (wait >= WAIT_MAX) wait = (long)(-Math.log(node.random.nextDouble()) * WAIT_BASE / Math.E); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { respond(type, listener); } }, wait); } } /** * Attempts to route the message to a peer. If the maximum number of send attempts is exceeded, fails with the * error CANNOT_FORWARD. * @return True if no further action needed; false if HTL decremented to zero and a local response is needed. */ private boolean route(final Type type, final long uid, byte htl, final Listener listener) { //Recreate the request so that any sub-messages or unintended fields are not forwarded. final Message message = DMT.createProbeRequest(htl, uid, type); PeerNode[] peers; //Degree of the local node. int degree; PeerNode candidate; /* * Attempt to forward until success or until reaching the send attempt limit. */ for (int sendAttempts = 0; sendAttempts < MAX_SEND_ATTEMPTS; sendAttempts++) { peers = node.getConnectedPeers(); degree = peers.length; //Can't handle a probe request if not connected to peers. if (degree == 0 ) { if (logMINOR) { Logger.minor(Probe.class, "Aborting probe request: no connections."); } /* * If this is a locally-started request, not a relayed one, give an error. * Otherwise, in this case there's nowhere to send the error. */ listener.onError(Error.DISCONNECTED, null, true); return true; } candidate = peers[node.random.nextInt(degree)]; if (candidate.isConnected()) { //acceptProbability is the MH correction. float acceptProbability; int candidateDegree = candidate.getDegree(); /* Candidate's degree is unknown; fall back to random walk by accepting this candidate * regardless of its degree. */ if (candidateDegree == 0) acceptProbability = 1.0f; else acceptProbability = (float)degree / candidateDegree; if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(Probe.class, "acceptProbability is " + acceptProbability); if (node.random.nextFloat() < acceptProbability) { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(Probe.class, "Accepted candidate."); //Filter for response to this probe with requested result type. final MessageFilter filter = createResponseFilter(type, candidate, uid, htl); message.set(DMT.HTL, htl); try { node.getUSM().addAsyncFilter(filter, new ResultListener(listener), this); if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(Probe.class, "Sending."); candidate.sendAsync(message, null, this); return true; } catch (NotConnectedException e) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(Probe.class, "Peer became disconnected between check and send attempt.", e); // Peer no longer connected - sending was not successful. Try again. } catch (DisconnectedException e) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(Probe.class, "Peer became disconnected while attempting to add filter.", e); // Peer no longer connected - cannot send. Try again. } } else { /* * Metropolis-Hastings correction rejected - decrement HTL so that it can run out depending on * relative degrees. */ htl = probabilisticDecrement(htl); if (htl == 0) return false; } } else { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(Probe.class, "Peer in connectedPeers was not connected.", new Exception()); } } // Send attempt limit reached. if (logWARNING) { Logger.warning(Probe.class, "Aborting probe request: send attempt limit reached."); } listener.onError(Error.CANNOT_FORWARD, null, true); return true; } /** * @param type probe result type requested. * @param candidate node to filter for response from. * @param uid probe request uid, also to be used in any result. * @param htl current probe HTL; used to calculate timeout. * @return filter for the requested result type, probe error, and probe refusal. */ private static MessageFilter createResponseFilter(final Type type, final PeerNode candidate, final long uid, final byte htl) { final long timeout = (htl - 1) * TIMEOUT_PER_HTL + TIMEOUT_HTL1; final MessageFilter filter = createFilter(candidate, uid, timeout); switch (type) { case BANDWIDTH: filter.setType(DMT.ProbeBandwidth); break; case BUILD: filter.setType(DMT.ProbeBuild); break; case IDENTIFIER: filter.setType(DMT.ProbeIdentifier); break; case LINK_LENGTHS: filter.setType(DMT.ProbeLinkLengths); break; case LOCATION: filter.setType(DMT.ProbeLocation); break; case STORE_SIZE: filter.setType(DMT.ProbeStoreSize); break; case UPTIME_48H: case UPTIME_7D: filter.setType(DMT.ProbeUptime); break; case REJECT_STATS: filter.setType(DMT.ProbeRejectStats); break; case OVERALL_BULK_OUTPUT_CAPACITY_USAGE: filter.setType(DMT.ProbeOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsage); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Missing filter for " +; } //Refusal or an error should also be listened for so it can be relayed. filter.or(createFilter(candidate, uid, timeout).setType(DMT.ProbeRefused) .or(createFilter(candidate, uid, timeout).setType(DMT.ProbeError))); return filter; } private static MessageFilter createFilter(final PeerNode source, final long uid, final long timeout) { return MessageFilter.create().setSource(source).setField(DMT.UID, uid).setTimeout(timeout); } /** * Depending on node settings, sends a message to source containing either a refusal or the requested result. */ private void respond(final Type type, final Listener listener) { if (!respondTo(type)) { listener.onRefused(); return; } /* * This adds noise to the results to make information less identifiable. The goal is making it difficult * to determine which value a node actually has; that any given value could mean a small range of common * values. Different result types have different sigma values such that one sigma contains multiple * reasonable values. */ switch (type) { case BANDWIDTH: /* * 5% noise: * Reasonable output bandwidth limit is 20 KiB and people are likely to set limits in increments * of 1 KiB. 1 KiB / 20 KiB = 0.05 sigma. * 1,024 (2^10) bytes per KiB. */ listener.onOutputBandwidth((float)randomNoise((double)node.getOutputBandwidthLimit()/(1 << 10), 0.05)); break; case BUILD: listener.onBuild(node.nodeUpdater.getMainVersion()); break; case IDENTIFIER: /* * 5% noise: * Reasonable uptime percentage is at least ~40 hours a week, or ~20%. This uptime is * quantized so only something above a full percentage point (0.01 * 168 hours = 1.68 hours) of * change will be guaranteed (from a percentage with a decimal component close to zero) to be * reflected. 1% / 20% = 0.05 sigma. * * 7-day uptime with random noise, then quantized. Quantization is to make it very, very * difficult to get useful information out of any given result because it is included with an * identifier, */ long percent = Math.round(randomNoise(100*node.uptime.getUptimeWeek(), 0.05)); //Clamp to byte. if (percent > Byte.MAX_VALUE) percent = Byte.MAX_VALUE; else if (percent < Byte.MIN_VALUE) percent = Byte.MIN_VALUE; listener.onIdentifier(probeIdentifier, (byte)percent); break; case LINK_LENGTHS: PeerNode[] peers = node.getConnectedPeers(); float[] linkLengths = new float[peers.length]; int i = 0; /* * 1% noise: * Link lengths are in the range [0.0, 0.5], and any change is enough to make the * match not exact between locations. Taking as an example a link length of 0.2. and with the * assumption that a change of 0.002 is enough to make it still useful for statistics but not * useful for identification, 0.002 change / 0.2 link length = 0.01 sigma. */ double myLoc = node.getLocation(); for (PeerNode peer : peers) { double peerLoc = peer.getLocation(); if (Location.isValid(peerLoc)) { linkLengths[i++] = (float)randomNoise(Location.distance(myLoc, peerLoc), 0.01); } } linkLengths = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(linkLengths, i); java.util.Arrays.sort(linkLengths); listener.onLinkLengths(linkLengths); break; case LOCATION: listener.onLocation((float)node.getLocation()); break; case STORE_SIZE: /* * 5% noise: * Reasonable datastore size is 20 GiB, and size is likely set in, at most, increments of 1 GiB. * 1 GiB / 20 GiB = 0.05 sigma. * 1,073,741,824 bytes (2^30) per GiB. */ listener.onStoreSize((float)randomNoise((double)node.getStoreSize()/(1 << 30), 0.05)); break; case UPTIME_48H: /* * 8% noise: * Continuing with the assumption that reasonable weekly uptime is around 40 hours, this allows * for 6 hours per day, 12 hours per 48 hours, or 25%. A half-hour seems a sufficient amount of * ambiguity, so 0.5 hours / 48 hours ~= 1%, and 1% / 25% = 0.04 sigma. */ listener.onUptime((float)randomNoise(100*node.uptime.getUptime(), 0.04)); break; case UPTIME_7D: /* * 2.4% noise: * As a 168-hour uptime covers a longer period 1 hour of ambiguity seems sufficient. * 1 hour / 168 hours ~= 0.6%, and 0.6% / 20% = 0.03 sigma. */ listener.onUptime((float)randomNoise(100*node.uptime.getUptimeWeek(), 0.03)); break; case REJECT_STATS: byte[] stats = node.nodeStats.getNoisyRejectStats(); listener.onRejectStats(stats); break; case OVERALL_BULK_OUTPUT_CAPACITY_USAGE: byte bandwidthClass = DMT.bandwidthClassForCapacityUsage(node.getOutputBandwidthLimit()); listener.onOverallBulkOutputCapacity(bandwidthClass, (float)randomNoise(node.nodeStats.getBandwidthLiabilityUsage(), 0.1)); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Missing response for " +; } } private boolean respondTo(Type type) { switch (type){ case BANDWIDTH: return respondBandwidth; case BUILD: return respondBuild; case IDENTIFIER: return respondIdentifier; case LINK_LENGTHS: return respondLinkLengths; case LOCATION: return respondLocation; case STORE_SIZE: return respondStoreSize; case UPTIME_48H: case UPTIME_7D: return respondUptime; case REJECT_STATS: return respondRejectStats; case OVERALL_BULK_OUTPUT_CAPACITY_USAGE: return respondOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsage; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Missing permissions check for " +; } } /** * Decrements 20% of the time at HTL 1; otherwise always. This is to protect the responding node, whereas the * anonymity of the node which initiated the request is not a concern. * @param htl current HTL * @return new HTL */ private byte probabilisticDecrement(byte htl) { assert htl > 0; if (htl == 1) { if (node.random.nextFloat() < DECREMENT_PROBABILITY) return 0; return 1; } return (byte)(htl - 1); } /** * Filter listener which determines the type of result and calls the appropriate probe listener method. */ private class ResultListener implements AsyncMessageFilterCallback { private final Listener listener; /** * @param listener to call appropriate methods for events such as matched messages or timeout. */ public ResultListener(Listener listener) { this.listener = listener; } @Override public void onDisconnect(PeerContext context) { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(Probe.class, "Next node in chain disconnected."); listener.onError(Error.DISCONNECTED, null, true); } /** * Parses provided message and calls appropriate Probe.Listener method for the type of result. * @param message Probe result. */ @Override public void onMatched(Message message) { if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(Probe.class, "Matched " + message.getSpec().getName()); if (message.getSpec().equals(DMT.ProbeBandwidth)) { listener.onOutputBandwidth(message.getFloat(DMT.OUTPUT_BANDWIDTH_UPPER_LIMIT)); } else if (message.getSpec().equals(DMT.ProbeBuild)) { listener.onBuild(message.getInt(DMT.BUILD)); } else if (message.getSpec().equals(DMT.ProbeIdentifier)) { listener.onIdentifier(message.getLong(DMT.PROBE_IDENTIFIER), message.getByte(DMT.UPTIME_PERCENT)); } else if (message.getSpec().equals(DMT.ProbeLinkLengths)) { listener.onLinkLengths(message.getFloatArray(DMT.LINK_LENGTHS)); } else if (message.getSpec().equals(DMT.ProbeLocation)) { listener.onLocation(message.getFloat(DMT.LOCATION)); } else if (message.getSpec().equals(DMT.ProbeStoreSize)) { listener.onStoreSize(message.getFloat(DMT.STORE_SIZE)); } else if (message.getSpec().equals(DMT.ProbeUptime)) { listener.onUptime(message.getFloat(DMT.UPTIME_PERCENT)); } else if (message.getSpec().equals(DMT.ProbeRejectStats)) { listener.onRejectStats(message.getShortBufferBytes(DMT.REJECT_STATS)); } else if (message.getSpec().equals(DMT.ProbeOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsage)) { listener.onOverallBulkOutputCapacity(message.getByte(DMT.OUTPUT_BANDWIDTH_CLASS), message.getFloat(DMT.CAPACITY_USAGE)); } else if (message.getSpec().equals(DMT.ProbeError)) { final byte rawError = message.getByte(DMT.TYPE); if (Error.isValid(rawError)) { listener.onError(Error.valueOf(rawError), null, false); } else { //Not recognized locally. listener.onError(Error.UNKNOWN, rawError, false); } } else if (message.getSpec().equals(DMT.ProbeRefused)) { listener.onRefused(); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Missing handling for " + message.getSpec().getName()); } } @Override public void onRestarted(PeerContext context) {} @Override public void onTimeout() { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(Probe.class, "Timed out."); listener.onError(Error.TIMEOUT, null, true); } @Override public boolean shouldTimeout() { return false; } } /** * Listener which relays responses to the node specified during construction. Used for received probe requests. * This leads to reconstructing the messages, but removes potentially harmful sub-messages and also removes the * need for duplicate message sending code elsewhere, If the result includes a trace this would be the place * to add local results to it. */ private class ResultRelay implements Listener { private final PeerNode source; private final Long uid; /** * @param source peer from which the request was received and to which send the response. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if source is null. */ public ResultRelay(PeerNode source, Long uid) { this.source = source; this.uid = uid; } private void send(Message message) { if (!source.isConnected()) { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(Probe.class, SOURCE_DISCONNECT); return; } if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(Probe.class, "Relaying " + message.getSpec().getName() + " back" + " to " + source.userToString()); try { source.sendAsync(message, null, Probe.this); } catch (NotConnectedException e) { if (logDEBUG) Logger.debug(Probe.class, SOURCE_DISCONNECT, e); } } @Override public void onError(Error error, Byte code, boolean local) { send(DMT.createProbeError(uid, error)); } @Override public void onRefused() { send(DMT.createProbeRefused(uid)); } @Override public void onOutputBandwidth(float outputBandwidth) { send(DMT.createProbeBandwidth(uid, outputBandwidth)); } @Override public void onBuild(int build) { send(DMT.createProbeBuild(uid, build)); } @Override public void onIdentifier(long identifier, byte uptimePercentage) { send(DMT.createProbeIdentifier(uid, identifier, uptimePercentage)); } @Override public void onLinkLengths(float[] linkLengths) { send(DMT.createProbeLinkLengths(uid, linkLengths)); } @Override public void onLocation(float location) { send(DMT.createProbeLocation(uid, location)); } @Override public void onStoreSize(float storeSize) { send(DMT.createProbeStoreSize(uid, storeSize)); } @Override public void onUptime(float uptimePercentage) { send(DMT.createProbeUptime(uid, uptimePercentage)); } @Override public void onRejectStats(byte[] stats) { if(stats.length < 4) { Logger.warning(this, "Unknown length for stats: "+stats.length); onError(Error.UNKNOWN, Error.UNKNOWN.code, true); } else { if(stats.length > 4) stats = Arrays.copyOf(stats, 4); send(DMT.createProbeRejectStats(uid, stats)); } } @Override public void onOverallBulkOutputCapacity( byte bandwidthClassForCapacityUsage, float capacityUsage) { send(DMT.createProbeOverallBulkOutputCapacityUsage(uid, bandwidthClassForCapacityUsage, capacityUsage)); // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } }