package; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import; import freenet.node.SemiOrderedShutdownHook; import freenet.node.Version; import; /** * Converted the old StandardLogger to Ian's loggerhook interface. * * @author oskar */ public class FileLoggerHook extends LoggerHook implements Closeable { /** Verbosity types */ public static final int DATE = 1, CLASS = 2, HASHCODE = 3, THREAD = 4, PRIORITY = 5, MESSAGE = 6, UNAME = 7; private volatile boolean closed = false; private boolean closedFinished = false; protected int INTERVAL = Calendar.MINUTE; protected int INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER = 5; private static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8"; private static volatile boolean logMINOR; static { Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){ @Override public void shouldUpdate(){ logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this); } }); } /** Name of the local host (called uname in Unix-like operating systems). */ private static String uname; static { uname = "unknown"; } static synchronized void getUName() { if(!uname.equals("unknown")) return; System.out.println("Getting uname for logging"); try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); if (addr != null) { uname = new StringTokenizer(addr.getHostName(), ".").nextToken(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Ignored. } } private DateFormat df; private int[] fmt; private String[] str; /** Stream to write data to (compressed if rotate is on) */ protected OutputStream logStream; /** Other stream to write data to (may be null) */ protected OutputStream altLogStream; protected final boolean logOverwrite; /* Base filename for rotating logs */ protected String baseFilename = null; protected File latestFile; protected File previousFile; /* Whether to redirect stdout */ protected boolean redirectStdOut = false; /* Whether to redirect stderr */ protected boolean redirectStdErr = false; protected final int MAX_LIST_SIZE; protected long MAX_LIST_BYTES = 10 * (1 << 20); protected long LIST_WRITE_THRESHOLD; /** * Something weird happens when the disk gets full, also we don't want to * block So run the actual write on another thread * * Unfortunately, we can't use ConcurrentBlockingQueue because we need to dump stuff when the queue gets * too big. * * FIXME PERFORMANCE: Using an ArrayBlockingQueue avoids some unnecessary memory allocations, but it * means we have to take two locks. * Seriously consider reverting 88268b99856919df0d42c2787d9ea3674a9f6f0d..e359b4005ef728a159fdee988c483de8ce8f3f6b * to go back to one lock and a LinkedList. */ protected final ArrayBlockingQueue<byte[]> list; protected long listBytes = 0; long maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage; protected final Deque<OldLogFile> logFiles = new ArrayDeque<OldLogFile>(); private long oldLogFilesDiskSpaceUsage = 0; private static class OldLogFile { public OldLogFile(File currentFilename, long startTime, long endTime, long length) { this.filename = currentFilename; this.start = startTime; this.end = endTime; this.size = length; } final File filename; final long start; // inclusive final long end; // exclusive final long size; } public void setMaxListBytes(long len) { synchronized(list) { MAX_LIST_BYTES = len; LIST_WRITE_THRESHOLD = MAX_LIST_BYTES / 4; } } public void setInterval(String intervalName) throws IntervalParseException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(intervalName.length()); for(int i=0;i<intervalName.length();i++) { char c = intervalName.charAt(i); if(!Character.isDigit(c)) break; sb.append(c); } if(sb.length() > 0) { String prefix = sb.toString(); intervalName = intervalName.substring(prefix.length()); INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER = Integer.parseInt(prefix); } else { INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER = 1; } if (intervalName.endsWith("S")) { intervalName = intervalName.substring(0, intervalName.length()-1); } if (intervalName.equalsIgnoreCase("MINUTE")) INTERVAL = Calendar.MINUTE; else if (intervalName.equalsIgnoreCase("HOUR")) INTERVAL = Calendar.HOUR; else if (intervalName.equalsIgnoreCase("DAY")) INTERVAL = Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH; else if (intervalName.equalsIgnoreCase("WEEK")) INTERVAL = Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR; else if (intervalName.equalsIgnoreCase("MONTH")) INTERVAL = Calendar.MONTH; else if (intervalName.equalsIgnoreCase("YEAR")) INTERVAL = Calendar.YEAR; else throw new IntervalParseException("invalid interval " + intervalName); System.out.println("Set interval to "+INTERVAL+" and multiplier to "+INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER); } public static class IntervalParseException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 69847854744673572L; public IntervalParseException(String string) { super(string); } } /** * The extra parameter int digit is to be used for creating a logfile name * when a log exists already with the same date. * @param c * @param digit * log file name suffix. ignored if this is {@code < 0} * @param compressed * @return */ protected String getHourLogName(Calendar c, int digit, boolean compressed){ StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(50); buf.append(baseFilename).append('-'); buf.append(Version.buildNumber()); buf.append('-'); buf.append(c.get(Calendar.YEAR)).append('-'); pad2digits(buf, c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); buf.append('-'); pad2digits(buf, c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); buf.append('-'); pad2digits(buf, c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); if (INTERVAL == Calendar.MINUTE) { buf.append('-'); pad2digits(buf, c.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); } if (digit > 0) { buf.append("-"); buf.append(digit); } buf.append(".log"); if(compressed) buf.append(".gz"); return buf.toString(); } private StringBuilder pad2digits(StringBuilder buf, int x) { String s = Integer.toString(x); if (s.length() == 1) { buf.append('0'); } buf.append(s); return buf; } // Unless we are writing flat out, everything will hit disk within this period. private long flushTime = 1000; // Default is 1 second. Will be set by setMaxBacklogNotBusy(). class WriterThread extends Thread { WriterThread() { super("Log File Writer Thread"); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") public void run() { File currentFilename = null; byte[] o = null; long thisTime; long lastTime = -1; long startTime; long nextHour = -1; GregorianCalendar gc = null; if (baseFilename != null) { latestFile = new File(baseFilename+"-latest.log"); previousFile = new File(baseFilename+"-previous.log"); gc = new GregorianCalendar(); switch (INTERVAL) { case Calendar.YEAR : gc.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0); case Calendar.MONTH : gc.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 0); case Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR : if (INTERVAL == Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR) gc.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 0); case Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH : gc.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); case Calendar.HOUR : gc.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); case Calendar.MINUTE : gc.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); gc.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); } if(INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER > 1) { int x = gc.get(INTERVAL); gc.set(INTERVAL, (x / INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER) * INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER); } findOldLogFiles((GregorianCalendar)gc.clone()); currentFilename = new File(getHourLogName(gc, -1, true)); synchronized(logFiles) { if((!logFiles.isEmpty()) && logFiles.getLast().filename.equals(currentFilename)) { logFiles.removeLast(); } } logStream = openNewLogFile(currentFilename, true); if(latestFile != null) { altLogStream = openNewLogFile(latestFile, false); } System.err.println("Created log files"); startTime = gc.getTimeInMillis(); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Start time: "+gc+" -> "+startTime); lastTime = startTime; gc.add(INTERVAL, INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER); nextHour = gc.getTimeInMillis(); } long timeWaitingForSync = -1; long flush; synchronized(this) { flush = flushTime; } while (true) { try { thisTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (baseFilename != null) { if ((thisTime > nextHour) || switchedBaseFilename) { currentFilename = rotateLog(currentFilename, lastTime, nextHour, gc); gc.add(INTERVAL, INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER); lastTime = nextHour; nextHour = gc.getTimeInMillis(); if(switchedBaseFilename) { synchronized(FileLoggerHook.class) { switchedBaseFilename = false; } } } } boolean died = false; boolean timeoutFlush = false; synchronized (list) { flush = flushTime; long maxWait; if(timeWaitingForSync == -1) maxWait = Long.MAX_VALUE; else maxWait = timeWaitingForSync + flush; o = list.poll(); while(o == null) { if (closed) { died = true; break; } try { if(thisTime < maxWait) { // Wait no more than 500ms since the CloserThread might be waiting for closedFinished. list.wait(Math.min(500L, maxWait - thisTime)); thisTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(listBytes < LIST_WRITE_THRESHOLD) { // Don't write at all until the lower bytes threshold is exceeded, or the time threshold is. assert((listBytes == 0) == (list.peek() == null)); if(listBytes != 0 && maxWait == Long.MAX_VALUE) maxWait = thisTime + flush; if(closed) // If closing, write stuff ASAP. o = list.poll(); else if(maxWait != Long.MAX_VALUE) { continue; } } else { // Do NOT use list.poll(timeout) because it uses a separate lock. o = list.poll(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignored. } if(o == null) { if(timeWaitingForSync == -1) { timeWaitingForSync = thisTime; maxWait = thisTime + flush; } if(thisTime >= maxWait) { timeoutFlush = true; timeWaitingForSync = -1; // We have stuff to write, we are no longer waiting. break; } } else break; } if(o != null) { listBytes -= o.length + LINE_OVERHEAD; } } if(timeoutFlush || died) { // Flush to disk myWrite(logStream, null); if(altLogStream != null) myWrite(altLogStream, null); } if(died) { try { logStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Failed to close log stream: "+e); } if(altLogStream != null) { try { altLogStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Failed to close compressed log stream: "+e); } } synchronized(list) { closedFinished = true; list.notifyAll(); } return; } if(o == null) continue; myWrite(logStream, o); if(altLogStream != null) myWrite(altLogStream, o); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { System.err.println(e.getClass()); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); // FIXME //freenet.node.Main.dumpInterestingObjects(); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println("FileLoggerHook log writer caught " + t); t.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } private File rotateLog(File currentFilename, long lastTime, long nextHour, GregorianCalendar gc) { // Switch logs try { logStream.flush(); if(altLogStream != null) altLogStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println( "Flushing on change caught " + e); } try { logStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println( "Closing on change caught " + e); } long length = currentFilename.length(); OldLogFile olf = new OldLogFile(currentFilename, lastTime, nextHour, length); synchronized(logFiles) { logFiles.addLast(olf); } oldLogFilesDiskSpaceUsage += length; trimOldLogFiles(); // Rotate primary log stream currentFilename = new File(getHourLogName(gc, -1, true)); logStream = openNewLogFile(currentFilename, true); if(latestFile != null) { try { altLogStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println( "Closing alt on change caught " + e); } if(previousFile != null && latestFile.exists()) FileUtil.renameTo(latestFile, previousFile); latestFile.delete(); altLogStream = openNewLogFile(latestFile, false); } return currentFilename; } // Check every minute static final int maxSleepTime = 60 * 1000; /** * @param b * the bytes to write, null to flush */ protected void myWrite(OutputStream os, byte[] b) { long sleepTime = 1000; while (true) { boolean thrown = false; try { if (b != null) os.write(b); else os.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println( "Exception writing to log: " + e + ", sleeping " + sleepTime); thrown = true; } if (thrown) { try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } sleepTime += sleepTime; if (sleepTime > maxSleepTime) sleepTime = maxSleepTime; } else return; } } protected OutputStream openNewLogFile(File filename, boolean compress) { while (true) { long sleepTime = 1000; try { OutputStream o = new FileOutputStream(filename, !logOverwrite); if(compress) { // buffer -> gzip -> buffer -> file o = new BufferedOutputStream(o, 512*1024); // to file o = new GZIPOutputStream(o); // gzip block size is 32kB o = new BufferedOutputStream(o, 65536); // to gzipper } else { // buffer -> file o = new BufferedOutputStream(o, 512*1024); } o.write(BOM); return o; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println( "Could not create FOS " + filename + ": " + e); System.err.println( "Sleeping " + sleepTime / 1000 + " seconds"); try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } sleepTime += sleepTime; } } } } private static final byte[] BOM; static { try { BOM = "\uFEFF".getBytes(ENCODING); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new Error(e); } } protected int runningCompressors = 0; protected Object runningCompressorsSync = new Object(); private Date myDate = new Date(); /** * Create a Logger to append to the given file. If the file does not exist * it will be created. * * @param filename * the name of the file to log to. * @param fmt * log message format string * @param dfmt * date format string * @param threshold * Lowest logged priority * @param assumeWorking * If false, check whether stderr and stdout are writable and if * not, redirect them to the log file * @exception IOException * if the file couldn't be opened for append. * @throws IntervalParseException */ public FileLoggerHook( String filename, String fmt, String dfmt, String logRotateInterval, LogLevel threshold, boolean assumeWorking, boolean logOverwrite, long maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage, int maxListSize) throws IOException, IntervalParseException { this( false, filename, fmt, dfmt, logRotateInterval, threshold, assumeWorking, logOverwrite, maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage, maxListSize); } private final Object trimOldLogFilesLock = new Object(); public void trimOldLogFiles() { synchronized(trimOldLogFilesLock) { while(oldLogFilesDiskSpaceUsage > maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage) { OldLogFile olf; // TODO: creates a double lock situation, but only here. I think this is okay because the inner lock is only used for trivial things. synchronized(logFiles) { if(logFiles.isEmpty()) { System.err.println("ERROR: INCONSISTENT LOGGER TOTALS: Log file list is empty but still used "+oldLogFilesDiskSpaceUsage+" bytes!"); } olf = logFiles.removeFirst(); } olf.filename.delete(); oldLogFilesDiskSpaceUsage -= olf.size; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Deleting "+olf.filename+" - saving "+olf.size+ " bytes, disk usage now: "+oldLogFilesDiskSpaceUsage+" of "+maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage); } } } /** Initialize oldLogFiles */ public void findOldLogFiles(GregorianCalendar gc) { gc = (GregorianCalendar) gc.clone(); File currentFilename = new File(getHourLogName(gc, -1, true)); System.out.println("Finding old log files. New log file is "+currentFilename); File numericSameDateFilename; int slashIndex = baseFilename.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar); File dir; String prefix; if(slashIndex == -1) { dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); prefix = baseFilename.toLowerCase(); } else { dir = new File(baseFilename.substring(0, slashIndex)); prefix = baseFilename.substring(slashIndex+1).toLowerCase(); } File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if(files == null) return; java.util.Arrays.sort(files); long lastStartTime = -1; File oldFile = null; if(latestFile.exists()) FileUtil.renameTo(latestFile, previousFile); for(File f: files) { String name = f.getName(); if(name.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) { if(name.equals(previousFile.getName()) || name.equals(latestFile.getName())) { continue; } if(!name.endsWith(".log.gz")) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Does not end in .log.gz: "+name); f.delete(); continue; } else { name = name.substring(0, name.length()-".log.gz".length()); } name = name.substring(prefix.length()); if((name.length() == 0) || (name.charAt(0) != '-')) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Deleting unrecognized: "+name+" ("+f.getPath()+ ')'); f.delete(); continue; } else name = name.substring(1); String[] tokens = name.split("-"); int[] nums = new int[tokens.length]; for(int j=0;j<tokens.length;j++) { try { nums[j] = Integer.parseInt(tokens[j]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.normal(this, "Could not parse: "+tokens[j]+" into number from "+name); // Broken f.delete(); continue; } } if(nums.length > 1) gc.set(Calendar.YEAR, nums[1]); if(nums.length > 2) gc.set(Calendar.MONTH, nums[2]-1); if(nums.length > 3) gc.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, nums[3]); if(nums.length > 4) gc.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, nums[4]); if(nums.length > 5) gc.set(Calendar.MINUTE, nums[5]); gc.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); gc.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); long startTime = gc.getTimeInMillis(); if(oldFile != null) { long l = oldFile.length(); OldLogFile olf = new OldLogFile(oldFile, lastStartTime, startTime, l); synchronized(logFiles) { logFiles.addLast(olf); } synchronized(trimOldLogFilesLock) { oldLogFilesDiskSpaceUsage += l; } } lastStartTime = startTime; oldFile = f; } else { // Nothing to do with us Logger.normal(this, "Unknown file: "+name+" in the log directory"); } } //If a compressed log file already exists for a given date, //add a number to the end of the file that already exists if(currentFilename != null && currentFilename.exists()) { System.out.println("Old log file exists for this time period: "+currentFilename); for(int a = 1;; a++){ numericSameDateFilename = new File(getHourLogName(gc, a, true)); if(numericSameDateFilename == null || !numericSameDateFilename.exists()) { if(numericSameDateFilename != null) { System.out.println("Renaming to: "+numericSameDateFilename); FileUtil.renameTo(currentFilename, numericSameDateFilename); } break; } } } if(oldFile != null) { long l = oldFile.length(); OldLogFile olf = new OldLogFile(oldFile, lastStartTime, System.currentTimeMillis(), l); synchronized(logFiles) { logFiles.addLast(olf); } synchronized(trimOldLogFilesLock) { oldLogFilesDiskSpaceUsage += l; } } trimOldLogFiles(); } public FileLoggerHook( String filename, String fmt, String dfmt, String threshold, String logRotateInterval, boolean assumeWorking, boolean logOverwrite, long maxOldLogFilesDiskUsage, int maxListSize) throws IOException, InvalidThresholdException, IntervalParseException { this(filename, fmt, dfmt, logRotateInterval, LogLevel.valueOf(threshold.toUpperCase()), assumeWorking, logOverwrite, maxOldLogFilesDiskUsage, maxListSize); } private void checkStdStreams() { // Redirect System.err and System.out to the Logger Printstream // if they don't exist (like when running under javaw) System.out.print(" \b"); if (System.out.checkError()) { redirectStdOut = true; } System.err.print(" \b"); if (System.err.checkError()) { redirectStdErr = true; } } public FileLoggerHook( OutputStream os, String fmt, String dfmt, LogLevel threshold) throws IntervalParseException { this(os, fmt, dfmt, threshold, true); logStream = os; } public FileLoggerHook( OutputStream os, String fmt, String dfmt, String threshold) throws InvalidThresholdException, IntervalParseException { this(os, fmt, dfmt, LogLevel.valueOf(threshold.toUpperCase()), true); logStream = os; } /** * Create a Logger to send log output to the given PrintStream. * * @param stream * the PrintStream to send log output to. * @param fmt * log message format string * @param dfmt * date format string * @param threshold * Lowest logged priority * @throws IntervalParseException */ public FileLoggerHook( OutputStream stream, String fmt, String dfmt, LogLevel threshold, boolean overwrite) throws IntervalParseException { this(fmt, dfmt, threshold, "HOUR", overwrite, -1, 10000); logStream = stream; } public void start() { if(redirectStdOut) { try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(new OutputStreamLogger(LogLevel.NORMAL, "Stdout: ", ENCODING), false, ENCODING)); if(redirectStdErr) System.setErr(new PrintStream(new OutputStreamLogger(LogLevel.ERROR, "Stderr: ", ENCODING), false, ENCODING)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new Error(e); } } WriterThread wt = new WriterThread(); wt.setDaemon(true); CloserThread ct = new CloserThread(); SemiOrderedShutdownHook.get().addLateJob(ct); wt.start(); } public FileLoggerHook( boolean rotate, String baseFilename, String fmt, String dfmt, String logRotateInterval, LogLevel threshold, boolean assumeWorking, boolean logOverwrite, long maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage, int maxListSize) throws IOException, IntervalParseException { this(fmt, dfmt, threshold, logRotateInterval, logOverwrite, maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage, maxListSize); //System.err.println("Creating FileLoggerHook with threshold // "+threshold); if (!assumeWorking) checkStdStreams(); if (rotate) { this.baseFilename = baseFilename; } else { logStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(baseFilename, !logOverwrite), 65536); } } public FileLoggerHook( boolean rotate, String baseFilename, String fmt, String dfmt, String threshold, String logRotateInterval, boolean assumeWorking, boolean logOverwrite, long maxOldLogFilesDiskUsage, int maxListSize) throws IOException, InvalidThresholdException, IntervalParseException{ this(rotate,baseFilename,fmt,dfmt,logRotateInterval,LogLevel.valueOf(threshold.toUpperCase()),assumeWorking,logOverwrite,maxOldLogFilesDiskUsage,maxListSize); } private FileLoggerHook(String fmt, String dfmt, LogLevel threshold, String logRotateInterval, boolean overwrite, long maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage, int maxListSize) throws IntervalParseException { super(threshold); this.maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage = maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage; this.logOverwrite = overwrite; setInterval(logRotateInterval); MAX_LIST_SIZE = maxListSize; list = new ArrayBlockingQueue<byte[]>(MAX_LIST_SIZE); setDateFormat(dfmt); setLogFormat(fmt); } private void setLogFormat(String fmt) { if ((fmt == null) || (fmt.length() == 0)) fmt = "d:c:h:t:p:m"; char[] f = fmt.toCharArray(); ArrayList<Integer> fmtVec = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<String> strVec = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean comment = false; for (char fi: f) { int type = numberOf(fi); if(type == UNAME) getUName(); if (!comment && (type != 0)) { if (sb.length() > 0) { strVec.add(sb.toString()); fmtVec.add(0); sb = new StringBuilder(); } fmtVec.add(type); } else if (fi == '\\') { comment = true; } else { comment = false; sb.append(fi); } } if (sb.length() > 0) { strVec.add(sb.toString()); fmtVec.add(0); } this.fmt = new int[fmtVec.size()]; int size = fmtVec.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) this.fmt[i] = fmtVec.get(i); this.str = new String[strVec.size()]; str = strVec.toArray(str); } private void setDateFormat(String dfmt) { if ((dfmt != null) && (dfmt.length() != 0)) { try { df = new SimpleDateFormat(dfmt); } catch (RuntimeException e) { df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); } } else df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); } @Override public void log(Object o, Class<?> c, String msg, Throwable e, LogLevel priority) { if (!instanceShouldLog(priority, c)) return; if (closed) return; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( e == null ? 512 : 1024 ); int sctr = 0; for (int f: fmt) { switch (f) { case 0 : sb.append(str[sctr++]); break; case DATE : long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized (this) { myDate.setTime(now); sb.append(df.format(myDate)); } break; case CLASS : sb.append(c == null ? "<none>" : c.getName()); break; case HASHCODE : sb.append( o == null ? "<none>" : Integer.toHexString(o.hashCode())); break; case THREAD : sb.append(Thread.currentThread().getName()); break; case PRIORITY : sb.append(; break; case MESSAGE : sb.append(msg); break; case UNAME : sb.append(uname); break; } } sb.append('\n'); // Write stacktrace if available for(int j=0;j<20 && e != null;j++) { sb.append(e.toString()); StackTraceElement[] trace = e.getStackTrace(); if(trace == null) sb.append("(null)\n"); else if(trace.length == 0) sb.append("(no stack trace)\n"); else { sb.append('\n'); for(StackTraceElement elt: trace) { sb.append("\tat "); sb.append(elt.toString()); sb.append('\n'); } } Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if(cause != e) e = cause; else break; } try { logString(sb.toString().getBytes(ENCODING)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { throw new Error(e1); } } /** Memory allocation overhead (estimated through experimentation with bsh) */ private static final int LINE_OVERHEAD = 60; public void logString(byte[] b) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { synchronized (list) { int sz = list.size(); if(!list.offer(b)) { byte[] ss = list.poll(); if(ss != null) listBytes -= ss.length + LINE_OVERHEAD; ss = list.poll(); if(ss != null) listBytes -= ss.length + LINE_OVERHEAD; String err = "GRRR: ERROR: Logging too fast, chopped " + 2 + " entries, " + listBytes + " bytes in memory\n"; byte[] buf = err.getBytes(ENCODING); if(list.offer(buf)) listBytes += (buf.length + LINE_OVERHEAD); if(list.offer(b)) listBytes += (b.length + LINE_OVERHEAD); } else listBytes += (b.length + LINE_OVERHEAD); int x = 0; if (listBytes > MAX_LIST_BYTES) { while ((list.size() > (MAX_LIST_SIZE * 0.9F)) || (listBytes > (MAX_LIST_BYTES * 0.9F))) { byte[] ss; ss = list.poll(); listBytes -= (ss.length + LINE_OVERHEAD); x++; } String err = "GRRR: ERROR: Logging too fast, chopped " + x + " entries, " + listBytes + " bytes in memory\n"; byte[] buf = err.getBytes(ENCODING); if(!list.offer(buf)) { byte[] ss = list.poll(); if(ss != null) listBytes -= ss.length + LINE_OVERHEAD; if(list.offer(buf)) listBytes += (buf.length + LINE_OVERHEAD); } else listBytes += (buf.length + LINE_OVERHEAD); } if (sz == 0) list.notifyAll(); } } public long listBytes() { synchronized (list) { return listBytes; } } public static int numberOf(char c) { switch (c) { case 'd' : return DATE; case 'c' : return CLASS; case 'h' : return HASHCODE; case 't' : return THREAD; case 'p' : return PRIORITY; case 'm' : return MESSAGE; case 'u' : return UNAME; default : return 0; } } @Override public void close() { closed = true; } class CloserThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { synchronized(list) { closed = true; long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + SECONDS.toMillis(10); while(!closedFinished) { int wait = (int) (deadline - System.currentTimeMillis()); if(wait <= 0) return; try { list.wait(wait); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ok. } } System.out.println("Completed writing logs to disk."); } } } /** * Print a human- and script- readable list of available log files. * @throws IOException */ public void listAvailableLogs(OutputStreamWriter writer) throws IOException { OldLogFile[] oldLogFiles; synchronized(logFiles) { oldLogFiles = logFiles.toArray(new OldLogFile[logFiles.size()]); } DateFormat tempDF = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.ENGLISH); tempDF.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); for(OldLogFile olf: oldLogFiles) { writer.write(olf.filename.getName()+" : "+tempDF.format(new Date(olf.start))+" to "+tempDF.format(new Date(olf.end))+ " - "+olf.size+" bytes\n"); } } public void sendLogByContainedDate(long time, OutputStream os) throws IOException { OldLogFile toReturn = null; synchronized(logFiles) { for(OldLogFile olf : logFiles) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Checking "+time+" against "+olf.filename+" : start="+olf.start+", end="+olf.end); if((time >= olf.start) && (time < olf.end)) { toReturn = olf; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Found "+olf); break; } } if(toReturn == null) return; // couldn't find it } FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(toReturn.filename); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis); long written = 0; long size = toReturn.size; byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; while(written < size) { int toRead = (int) Math.min(buf.length, (size - written)); try { dis.readFully(buf, 0, toRead); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(this, "Could not read bytes "+written+" to "+(written + toRead)+" from file "+toReturn.filename+" which is supposed to be "+size+" bytes ("+toReturn.filename.length()+ ')'); return; } os.write(buf, 0, toRead); written += toRead; } dis.close(); fis.close(); } /** Set the maximum size of old (gzipped) log files to keep. * Will start to prune old files immediately, but this will likely not be completed * by the time the function returns as it is run off-thread. */ public void setMaxOldLogsSize(long val) { synchronized(trimOldLogFilesLock) { maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage = val; } Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { trimOldLogFiles(); } }; Thread t = new Thread(r, "Shrink logs"); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); } private boolean switchedBaseFilename; public void switchBaseFilename(String filename) { synchronized(this) { this.baseFilename = filename; switchedBaseFilename = true; } } public void waitForSwitch() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized(this) { if(!switchedBaseFilename) return; long startTime = now; long endTime = startTime + 10000; while(((now = System.currentTimeMillis()) < endTime) && !switchedBaseFilename) { try { wait(Math.max(1, endTime-now)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignore } } } } public void deleteAllOldLogFiles() { synchronized(trimOldLogFilesLock) { while(true) { OldLogFile olf; synchronized(logFiles) { if(logFiles.isEmpty()) return; olf = logFiles.removeFirst(); } olf.filename.delete(); oldLogFilesDiskSpaceUsage -= olf.size; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Deleting "+olf.filename+" - saving "+olf.size+ " bytes, disk usage now: "+oldLogFilesDiskSpaceUsage+" of "+maxOldLogfilesDiskUsage); } } } /** * This is used by the lost-lock deadlock detector so MUST NOT TAKE A LOCK ever! */ public boolean hasRedirectedStdOutErrNoLock() { return redirectStdOut || redirectStdErr; } public synchronized void setMaxBacklogNotBusy(long val) { flushTime = val; } }