package freenet.clients.http; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.HOURS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import freenet.client.DefaultMIMETypes; import freenet.client.FetchContext; import freenet.client.FetchException; import freenet.client.FetchException.FetchExceptionMode; import freenet.client.FetchResult; import freenet.client.HighLevelSimpleClient; import freenet.client.async.ClientContext; import freenet.client.filter.ContentFilter; import freenet.client.filter.FoundURICallback; import freenet.client.filter.FilterMIMEType; import freenet.client.filter.PushingTagReplacerCallback; import freenet.client.filter.UnsafeContentTypeException; import freenet.clients.http.ajaxpush.DismissAlertToadlet; import freenet.clients.http.ajaxpush.LogWritebackToadlet; import freenet.clients.http.ajaxpush.PushDataToadlet; import freenet.clients.http.ajaxpush.PushFailoverToadlet; import freenet.clients.http.ajaxpush.PushKeepaliveToadlet; import freenet.clients.http.ajaxpush.PushLeavingToadlet; import freenet.clients.http.ajaxpush.PushNotificationToadlet; import freenet.clients.http.ajaxpush.PushTesterToadlet; import freenet.clients.http.updateableelements.ProgressBarElement; import freenet.clients.http.updateableelements.ProgressInfoElement; import freenet.config.Config; import freenet.config.SubConfig; import freenet.crypt.SHA256; import freenet.keys.FreenetURI; import freenet.keys.USK; import freenet.l10n.NodeL10n; import freenet.node.*; import freenet.node.SecurityLevels.NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL; import freenet.node.SecurityLevels.PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL; import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginInfoWrapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public final class FProxyToadlet extends Toadlet implements RequestClient { private static byte[] random; final NodeClientCore core; final ClientContext context; final FProxyFetchTracker fetchTracker; static final Set<String> prefetchAllowedTypes = new HashSet<String>(); static { // Only valid inlines prefetchAllowedTypes.add("image/png"); prefetchAllowedTypes.add("image/jpeg"); prefetchAllowedTypes.add("image/gif"); } // ?force= links become invalid after 2 hours. private static final long FORCE_GRAIN_INTERVAL = HOURS.toMillis(1); /** Maximum size for transparent pass-through. See config passthroughMaxSizeProgress */ public static long MAX_LENGTH_WITH_PROGRESS = (50*1024*1024 * 11) / 10; // 50MiB plus a bit due to buggy inserts public static long MAX_LENGTH_NO_PROGRESS = (2*1024*1024 * 11) / 10; // 2MiB plus a bit due to buggy inserts static final URI welcome; public static final short PRIORITY = RequestStarter.INTERACTIVE_PRIORITY_CLASS; static { try { welcome = new URI("/welcome/"); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new Error("Broken URI constructor: "+e, e); } } private static volatile boolean logMINOR; static { Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){ @Override public void shouldUpdate(){ logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this); } }); } // FIXME make this configurable (or get rid of prefetch support) static final int MAX_PREFETCH = 50; public FProxyToadlet(final HighLevelSimpleClient client, NodeClientCore core, FProxyFetchTracker tracker) { super(client); client.setMaxLength(MAX_LENGTH_NO_PROGRESS); client.setMaxIntermediateLength(MAX_LENGTH_NO_PROGRESS); this.core = core; this.context = core.clientContext; fetchTracker = tracker; } @Override public boolean allowPOSTWithoutPassword() { return true; } public void handleMethodPOST(URI uri, HTTPRequest req, ToadletContext ctx) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException, RedirectException { String ks = uri.getPath(); if (ks.equals("/")||ks.startsWith("/servlet/")) { try { throw new RedirectException("/welcome/"); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // HUH!?! } } } public static void handleDownload(ToadletContext context, Bucket data, BucketFactory bucketFactory, String mimeType, String requestedMimeType, String forceString, boolean forceDownload, String basePath, FreenetURI key, String extras, String referrer, boolean downloadLink, ToadletContext ctx, NodeClientCore core, boolean dontFreeData, String maybeCharset) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(FProxyToadlet.class, "handleDownload(data.size="+data.size()+", mimeType="+mimeType+", requestedMimeType="+requestedMimeType+", forceDownload="+forceDownload+", basePath="+basePath+", key="+key); String extrasNoMime = extras; // extras will not include MIME type to start with - REDFLAG maybe it should be an array if(requestedMimeType != null) { if(mimeType == null || !requestedMimeType.equals(mimeType)) { if(extras == null) extras = ""; extras = extras + "&type=" + requestedMimeType; } } long size = data.size(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean force = false; if(forceString != null) { if(forceString.equals(getForceValue(key, now)) || forceString.equals(getForceValue(key, now-FORCE_GRAIN_INTERVAL))) force = true; } if((!force) && (!forceDownload)) { //Horrible hack needed for GWT as it relies on document.write() which is not supported in xhtml if(mimeType.compareTo("application/xhtml+xml")==0){ mimeType="text/html"; } if(horribleEvilHack(data) && !(mimeType.startsWith("application/rss+xml"))) { PageNode page = context.getPageMaker().getPageNode(l10n("dangerousRSSTitle"), context); HTMLNode pageNode = page.outer; HTMLNode contentNode = page.content; HTMLNode infobox = contentNode.addChild("div", "class", "infobox infobox-alert"); infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-header", l10n("dangerousRSSSubtitle")); HTMLNode infoboxContent = infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-content"); infoboxContent.addChild("#", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("FProxyToadlet.dangerousRSS", new String[] { "type" }, new String[] { mimeType })); infoboxContent.addChild("p", l10n("options")); HTMLNode optionList = infoboxContent.addChild("ul"); HTMLNode option = optionList.addChild("li"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openPossRSSAsPlainText", new String[] { "link", "bold" }, new HTMLNode[] {"?type=text/plain&force="+getForceValue(key,now)+extrasNoMime), HTMLNode.STRONG }); // FIXME: is this safe? See bug #131 option = optionList.addChild("li"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openPossRSSForceDisk", new String[] { "link", "bold" }, new HTMLNode[] {"?forcedownload"+extras), HTMLNode.STRONG }); boolean mimeRSS = mimeType.startsWith("application/xml+rss") || mimeType.startsWith("text/xml"); /* blergh! */ if(!(mimeRSS || mimeType.startsWith("text/plain"))) { option = optionList.addChild("li"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openRSSForce", new String[] { "link", "bold", "mime" }, new HTMLNode[] {"?force="+getForceValue(key, now)+extras), HTMLNode.STRONG, HTMLNode.text(mimeType) }); } option = optionList.addChild("li"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openRSSAsRSS", new String[] { "link", "bold" }, new HTMLNode[] { + key.toString() + "?type=application/xml+rss&force=" + getForceValue(key, now)+extrasNoMime), HTMLNode.STRONG }); addDownloadOptions(ctx, optionList, key, mimeType, true, false, core); // FIXME Or false, false? Or true, true? We don't have filter for rss/atom anyway, so it will be useless - only more confusion and clicking for user. When we *will* have one, we can just get rid of this warning page. if(referrer != null) { option = optionList.addChild("li"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.backToReferrer", new String[] { "link" }, new HTMLNode[] { }); } option = optionList.addChild("li"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.backToFProxy", new String[] { "link" }, new HTMLNode[] {"/") }); byte[] pageBytes = pageNode.generate().getBytes("UTF-8"); context.sendReplyHeaders(200, "OK", new MultiValueTable<String, String>(), "text/html; charset=utf-8", pageBytes.length); context.writeData(pageBytes); return; } } if (forceDownload) { MultiValueTable<String, String> headers = new MultiValueTable<String, String>(); headers.put("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + key.getPreferredFilename() + '"'); headers.put("Cache-Control", "private"); headers.put("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"); headers.put("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"); // really the above should be enough, but ... // was application/x-msdownload, but some unix browsers offer to open that in Wine as default! // it is important that this type not be understandable, but application/octet-stream doesn't work. // see // Testing on FF3.5.1 shows that application/x-force-download wants to run it in wine, // whereas application/force-download wants to save it. context.sendReplyHeadersFProxy(200, "OK", headers, "application/force-download", size); context.writeData(data); } else { // Send the data, intact MultiValueTable<String, String> hdr = context.getHeaders(); String rangeStr = hdr.get("range"); // was a range request if (rangeStr != null) { long range[]; try { range = parseRange(rangeStr); } catch (HTTPRangeException e) { ctx.sendReplyHeaders(416, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable", null, null, 0); return; } if (range[1] == -1 || range[1] >= size) { range[1] = size - 1; } InputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; Bucket tmpRange = bucketFactory.makeBucket(range[1] - range[0]); try { is = data.getInputStream(); os = tmpRange.getOutputStream(); if (range[0] > 0) FileUtil.skipFully(is, range[0]); FileUtil.copy(is, os, range[1] - range[0] + 1); // FIXME catch IOException here and tell the user there is a problem instead of just closing the connection. // Currently there is no way to tell the difference between an IOE caused by the connection to the client and an internal one, we just close the connection in both cases. os.close(); os = null; // If we can't write, we need to throw, so we don't send too little data. } finally { Closer.close(is); Closer.close(os); } MultiValueTable<String, String> retHdr = new MultiValueTable<String, String>(); retHdr.put("Content-Range", "bytes " + range[0] + "-" + range[1] + "/" + size); retHdr.put("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"); context.sendReplyHeadersFProxy(206, "Partial content", retHdr, mimeType, tmpRange.size()); context.writeData(tmpRange); } else { MultiValueTable<String, String> retHdr = new MultiValueTable<String, String>(); retHdr.put("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"); context.sendReplyHeadersFProxy(200, "OK", retHdr, mimeType, size); context.writeData(data); } } } static final HTMLNode DOWNLOADS_LINK = QueueToadlet.DOWNLOADS_LINK; private static void addDownloadOptions(ToadletContext ctx, HTMLNode optionList, FreenetURI key, String mimeType, boolean disableFiltration, boolean dontShowFilter, NodeClientCore core) { PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL threatLevel = core.node.securityLevels.getPhysicalThreatLevel(); NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL netLevel = core.node.securityLevels.getNetworkThreatLevel(); boolean filterChecked = !(((threatLevel == PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.LOW && netLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.LOW)) || disableFiltration); if((filterChecked) && mimeType != null && !mimeType.equals("application/octet-stream") && !mimeType.equals("")) { FilterMIMEType type = ContentFilter.getMIMEType(mimeType); if((type == null || (!(type.safeToRead || type.readFilter != null))) && !(threatLevel == PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.HIGH || threatLevel == PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM || netLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.HIGH || netLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM)) filterChecked = false; } //Display FProxy option to download to disk if the user isn't at maximum physical threat level //and hasn't disabled downloading to disk. if (threatLevel != PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM && !core.isDownloadDisabled()) { HTMLNode option = optionList.addChild("li"); HTMLNode optionForm = ctx.addFormChild(option, "/downloads/", "tooBigQueueForm"); optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "key", key.toString() }); optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "return-type", "disk" }); optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "persistence", "forever" }); if (mimeType != null && !mimeType.equals("")) { optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "type", mimeType }); } optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", "download", l10n("downloadInBackgroundToDiskButton") }); String downloadLocation = core.getDownloadsDir().getAbsolutePath(); //If the download directory isn't allowed, yet downloading is, at least one directory must //have been explicitly defined, so take the first one. if (!core.allowDownloadTo(core.getDownloadsDir())) { downloadLocation = core.getAllowedDownloadDirs()[0].getAbsolutePath(); } NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(optionForm, "FProxyToadlet.downloadInBackgroundToDisk", new String[] { "dir", "page" }, new HTMLNode[] { new HTMLNode("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value", "maxlength", "size" }, new String[] { "text", "path", downloadLocation, Integer.toString(QueueToadlet.MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH), String.valueOf(downloadLocation.length())}), DOWNLOADS_LINK }); optionForm.addChild("#", " "); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(optionForm, "FProxyToadlet.downloadToDiskWarningNotFiltered", new String[] {"bold" }, new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.STRONG }); optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", "select-location", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("QueueToadlet.browseToChange")+"..."} ); if(!dontShowFilter) { HTMLNode filterControl = optionForm.addChild("div", l10n("filterData")); HTMLNode f = filterControl.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "checkbox", "filterData", "filterData"}); if(filterChecked) f.addAttribute("checked", "checked"); filterControl.addChild("div", l10n("filterDataMessage")); } if (threatLevel == PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.HIGH) { optionForm.addChild("br"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(optionForm, "FProxyToadlet.downloadToDiskSecurityWarning", new String[] {"bold" }, new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.STRONG }); //optionForm.addChild("#", l10n("downloadToDiskSecurityWarning") + " "); } } //Display fetch option if not at low physical security or the user has disabled downloading to disk. if (threatLevel != PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.LOW || core.isDownloadDisabled()) { HTMLNode option = optionList.addChild("li"); HTMLNode optionForm = ctx.addFormChild(option, "/downloads/", "tooBigQueueForm"); optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "key", key.toString() }); optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "return-type", "direct" }); optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "persistence", "forever" }); if (mimeType != null && !mimeType.equals("")) { optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "type", mimeType }); } optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", "download", l10n("downloadInBackgroundToTempSpaceButton") }); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(optionForm, "FProxyToadlet.downloadInBackgroundToTempSpace", new String[] { "page", "bold" }, new HTMLNode[] { DOWNLOADS_LINK, HTMLNode.STRONG }); if(!dontShowFilter) { HTMLNode filterControl = optionForm.addChild("div", l10n("filterData")); HTMLNode f = filterControl.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "checkbox", "filterData", "filterData"}); if(filterChecked) f.addAttribute("checked", "checked"); filterControl.addChild("div", l10n("filterDataMessage")); } } } public static String l10n(String msg) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("FProxyToadlet."+msg); } /** Does the first 512 bytes of the data contain anything that Firefox might regard as RSS? * This is a horrible evil hack; we shouldn't be doing blacklisting, we should be doing whitelisting. * REDFLAG Expect future security issues! * @throws IOException */ private static boolean horribleEvilHack(Bucket data) throws IOException { DataInputStream is = null; try { int sz = (int) Math.min(data.size(), 512); if(sz == 0) return false; is = new DataInputStream(data.getInputStream()); byte[] buf = new byte[sz]; // FIXME Fortunately firefox doesn't detect RSS in UTF16 etc ... yet is.readFully(buf); /** * Look for any of the following strings: * <rss * <feed * <rdf:RDF * * If they start at the beginning of the file, or are preceded by one or more <! or <? tags, * then firefox will read it as RSS. In which case we must force it to be downloaded to disk. */ if(checkForString(buf, "<rss")) return true; if(checkForString(buf, "<feed")) return true; if(checkForString(buf, "<rdf:RDF")) return true; } finally { Closer.close(is); } return false; } /** Scan for a US-ASCII (byte = char) string within a given buffer of possibly binary data */ private static boolean checkForString(byte[] buf, String find) { int offset = 0; int bufProgress = 0; while(offset < buf.length) { byte b = buf[offset]; if(b == find.charAt(bufProgress)) { bufProgress++; if(bufProgress == find.length()) return true; offset++; } else { if(bufProgress == 0) offset++; // Try the next byte. else bufProgress = 0; // Reset to the first char of the keyword. } } return false; } public void handleMethodGET(URI uri, HTTPRequest httprequest, ToadletContext ctx) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException, RedirectException { innerHandleMethodGET(uri, httprequest, ctx, 0); } static final int MAX_RECURSION = 5; private void innerHandleMethodGET(URI uri, HTTPRequest httprequest, ToadletContext ctx, int recursion) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException, RedirectException { String ks = uri.getPath(); MultiValueTable<String,String> headers = ctx.getHeaders(); final String ua = headers.get("user-agent"); final String accept = headers.get("accept"); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "UA = "+ua+" accept = "+accept); final boolean canSendProgress = isBrowser(ua) && !ctx.disableProgressPage() && (accept == null || accept.indexOf("text/html") > -1) && !httprequest.isParameterSet("forcedownload"); long defaultMaxSize = canSendProgress ? MAX_LENGTH_WITH_PROGRESS : MAX_LENGTH_NO_PROGRESS; // max-retries // Less than -1 = use default. // 0 = one try only, don't retry // 1 = two tries // 2 = three tries // 3 or more = GO INTO COOLDOWN EVERY 3 TRIES! TAKES *MUCH* LONGER!!! STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED!!! int maxRetries = httprequest.getIntParam("max-retries", -2); long maxSize; long maxSizeDownload; boolean restricted = (container.publicGatewayMode() && !ctx.isAllowedFullAccess()); boolean overrideSize = false; maxSize = defaultMaxSize; maxSizeDownload = MAX_LENGTH_WITH_PROGRESS; if(!restricted) { if(httprequest.isParameterSet("max-size")) { maxSize = maxSizeDownload = httprequest.getLongParam("max-size", defaultMaxSize); overrideSize = true; } } if (ks.equals("/")) { if (httprequest.isParameterSet("key")) { String k = httprequest.getParam("key"); FreenetURI newURI; try { newURI = new FreenetURI(k); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Logger.normal(this, "Invalid key: "+e+" for "+k, e); sendErrorPage(ctx, 404, l10n("notFoundTitle"), NodeL10n.getBase().getString("FProxyToadlet.invalidKeyWithReason", new String[] { "reason" }, new String[] { e.toString() })); return; } if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Redirecting to FreenetURI: "+newURI); String requestedMimeType = httprequest.getParam("type"); String location = getLink(newURI, requestedMimeType, maxSize, httprequest.getParam("force", null), httprequest.isParameterSet("forcedownload"), maxRetries, overrideSize); writeTemporaryRedirect(ctx, null, location); return; } /* * Redirect to the welcome page because no key was specified. */ try { throw new RedirectException(new URI(null, null, null, -1, welcome.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment())); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { /* * This shouldn't happen because all the inputs to the URI constructor come from getters * of existing URIs. */ Logger.error(FProxyToadlet.class, "Unexpected syntax error in URI: " + e); writeTemporaryRedirect(ctx, "Internal error. Please check logs and report.", WelcomeToadlet.PATH); return; } }else if(ks.equals("/favicon.ico")){ try { throw new RedirectException(StaticToadlet.ROOT_URL+"favicon.ico"); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new Error(e); } } else if(ks.startsWith("/feed/") || ks.equals("/feed")) { //TODO Better way to find the host. Find if https is used? String host = ctx.getHeaders().get("host"); String atom = ctx.getAlertManager().getAtom("http://" + host); byte[] buf = atom.getBytes("UTF-8"); ctx.sendReplyHeadersFProxy(200, "OK", null, "application/atom+xml", buf.length); ctx.writeData(buf, 0, buf.length); return; }else if(ks.equals("/robots.txt") && ctx.doRobots()){ this.writeTextReply(ctx, 200, "Ok", "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /"); return; }else if(ks.startsWith("/darknet/") || ks.equals("/darknet")) { //TODO (pre-build 1045 url format) remove when obsolete writePermanentRedirect(ctx, "obsoleted", "/friends/"); return; }else if(ks.startsWith("/opennet/") || ks.equals("/opennet")) { //TODO (pre-build 1045 url format) remove when obsolete writePermanentRedirect(ctx, "obsoleted", "/strangers/"); return; } else if(ks.startsWith("/queue/")) { writePermanentRedirect(ctx, "obsoleted", "/downloads/"); return; } else if(ks.startsWith("/config/")) { writePermanentRedirect(ctx, "obsoleted", "/config/node"); return; } if(ks.startsWith("/")) ks = ks.substring(1); //first check of httprange before get // only valid number format is checked here String rangeStr = ctx.getHeaders().get("range"); if (rangeStr != null) { try { parseRange(rangeStr); } catch (HTTPRangeException e) { Logger.normal(this, "Invalid Range Header: "+rangeStr, e); ctx.sendReplyHeaders(416, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable", null, null, 0); return; } } FreenetURI key; try { key = new FreenetURI(ks); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { PageNode page = ctx.getPageMaker().getPageNode(l10n("invalidKeyTitle"), ctx); HTMLNode pageNode = page.outer; HTMLNode contentNode = page.content; HTMLNode errorInfobox = contentNode.addChild("div", "class", "infobox infobox-error"); errorInfobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-header", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("FProxyToadlet.invalidKeyWithReason", new String[] { "reason" }, new String[] { e.toString() })); HTMLNode errorContent = errorInfobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-content"); errorContent.addChild("#", l10n("expectedKeyButGot")); errorContent.addChild("code", ks); errorContent.addChild("br"); errorContent.addChild(ctx.getPageMaker().createBackLink(ctx, l10n("goBack"))); errorContent.addChild("br"); addHomepageLink(errorContent); this.writeHTMLReply(ctx, 400, l10n("invalidKeyTitle"), pageNode.generate()); return; } FetchContext fctx = getFetchContext(maxSize); // max-size=-1 => use default maxSize = fctx.maxOutputLength; //We should run the ContentFilter by default String forceString = httprequest.getParam("force"); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean force = false; if(forceString != null) { if(forceString.equals(getForceValue(key, now)) || forceString.equals(getForceValue(key, now-FORCE_GRAIN_INTERVAL))) force = true; } if(restricted) maxRetries = -2; if(maxRetries >= -1) { fctx.maxNonSplitfileRetries = maxRetries; fctx.maxSplitfileBlockRetries = maxRetries; } if (!force && !httprequest.isParameterSet("forcedownload")) fctx.filterData = true; else if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Content filter disabled via request parameter"); //Load the fetch context with the callbacks needed for web-pushing, if enabled if(container.enableInlinePrefetch()) { fctx.prefetchHook = new FoundURICallback() { List<FreenetURI> uris = new ArrayList<FreenetURI>(); @Override public void foundURI(FreenetURI uri) { // Ignore } @Override public void foundURI(FreenetURI uri, boolean inline) { if(!inline) return; if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetching "+uri); synchronized(this) { if(uris.size() < MAX_PREFETCH) // FIXME Maybe we should do this randomly, but since it's a DoS protection (in an obscure feature), if so we should do it in constant space! uris.add(uri); } } @Override public void onText(String text, String type, URI baseURI) { // Ignore } @Override public void onFinishedPage() { core.node.executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for(FreenetURI uri : uris) { client.prefetch(uri, SECONDS.toMillis(60), 512*1024, prefetchAllowedTypes); } } }); } }; } if(container.isFProxyWebPushingEnabled()) fctx.tagReplacer = new PushingTagReplacerCallback(core.getFProxy().fetchTracker, defaultMaxSize, ctx); String requestedMimeType = httprequest.getParam("type", null); fctx.overrideMIME = requestedMimeType; String override = (requestedMimeType == null) ? "" : "?type="+URLEncoder.encode(requestedMimeType,true); String maybeCharset = httprequest.isParameterSet("maybecharset") ? httprequest.getParam("maybecharset", null) : null; fctx.charset = maybeCharset; if(override.equals("") && maybeCharset != null) override = "?maybecharset="+URLEncoder.encode(maybeCharset, true); // No point passing ?force= across a redirect, since the key will change. // However, there is every point in passing ?forcedownload. if(httprequest.isParameterSet("forcedownload")) { if(override.length() == 0) override = "?forcedownload"; else override = override+"&forcedownload"; } Bucket data = null; String mimeType = null; String referer = sanitizeReferer(ctx); FetchException fe = null; FProxyFetchResult fr = null; FProxyFetchWaiter fetch = null; try { fetch = fetchTracker.makeFetcher(key, maxSize, fctx, ctx.getReFilterPolicy()); } catch (FetchException e) { fe = e; } if(fetch != null) while(true) { fr = fetch.getResult(!canSendProgress); if(fr.hasData()) { if(fr.getFetchCount() > 1 && !fr.hasWaited() && fr.getFetchCount() > 1 && key.isUSK() && context.uskManager.lookupKnownGood(USK.create(key)) > key.getSuggestedEdition()) { Logger.normal(this, "Loading later edition..."); fetch.progress.requestImmediateCancel(); fr = null; fetch = null; try { fetch = fetchTracker.makeFetcher(key, maxSize, fctx, ctx.getReFilterPolicy()); } catch (FetchException e) { fe = e; } if(fetch == null) break; continue; } if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Found data"); data = new NoFreeBucket(; mimeType = fr.mimeType; fetch.close(); // Not waiting any more, but still locked the results until sent break; } else if(fr.failed != null) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Request failed"); fe = fr.failed; fetch.close(); // Not waiting any more, but still locked the results until sent break; } else if(canSendProgress) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Still in progress"); // Still in progress boolean isJsEnabled=ctx.getContainer().isFProxyJavascriptEnabled() && ua != null && !ua.contains("AppleWebKit/"); boolean isWebPushingEnabled = false; PageNode page = ctx.getPageMaker().getPageNode(l10n("fetchingPageTitle"), ctx); HTMLNode pageNode = page.outer; String location = getLink(key, requestedMimeType, maxSize, httprequest.getParam("force", null), httprequest.isParameterSet("forcedownload"), maxRetries, overrideSize); HTMLNode headNode=page.headNode; if(isJsEnabled){ //If the user has enabled javascript, we add a <noscript> http refresh(if he has disabled it in the browser) headNode.addChild("noscript").addChild("meta", "http-equiv", "Refresh").addAttribute("content", "2;URL=" + location); // If pushing is disabled, but js is enabled, then we add the original progresspage.js if ((isWebPushingEnabled = ctx.getContainer().isFProxyWebPushingEnabled()) == false) { HTMLNode scriptNode = headNode.addChild("script", "//abc"); scriptNode.addAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); scriptNode.addAttribute("src", "/static/js/progresspage.js"); } }else{ //If he disabled it, we just put the http refresh meta, without the noscript headNode.addChild("meta", "http-equiv", "Refresh").addAttribute("content", "2;URL=" + location); } HTMLNode contentNode = page.content; HTMLNode infobox = contentNode.addChild("div", "class", "infobox infobox-information"); infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-header", l10n("fetchingPageBox")); HTMLNode infoboxContent = infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-content"); infoboxContent.addAttribute("id", "infoContent"); infoboxContent.addChild(new ProgressInfoElement(fetchTracker, key, fctx, maxSize, ctx.isAdvancedModeEnabled(), ctx, isWebPushingEnabled)); HTMLNode table = infoboxContent.addChild("table", "border", "0"); HTMLNode progressCell = table.addChild("tr").addChild("td", "class", "request-progress"); if(fr.totalBlocks <= 0) progressCell.addChild("#", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("QueueToadlet.unknown")); else { progressCell.addChild(new ProgressBarElement(fetchTracker,key,fctx,maxSize,ctx, isWebPushingEnabled)); } infobox = contentNode.addChild("div", "class", "infobox infobox-information"); infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-header", l10n("fetchingPageOptions")); infoboxContent = infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-content"); HTMLNode optionList = infoboxContent.addChild("ul"); optionList.addChild("li").addChild("p", l10n("progressOptionZero")); addDownloadOptions(ctx, optionList, key, mimeType, false, false, core); optionList.addChild("li").addChild(ctx.getPageMaker().createBackLink(ctx, l10n("goBackToPrev"))); optionList.addChild("li").addChild("a", new String[] { "href", "title" }, new String[] { "/", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("Toadlet.homepage") }, l10n("abortToHomepage")); MultiValueTable<String, String> retHeaders = new MultiValueTable<String, String>(); //retHeaders.put("Refresh", "2; url="+location); writeHTMLReply(ctx, 200, "OK", retHeaders, pageNode.generate()); fr.close(); fetch.close(); return; } else if(fr != null) fr.close(); } try { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "FProxy fetching "+key+" ("+maxSize+ ')'); if(data == null && fe == null) { boolean needsFetch=true; //If we don't have the data, then check if an FProxyFetchInProgress has. It can happen when one FetchInProgress downloaded an image //asynchronously, then loads it. This way a FetchInprogress will have the full image, and no need to block. FProxyFetchInProgress progress=fetchTracker.getFetchInProgress(key, maxSize, fctx); if(progress!=null){ FProxyFetchWaiter waiter=null; FProxyFetchResult result=null; try{ waiter=progress.getWaiter(); result=waiter.getResult(false); if(result.failed==null &&!=null){ mimeType=result.mimeType;; data=ctx.getBucketFactory().makeBucket(; BucketTools.copy(, data); needsFetch=false; } }finally{ if(waiter!=null){ progress.close(waiter); } if(result!=null){ progress.close(result); } } } if(needsFetch){ //If we don't have the data, then we need to fetch it and block until it is available FetchResult result = fetch(key, maxSize, new RequestClientBuilder().realTime().build(), fctx); // Now, is it safe? data = result.asBucket(); mimeType = result.getMimeType(); } } else if(fe != null) throw fe; handleDownload(ctx, data, ctx.getBucketFactory(), mimeType, requestedMimeType, forceString, httprequest.isParameterSet("forcedownload"), "/", key, "&max-size="+maxSizeDownload, referer, true, ctx, core, fr != null, maybeCharset); } catch (FetchException e) { //Handle exceptions thrown from the ContentFilter String msg = e.getMessage(); if(logMINOR) { Logger.minor(this, "Failed to fetch "+uri+" : "+e); } if(e.newURI != null) { if(accept != null && (accept.startsWith("text/css") || accept.startsWith("image/")) && recursion++ < MAX_RECURSION) { // If it's an image or a CSS fetch, auto-follow the redirect, up to a limit. String link = getLink(e.newURI, requestedMimeType, maxSize, httprequest.getParam("force", null), httprequest.isParameterSet("forcedownload"), maxRetries, overrideSize); try { uri = new URI(link); innerHandleMethodGET(uri, httprequest, ctx, recursion); return; } catch (URISyntaxException e1) { Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e1+" parsing new link "+link, e1); } } Toadlet.writePermanentRedirect(ctx, msg, getLink(e.newURI, requestedMimeType, maxSize, httprequest.getParam("force", null), httprequest.isParameterSet("forcedownload"), maxRetries, overrideSize)); } else if(e.mode == FetchExceptionMode.TOO_BIG) { PageNode page = ctx.getPageMaker().getPageNode(l10n("fileInformationTitle"), ctx); HTMLNode pageNode = page.outer; HTMLNode contentNode = page.content; HTMLNode infobox = contentNode.addChild("div", "class", "infobox infobox-information"); infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-header", l10n("largeFile")); HTMLNode infoboxContent = infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-content"); HTMLNode fileInformationList = infoboxContent.addChild("ul"); HTMLNode option = fileInformationList.addChild("li"); option.addChild("#", (l10n("filenameLabel") + ' ')); option.addChild("a", "href", '/' + key.toString(), getFilename(key, e.getExpectedMimeType())); String mime = writeSizeAndMIME(fileInformationList, e); infobox = contentNode.addChild("div", "class", "infobox infobox-information"); infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-header", l10n("explanationTitle")); infoboxContent = infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-content"); infoboxContent.addChild("#", l10n("largeFileExplanationAndOptions")); HTMLNode optionList = infoboxContent.addChild("ul"); //HTMLNode optionTable = infoboxContent.addChild("table", "border", "0"); if(!restricted) { option = optionList.addChild("li"); HTMLNode optionForm = option.addChild("form", new String[] { "action", "method" }, new String[] {'/' + key.toString(), "get" }); optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "max-size", String.valueOf(e.expectedSize == -1 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : e.expectedSize*2) }); if (requestedMimeType != null) optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "type", requestedMimeType }); if(maxRetries >= -1) optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "max-retries", Integer.toString(maxRetries) }); optionForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", "fetch", l10n("fetchLargeFileAnywayAndDisplayButton") }); optionForm.addChild("#", " - " + l10n("fetchLargeFileAnywayAndDisplay")); addDownloadOptions(ctx, optionList, key, mime, false, false, core); } //optionTable.addChild("tr").addChild("td", "colspan", "2").addChild("a", new String[] { "href", "title" }, new String[] { "/", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("Toadlet.homepage") }, l10n("abortToHomepage")); optionList.addChild("li").addChild("a", new String[] { "href", "title" }, new String[] { "/", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("Toadlet.homepage") }, l10n("abortToHomepage")); //option = optionTable.addChild("tr").addChild("td", "colspan", "2"); optionList.addChild("li").addChild(ctx.getPageMaker().createBackLink(ctx, l10n("goBackToPrev"))); writeHTMLReply(ctx, 200, "OK", pageNode.generate()); } else { PageNode page = ctx.getPageMaker().getPageNode(e.getShortMessage(), ctx); HTMLNode pageNode = page.outer; HTMLNode contentNode = page.content; HTMLNode infobox = contentNode.addChild("div", "class", "infobox infobox-error"); infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-header", l10n("errorWithReason", "error", e.getShortMessage())); HTMLNode infoboxContent = infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-content"); HTMLNode fileInformationList = infoboxContent.addChild("ul"); HTMLNode option = fileInformationList.addChild("li"); option.addChild("#", (l10n("filenameLabel") + ' ')); option.addChild("a", "href", '/' + key.toString(), getFilename(key, e.getExpectedMimeType())); String mime = writeSizeAndMIME(fileInformationList, e); infobox = contentNode.addChild("div", "class", "infobox infobox-error"); infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-header", l10n("explanationTitle")); UnsafeContentTypeException filterException = null; if(e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof UnsafeContentTypeException) { filterException = (UnsafeContentTypeException)e.getCause(); } infoboxContent = infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-content"); if(filterException == null) infoboxContent.addChild("p", l10n("unableToRetrieve")); else infoboxContent.addChild("p", l10n("unableToSafelyDisplay")); if(e.isFatal() && filterException == null) infoboxContent.addChild("p", l10n("errorIsFatal")); infoboxContent.addChild("p", msg); if(filterException != null) { if(filterException.details() != null) { HTMLNode detailList = infoboxContent.addChild("ul"); for(String detail : filterException.details()) { detailList.addChild("li", detail); } } } if(e.errorCodes != null) { infoboxContent.addChild("p").addChild("pre").addChild("#", e.errorCodes.toVerboseString()); } infobox = contentNode.addChild("div", "class", "infobox infobox-error"); infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-header", l10n("options")); infoboxContent = infobox.addChild("div", "class", "infobox-content"); HTMLNode optionList = infoboxContent.addChild("ul"); PluginInfoWrapper keyUtil; if((e.mode == FetchExceptionMode.NOT_IN_ARCHIVE || e.mode == FetchExceptionMode.NOT_ENOUGH_PATH_COMPONENTS)) { // first look for the newest version if ((keyUtil = core.node.pluginManager.getPluginInfo("plugins.KeyUtils.KeyUtilsPlugin")) != null) { option = optionList.addChild("li"); if (keyUtil.getPluginLongVersion() < 5010) NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openWithKeyExplorer", new String[] { "link" }, new HTMLNode[] {"/KeyUtils/?automf=true&key=" + key.toString()) }); else { NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openWithKeyExplorer", new String[] { "link" }, new HTMLNode[] {"/KeyUtils/?key=" + key.toString()) }); option = optionList.addChild("li"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openWithSiteExplorer", new String[] { "link" }, new HTMLNode[] {"/KeyUtils/Site?key=" + key.toString()) }); } } else if ((keyUtil = core.node.pluginManager.getPluginInfo("plugins.KeyExplorer.KeyExplorer")) != null) { option = optionList.addChild("li"); if (keyUtil.getPluginLongVersion() > 4999) NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openWithKeyExplorer", new String[] { "link" }, new HTMLNode[] {"/KeyExplorer/?automf=true&key=" + key.toString())}); else NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openWithKeyExplorer", new String[] { "link" }, new HTMLNode[] {"/plugins/plugins.KeyExplorer.KeyExplorer/?key=" + key.toString())}); } } if(filterException != null) { if((mime.equals("application/x-freenet-index")) && (core.node.pluginManager.isPluginLoaded("plugins.ThawIndexBrowser.ThawIndexBrowser"))) { option = optionList.addChild("li"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openAsThawIndex", new String[] { "link" }, new HTMLNode[] {"/plugins/plugins.ThawIndexBrowser.ThawIndexBrowser/?key=" + key.toString())}); } option = optionList.addChild("li"); // FIXME: is this safe? See bug #131 MediaType textMediaType = new MediaType("text/plain"); textMediaType.setParameter("charset", (e.getExpectedMimeType() != null) ? MediaType.getCharsetRobust(e.getExpectedMimeType()) : null); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openAsText", new String[] { "link" }, new HTMLNode[] {, textMediaType.toString(), maxSize, null, false, maxRetries, overrideSize)) }); option = optionList.addChild("li"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openForceDisk", new String[] { "link" }, new HTMLNode[] {, mime, maxSize, null, true, maxRetries, overrideSize)) }); if(!(mime.equals("application/octet-stream") || mime.equals("application/x-msdownload") || !DefaultMIMETypes.isPlausibleMIMEType(mime))) { option = optionList.addChild("li"); NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(option, "FProxyToadlet.openForce", new String[] { "link", "mime" }, new HTMLNode[] {, mime, maxSize, getForceValue(key, now), false, maxRetries, overrideSize)), HTMLNode.text(HTMLEncoder.encode(mime))}); } } if((!e.isFatal() || filterException != null) && (ctx.isAllowedFullAccess() || !container.publicGatewayMode())) { addDownloadOptions(ctx, optionList, key, mimeType, filterException != null, filterException != null, core); if(filterException == null) optionList.addChild("li"). addChild("a", "href", getLink(key, requestedMimeType, maxSize, httprequest.getParam("force", null), httprequest.isParameterSet("forcedownload"), maxRetries, overrideSize)).addChild("#", l10n("retryNow")); } optionList.addChild("li").addChild("a", new String[] { "href", "title" }, new String[] { "/", NodeL10n.getBase(). getString("Toadlet.homepage") }, l10n("abortToHomepage")); optionList.addChild("li").addChild(ctx.getPageMaker().createBackLink(ctx, l10n("goBackToPrev"))); this.writeHTMLReply(ctx, (e.mode == FetchExceptionMode.NOT_IN_ARCHIVE) ? 404 : 500 /* close enough - FIXME probably should depend on status code */, "Internal Error", pageNode.generate()); } } catch (SocketException e) { // Probably irrelevant if(e.getMessage().equals("Broken pipe")) { if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Caught "+e+" while handling GET", e); } else { Logger.normal(this, "Caught "+e); } throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { writeInternalError(t, ctx); } finally { if(fr == null && data != null); if(fr != null) fr.close(); } } private boolean isBrowser(String ua) { if(ua == null) return false; return (ua.contains("Mozilla/") || ua.contains("Opera/")); } private static String writeSizeAndMIME(HTMLNode fileInformationList, FetchException e) { boolean finalized = e.finalizedSize(); long size = e.expectedSize; String mime = e.getExpectedMimeType(); writeSizeAndMIME(fileInformationList, size, mime, finalized); return mime; } private static void writeSizeAndMIME(HTMLNode fileInformationList, long size, String mime, boolean finalized) { if(size > 0) { if (finalized) { fileInformationList.addChild("li", (l10n("sizeLabel") + ' ') + SizeUtil.formatSize(size)); } else { fileInformationList.addChild("li", (l10n("sizeLabel") + ' ')+ SizeUtil.formatSize(size) + l10n("mayChange")); } } else { fileInformationList.addChild("li", l10n("sizeUnknown")); } if(mime != null) { fileInformationList.addChild("li", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("FProxyToadlet."+(finalized ? "mimeType" : "expectedMimeType"), new String[] { "mime" }, new String[] { mime })); } else { fileInformationList.addChild("li", l10n("unknownMIMEType")); } } private String l10n(String key, String pattern, String value) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("FProxyToadlet."+key, new String[] { pattern }, new String[] { value }); } public static String l10n(String key, String[] pattern, String[] value) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("FProxyToadlet."+key, pattern, value); } private String getLink(FreenetURI uri, String requestedMimeType, long maxSize, String force, boolean forceDownload, int maxRetries, boolean appendMaxSize) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("/"); sb.append(uri.toASCIIString()); char c = '?'; if(requestedMimeType != null && requestedMimeType.length() != 0) { sb.append(c).append("type=").append(URLEncoder.encode(requestedMimeType,false)); c = '&'; } if(maxSize > 0 && appendMaxSize) { sb.append(c).append("max-size=").append(maxSize); c = '&'; } if(force != null) { sb.append(c).append("force=").append(force); c = '&'; } if(forceDownload) { sb.append(c).append("forcedownload=true"); c = '&'; } if(maxRetries >= -1) { sb.append(c).append("max-retries=").append(maxRetries); c = '&'; } return sb.toString(); } private String sanitizeReferer(ToadletContext ctx) { // FIXME we do something similar in the GenericFilterCallback thingy? String referer = ctx.getHeaders().get("referer"); if(referer != null) { try { URI refererURI = new URI(URIPreEncoder.encode(referer)); String path = refererURI.getPath(); while(path.startsWith("/")) path = path.substring(1); if("".equals(path)) return "/"; FreenetURI furi = new FreenetURI(path); HTTPRequest req = new HTTPRequestImpl(refererURI, "GET"); String type = req.getParam("type"); referer = "/" + furi.toString(); if(type != null && type.length() > 0) referer += "?type=" + type; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { referer = "/"; Logger.normal(this, "Caught MalformedURLException on the referer : "+e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(this, "Caught handling referrer: "+t+" for "+referer, t); referer = null; } } return referer; } private static String getForceValue(FreenetURI key, long time) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try{ bos.write(random); bos.write(key.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); bos.write(Long.toString(time / FORCE_GRAIN_INTERVAL).getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } String f = HexUtil.bytesToHex(SHA256.digest(bos.toByteArray())); return f; } public static void maybeCreateFProxyEtc(NodeClientCore core, Node node, Config config, SimpleToadletServer server) throws IOException { // FIXME how to change these on the fly when the interface language is changed? HighLevelSimpleClient client = core.makeClient(RequestStarter.INTERACTIVE_PRIORITY_CLASS, true, true); random = new byte[32]; core.random.nextBytes(random); FProxyFetchTracker fetchTracker = new FProxyFetchTracker(core.clientContext, client.getFetchContext(), new RequestClientBuilder().realTime().build()); FProxyToadlet fproxy = new FProxyToadlet(client, core, fetchTracker); core.setFProxy(fproxy); server.registerMenu("/", "FProxyToadlet.categoryBrowsing", "FProxyToadlet.categoryTitleBrowsing", null); server.registerMenu("/downloads/", "FProxyToadlet.categoryQueue", "FProxyToadlet.categoryTitleQueue", null); server.registerMenu("/friends/", "FProxyToadlet.categoryFriends", "FProxyToadlet.categoryTitleFriends", null); server.registerMenu("/chat/", "FProxyToadlet.categoryChat", "FProxyToadlet.categoryTitleChat", null); server.registerMenu("/alerts/", "FProxyToadlet.categoryStatus", "FProxyToadlet.categoryTitleStatus", null); server.registerMenu("/seclevels/", "FProxyToadlet.categoryConfig", "FProxyToadlet.categoryTitleConfig", null); server.register(fproxy, "FProxyToadlet.categoryBrowsing", "/", false, "FProxyToadlet.welcomeTitle", "FProxyToadlet.welcome", false, null); DecodeToadlet decodeKeywordURL = new DecodeToadlet(client, core); server.register(decodeKeywordURL, null, "/decode/", true, false); InsertFreesiteToadlet siteinsert = new InsertFreesiteToadlet(client); server.register(siteinsert, "FProxyToadlet.categoryBrowsing", "/insertsite/", true, "FProxyToadlet.insertFreesiteTitle", "FProxyToadlet.insertFreesite", false, null); UserAlertsToadlet alerts = new UserAlertsToadlet(client); server.register(alerts, "FProxyToadlet.categoryStatus", "/alerts/", true, "FProxyToadlet.alertsTitle", "FProxyToadlet.alerts", true, null); QueueToadlet downloadToadlet = new QueueToadlet(core, core.getFCPServer(), client, false); server.register(downloadToadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryQueue", "/downloads/", true, "FProxyToadlet.downloadsTitle", "FProxyToadlet.downloads", false, downloadToadlet); LocalDownloadDirectoryToadlet localDownloadDirectoryToadlet = new LocalDownloadDirectoryToadlet(core, client, "/downloads/"); server.register(localDownloadDirectoryToadlet, null, localDownloadDirectoryToadlet.path(), true, false); QueueToadlet uploadToadlet = new QueueToadlet(core, core.getFCPServer(), client, true); server.register(uploadToadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryQueue", "/uploads/", true, "FProxyToadlet.uploadsTitle", "FProxyToadlet.uploads", false, uploadToadlet); FileInsertWizardToadlet fiw = new FileInsertWizardToadlet(client, core); server.register(fiw, "FProxyToadlet.categoryQueue", FileInsertWizardToadlet.PATH, true, "FProxyToadlet.uploadFileWizardTitle", "FProxyToadlet.uploadFileWizard", false, fiw); uploadToadlet.setFIW(fiw); LocalFileInsertToadlet localFileInsertToadlet = new LocalFileInsertToadlet(core, client); server.register(localFileInsertToadlet, null, LocalFileInsertToadlet.PATH, true, false); ContentFilterToadlet contentFilterToadlet = new ContentFilterToadlet(client, core); server.register(contentFilterToadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryQueue", ContentFilterToadlet.PATH, true, "FProxyToadlet.filterFileTitle", "FProxyToadlet.filterFile", false, contentFilterToadlet); LocalFileFilterToadlet localFileFilterToadlet = new LocalFileFilterToadlet(core, client); server.register(localFileFilterToadlet, null, LocalFileFilterToadlet.PATH, true, false); SymlinkerToadlet symlinkToadlet = new SymlinkerToadlet(client, node); server.register(symlinkToadlet, null, "/sl/", true, false); SecurityLevelsToadlet seclevels = new SecurityLevelsToadlet(client, node, core); server.register(seclevels, "FProxyToadlet.categoryConfig", "/seclevels/", true, "FProxyToadlet.seclevelsTitle", "FProxyToadlet.seclevels", true, null); if(node.pluginManager.isEnabled()) { PproxyToadlet pproxy = new PproxyToadlet(client, node); server.register(pproxy, "FProxyToadlet.categoryConfig", "/plugins/", true, "FProxyToadlet.pluginsTitle", "FProxyToadlet.plugins", true, null); } SubConfig[] sc = config.getConfigs(); Arrays.sort(sc); for(SubConfig cfg : sc) { String prefix = cfg.getPrefix(); if(prefix.equals("security-levels") || prefix.equals("pluginmanager")) continue; LocalDirectoryConfigToadlet localDirectoryConfigToadlet = new LocalDirectoryConfigToadlet(core, client, "/config/"+prefix); ConfigToadlet configtoadlet = new ConfigToadlet(localDirectoryConfigToadlet.path(), client, config, cfg, node, core); server.register(configtoadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryConfig", "/config/"+prefix, true, "ConfigToadlet."+prefix, "ConfigToadlet.title."+prefix, true, configtoadlet); server.register(localDirectoryConfigToadlet, null, localDirectoryConfigToadlet.path(), true, false); } WelcomeToadlet welcometoadlet = new WelcomeToadlet(client, node); server.register(welcometoadlet, null, "/welcome/", true, false); ExternalLinkToadlet externalLinkToadlet = new ExternalLinkToadlet(client, node); server.register(externalLinkToadlet, null, ExternalLinkToadlet.PATH, true, false); DarknetConnectionsToadlet friendsToadlet = new DarknetConnectionsToadlet(node, core, client); server.register(friendsToadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryFriends", "/friends/", true, "FProxyToadlet.friendsTitle", "FProxyToadlet.friends", true, null); DarknetAddRefToadlet addRefToadlet = new DarknetAddRefToadlet(node, client, friendsToadlet); server.register(addRefToadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryFriends", "/addfriend/", true, "FProxyToadlet.addFriendTitle", "FProxyToadlet.addFriend", true, null); OpennetConnectionsToadlet opennetToadlet = new OpennetConnectionsToadlet(node, core, client); server.register(opennetToadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryStatus", "/strangers/", true, "FProxyToadlet.opennetTitle", "FProxyToadlet.opennet", true, opennetToadlet); ChatForumsToadlet chatForumsToadlet = new ChatForumsToadlet(client, node.pluginManager); server.register(chatForumsToadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryChat", "/chat/", true, "FProxyToadlet.chatForumsTitle", "FProxyToadlet.chatForums", true, chatForumsToadlet); N2NTMToadlet n2ntmToadlet = new N2NTMToadlet(node, core, client); server.register(n2ntmToadlet, null, "/send_n2ntm/", true, true); LocalFileN2NMToadlet localFileN2NMToadlet = new LocalFileN2NMToadlet(core, client); server.register(localFileN2NMToadlet, null, LocalFileN2NMToadlet.PATH, true, false); BookmarkEditorToadlet bookmarkEditorToadlet = new BookmarkEditorToadlet(client, core); server.register(bookmarkEditorToadlet, null, "/bookmarkEditor/", true, false); BrowserTestToadlet browserTestToadlet = new BrowserTestToadlet(client, core); server.register(browserTestToadlet, null, "/test/", true, false); StatisticsToadlet statisticsToadlet = new StatisticsToadlet(node, core, client); server.register(statisticsToadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryStatus", "/stats/", true, "FProxyToadlet.statsTitle", "FProxyToadlet.stats", true, null); DiagnosticToadlet diagnosticToadlet = new DiagnosticToadlet(node, core, core.getFCPServer(), client); server.register(diagnosticToadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryStatus", "/diagnostic/", true, "FProxyToadlet.diagnosticTitle", "FProxyToadlet.diagnostic", true, null); ConnectivityToadlet connectivityToadlet = new ConnectivityToadlet(client, node); server.register(connectivityToadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryStatus", "/connectivity/", true, "ConnectivityToadlet.connectivityTitle", "ConnectivityToadlet.connectivity", true, null); TranslationToadlet translationToadlet = new TranslationToadlet(client, core); server.register(translationToadlet, "FProxyToadlet.categoryConfig", TranslationToadlet.TOADLET_URL, true, "TranslationToadlet.title", "TranslationToadlet.titleLong", true, null); FirstTimeWizardToadlet firstTimeWizardToadlet = new FirstTimeWizardToadlet(client, node, core); server.register(firstTimeWizardToadlet, null, FirstTimeWizardToadlet.TOADLET_URL, true, false); SimpleHelpToadlet simpleHelpToadlet = new SimpleHelpToadlet(client, core); server.register(simpleHelpToadlet, null, "/help/", true, false); PushDataToadlet pushDataToadlet = new PushDataToadlet(client); server.register(pushDataToadlet, null, pushDataToadlet.path(), true, false); PushNotificationToadlet pushNotificationToadlet = new PushNotificationToadlet(client); server.register(pushNotificationToadlet, null, pushNotificationToadlet.path(), true, false); PushKeepaliveToadlet pushKeepaliveToadlet = new PushKeepaliveToadlet(client); server.register(pushKeepaliveToadlet, null, pushKeepaliveToadlet.path(), true, false); PushFailoverToadlet pushFailoverToadlet = new PushFailoverToadlet(client); server.register(pushFailoverToadlet, null, pushFailoverToadlet.path(), true, false); PushTesterToadlet pushTesterToadlet = new PushTesterToadlet(client); server.register(pushTesterToadlet, null, pushTesterToadlet.path(), true, false); PushLeavingToadlet pushLeavingToadlet = new PushLeavingToadlet(client); server.register(pushLeavingToadlet, null, pushLeavingToadlet.path(), true, false); ImageCreatorToadlet imageCreatorToadlet = new ImageCreatorToadlet(client); server.register(imageCreatorToadlet, null, imageCreatorToadlet.path(), true, false); LogWritebackToadlet logWritebackToadlet = new LogWritebackToadlet(client); server.register(logWritebackToadlet, null, logWritebackToadlet.path(), true, false); DismissAlertToadlet dismissAlertToadlet = new DismissAlertToadlet(client); server.register(dismissAlertToadlet, null, dismissAlertToadlet.path(), true, false); } /** * Get expected filename for a file. * @param uri The original URI. * @param expectedMimeType The expected MIME type. */ private static String getFilename(FreenetURI uri, String expectedMimeType) { return DefaultMIMETypes.forceExtension(uri.getPreferredFilename(), expectedMimeType); } private static long[] parseRange(String hdrrange) throws HTTPRangeException { long result[] = new long[2]; try { String[] units = hdrrange.split("=", 2); // FIXME are MBytes and co valid? if so, we need to adjust the values and // return always bytes if (!"bytes".equals(units[0])) { throw new HTTPRangeException("Unknown unit, only 'bytes' supportet yet"); } String[] range = units[1].split("-", 2); result[0] = Long.parseLong(range[0]); if (result[0] < 0) throw new HTTPRangeException("Negative 'from' value"); if (range[1].trim().length() > 0) { result[1] = Long.parseLong(range[1]); if (result[1] <= result[0]) throw new HTTPRangeException("'from' value must be less then 'to' value"); } else { result[1] = -1; } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new HTTPRangeException(nfe); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) { throw new HTTPRangeException(ioobe); } return result; } @Override public boolean persistent() { return false; } @Override public String path() { return "/"; } @Override public boolean realTimeFlag() { return true; } }