package freenet.client.update; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import freenet.client.FreenetJs; import freenet.client.UpdaterConstants; import; import; import; import freenet.client.updaters.ConnectionsListUpdater; import freenet.client.updaters.IUpdater; import freenet.client.updaters.ImageElementUpdater; import freenet.client.updaters.ProgressBarUpdater; import freenet.client.updaters.ReplacerUpdater; import freenet.client.updaters.XmlAlertUpdater; /** This UpdateManager provides the default pushing functionality */ public class DefaultUpdateManager implements IUpdateManager { /** The registered Updater that will be used to update different elements */ private static final Map<String, IUpdater> updaters; /** The listeners that will be notified when update occurs */ private static final List<IUpdateListener> listeners = new ArrayList<IUpdateListener>(); // Initializes the updaters static { Map<String, IUpdater> list = new HashMap<String, IUpdater>(); list.put(UpdaterConstants.PROGRESSBAR_UPDATER, new ProgressBarUpdater()); list.put(UpdaterConstants.IMAGE_ELEMENT_UPDATER, new ImageElementUpdater()); list.put(UpdaterConstants.REPLACER_UPDATER, new ReplacerUpdater()); list.put(UpdaterConstants.CONNECTIONS_TABLE_UPDATER, new ConnectionsListUpdater()); list.put(UpdaterConstants.XMLALERT_UPDATER, new XmlAlertUpdater()); updaters = Collections.unmodifiableMap(list); } /** * registers a listener that will be notified when update occurs * * @param listener * - The listener to be registered */ public static void registerListener(IUpdateListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes a listener * * @param listener * - The listener to be removed */ public static void deregisterListener(IUpdateListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } @Override public void updated(String message) { // Identifies the element String elementId = message; FreenetJs.log("DefaultUpdateManager updated:elementid:" + elementId); // Sends a request asking for data for the updated element FreenetRequest.sendRequest(UpdaterConstants.dataPath, new QueryParameter[] { new QueryParameter("requestId", FreenetJs.requestId), new QueryParameter("elementId", elementId) }, new UpdaterRequestCallback(elementId)); // Notifies the listeners for (IUpdateListener l : listeners) { l.onUpdate(); } } /** A request callback that handles the response for element data */ private class UpdaterRequestCallback implements RequestCallback { /** The element's id that is updating */ private final String elementId; private UpdaterRequestCallback(String elementId) { this.elementId = elementId; } @Override public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { FreenetJs.log("Data received"); if (response.getText().startsWith("SUCCESS") == false) { // If something bad happened, we stop the pushing FreenetJs.log("ERROR! BAD DATA"); FreenetJs.stop(); } else { // The Updater type String updaterType = Base64.decode(response.getText().split("[:]")[1]); // The new content String newContent = Base64.decode(response.getText().split("[:]")[2]); FreenetJs.log("Element "+elementId+" will be updated with type:" + updaterType + " and content:" + newContent); // Update the element with the given updater with the got content updaters.get(updaterType).updated(elementId, newContent); } } @Override public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { FreenetJs.log("ERROR! AT DATA GETTING!"); } } }