package freenet.clients.http; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import freenet.clients.http.FProxyFetchInProgress.REFILTER_POLICY; import freenet.clients.http.annotation.AllowData; import freenet.clients.http.bookmark.BookmarkManager; import freenet.l10n.NodeL10n; import freenet.node.useralerts.UserAlertManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.DAYS; /** * ToadletContext implementation, including all the icky HTTP parsing etc. * An actual ToadletContext object represents a request, after we have parsed the * headers. It provides methods to send replies. * @author root * */ public class ToadletContextImpl implements ToadletContext { private static final Class<?> HANDLE_PARAMETERS[] = new Class[] {URI.class, HTTPRequest.class, ToadletContext.class}; /* methods listed here are *not* configurable with * AllowData annotation */ private static final String METHODS_MUST_HAVE_DATA = "POST"; private static final String METHODS_CANNOT_HAVE_DATA = "GET"; private static final String METHODS_RESTRICTED_MODE = "GET POST"; private final MultiValueTable<String,String> headers; private ArrayList<ReceivedCookie> cookies; // Null until the first time the user queries us for a ReceivedCookie. private ArrayList<Cookie> replyCookies; // Null until the first time the user sets a Cookie. private final OutputStream sockOutputStream; private final PageMaker pagemaker; private final BucketFactory bf; private final ToadletContainer container; private final UserAlertManager userAlertManager; private final BookmarkManager bookmarkManager; private final InetAddress remoteAddr; private Exception firstReplySendingException; private volatile Toadlet activeToadlet; /** The unique id of the request*/ private final String uniqueId; private URI uri; private static volatile boolean logMINOR; private static volatile boolean logDEBUG; static { Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){ @Override public void shouldUpdate(){ logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this); logDEBUG = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, this); } }); } /** Is the context closed? If so, don't allow any more writes. This is because there * may be later requests. */ private boolean closed; private boolean shouldDisconnect; public ToadletContextImpl(Socket sock, MultiValueTable<String,String> headers, BucketFactory bf, PageMaker pageMaker, ToadletContainer container, UserAlertManager userAlertManager, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, URI uri, long uniqueID) throws IOException { this.headers = headers; this.cookies = null; this.replyCookies = null; this.closed = false; this.uri=uri; sockOutputStream = sock.getOutputStream(); remoteAddr = sock.getInetAddress(); if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Connection from "+remoteAddr); = bf; this.pagemaker = pageMaker; this.container = container; this.userAlertManager = userAlertManager; this.bookmarkManager = bookmarkManager; //Generate an unique id uniqueId=String.valueOf(Math.random()); } private void close() { closed = true; } private void sendMethodNotAllowed(String method, boolean shouldDisconnect) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { if(closed) throw new ToadletContextClosedException(); MultiValueTable<String,String> mvt = new MultiValueTable<String,String>(); mvt.put("Allow", "GET, PUT"); sendError(sockOutputStream, 405, "Method Not Allowed", l10n("methodNotAllowed"), shouldDisconnect, mvt); } private static String l10n(String key) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("ToadletContextImpl."+key); } private static String l10n(String key, String pattern, String value) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("ToadletContextImpl."+key, new String[] { pattern }, new String[] { value }); } /** * Send an error message. Caller provides the HTTP code, reason string, and a message, which * will become the title and the h1'ed contents of the error page. */ private static void sendError(OutputStream os, int code, String httpReason, String message, boolean shouldDisconnect, MultiValueTable<String,String> mvt) throws IOException { sendHTMLError(os, code, httpReason, "<html><head><title>"+message+"</title></head><body><h1>"+message+"</h1></body>", shouldDisconnect, mvt); } /** * Send an error message, containing full HTML from a String. * @param os The OutputStream to send the message to. * @param code The HTTP status code. * @param httpReason The HTTP reason string for the HTTP status code. Do not make stuff up, * use the official reason string, or some browsers may break. * @param htmlMessage The HTML string to send. * @param disconnect Whether to disconnect from the client afterwards. * @param mvt Any additional headers. * @throws IOException If we could not send the error message. */ private static void sendHTMLError(OutputStream os, int code, String httpReason, String htmlMessage, boolean disconnect, MultiValueTable<String,String> mvt) throws IOException { if(mvt == null) mvt = new MultiValueTable<String,String>(); byte[] messageBytes = htmlMessage.getBytes("UTF-8"); sendReplyHeaders(os, code, httpReason, mvt, "text/html; charset=UTF-8", messageBytes.length, null, disconnect, false, false); os.write(messageBytes); } private void sendNoToadletError(boolean shouldDisconnect) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { if(closed) throw new ToadletContextClosedException(); sendError(sockOutputStream, 404, "Not Found", l10n("noSuchToadlet"), shouldDisconnect, null); } private static void sendURIParseError(OutputStream os, boolean shouldDisconnect, Throwable e) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); e.printStackTrace(pw); pw.close(); String message = "<html><head><title>"+l10n("uriParseErrorTitle")+"</title></head><body><p>"+HTMLEncoder.encode(e.getMessage())+"</p><pre>\n"+sw.toString(); sendHTMLError(os, 400, "Bad Request", message, shouldDisconnect, null); } public void sendReplyHeaders(int code, String desc, MultiValueTable<String,String> mvt, String mimeType, long length) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { sendReplyHeaders(code, desc, mvt, mimeType, length, false); } public void sendReplyHeaders(int code, String desc, MultiValueTable<String,String> mvt, String mimeType, long length, boolean forceDisableJavascript) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { boolean enableJavascript = (!forceDisableJavascript) && container.isFProxyJavascriptEnabled(); sendReplyHeaders(code, desc, mvt, mimeType, length, null, false, false, enableJavascript); } @Deprecated public void sendReplyHeaders(int code, String desc, MultiValueTable<String,String> mvt, String mimeType, long length, Date mTime) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { if(mTime != null) sendReplyHeadersStatic(code, desc, mvt, mimeType, length, mTime); else sendReplyHeaders(code, desc, mvt, mimeType, length); } public void sendReplyHeadersStatic(int replyCode, String replyDescription, MultiValueTable<String,String> mvt, String mimeType, long contentLength, Date mTime) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { if(mTime == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); sendReplyHeaders(replyCode, replyDescription, mvt, mimeType, contentLength, mTime, false, false, false); } @Override public void sendReplyHeadersFProxy(int replyCode, String replyDescription, MultiValueTable<String,String> mvt, String mimeType, long contentLength) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { boolean enableJavascript = false; if(container.isFProxyWebPushingEnabled() && container.isFProxyJavascriptEnabled()) enableJavascript = true; sendReplyHeaders(replyCode, replyDescription, mvt, mimeType, contentLength, null, false, true, enableJavascript); } private void sendReplyHeaders(int replyCode, String replyDescription, MultiValueTable<String,String> mvt, String mimeType, long contentLength, Date mTime, boolean isOutlinkConfirmationPage, boolean allowFrames, boolean enableJavascript) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { if(closed) throw new ToadletContextClosedException(); if(firstReplySendingException != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already sent headers!", firstReplySendingException); } firstReplySendingException = new Exception(); if(replyCookies != null) { if (mvt == null) { mvt = new MultiValueTable<String,String>(); } // We do NOT use "set-cookie2" even though we should according though RFC2965 - Firefox 3.0.14 ignores it for me! for(Cookie cookie : replyCookies) { final String cookieHeader = cookie.encodeToHeaderValue(); mvt.put("set-cookie", cookieHeader); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "set-cookie: " + cookieHeader); } } sendReplyHeaders(sockOutputStream, replyCode, replyDescription, mvt, mimeType, contentLength, mTime, shouldDisconnect, enableJavascript, allowFrames); } @Override public PageMaker getPageMaker() { return pagemaker; } @Override public String getFormPassword() { return container.getFormPassword(); } @Override public boolean checkFormPassword(HTTPRequest request) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { return checkFormPassword(request, "/"); } @Override public boolean checkFormPassword(HTTPRequest request, String redirectTo) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { if (!hasFormPassword(request)) { MultiValueTable<String, String> headers = new MultiValueTable<String, String>(); headers.put("Location", redirectTo); sendReplyHeaders(302, "Found", headers, null, 0); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * @see ToadletContext#checkFullAccess(Toadlet) */ @Override public boolean checkFullAccess(Toadlet toadlet) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { if(isAllowedFullAccess()) { return true; } else { toadlet.sendUnauthorizedPage(this); return false; } } @Override public boolean hasFormPassword(HTTPRequest request) throws IOException { String pass = request.getPartAsStringFailsafe("formPassword", 32); byte[] inputBytes = pass.getBytes("UTF-8"); byte[] compareBytes = getFormPassword().getBytes("UTF-8"); if(!MessageDigest.isEqual(inputBytes, compareBytes)) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Bad formPassword: " + pass); return false; } else return true; } @Override public UserAlertManager getAlertManager() { return userAlertManager; } @Override public BookmarkManager getBookmarkManager() { return bookmarkManager; } @Override public MultiValueTable<String,String> getHeaders() { return headers; } private void parseCookies() throws ParseException { if(cookies != null) return; int cookieAmount = headers.countAll("cookie"); if(cookieAmount == 0) return; cookies = new ArrayList<ReceivedCookie>(cookieAmount + 1); for(String cookieHeader : headers.iterateAll("cookie")) { ArrayList<ReceivedCookie> parsedCookies = ReceivedCookie.parseHeader(cookieHeader); cookies.addAll(parsedCookies); } } @Override public ReceivedCookie getCookie(URI domain, URI path, String name) throws ParseException { parseCookies(); if(cookies == null) // There are no cookies. return null; name = name.toLowerCase(); //String stringDomain = domain==null ? null : domain.toString().toLowerCase(); //String stringPath = path.toString(); // RFC2965: Two cookies are equal if name and domain are equal with case-insensitive comparison and path is equal with case-sensitive comparison. //getName() / getDomain() returns lowercase and getPath() returns the original path. // UNFORTUNATELY firefox will ONLY give us the name and the value of the cookie, so we ignore everything else. for(ReceivedCookie cookie : cookies) { try { //if(stringDomain != null) { // URI cookieDomain = cookie.getDomain(); // // if(cookieDomain==null || !stringDomain.equals(cookieDomain.toString())) // continue; //} // //if(cookie.getPath().toString().equals(stringPath) && cookie.getName().equals(name)) // return cookie; if(cookie.getName().equals(name)) return cookie; } catch(RuntimeException e) { Logger.error(this, "Error in cookie", e); } } return null; } @Override public void setCookie(Cookie newCookie) { if(replyCookies == null) replyCookies = new ArrayList<Cookie>(4); replyCookies.add(newCookie); } static void sendReplyHeaders(OutputStream sockOutputStream, int replyCode, String replyDescription, MultiValueTable<String,String> mvt, String mimeType, long contentLength, Date mTime, boolean disconnect, boolean allowScripts, boolean allowFrames) throws IOException { // Construct headers if(mvt == null) mvt = new MultiValueTable<String,String>(); if(mimeType != null) if(mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("text/html")){ mvt.put("content-type", mimeType+"; charset=UTF-8"); }else{ mvt.put("content-type", mimeType); } if(contentLength >= 0) mvt.put("content-length", Long.toString(contentLength)); boolean allowCaching; // For privacy reasons, only static // content may be cached if (mTime == null) { allowCaching = false; } else { allowCaching = true; } String expiresTime; String cacheControl; if (allowCaching) { // use an expiry time of 30 day from now, about the frequency of Freenet releases // Expires is needed for older browsers expiresTime = TimeUtil.makeHTTPDate(System.currentTimeMillis() + DAYS.toMillis(30)); cacheControl = "public, max-age=" + String.valueOf(3600 * 24 * 30); } else { expiresTime = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"; // no-cache for Internet Explorer, no-store for Firefox cacheControl = "private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-cache, no-store, post-check=0, pre-check=0"; mvt.put("pragma", "no-cache"); } mvt.put("expires", expiresTime); mvt.put("cache-control", cacheControl); String nowString = TimeUtil.makeHTTPDate(System.currentTimeMillis()); String lastModString; if (mTime == null) { lastModString = nowString; } else { lastModString = TimeUtil.makeHTTPDate(mTime.getTime()); } mvt.put("last-modified", lastModString); mvt.put("date", nowString); if(disconnect) mvt.put("connection", "close"); else mvt.put("connection", "keep-alive"); String contentSecurityPolicy = generateCSP(allowScripts, allowFrames); mvt.put("content-security-policy", contentSecurityPolicy); mvt.put("x-content-security-policy", contentSecurityPolicy); mvt.put("x-webkit-csp", contentSecurityPolicy); mvt.put("x-frame-options", allowFrames ? "SAMEORIGIN" : "DENY"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024); buf.append("HTTP/1.1 "); buf.append(replyCode); buf.append(' '); buf.append(replyDescription); buf.append("\r\n"); for(Enumeration<String> e = mvt.keys();e.hasMoreElements();) { String key = e.nextElement(); Object[] list = mvt.getArray(key); key = fixKey(key); for(int i=0;i<list.length;i++) { String val = (String) list[i]; buf.append(key); buf.append(": "); buf.append(val); buf.append("\r\n"); } } buf.append("\r\n"); sockOutputStream.write(buf.toString().getBytes("US-ASCII")); } private static String generateCSP(boolean allowScripts, boolean allowFrames) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("default-src 'self'; script-src "); // "options inline-script" is old syntax needed for older Firefox's. sb.append(allowScripts ? "'self' 'unsafe-inline'; options inline-script" : "'none'"); sb.append("; frame-src "); sb.append(allowFrames ? "'self'" : "'none'"); sb.append("; object-src 'none'"); // Always send unsafe-inline for CSS. This is safe given it can't use external stuff anyway. // It's only strictly needed for fproxy. sb.append("; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'"); return sb.toString(); } static TimeZone TZ_UTC = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); public static Date parseHTTPDate(String httpDate) throws java.text.ParseException{ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'",Locale.US); sdf.setTimeZone(TZ_UTC); return sdf.parse(httpDate); } /** Fix key case to be conformant to HTTP expectations. * Note that HTTP is case insensitive on header names, but we may as well * send something as close to the spec as possible in case of broken clients... */ private static String fixKey(String key) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(key.length()); char prev = 0; for(int i=0;i<key.length();i++) { char c = key.charAt(i); if((i == 0) || (prev == '-')) { c = Character.toUpperCase(c); } sb.append(c); prev = c; } return sb.toString(); } /** * Handle an incoming connection. Blocking, obviously. */ public static void handle(Socket sock, ToadletContainer container, PageMaker pageMaker, UserAlertManager userAlertManager, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager) { try { InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream(), 4096); LineReadingInputStream lis = new LineReadingInputStream(is); while(true) { String firstLine = lis.readLine(32768, 128, false); // ISO-8859-1 or US-ASCII, _not_ UTF-8 if (firstLine == null) { sock.close(); return; } else if (firstLine.equals("")) { continue; } if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(ToadletContextImpl.class, "first line: "+firstLine); String[] split = firstLine.split(" "); if(split.length != 3) throw new ParseException("Could not parse request line (split.length="+split.length+"): "+firstLine, -1); if(!split[2].startsWith("HTTP/1.")) throw new ParseException("Unrecognized protocol "+split[2], -1); URI uri; try { uri = URIPreEncoder.encodeURI(split[1]).normalize(); if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(ToadletContextImpl.class, "URI: "+uri+" path "+uri.getPath()+" host "+uri.getHost()+" frag "+uri.getFragment()+" port "+uri.getPort()+" query "+uri.getQuery()+" scheme "+uri.getScheme()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { sendURIParseError(sock.getOutputStream(), true, e); return; } String method = split[0]; MultiValueTable<String,String> headers = new MultiValueTable<String,String>(); while(true) { String line = lis.readLine(32768, 128, false); // ISO-8859 or US-ASCII, not UTF-8 if (line == null) { sock.close(); return; } //System.out.println("Length="+line.length()+": "+line); if(line.length() == 0) break; int index = line.indexOf(':'); if (index < 0) { throw new ParseException("Missing ':' in request header field", -1); } String before = line.substring(0, index).toLowerCase(); String after = line.substring(index+1); after = after.trim(); headers.put(before, after); } boolean disconnect = shouldDisconnectAfterHandled(split[2].equals("HTTP/1.0"), headers) || !container.enablePersistentConnections(); boolean allowPost = container.allowPosts(); BucketFactory bf = container.getBucketFactory(); ToadletContextImpl ctx = new ToadletContextImpl(sock, headers, bf, pageMaker, container, userAlertManager, bookmarkManager, uri, container.generateUniqueID()); ctx.shouldDisconnect = disconnect; /* * copy the data into a bucket now, * before we go into the redirect loop */ Bucket data; boolean methodIsConfigurable = true; String slen = headers.get("content-length"); if (METHODS_MUST_HAVE_DATA.contains(method)) { // <method> must have data methodIsConfigurable = false; if (slen == null) { ctx.shouldDisconnect = true; ctx.sendReplyHeaders(400, "Bad Request", null, null, -1); return; } } else if (METHODS_CANNOT_HAVE_DATA.contains(method)) { // <method> can not have data methodIsConfigurable = false; if (slen != null) { ctx.shouldDisconnect = true; ctx.sendReplyHeaders(400, "Bad Request", null, null, -1); return; } } if (slen != null) { long len; try { len = Integer.parseInt(slen); if(len < 0) throw new NumberFormatException("content-length less than 0"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { ctx.shouldDisconnect = true; ctx.sendReplyHeaders(400, "Bad Request", null, null, -1); return; } if(allowPost && ((!container.publicGatewayMode()) || ctx.isAllowedFullAccess())) { data = bf.makeBucket(len); BucketTools.copyFrom(data, is, len); } else { FileUtil.skipFully(is, len); if (method.equals("POST")) { ctx.sendMethodNotAllowed("POST", true); } else { sendError(sock.getOutputStream(), 403, "Forbidden", "Content not allowed in this configuration", true, null); } ctx.close(); return; } } else { // we're not doing to use it, but we have to keep // the compiler happy data = null; } if (!container.enableExtendedMethodHandling()) { if (!METHODS_RESTRICTED_MODE.contains(method)) { sendError(sock.getOutputStream(), 403, "Forbidden", "Method not allowed in this configuration", true, null); return; } } // Handle it. try { boolean redirect = true; while (redirect) { // don't go around the loop unless set explicitly redirect = false; Toadlet t; try { t = container.findToadlet(uri); } catch (PermanentRedirectException e) { Toadlet.writePermanentRedirect(ctx, "Found elsewhere", e.newuri.toASCIIString()); break; } if(t == null) { ctx.sendNoToadletError(ctx.shouldDisconnect); break; } // if the Toadlet does not support the method, we don't need to parse the data // also due this pre check a 'NoSuchMethodException' should never appear if (!(t.findSupportedMethods().contains(method))) { ctx.sendMethodNotAllowed(method, ctx.shouldDisconnect); break; } HTTPRequestImpl req = new HTTPRequestImpl(uri, data, ctx, method); // require form password if it's a POST, unless the toadlet requests otherwise if (method.equals("POST") && !t.allowPOSTWithoutPassword()) { if (!ctx.checkFormPassword(req, t.path())) { break; } } if(ctx.isAllowedFullAccess()) { ctx.getPageMaker().parseMode(req, container); } try { callToadletMethod(t, method, uri, req, ctx, data, sock, redirect); } catch (RedirectException re) { uri = re.newuri; redirect = true; } finally { req.freeParts(); } } if(ctx.shouldDisconnect) { sock.close(); return; } } finally { if(data != null); } } } catch (ParseException e) { try { sendError(sock.getOutputStream(), 400, "Bad Request", l10n("parseErrorWithError", "error", e.getMessage()), true, null); } catch (IOException e1) { // Ignore } } catch (TooLongException e) { try { sendError(sock.getOutputStream(), 400, "Bad Request", l10n("headersLineTooLong"), true, null); } catch (IOException e1) { // Ignore } } catch (IOException e) { // ignore and return } catch (ToadletContextClosedException e) { Logger.error(ToadletContextImpl.class, "ToadletContextClosedException while handling connection!"); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(ToadletContextImpl.class, "Caught error: "+t+" handling socket", t); try { String msg = "<html><head><title>"+NodeL10n.getBase().getString("Toadlet.internalErrorTitle")+ "</title></head><body><h1>"+NodeL10n.getBase().getString("Toadlet.internalErrorPleaseReport")+"</h1><pre>"; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); t.printStackTrace(pw); pw.flush(); msg = msg + sw.toString() + "</pre></body></html>"; byte[] messageBytes = msg.getBytes("UTF-8"); sendReplyHeaders(sock.getOutputStream(), 500, "Internal failure", null, "text/html; charset=UTF-8", messageBytes.length, null, true, false, false); sock.getOutputStream().write(messageBytes); } catch (IOException e1) { // ignore and return } } } private static void callToadletMethod(Toadlet t, String method, URI uri, HTTPRequestImpl req, ToadletContextImpl ctx, Bucket data, Socket sock, boolean methodIsConfigurable) throws Throwable { String methodName = Toadlet.HANDLE_METHOD_PREFIX + method; if("GET".equals(method)) { // Short cut the common case. if (data != null) { sendError(sock.getOutputStream(), 400, "Bad Request", "Content not allowed", true, null); ctx.close(); return; } ctx.setActiveToadlet(t); t.handleMethodGET(uri, req, ctx); return; } try { Class<? extends Toadlet> c = t.getClass(); Method m = c.getMethod(methodName, HANDLE_PARAMETERS); if (methodIsConfigurable) { AllowData anno = m.getAnnotation(AllowData.class); if (anno == null) { if (data != null) { sendError(sock.getOutputStream(), 400, "Bad Request", "Content not allowed", true, null); ctx.close(); return; } } else if (anno.value()) { if (data == null) { sendError(sock.getOutputStream(), 400, "Bad Request", "Missing Content", true, null); ctx.close(); return; } } } ctx.setActiveToadlet(t); Object arglist[] = new Object[] {uri, req, ctx}; m.invoke(t, arglist); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { throw ite.getCause(); } } private void setActiveToadlet(Toadlet t) { this.activeToadlet = t; } @Override public Toadlet activeToadlet() { return activeToadlet; } /** * Should the connection be closed after handling this request? * @param isHTTP10 Did the client specify HTTP/1.0? * @param headers Client headers. * @return True if the connection should be closed. */ private static boolean shouldDisconnectAfterHandled(boolean isHTTP10, MultiValueTable<String,String> headers) { String connection = headers.get("connection"); if(connection != null) { if(connection.equalsIgnoreCase("close")) return true; if(connection.equalsIgnoreCase("keep-alive")) return false; } if(isHTTP10 == true) return true; else // HTTP 1.1 return false; } @Override public void writeData(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { if(closed) throw new ToadletContextClosedException(); sockOutputStream.write(data, offset, length); } @Override public void writeData(byte[] data) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { writeData(data, 0, data.length); } /** * @param data The Bucket which contains the reply data. This * function assumes ownership of the Bucket, calling free() * on it when done. If this behavior is undesired, callers * can wrap their Bucket in a NoFreeBucket. * * @see */ @Override public void writeData(Bucket data) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { if(closed) throw new ToadletContextClosedException(); BucketTools.copyTo(data, sockOutputStream, Long.MAX_VALUE);; } @Override public BucketFactory getBucketFactory() { return bf; } @Override public HTMLNode addFormChild(HTMLNode parentNode, String target, String name) { return container.addFormChild(parentNode, target, name); } @Override public boolean isAllowedFullAccess() { return container.isAllowedFullAccess(remoteAddr); } @Override public boolean isAdvancedModeEnabled() { return container.isAdvancedModeEnabled(); } @Override public boolean doRobots() { return container.doRobots(); } @Override public void forceDisconnect() { this.shouldDisconnect = true; } @Override public ToadletContainer getContainer() { return container; } @Override public boolean disableProgressPage() { return container.disableProgressPage(); } @Override public String getUniqueId(){ return uniqueId; } @Override public URI getUri() { return uri; } @Override public REFILTER_POLICY getReFilterPolicy() { return container.getReFilterPolicy(); } }