package freenet.node.updater; import; import; import; import freenet.client.FetchResult; import freenet.clients.http.PproxyToadlet; import freenet.keys.FreenetURI; import freenet.l10n.NodeL10n; import freenet.node.RequestClient; import freenet.node.Version; import freenet.node.useralerts.AbstractUserAlert; import freenet.node.useralerts.UserAlert; import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginInfoWrapper; import freenet.pluginmanager.PluginManager; import; import; import; import; public class PluginJarUpdater extends NodeUpdater { final String pluginName; final PluginManager pluginManager; private UserAlert alert; private boolean deployOnNoRevocation; private boolean deployOnNextNoRevocation; private boolean readyToDeploy; private FetchResult result; private final Object writeJarSync = new Object(); private int writtenVersion; /** * @return True if the caller should restart the revocation checker. */ boolean onNoRevocation() { synchronized(this) { if(!readyToDeploy) return false; if(deployOnNoRevocation) { // Lets go ... } else if(deployOnNextNoRevocation) { deployOnNoRevocation = true; deployOnNextNoRevocation = false; System.out.println("Deploying "+pluginName+" after next revocation check"); return true; } else return false; } // Deploy it! if (!pluginManager.isPluginLoaded(pluginName)) { Logger.error(this, "Plugin is not loaded, so not deploying: "+pluginName); tempBlobFile.delete(); return false; } System.out.println("Deploying new version of "+pluginName+" : unloading old version..."); // Write the new version of the plugin before shutting down, so if there is a deadlock in terminate, we will still get the new version after a restart. try { writeJar(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(this, "Cannot deploy: "+e, e); System.err.println("Cannot deploy new version of "+pluginName+" : "+e); e.printStackTrace(); return false; // Not much we can do ... // FIXME post a useralert } pluginManager.killPluginByFilename(pluginName, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true); pluginManager.startPluginAuto(pluginName, true); UserAlert a; synchronized(this) { a = alert; alert = null; } node.clientCore.alerts.unregister(a); return false; } PluginJarUpdater(NodeUpdateManager manager, FreenetURI URI, int current, int min, int max, String blobFilenamePrefix, String pluginName, PluginManager pm, boolean autoDeployOnRestart) { super(manager, URI, current, min, max, blobFilenamePrefix); this.pluginName = pluginName; this.pluginManager = pm; } @Override public String jarName() { return pluginName; } private int requiredNodeVersion; private static final String REQUIRED_NODE_VERSION_PREFIX = "Required-Node-Version: "; @Override protected void maybeParseManifest(FetchResult result, int build) { requiredNodeVersion = -1; parseManifest(result); if(requiredNodeVersion != -1) { System.err.println("Required node version for plugin "+pluginName+": "+requiredNodeVersion); Logger.normal(this, "Required node version for plugin "+pluginName+": "+requiredNodeVersion); } } @Override protected void parseManifestLine(String line) { if(line.startsWith(REQUIRED_NODE_VERSION_PREFIX)) { requiredNodeVersion = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(REQUIRED_NODE_VERSION_PREFIX.length())); } } @Override protected void onStartFetching() { System.err.println("Starting to fetch plugin "+pluginName); } @Override protected void processSuccess(int build, FetchResult result, File blob) { Bucket oldResult = null; synchronized(this) { if(requiredNodeVersion > Version.buildNumber()) { System.err.println("Found version "+fetchedVersion+" of "+pluginName+" but needs node version "+requiredNodeVersion); // FIXME deploy it with the main jar tempBlobFile.delete(); return; } if(this.result != null) oldResult = this.result.asBucket(); this.result = result; } if(oldResult != null); PluginInfoWrapper loaded = pluginManager.getPluginInfo(pluginName); if(loaded == null) { if(!node.pluginManager.isPluginLoadedOrLoadingOrWantLoad(pluginName)) { System.err.println("Don't want plugin: "+pluginName); Logger.error(this, "Don't want plugin: "+pluginName); tempBlobFile.delete(); return; } } if(loaded.getPluginLongVersion() >= fetchedVersion) { tempBlobFile.delete(); return; } // Create a useralert to ask the user to deploy the new version. UserAlert toRegister = null; synchronized(this) { readyToDeploy = true; if(alert != null) return; toRegister = alert = new AbstractUserAlert(true, l10n("pluginUpdatedTitle", "name", pluginName), l10n("pluginUpdatedText", "name", pluginName), l10n("pluginUpdatedShortText", "name", pluginName), null, UserAlert.ERROR, true, NodeL10n.getBase().getString("UserAlert.hide"), true, this) { @Override public void onDismiss() { synchronized(PluginJarUpdater.this) { alert = null; } } @Override public HTMLNode getHTMLText() { HTMLNode div = new HTMLNode("div"); // Text saying the plugin has been updated... synchronized(this) { if(deployOnNoRevocation || deployOnNextNoRevocation) { div.addChild("#", l10n("willDeployAfterRevocationCheck", "name", pluginName)); } else { div.addChild("#", l10n("pluginUpdatedText", new String[] { "name", "newVersion" }, new String[] { pluginName, Long.toString(fetchedVersion) })); // Form to deploy the updated version. // This is not the same as reloading because we haven't written it yet. HTMLNode formNode = div.addChild("form", new String[] { "action", "method" }, new String[] { PproxyToadlet.PATH, "post" }); formNode.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "formPassword", node.clientCore.formPassword }); formNode.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "update", pluginName }); formNode.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", l10n("updatePlugin") }); } } return div; } }; } if(toRegister != null) node.clientCore.alerts.register(toRegister); } private String l10n(String key) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("PluginJarUpdater."+key); } private String l10n(String key, String name, String value) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("PluginJarUpdater."+key, name, value); } private String l10n(String key, String[] names, String[] values) { return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("PluginJarUpdater."+key, names, values); } public void writeJarTo(FetchResult result, File fNew) throws IOException { int fetched; synchronized(this) { fetched = fetchedVersion; } synchronized(writeJarSync) { if (!fNew.delete() && fNew.exists()) { System.err.println("Can't delete " + fNew + "!"); } FileOutputStream fos; fos = new FileOutputStream(fNew); BucketTools.copyTo(result.asBucket(), fos, -1); fos.flush(); fos.close(); } synchronized(this) { writtenVersion = fetched; } System.err.println("Written " + jarName() + " to " + fNew); } void writeJar() throws IOException { writeJarTo(result, pluginManager.getPluginFilename(pluginName)); UserAlert a; synchronized(this) { a = alert; alert = null; } if(a != null) node.clientCore.alerts.unregister(a); } @Override void kill() { super.kill(); UserAlert a; synchronized(this) { a = alert; alert = null; } if(a != null) node.clientCore.alerts.unregister(a); } public synchronized void arm(boolean wasRunning) { if(wasRunning) { deployOnNextNoRevocation = true; System.out.println("Deploying "+pluginName+" after next but one revocation check"); } else { deployOnNoRevocation = true; System.out.println("Deploying "+pluginName+" after next revocation check"); } } @Override public RequestClient getRequestClient() { return pluginManager.singleUpdaterRequestClient; } }