package; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Hashtable; /** * @author <a>Brandon Wiley</a> * @author oskar (I made this a generic loader, not just for messages). **/ public class Loader { static final private Hashtable<String, Class<?>> classes = new Hashtable<String, Class<?>>(); // static final public String prefix="freenet.message."; /** * This is a caching Class loader. * @param name The name of the class to load. **/ static public Class<?> load(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> c = classes.get(name); if(c==null) { c=Class.forName(name); classes.put(name, c); } return c; } /** * Creates a new object of given classname. * @param classname Name of class to instantiate. **/ public static Object getInstance(String classname) throws InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { return getInstance(classname,new Class[] {}, new Object[] {}); } /** * Creates a new object of given classname. * @param classname Name of class to instantiate. * @param argtypes The classes of the arguments. * @param args The arguments. Since this uses the reflect methods * it's ok to wrap primitives. **/ public static Object getInstance(String classname, Class<?>[] argtypes, Object[] args) throws InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { return getInstance(load(classname),argtypes,args); } /** * Creats a new object of a given class. * @param c The class to instantiate. * @param argtypes The classes of the arguments. * @param args The arguments. Since this uses the reflect methods * it's ok to wrap primitives. **/ public static Object getInstance(Class<?> c, Class<?>[] argtypes, Object[] args) throws InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { Constructor<?> con = c.getConstructor(argtypes); return con.newInstance(args); } }