/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General * Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See * http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */ package freenet.clients.fcp; import freenet.node.DarknetPeerNode; import freenet.node.Node; import freenet.node.PeerNode; import freenet.support.Fields; import freenet.support.SimpleFieldSet; public class ModifyPeer extends FCPMessage { static final String NAME = "ModifyPeer"; final SimpleFieldSet fs; final String identifier; public ModifyPeer(SimpleFieldSet fs) { this.fs = fs; this.identifier = fs.get("Identifier"); fs.removeValue("Identifier"); } @Override public SimpleFieldSet getFieldSet() { return new SimpleFieldSet(true); } @Override public String getName() { return NAME; } @Override public void run(FCPConnectionHandler handler, Node node) throws MessageInvalidException { if(!handler.hasFullAccess()) { throw new MessageInvalidException(ProtocolErrorMessage.ACCESS_DENIED, "ModifyPeer requires full access", identifier, false); } String nodeIdentifier = fs.get("NodeIdentifier"); if( nodeIdentifier == null ) { throw new MessageInvalidException(ProtocolErrorMessage.MISSING_FIELD, "Error: NodeIdentifier field missing", identifier, false); } PeerNode pn = node.getPeerNode(nodeIdentifier); if(pn == null) { FCPMessage msg = new UnknownNodeIdentifierMessage(nodeIdentifier, identifier); handler.outputHandler.queue(msg); return; } if(!(pn instanceof DarknetPeerNode)) { throw new MessageInvalidException(ProtocolErrorMessage.DARKNET_ONLY, "ModifyPeer only available for darknet peers", identifier, false); } DarknetPeerNode dpn = (DarknetPeerNode) pn; String isDisabledString = fs.get("IsDisabled"); if(isDisabledString != null) { if(!isDisabledString.equals("")) { if(Fields.stringToBool(isDisabledString, false)) { dpn.disablePeer(); } else { dpn.enablePeer(); } } } String isListenOnlyString = fs.get("IsListenOnly"); if(isListenOnlyString != null) { if(!isListenOnlyString.equals("")) { dpn.setListenOnly(Fields.stringToBool(isListenOnlyString, false)); } } String isBurstOnlyString = fs.get("IsBurstOnly"); if(isBurstOnlyString != null) { if(!isBurstOnlyString.equals("")) { dpn.setBurstOnly(Fields.stringToBool(isBurstOnlyString, false)); } } String ignoreSourcePortString = fs.get("IgnoreSourcePort"); if(ignoreSourcePortString != null) { if(!ignoreSourcePortString.equals("")) { dpn.setIgnoreSourcePort(Fields.stringToBool(ignoreSourcePortString, false)); } } String allowLocalAddressesString = fs.get("AllowLocalAddresses"); if(allowLocalAddressesString != null) { if(!allowLocalAddressesString.equals("")) { dpn.setAllowLocalAddresses(Fields.stringToBool(allowLocalAddressesString, false)); } } handler.outputHandler.queue(new PeerMessage(pn, true, true, identifier)); } }